It's really fuzzy... What happened back then. But I remember coming to my senses in a warm room. I didn't need to open my eyes to feel the gentle sway of the ocean, or hear the waves crashing against the edges of the boat I was on. I was laying on something soft... A bed maybe?

"How long 'till she wakes up you think?" This voice was rather deep, and worried.

"I don't know but the captain said to get him when she did." This voice was muffled like he had something in his mouth.

The smell of cigarette smoke penetrated my nose causing me to sneeze, "Wh.." I only now realized how dry my mouth was, "Where?"

"She's awake," The slightly muffled voice said. "I'll go get the captain." there was a door opening then footsteps.

I opened my eyes, everything was blurry so I blinked a couple more times. When my vision cleared I just stared at the wood ceiling until a voice pulled me from that task.

"Hello." I looked to my left to see a tan skinned man with caramel dreds and the name Yasopp written on his forehead.

"Where am I?" I asked as I sat up to survey the surroundings. Aside from the man and the chair he was sitting in, there was a large wardrobe close to the door, a writing desk behind the man, I noticed several bottles of alcoholic beverages near the desk, and very little actual writing supplies.

The man - I assumed his name was Yasopp- smiled. "Your only on the best pirate ship ever to sail the four oceans!"

Four oceans? I thought, Something about that doesn't sound righ- wait... "PIRATE SHIP?!"


I surveyed Yasopp. He looked nice enough, but looks can be deceiving. "You aren't like... evil pirates are you?"

"What? Why would yo-"

Just then the door swung open, and a loud cheerful voice interrupted Yasopp, "I heard she was awake!"

I looked at the man whom had just entered, his eyes were sparkling with excitement and he had a smile that was so infectious it could have gotten a stone to smile. Looking at him more I finally saw the three scars going over his left eye but, despite that, I no longer thought that these pirates were evil.

"Captain!" Yasopp stood up.

The captain looked at me. "So she is awake!" the rad haired man turned to Yasopp, "Let's drink to her waking up!"

Yasopp smiled. "I'll go inform the crew!" he nearly skipped out of the room.

The red haired captain took the chair Yasopp had just left, "So..." he reached behind him and grabbed a bottle of one of the alcoholic beverages. "It's good to know your awake. Especially so soon, we found you passed out in a boat yesterday."

I closed my eyes, "Really?" This man smelled like beer, no surprise, he seemed like the kind of guy who held parties on days that end in Y. Funny that I seemed to be familiar with the smell, even though I was sure I myself had never had beer.

"Really!" He laughed, popping open the beverage. "A few of the guys took bets on when you'd wake up!"

I tried to think about what had happened before I woke up there. But... everything before I woke up was hazy. I felt like something was there, just waiting for me to get too it but as soon as I did it disappeared. I was still deep in thought when the man shoved the bottle in my hands.

"Come on! Drink up!" He encouraged as he opened another bottle, the wide smile still on his face.

"I don't drink with people I don't know." I frowned, though the man's smile stayed, completely unfaltering. "I don't think I even drink at all."

"Then let me solve that problem!" He raised his bottle, "I'm Shanks, I'm the captain of the red haired pirates. Now you tell me your name, and have a sip, then we'll know each other and you'll have at least tried."

I focused my eyes on the drink. "My name is..." My frown grew, "My name is..." What's wrong with me? Why can't I remember my name? "I'm..." I blinked, there something... It was just right there, but I couldn't get at it. "I..." I dropped the bottle, swiftly moving my hands to my head. "I can't remember! I can't remember my name!"

Shanks couldn't have been a better person to be with at that moment, he calmly took sight of the situation and said, "Hey, it's all right." He placed a large warm hand on my shoulder. "Just calm down."

"I can't remember anything." I glanced over at Shanks, "I can't remember my parents, my name, or where I was born."

"It's fine, I'll just go get some one to clean up the beer you dropped," He rubbed my back. "You just try and get some more sleep."

"Thanks." I turned on my side and curled up into a ball. The bed smelled like beer, like Shanks, and it was comforting. I tried to remember, I really did. I knew I was a woman, with short brown hair and gray eyes. But I couldn't think of my name, I thought of so many names, none of them sounded right.

Yasopp came and cleaned up the beer, he said, "I hope you remember." It was soft, he probably thought I was sleeping, then he left.

"I hope I do too." I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep.