I'm just going to see how this goes. This was another pitch from FUNKYSHAY and she's been begging me to write it!


"Where is Spencer, again?" Hanna asked as she layed on her stomach across Aria's bed, an issue of Seventeen magazine in her hands.

"At work," Aria answered, her attention focused on painting her nails as she sat at her desk.

"Where does she work? And since when did Spencer even need a job?" Hanna didn't even look up from the magazine.

"She just wanted something to do, I guess. A summer job never hurt anyone. But she said she just got some sales job. Didn't say where," Emily chimed in from her place on the floor, her laptop sitting on her crossed legs.

"Not surprised," Hanna replied.

"When does she get off work, Em?" Aria asked.

Emily looked at her watch, "In five hours."

"Five hours? That's a long time!" Hanna looked up from the magazine, her eyes wide.

"She started her shift two hours ago," Emily added.

"Damn! Does Spence even want a social life?" Hanna asked. Aria laughed a little as she applied a fresh coat of red nail polish to her left pinky.

"Hanna, why don't you get a job?" Emily teased.

"Em, that's like telling me to go play football for a living. Not gonna happen!"

After spending a couple more hours at Aria's, Emily came home to find a note from her mother on the counter.

- Emily,

I know I said I would take you shopping, but something came up at work. I left you some cash to go to the mall. I'll be home by dinner.

Love, Mom –

Emily looked under the piece of paper and saw $150 in cash. She checked her watch again and saw it was about 3 in the afternoon. Deciding she could use some shopping, she grabbed her keys and headed out to her car. She smiled at the fact that she had the afternoon to spend by herself. She needed the quiet.

She started the engine and plugged in her iPod. She selected her favorite album by The Middle East and pulled out of her driveway towards the mall.

Figuring out where to start when she arrived proved to be a task on it's own. She thought about what she needed more of as far as clothes went, and then she settled on Victoria's Secret. She rode the elevator up to the second floor of the mall and walked towards the store's black marble entrance, it's displays catching the attention of bypassers with the bright shades of pink and red all over the propaganda.

As soon as Emily stepped into the huge store, the scent of perfume filled her nose. It was a nice scent, and it reminded her of someone. She just couldn't remember who. The scent was definitely familiar, and it made her smile to herself. Who had smelled like that? She couldn't recall.

Emily decided that the answer would come to her later and went left towards the lingeree department. She started browsing around the bras and saw one that was white and had a soft lace fabric on it. It reminded her of Alison, in a way, and how she had played Emily. Emily scowled to herself and moved on.

She found a few bras she really liked and so she decided to try them on and pick two to purchase. Emily made her way to the back of Victoria's Secret to the changing rooms. There, she helped herself to an empty room and proceeded to undress. She quietly lifted her black and white striped off-the-shoulder tee over her head, followed by her white camisole. Then she unhooked her bra and removed it, giving herself a once-over in the full length mirror before bringing the first of four bras up to her chest. It was light pink with tiny white polka dots on it. In the middle was a small, darker pink bow.

She pulled it on and reached behind herself to reach the hook, but found she was having quite some difficulty hooking it. She tried again and again but just couldn't quite reach it.

"Excuse me, is there someone who could lend me a hand?" She asked blindly, hoping an employee was nearby.

"Sure, which one are you in?" Answered a vaguely familiar voice.

"Number four," Emily replied, chewing her lower lip.

There was a knock on the door and Emily opened the dressing room door, one hand holding the bra to her chest, and gasped at who was on the other side.


"Emily, hey!" Spencer was smiling.

"Um, come in…I guess," Emily laughed a little and blushed. As Spencer entered the dressing room, Emily got wind of Spencer's perfume. It was the same she had smelled earlier. It was Spencer who had smelled so nice. "This is where you work?"

Spencer looked down, "It's not exactly the sales type job I was wishing for, but you know, I actually kind of like it."

"Why didn't you tell us? Hanna would love you forever if she knew," Emily joked.

"Well, I guess it's just sort of…embarrassing. I mean, I said I had a job in sales," Spencer tried to explain. Emily just smiled.

"I think it's awesome that you work here. Speaking of, can you hook this for me?" Emily turned around and Spencer swallowed hard. She was close with Emily, and seeing her in the lingeree was making her heart thud loudly. Spencer brought her pale hands up to grasp the two ends and gently hooked them together. The back of Spencer's knuckles grazed over Emily's spine and she shivered. As soon as Spencer let go, Emily turned around and swept her hair over her shoulders to show her friend the bra.

