The Dragon Queen: Beginnings

Epilogue: End and Beginnings

It had taken a further month to pacify Kirkwall before the Queen and her army returned to the capital of her newest province, the former Kingdom of Antiva before official recognizing her nephew Gawain Cousland as Teyrn of Lower Antiva and appointing the Knight Ser Raymond of Giles to the position of Lord Commander of Upper Antiva. She also named two Arls and half a dozen Banns to fill out the ranks of the new nobility in the north.

Three weeks past the day the Army of Ferelden had mustered at Highever they returned in immortal glory to parade through the streets like the Tevinter Legions celebrating a triumph of conquest during an age of Heroes. The days that had followed had seen Denerim drown in wine and revelry the likes of which had not been seen since the defeat of the Archdemon and the Fifth Blight.

And more merriment was to follow as but a week later the long awaited marriage of Queen Cecilia and Charles Prince of Orlais. This was more than the marriage of two Royal Houses is was the alliance of two former enemies and two of the most powerful nations in the world. It was a union to make all of Thedas tremble.

Kings and Queens, Lords and Ladies, Senators and Proconsuls from Tevinter, and the Empress herself would come from the Val Royeauex to witness this monumental moment. It was championed to be the event of the century in a century that had seen a Blight and the fall of Antiva.

Cecilia smirked or so they thought. What they did not was this was only the beginning and she had far grander things in store. The world was changing and she was the catalyst for that change. From Par Vollen in the North to the depths of the Wilds would shake and tremble before she was finished.

"Are you ready for this child," the deep voice of her Uncle the noble Teyrn Fergus Cousland of Highever the Ferelden jewel on the Waking Sea. The Teyrn was splendid looking in his finest tourney armor which was polished to the highest sheen. A magnificent silver gilded sword hung at his side the golden laurels of Higher emblazoned on the cross guard. From his shoulders hung a deep blue cloak trimmed in gold in the fashion of the colors of House Cousland.

"I am hardly a child anymore Uncle," the Queen smiled as she took the proffered arm.

"I know," the nobleman said with a sad smile, "but you will always be the child of my beloved sister Ellisa…. may the Maker bless her soul," the smile brightened slightly, "you are image of loveliness dearest niece."

That Cecilia was most assured of. She and her soon-no-be Mother-in-law and spent a great deal of coin on the finest dressmakers and seamstresses from Orlais, Neverra and even Tevinter to craft the wedding garment for a Queen and daughter-in-law of an Empress.

The dress was made from the finest Orlesian silks inlaid with golden thread, diamonds and rubies that clung to Cecilia figure in the most flattering of ways. An emerald choker was wrapped about her neck the center piece of which was fitted with a solid golden dragon with sapphire eyes that peaked from between her supple breasts.

From beyond the sculpted wooden doors came the sounds of trumpets announce the beginning of the Chantry's wedding song. The doors swung in each of the heavy oak frames opened each held by a knight of the newly formed Dragonguard their obsidian black armor gleaning beneath the even darker surcoat and the sable dragon. Their helms were molded in to the shape of a snarling dragon and atop their shoulders sat crouching wyverns holding the clasps of their red-black cloaks in their winged hands.

Beyond them the highest nobles in Ferelden and host of other nations stood. Among them were the Empress Celene and the Prince Phillip Heir-Apparent of Orlais and they all were clapping and applauding, toasting and cheering. It was truly a sight to behold.

She allowed her uncle to lead her through the procession of cheering nobles, streaming banners and shinning knights. At the end of the hall at the foot of the raised dais on which the Silver Throne of Calenhad rested stood the Grand Cleric of Ferelden and the groom, Prince Charles of Orlais.

Like her uncle and her knight's the Prince was dressed in his finest suit of armor crafted for this specific event. From head to toe it was gilded gold with silver trim and from his shoulders flowed a golden cloak inlaid with real golden thread which made it so heavy that it would barely move in the breeze. It was such a terribly Orlesian thing to wear, but Cecilia found it fitting.

"Cecilia," Charles said with a grin.


"Majesty," the Grand Cleric started, "With your permission I would like to begin."

"By all means Your Grace begin."

End of Book 1 The Dragon Queen: Beginnings