Guys. I cannot express my sorrow for taking so effing long. I imagine I've lost followers on this story, but thanks to anyone who knew I'd be back. I've lost track of life, but I figured I'd type a short chapter to remind you guys that this story will be finished. I'm sorry it's so short, but it's a bit of a recap to let you know how all the boys are feeling as well as a bit of foreshadowing. I forgot my initial direction I'd been going honesty: I completely forgot. BUT now, I've read all your lovely reviews and I have a plan that will keep everyone happy, so yes I'll update more than like, once a year ok? I love you all! Enjoy!

The days ahead seemed long. Feeling as though an eternity passed, Alfred was surprised to figure it had only been a few weeks. The world seemed to stop for everyone on one dark, wet day.

Waves grumbled under the ship, and the crew was especially irritable. Even the ever cheerful Antonio had something on his mind and remained quiet. Alfred hid in the cabin, pretending to be busy. He had a small piece of paper and scribbled on it. Mattie, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left. You'd hate me if you knew, he wrote. Alfred ran his hand through his blond hair and sighed shakily. I'm sorry I was all you had. He ran out of room on his small paper and closed his eyes tightly, fighting back tears in case anyone walked in. Maybe the excitement was dying off from his first days on the ship, but he was feeling worse by the day about what he'd done to his brother. Has he even noticed I'm gone? Their relationship wasn't perfect, but they were the only family either of them had. His only reconciliation was that he forgot for a brief moment about his wrong doings when he was helping the captain.

Meanwhile back at home, Matthew had in fact noticed his brother's disappearance. He was scared, but nothing was turning up. None of Alfred's neighbors were even aware he was gone, though some mentioned it had been more peaceful. No one even seemed to care if a young man disappeared around the docks. It was normal evidently. Maybe he left, maybe it was as Matthew feared but in any case Alfred was gone and he was scared. He peered out the window of Alfred's small house at the threatening clouds in the sky. While he lived out of the town a ways, he decided to stay in this small house until his brother came home. If he came home.

Arthur sat in his own room that dark day, rubbing the bridge of his nose and swirling the drink in his hand. He looked in a small mirror in his hand and sneered at how tired he looked. Of all the ships sailing, and all the pirates who feared him, there was still one who avoided him undeniably. He teased, and drifted just out of sight. Arthur was lost and confused. Perhaps he was unable to catch the damned Prussian ship because he was old and tired. Oh man, was he tired. He was tired of the chase, tired of Francis and the crew, and tired of being tired. He felt like his world was slipping from his fingers. The only time he felt young again, and he wouldn't admit this, was when he had the ambitious Alfred in his company.

Francis grumbled quietly to himself as he watched the crew members shuffle around halfheartedly doing their jobs. He hadn't talked to the captain in days, aside from taking orders. What's more, he was lonely. Without the attention of his friend, he was lost by the wayside. No one seemed to respect him anymore. He was angered and hurt, and most of all annoyed with Alfred. He needed the attention he lacked for so long, but they weren't planning to port for weeks more. He missed the soft touch of a woman, and the smell of her skin. He missed feminine company, and it didn't help his current situation.

Everyone had something heavy on their hearts, that dark and cloudy day. It looked like the same day all of their lives were shaken up and mixed together. None of them knew where their lives were heading, they only knew what they wanted. Well, at least some of them did.


Thank for all of you who have been patient with me! I will be updating more often like I said, so stick around for the best part! Review for me (Be nice please) *loves*