"Well, what do you think?" Emily asked, their bodies close, both of them making constant eye contact.

Spencer's eyes momentarily moved from Emily's eyes to her chest and back to her eyes, then she swallowed hard.

"It's beautiful," Spencer's husky voice was a low murmur. Emily smiled a little and caught Spencer's gaze, "you're beautiful, Em."

A blush crept onto Emily's face as she bit her lip. The two girls looked at eachother again, a moment of complete silence coming between them. Then, Spencer leaned in and kissed Emily square on the lips. Emliy didn't know how to respond at first. She had always liked Spencer, but she had never imagined that she would actually get the chance to kiss her.

Emily brought her hands up to cup Spencer's face as their kiss deepened. Spencer grabbed Emily's waist and pulled her lean body closer. Emily backed up against the mirror as Spencer kissed her, her skin getting chills from the contact with the icy surface of the mirror.

Spencer didn't know what had come over herself. Something just compelled her to kiss Emily with all the passion she could muster up. Maybe it was because she was tired of seeing Emily get her heart broken. Maybe it was because she loved Emily. Maybe it was because she was in love with Emily. She didn't know. But it was what felt right.

Emily slipped her tongue into Spencer's mouth and smiled to herself when Spencer returned the gesture. Emily broke the kiss and trailed soft, wet kisses over Spencer's cheek and down her jaw, her hands sliding down the front of Spencer's body, finally hooking into the belt loops of Spencer's black slacks. Spencer nuzzled the side of Emily's face as their lips found eachother again.

Finally breaking for air, Emily smiled into Spencer's brown eyes, "That was…wow." She couldn't stop smiling. Spencer's cheeks dimpled into a grin.

"Look, Em, I just want you to be with someone who isn't going to break your heart…I just get so protective and I—" She was cut off by Emily's lips on her own.

"Would you ever break my heart?" Emily asked, her soft hands sliding down Spencer's arms to lace their hands together.

"Of course not."

"Then maybe you should be with me," Emily suggested.

"But…I've never…you know…with a girl. You're the only girl I've ever liked." The usually articulate Spencer was struggling to express her feelings.

Emily smiled a sweet smile and leaned in close, her lips pressing a warm kiss to Spencer's cheek. "There's a first time for everything."

Spencer pulled back and stared into Emily's eyes, then she laughed, "Look at where we are!" Emily laughed at their situation as well. "Who would have thought I would stumble up on you in a Victoria's Secret dressing room?" Spencer joked.

"Well, I do appreciate the help. I think I'm going to get this one," Emily looked down at the bra she currently wore, "And I think this one, too." She picked up a black and red lace one.

"Well, I'll be more than happy to help you try that one on, too," Spencer winked.

"Unhook me?"

"Okay, is that everything for you?" Spencer asked professionally, noting that her manager was standing at the next register over.

Emily gave Spencer a playful glance, "I actually was thinking about getting some new perfume."

"Well, why don't we go find some you'll like?" Spencer grinned, walking around the counter and leading Emily to the perfume department and pulled a few bottles from the shelf.

"I think of you when I smell this," Spencer sprayed a little on Emily's wrist. Emily brought it up to her nose to smell.

The brunette grinned, "What is it?"

"It's called Bombshell. And I think of you when I smell it," Spencer smiled.

"I'll take it," Emily answered with a grin.

"Great," Spencer walked with Emily back to the register and Spencer proceeded to ring up the total.

"How much?" Emily asked.

"One hundred twelve dollars and sixty four cents, please." Spencer requested, acting professionally again.

"Jesus Christ…" Emily placed $120 on the counter and Spencer collected it and got Emily's change. "Thanks."

"Spencer," the store manager, Jessica, turned to the slender brunette, "I've been meaning to ask you something."

Spencer looked nervous for a moment, "What do you need?" She tried her best to sound casual.

"Well, as you know, we're doing our Spring collection fashion show here in town and we're allowed to have one honorary employee participate. I was wondering if you'd be interested in modeling in the show?" Jessica asked excitedly. Spencer didn't know what to say.

"Jess, that's such an honor," Spencer shook her head with shock, "I'd be more than happy to do it," Spencer nodded.

"Great, I'll email you the details, I'm glad you're doing it. You're going to be great," Jessica smiled as she left the register and went into the back room.

"Spencer, this is going to be so much fun! You're going to walk the runway with Victoria's Secret models! I'm so happy for you!" Emily said excitedly.

