Kurt spent the majority of the day trying not to worry about if he should text Blaine or not to remind him about their night, but Kurt had promised himself that he would not text Blaine to give him space. The thought killed him but he had to show that he was willing to let Blaine breathe. He had already shown that he was desperate to talk so surely he could not take it the wrong way if he texted him less surely?

Many people kept asking him if he was alright but he just shrugged them off. Even to the twins, who knew nearly everything, as he would just say he was not getting worse and was giving Blaine space. They still looked worriedly at him during lunch and glee club but they did not press any further, although Kurt could see that they wanted to.

Kurt was mostly preoccupied over thinking what outcomes could happen tonight. He was planning to go to their tree house as usual and wait to see if Blaine would show up. Outcomes he came up with were: he would be waiting there for hours and Blaine not showing up; Blaine actually turning up but they argue even further with one of them, most likely Blaine, storming out; or both of them there not saying a word. Basically, tonight did not look like it was going to be easy for Kurt for he could not see any positives.

"Hey Kurt?"

"Oh hi Merril."

"I was wondering if you had seen Douglas?"

"I'm not completely sure where he is sorry, I think he went off looking for you."

"Oh, thank you anyway Kurt."

That was another thing on his mind. He could not get a moment alone with Douglas to speak to him properly; everything time they do someone interrupts or Douglas makes an excuse not to stay. He just wants to sort out this mess before it gets worse and drags on.

He feels horrible as it is and he's meant to be cheery for the festive season, not that he was feeling Christmasy in the slightest. How can you enjoy it when he might be losing one of the best things that has happened to him.

"Blaine, can we talk to you for a second?" Blaine turned around to see Logan and Julian walking up to him. He sighed but nodded. He did not want to cause more problems and shouting at Logan again is not going to help him in any way.

"Hey Blaine, heard you're now single. Good thing you ditched that drama queen so now I real man can please you." Announced Sebastian as he approached the group from the other path.

"Beat it Smythe. You're not helping." Logan retorted as he nudged Blaine to move along with him away from Sebastian who did not begin to follow them.

"Who said anything about helping?" Sebastian winked at Blaine before striding away.

The three of them began to walk in silence. No one dared to breathe a word, except for the small huffs that came from Julian as he constantly kept slipping on a patch of ice but kept himself upright. They walked until there was basically no one around and that they would have peace for a private conversation. Blaine did not know why they both here, he would see Logan doing this as they have before but the addition of Julian threw him off. Not that he wasn't mutual with him, they just did not seem to be the people have private conversations with as that sort of thing was left for Logan and Derek.

"So why do you two want to talk to me in private?"

"We want to know what happened between you and Kurt." Logan replied. "We both know it's a big deal for you to explode. Don't look at me like that, you know you did. Windsor must be on some edge right now-"

"Not that we mind as a house but-"

"Thanks for your contribution Jules." Logan said sarcastically. "Anyway, we want to help in some form. Kurt's still our friend, like you are."

"I don't know how you can. Unless you have some magical secret that you can reverse time and hit me over the head."

"Well I don't have that ability but I can still hit you." Logan slapped Julian on the back of his head. "OW!"

"You deserved that. Have you tried talking to him? Has he been in contact with you?"

"He's been texting and phoning me, but I can't push myself to answer. Everytime he phones I just want to hear his voice but I don't want to hear him upset and on the verge of tears as that'll break me. Every text makes my heart ache more as I know I won't reply to them the way I should as I still feel an urge of anger and I don't want to make him feel worse. I shouldn't have shouted at him and ignored him."

"Are you going tonight?" Logan asked softly.

"Tonight? Going where?"

"We don't know where you go, but everyone knows that on Tuesday's and Thursday's you go meet Kurt somewhere." Julian sighed "Not going to ask what you get up to as that's none of our business but-"

"You need to talk to him and get this sorted out so everyone is not on edge." Logan interrupted."I mean face to face, none of this texting shit, so then you can at least see how happy you've made him by sorting it out. Seriously, you're worrying a lot of people."

Blaine nodded in agreement. He did not need to put other people on edge. They should not have to experience that when this was his problem, not theirs. They had done nothing. "I'll be on my way now as I've got a load of work to get on with."

"Hey just before you go, I've got something that might cheer you up for a second." Julian began, Logan groaned next to him. "You didn't by any chance hear what happened to Derek yesterday?"

"Are you going to tell everyone?"

"Why not?" Julian laughed. A minute smile appeared on Blaine's face at their banter.

Kurt had still not heard anything from Blaine but he was still determined to go to their tree house as usual. He had sent Blaine a text saying he was going and hoping to see him there, and with the little hope Kurt had left, he hoped Blaine would be there waiting for him. The hour's drive felt longer this evening he felt as the minutes drag on and on. To try easing himself, he plugged in his music and sang along to whatever came up.

The snow was not as heavy as it had been from the past few days but the side road to get there was obviously not used frequently as the snow was layered up thickly. He pulled up to the entrance and killed the engine but his music played on. He sat there waiting for a few moments as he noticed Blaine's car was not there. He told himself he would go after this song, which leads to the next song, then the next. Realising it was no good sitting in the car, which was beginning to get cold; Kurt made his way to the tree house.

Time was not on his side once again. Every minute he waited for Blaine, it seemed to drag on. The only noises he could hear were the crackling of the fireplace and his unsteady breathing. The wind outside had calmed down but nothing seemed to calm Kurt down, no matter how many mugs of hot chocolate he had. He kept making a spare warm one for Blaine but it would eventually get put down the drain from being too cold. He glanced at the clock just above the fireplace to notice it was almost nine. He made his way to the kitchen area to clean the mugs whilst trying to ignore the pain he felt.

