Disclaimer: I will never own KH. I know, I know, everyone stop moping! Jusssst kidddding. But I will never own them. I'm not that rich.

The school bell rang loudly as each one of the students walked to their classes. Roxas shuffled down the halls, smug look on his face as usual. He never liked school, mostly because he had very few friends, and even those friends took off with the popular jocks. Roxas was a strait A student, and very intelligent. He never understood why his parents didn't let him take different exams for more challenging schools. He really didn't have anyone but his books and himself. His parents were always gone, either long business trips, or just leaving on regular vacations without him. They would leave notes, saying where and when they MIGHT be back, Roxas just crumpled those papers and burnt them. Walking into class slowly, with black, tight jeans loosely hugging his waist with a belt, his tee with the band name 'Sick Puppies' on it, and blond locks, that spiked in every different direction. Slumping in his chair he sighed. The teacher was rambling on about the test coming up on Friday, and Roxas just doodled in his notebook like he always did. He was a gifted artist. No one knew though, since he was just 'the mute' of the school. The first three periods passed by quickly to Roxas' thought. Lunch was next. He hardly every ate, mostly just fruit and the occasional meat. He was slender yes, but not anorexic, he knew to eat to make himself a little presentable. Sitting alone in lunch, hearing the chatter of many other students, a teen boy walked strait over too Roxas' table and sat down in front of him.

Roxas stopped drawing, and pressed his pencil lead down so hard it broke. He was nervous, no one had ever sat with him before, well, only to play cruel pranks on how they pretended to be his friend. The boy gave a smile and spoke. "Hi, I know we've never properly met before, but I'm Sora." Sora put his hand out to shake Roxas'. Mumbling is all Roxas could have done at that moment. But he managed to make out a few words without choking.

"Uh, hi." Roxas gestured his hand toward Sora's and they touched. The touch sent vibrations all through Roxas' body and it tingled. Roxas shivered and quickly snapped his hand away, and pushed the eraser on his mechanical pencil so lead would pop out the bottom, and he continued drawing.

"Wow, cool drawing. I never knew you could draw Roxas!" Sora's big smile actually warmed Roxas' heart, and made him smile just a bit as well.

"T-thanks. Can I ask you a question though?" Roxas was a bit louder this time.

"Well sure, what is it?"

"Why are you sitting with me?" Sora pursed his lips, and then began to pout.

"Am I not allowed?" Sora said so innocently.

"Well, no, it's actually nice. But you're the first person to sit here with me and actually talk to me for a little instead of pulling a prank on me or something." Roxas' voice grew quieter in embarrassment, and he looked down and sighed quietly.

"I thought we could be friends." Sora's smile appeared again, then came that warm tingly feeling.

"Well, if you want to be that's okay with me- wait. Are you gonna be one of those fucking dicks that pretend to be my friend?"

"Of course not silly Roxie!" Sora grabbed Roxas' cheek and wiggled it and tugged it like your creepy aunt or grandma. Roxas smacked Sora's hand away.

"Don't do that. And my name is Roxas. R-o-x-a-s."

"Okay, sure thing what ever you say Roxie." Roxas knew he wouldn't stop, so he just gave in the the nickname. More like a cute couple name. Roxas just smiled a bit and grabbed his own sketchbook from under his doodling notebook, and opened the book to a page. The picture was of Roxas, at the lunch table alone, drawing himself. Roxas was about to sign it but then realized something, that maybe he could give this a chance. So he closed the book, and walked out of the cafeteria. Sora followed in curiosity.

"Hey Roxie, where ya goin'?"

Roxas cocked his head to the side. "To my locker. Why? You coming with?"

"Yeah, sure. I wanna see what's hiding in that locker of yours anyway!" Sora walked a little faster to catch up with Roxas. Roxas finally stopped at his locker, and opened after turning the combination key. In his locker was a poster of his favorite band, and some skulls. His locker was very tidy, strangely. "Wow, cool locker Roxie! But, eh who's 'Sick Puppies'?" Sora had a questionable look on his angelic face.

Roxas mumbled "Uh, it's my favorite band. Why, don't you listen to rock music?"

"Well, not really on occasion though! I've never heard any of there songs before, maybe when I go to your house today you can let me listen to some of them!"

Roxas turned around after putting his books in his locker. "Um, you're coming to my house?"

"Uh yeah, don't you remember at lunch? I asked you and you nodded your head up and down 'yes'!"

Damn my attention span Roxas though. He just agreed to the idea, not actually caring but knowing that maybe he might make a new friend. "Uh sure yeah I guess." Sora smiled and grabbed Roxas' wrist.

"Come on, let me show you my locker!" Roxas blushed at when Sora grabbed his hand. Surprisingly for playing sports, Sora had nice, soft skin. After Sora showed Roxas his locker, the bell rang loudly. They walked to class together and sat next to each other. Everyone was staring awkwardly and whispering things to the person next to them. Sora didn't mind, but Roxas noticed. The rest of the day went by quickly soon they were out of school. Sora ran up to Roxas with a huge smile on his face.

