My first Rimahiko! :D I usually don't have much to say the first chapter, so… enjoy Chapter one of "Even Enemies Like Fluff".

Chapter 1

Mashiro Rima was alone, just looking up at the sky. She did that a lot these days. Even for her, comedy could only help with so much. This was one of those times when not even Kusu-Kusu could make her feel better. The only person who could do that… was someone she hated.

"Rima!" Fujisaki Nagihiko shouted. Or was it Nadeshiko? Sometimes it was hard for her to differentiate the two. Either way, s/he wanted to steal her best friend, Hinamori Amu. Never mind how many times s/he had said otherwise, Rima knew this to be true. Because before Nadeshiko had left to dance in Europe, she and Amu had been best friends. Rima feared she was just the rebound friend. This fear had intensified when Nagihiko had shown up.

"What do you want, Purple Head?" she retorted. "And it's Mashiro to you."

The long, purple haired boy stopped in front of her, grinning. "Sorry. Mashiro-san," he corrected himself, plopping down on the ground beside her. "Hey, where's Kusu-Kusu?"

"Not that you care, but she's at home. I wanted to be alone," she added meaningfully. He chose to ignore the last part. Or maybe he just didn't care.

"So are Rhythm and Temari. I just had basketball practice, so that explains why I'm at school on a Sunday. What about you? Why are you here?"

Rima sighed, giving up. He was just so infuriating. No matter how mean she was to him, he always came back. Maybe he was a masochist. "I like the scenery, OK? It's just too- claustrophobic at home these days." Rima looked back up at the sky, waiting for the familiar sense of panic to weigh down on her like it always did whenever she thought of her parent's upcoming divorce, but surprisingly, it didn't come. Her muscles relaxed, glad for the reprieve.

Nagi looked at her with those kind ochre eyes that always succeeded in pissing her off. She couldn't say she was proud of the emotion, but that was nevertheless how she felt. "It must be hard, having your parents' getting divorced."

"Really?" Rima retorted. "And here I thought it was all happy, happy, Disney-land times."

Nagihiko blinked at that, unmoved by her sarcasm. "That's not what I meant, and you know it," he countered with a careless shrug as he turned away from her to watch the sky. A plane was making its slow journey across the infinite space, the start of its passengers newest adventure. Nagi's eyes tracked its progress as, unbeknownst to him, Rima studied the male next to her. He had on his gym clothes, a white polo with the Seiyo Elementary crest, and black shorts with a red stripe down the side. Rima blushed and looked away, wondering how she had never noticed how toned he was. Then again, she made it a habit not to look at him, and besides, all those years of dancing left more to show for it than just some moves.

Rima cleared her throat, along with her mind, and asked blandly, "So, what did you want?"

"Huh?" Nagihiko asked, confused, as he tore away from his inspection of the plane that was now nothing more than a tiny black speck.

"You came over here, yelling my name. Obviously, you needed something. So? What was it?"

"Oh yeah." Nagi blinked slowly then smiled serenely. "It appears that I have forgotten."

Rima stared at him in disbelief for a moment, the sequence of words he used sinking in one at a time. All of a sudden, that anger mark popped on her head. " You forgot?"

"Yeah," he repeated, serene as ever.

"Then why are we even still talking?" she demanded, standing up in a huff. There were other things she could waste her time on besides this stupid cross dresser . Rima stomped away, leaving a slightly bewildered Nagihiko behind.

Mashiro Rima, Queen's chair. Also known as the Ice Queen and Queen of Comedy. In addition to that long list royal credentials, she was a royal pain in Nagi's… well, you get the point.

Nevertheless, as the blonde stomped away in a huff, Nagihiko watched her with that peaceful smile plastered on his face. He was a little surprised by the lack of insults thrown his way, but then again, she had seemed a little upset. Because of that, the purple haired male found it hard to enjoy the reprieve from her blistering comments. Besides, he had grown so used to them that the absence/presence of said insults was barely registered.

Nagihiko laid down and closed his eyes, calling up the image of the petite blonde. Her golden locks were so long, they could rival his in length. Then again, given their height difference, maybe not. He really wished he knew what to say to Rima to comfort her about her parents' divorce, but the words eluded him. It was fairly frustrating. Having spent so much of his life as a girl, one would think he'd be better at consoling women, but in that regard he was like any other male. Which frustrated him, though he couldn't figure out why. Not the part about not knowing how to console an upset girl, but that he couldn't console Rima.

Nagi had the strangest urge to face palm. Console Rima? The little Queen hated him. While she had never said so in so many words, Nagihiko knew this to be true. She barely stood his presence, and if he was having a good day? Well, he knew just how to fix that little problem. He sighed, opening his eyes and squinted at the afternoon sun. There were times when fate was really cruel, Nagi decided. And, well, that just pretty much summed up his whole life, didn't it?

It's really hard to love someone who hates you.

Wow, really long chapter! I hope these will be longer than Not a Dream's chapters. Since I have two points of views a chapter, that shouldn't be… TOO hard…

Yes, in this story they are 13. I don't remember what it was like to be 13, so bear with me (I barely remember last month… don't make me remember that long ago…).

This is a companion with Not a Dream, so eventually Riley will do these little scripts with me. But not until she actually shows up. This story starts about… a month or so before Not a Dream? So, that is all. Base! (I love saying that xD)