Just before the fire was put out, Kurt briefly looked around the room that was not meant to be occupied alone. This place was meant to be filled with warmth and comfort and despite the fire roaring all night, he had not felt this cold in a long time.

When he was almost back to his car, he noticed another car parked behind it. At first he could not tell if the car was Blaine's due to the trees and the darkness but as he walked out into the clearing his heart dropped realising it was not Blaine's car. He was just about to get into his car when he heard car doors opening and a voice calling him.

"Kurt? Kurt, please wait a second." Kurt turned around to see that Wes and David were approaching him. He was close enough to jump into his car, drive away as they were probably going to blame him for everything as he could not bear that.

Blaine woke up suddenly due to something exploding too loudly than usual. The noise startled him and he looked around for the clock that he had knocked over. He noticed that the time was just after half eight and almost dropped the clock. With it being a Tuesday night, he would be at the tree house with Kurt and he had planned on going tonight. He had spent so much time planning what to say and how to approach the subject. He knew immediately that as soon as he saw Kurt's face he would melt, but he had to get his point across. He also knew for a fact that Kurt would have gone tonight in hope he would be there.

He let that thought pass to the side partially as he went to deal with whatever it was that woke him up. After a spot of cleaning, things looked back to the way it should be or to Windsor's standards at least. The time had just left nine when he decided to look for Wes or David, or preferably both, but when he asked anyone where they were no one knew.

"Has anyone seen Wes or David?" He shouted to no one in particular. Maybe if he just shouted it someone might at least know something. They could not have disappeared without someone noticing. Nearly everyone is trained to notice if the twins or Dwight sneak off so at least they knew.

"They're out." The latter replied as he passed Blaine coming down from the stairs.

"To where?"

Dwight shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is that they left a few hours ago and said they might be returning a bit late depending how things went."

"What things?!"

"I don't know! That's all they said to me."

"Right, thank you Dwight. I'm sure-" Blaine paused when the penny dropped. "At what time did they leave?"

"Ehh-" Dwight began hesitantly.

"Tell me!"

"About half six!" Blaine did not reply as he searched vigorously for his phone. They had eventually found it in a stupid gap in his room. "Why, what's so important about the time?"

"They've went to see Kurt."

Blaine dialled Wes' number and listened as it rang out. He dialled David's to get the same result so he went back to Wes' and to his luck Wes answered on the third ring.

"Where are you?!"

"Kurt please-"

"If you're here to tell me how horrible of a person I am then could you have some decency to leave it for the moment. Maybe until tomorrow? As I can't deal with this right now. I already feel like crap as I can't get a hold of Blaine to even let him give me a chance to explain and to work things out. It is eating me alive and it only happened two days ago! It shouldn't be like this. So please, can you wait to tell me how I'm such a horrible person until tomorrow."

"Actually we're not here to do that. Why would you think that?"

"Well you are Blaine's best friends to begin with. So naturally you're going to side with him."

"Did you also forget the part where we're also your friends and we want to help you both out equally?"

"Oh. Did Blaine send you or...?"

"No we came here ourselves. Blaine was for some reason sleeping when we left. He hasn't slept well being honest so we thought it was best to leave him and come to get you ourselves. "

"Also being honest, it was getting a bit boring waiting in the car for you to appear. Sorry Wes."

"Wait so why didn't you come to the tree house?"

"We don't know where it is and we're keeping it that way. We only knew where to find the entrance, as to speak, because of Reed since he helped paint it."

"Okay, then why didn't you text me?"

"Oh well we didn't think of that."

"Yeah we should've done that."


"Anyway, what happened?"

"Do you two not know?"

"We don't know everything. We know parts of Blaine's story but obviously not yours, and we didn't want to go to the twins for information as we'd rather hear it from your mouth."

Just as Kurt was about to begin telling them what happened, Wes' phone began to ring.

"Looks like someone finally realised we've went missing. I'll phone him back after this." As soon as Wes' phone stopped ringing, David's began to ring.

"He definitely knows now. Should I answer?"

"No, if he's desperate he'll phone me again. Then we'll answer it." "Well hello to you too… David and I are outside, you know a place that exists other than your bedroom… we might be… yes… we'll be returning shortly… expect us in an hour and a half, bye."

"It seems we have been summoned."

Kurt told them everything that they needed to know. There were some details he left out as they were not necessary unless he wanted to make a bias account, which was not fair in the slightest. Yes he is hurt over things but he was not going to let his emotions completely take over his perception. Fortunately Wes and David were quiet and patient whilst Kurt described what happened, to which he was grateful for.

After he was finished, both of them agreed that they would try to help Kurt get to Blaine as they could tell everything was not as they seemed. Their main objective was to get Kurt and Blaine together in the same place so that they can talk things through first, despite how much they wanted to intervene.

They said their goodbyes and got into their cars with the hope that things would improve. Before Kurt pulled out, he sent a quick text before putting it in his pocket and drove back home.

Lima Bean. 4o'clock. We need to talk. - Kurt


AN: I'm so terribly sorry it has taken months for this chapter. I had planned on updating this in June but then I had the misfortune of losing a close family member and it has hit me hard especially in terms of trying to concentrate long enough to write this or anything in fact, then college came about and I've been swamped with work.

I'm not abandoning this at all, still got at least 5 chapters left but I will try my best to get these out to you quicker. I feel terrible that it's been well over 6 months since the last chapter. My only warning is that these chapters might not be as long as they used to, as I'm stressing myself out trying to have an average number and it's feeling very forced which is not enjoyable.

Anyway, I thank you for reading this and for sticking around as I know I'm not the best fic writer that is good with updates.