"I can't believe it, I'm actually a little nervous now!" Spencer admitted.

"You'll do fine! You're just as sexy as any of those models. If not sexier," Emily winked. Spencer blushed and smiled at Emily.

"Thanks. But anyway, I was actually wondering if you would like to go out tonight, just you and me. We could grab dinner and stuff…" Spencer asked, trying to play it off.

A knowing smile crept onto Emily's lips, "Is Spencer Hastings asking me on a date?"

"Well, you could call it that," Spencer shrugged, "I'm sort of new to this, but I believe that's what it's called," she joked.

"I would love to."

"I'll pick you up around 8, okay?"

"Perfect. See you tonight Ms. Model," Emily winked.

"See you tonight."

"Wait, so you and Spencer? Damn! I knew that Spencer is so protective of you for a reason! She totally wants you!" Hanna grinned as Emily sat on her bed later that day.

"Yeah, and so I came over here to see if I could borrow a dress. We have a date tonight and I want to look really good," Emily requested.

"Of course! I have just the thing. You'll blow Spence away." Hanna walked into her closet and brought out a knee length, high waisted black dress. There was a red band just under the bust and it was very low cut.

"Here, this is perfect for you."

"Thanks. Um…shoes?"

"Oh, right. Just a second." Hanna returned to her closet and brought out some 4 inch strappy black heels. "It's almost 7 now. You need to go home and get ready! Don't forget to tell me all the dirty details!" Hanna joked.

"Thanks again, Han, I'll let you know how it goes."


Spencer pulled up to Emily's house promptly at 8. She walked up to the door and smoothed out her light pink dress before ringing the doorbell. She heard footsteps and then the sound of the door opening. When she saw Emily her face broke into a huge smile.

"Hey!" Emily grinned, stepping forward onto the porch to greet Spencer with a short kiss.

"Emily, you look so…" Spencer searched for the right word, "stunning!"

"Thanks, Hanna helped."

"Well, she sure knows what makes you look sexy," Spencer remarked. "Are you ready to go? Our reservations are at eight thirty."

"Where are we eating?" Emily asked, following Spencer back to the car.

"It's a surprise."

"Spencer, you know I hate surprises!" Emily pouted as they climbed into the car.

"It's a good surprise, don't worry. I know you'll like it," Spencer assured her.

"Fine…" Emily sighed, knowing Spencer wouldn't spill the details.

When they pulled up to the restaurant, Emily grinned and looked over at Spencer with disbelief.

"Campanile? This restaurant is pretty much impossible to get day-of reservations…how did you…?" Emily asked as they parked next to a meter.

"I'm a Hastings, remember?" Spencer joked, causting Emily to giggle as they got out of the car and walked across the street to the French-Italian eatery.

"I hear the food here is to die for!" Emily remarked as she and Spencer walked up to the hostess' podium.

"It is. Italian is your favorite, right?" Spencer asked with a smile.

Emily blushed and gave an admiring smile, "Yeah, and French is yours, right? Doesn't this place serve both?"

"Yeah. The owner is French-Italian and he cooks dishes inspired by both nations," Spencer stated factually. Their conversation was cut short by the hostess clearing her throat.

"Name?" She asked, eyebrows raised.

"Hastings." Spencer said it with a sly grin.

The hostess immediately looked up and plastered a fake smile on her face, "Ms. Hastings…of course. Right this way." The hostess seemed nervous now. Emily figured Peter Hastings must be in a real position of power. The hostess led them to a small, two person booth. It had a small candle in the middle and was in a quiet area of the restaurant.

"Here are your menus, ladies. Can I get you anything to drink?" The hostess asked.

"What's tonights wine?" Spencer asked calmly. Emily looked at Spencer, wondering how she just asked for whatever she wanted and got it without question.

"This evening we have a very special wine, a bottle of 1986 Chateau Lafite-Rothschild. Imported from France," The hostess informed them.

"We'll take the bottle, please." Spencer smiled politely as the hostess nodded and left them in peace.

Emily gave Spencer a look, "Are you crazy? Do you have any idea how much a bottle of wine like that costs?"

"Look, don't worry about the cost. I just want you to have fun tonight. This is my treat. Don't worry about it, Em." Spencer reached over and held Emily's hand.

Emily smiled warmly and looked back at Spencer. She saw the sincerity behind Spencer's gaze, and for the first time in a long time, Emily wasn't afraid of being hurt.

Okay, so this is going to be a two part story! So there's part one! Hope you liked it!