AN:/ I don't own anything Torchwood! Hope you like the story I have a song for each character so review who you want me to do first!

Chapter 1

It had been one of the longest most bruising weeks of Torchwood 3. Weevil alerts every night, one or two negative rift spikes which meant either Jack or Ianto weren't in the hub to help out and the odd little positive rift spike meaning a search for aliens or their artefacts.

Now it's the end of the week, no rift or weevil alerts predicted, and the team seemed to be relaxing into a time of rest at their desks but as usual Owen was the only one relaxing on his grey Gameboy colour as the others completed the paperwork. That was until he got bored which for Owen just meant until he lost, so not that hard if you've seen him play with videogames.

Owen grunted then slammed the Gameboy, onto his desk, folded his arms and just scowled.

'Lost again, Owen?' Toshiko smiled.

'No! I'm just bored' he replied.

'Yeh bored of losing' Ianto whispered from behind. Owen had no idea Ianto was in the room let alone delivering his coffees to everyone. He didn't even see Ianto pass Toshiko's cup to her. Who may I add was right in front of him.

'Why don't we go out to the pub tonight? We not had a night out as a full team since Susie...'

'Yeh, that's a really good idea, Owen! Wow!'


'It's just I never thought I'd hear Owen with a good idea.' Ianto began laughing at his own little joke.

'Ha ha ha very funny! I'll have you know I've come up with a lot of ideas through the years!'

'Anyway... Ianto could you sort it all out? I've got a lot of paper work to catch up on and if it was Owen's choice he would take us to a bar with strippers!' Ianto suddenly burst out laughing at the comment towards Owen. 'Plus you do know everything which means you know the best places.'

After he had calmed down Ianto replied 'Of course I can Toshiko, how about we meet tonight at 7pm on the plass?'


'I'll go sort it out then' Ianto began to climb up the steps to Jack's office delivering the final coffee.


'Right so... Ianto sorted this all out?' Jack asked slightly scared of what the night was to hold.

'Yep just a quiet, relaxing night, in a pub. No strippers or one night stands just a drink and maybe if were in luck a quiz!' Owen commented sarcastically.

'Nothing bad'll happen jack so stop being a baby or is the Captain Jack Harkness to great for a quiet night in a pub?' Gwen stated.

'I'm not a baby!' Jack defended himself whilst laughing so hard he could barely breathe. 'And I'm not self-centred enough to think of myself as great!'

'Sure...' Ianto was the last of the group to join at the plass.

'I guess I'll just have to show you later... maybe we could even involve the stopwatch...'

'Oh yeah not used that good old stopwatch for a long time...'

*cough cough*

'Yeah we are still here you know. Please captain if your gonna have a late night shag don't tell us about it.'

'Oh Owen we really didn't need to here you say that!' Gwen interrupted.

'Right! Anyway... Everyone here. Then come! Your all gonna love tonight.'

'Whoopee it's gonna be so much fun!' Owen replied sarcastically.

'Oh you'll see!'


They finally arrived at a pub on the edge of an estate called splott. Music volume high and lights flashing.

'This looks more like a club than pub! I'm impressed Teaboy!'

Ianto just smiled in reply and began to walk through the doors, when he stopped and turned.

'Oh and before I forget you might want to know something...'

'Ianto...' Jack began to show the worry in his voice. He knew how much of a party animal Ianto was compared to the others and that's why he had been so worried. Ianto was worse than jack himself after a pint or two.

'It's KARAOKE night!'