"Heeeeeeeey Roxie!"

"Hi Sora." Roxas smiled a soft smile.

"So, where's your house at?" Sora grabbed Roxas' wrist again, and lead him out onto the sidewalk in front of there school.

"Uh, just follow me." Roxas took the front and let go of Sora's hand, as much as he didn't want to. He just didn't want to lose his first friend coming over to his house. Sora was chatting on about some new video game, Roxas just nodded and listened. Man this Sora kid sure can talk.

"And then when the guy punched him he-

"Um Sora, sorry to interrupt but we're here."

"Oh, my god. This house is amazing! And- wait… I've seen this house before." Sora turned around and pointed his finger. "See! There's my house! We've been neighbors this whole time! Well, that's lucky isn't it?"

"Haha, yeah." Roxas hardly laughed so that means that Sora was having an affect on him. What? Did I just laugh? Wow, thanks Sora… I really like this kid. Argh! Shut up Roxas! Let him be friends with you first! God… Roxas was pondering his thoughts as Sora was going on about his house and then he stopped. He walked over to Roxas and waved a hand in front of Roxas' face catching his attention.

"Heeeeelloooo? Roxie? You off in space thinking?"

"Huh? Oh yeah…" Thinking about you. Roxas looked down and fiddled with his keys. His hands were all shaky from thinking such inappropriate thoughts.

"Oh, really huh? Were you thinkin' bout' me Roxxxxie? Hmmmmm?" Sora's angelic smile, turned into a sly smile.

"W-what? N-no." Roxas finally found the key and unlocked his door, and stepped in. He gestured his hand for Sora to come in. Sora stepped in and turned around. Sly looks still plastered on his face.




Roxas was suddenly up against the wall, a kiss forced upon his lips, by the not so sweet Sora anymore. This kiss was not romantic. It was fiery, and hungry. Sora's tongue was asking for entrance and Roxas opened his mouth a little and Sora's tongue swooped in, their tongues fighting for dominance, dancing in Roxas' mouth. Roxas couldn't help but moan as Sora felt him up. The bulge in his pants was growing fast, wanting to be let free, being pushed against his zipper, it began to hurt. Sora stopped. Roxas had a questionable look on his face.

"W-w-why did you s-stop?"

"Are your parents home?"

"Well no, they're on another long business trip. So it's just me here. Why?"

"Oh Roxie, you're so dumb." Sora pushed him against the wall again, in for another hot kiss.

*Smutty smut sex scene* ( A/N: Sowwy, but when I do decide to write smut on here, I want to make it good. So you guys will enjoy it. Okay? Don't attack me with your torches and pitchforks! *Gets ready to defend self*. Oh, in case you're wondering they fucked on the couch. *grins*)

Morning After

Roxas woke, on top of Sora naked and sticky. He remembered what happened and a smile appeared on his face. A big smile. He got off of Sora and went to go take a shower. Sora awoke a few minutes later with no Roxas. He looked around and got up, he heard the shower running. Walking up stairs, completely naked, and the shower stopped. Roxas came out with only a towel on. He walked over to his dresser to get some clothes when suddenly he was naked as well. "Well hey there my little boyfriend. Did I ever tell you, you have the most sexiest ass I've ever seen?" Sora slapped Roxas' butt, which made him gasp. Roxas was getting another erection, as it grew poking through the towel.

"Oh, hi. So we're dating now."

"Yep! And it's great too, because I've had my eye on you for a while. I'm so glad nobody took you."

"Oh well that's nice to know." Roxas laughed a little. Sora came up from behind and hugged Roxas at the hips.

"So, may I use your shower?" Sora's head was resting on Roxas' shoulder.


"Hm, care to join?"

Roxas laughed once more. "Nah, I'm gonna go play xbox. You play after you take a shower. Now go. Roxas turned around and pushed Sora lightly toward the bathroom.

"Fine, fine. But first, may I have a kiss?"

"Alright. Fine." Roxas kissed Sora sweetly, but it soon turned into a make out session on the bed. Soon after, they were both panting. "Hey, wait. What about your mom, doesn't she want to know where you are?"

"Oh, riiiiiight. Well, I don't care, I'll get grounded later, as long as I'm with you, I'm perfect."

"Hm, well alright." Sora was on top of Roxas and Roxas gently kissed Sora on the lips.



"I love you."

Roxas' smiled bigger this time. "I love you too." They stayed cuddled for a long time. Well until Sora's mom called.


A/N: Allllllrighty, I don't know if I should make this a one-shot or not. YOU tell me if you want another chapter or not. And smut, should I write smut? I don't know. Reviews are greatly appreciated! Because they make me smile. Oh and I looooooove Sick Puppies so that's why I used them, because I was listening to them while writing this. Well, it's 3:42 A.M so maybe I should go to bed ne? Yeaaaah. I think I will. COOKIES TO EVERYONE WHO REVIEWS. Oh, and I don't own KH. I only own the smut I didn't write. XD