
It's been a month since the sacrifice and everyone is slowing moving pass all the pain, but things are about to change for Elena in a way she never would have imagined. Look out world the HBIC is here and she's here to stay.

Author's Note:

My sincerest apologies. I'm so very sorry for the delay. Okay as promised here is my True Blood and Vampire Diaries crossover. The idea for this story came to me while I was watching the season two finale of VD and re-runs of TB, so I hope you guys like it. So here is the premiere of my new story, Petrova. It's set before the first season of TB and after the finale of season two of VD. Please remember to review and please check out my profile for my other stories and pics. I have some new ones. Enjoy!

Chapter I

Elena POV

It had been a month since the sacrifice and thing were doing a lot better. Caroline and her mother were now closer than ever and she and Tyler were happily dating. Jeremy and Bonnie were now practically joined at the hip, ever since she brought him back form the land of the dead, not mention the return of Anna and Vicki.

Apparently when the witches granted Bonnie's request to save Jeremy's life, they wanted to test his feelings towards Bonnie. And thankfully he passed with flying colors. Vicki moved back in with Matt and sorting out their problems. Anna was glad Jeremy was happy, so she left Mystic Falls with Damon.

Alaric however was trying to live his life one day at a time. Alaric had moved into the house with us permanently and into Jenna's old room and had taken on the role as our guardian, even though I was officially nineteen and was legally adult, it felt nice to have a parent around the house.

Damon had fully recovered from the werewolf bite, thanks to Klaus' blood and in some way Katherine and was back to his annoying, impulsive self. He and Anna were currently trying to track down Stefan, ever since he disappeared with Klaus and no one has heard anything from him.

The sun was about to set and tonight was the full moon and even though Tyler would be locked up, I didn't want to take any chances. I made my way home from the cemetery, when I felt like something was following me. I didn't know what it was but it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I turned around and noticed there was nothing there. Maybe I was being paranoid.

As I was about to turn around and continue to head home, I felt something grab me from behind and as I opened my mouth to scream, but a hand quickly covered my mouth as I felt a searing pain on my neck as everything went black.

The sun had full set as I was waken by a searing pain in my chest. I screamed out as I felt the bones in my arms and legs move to an unnatural angle. I screamed as the pain only seemed to get worse and I heard a feral growl beside me and soon succumbed to pain as I let darkness take me.

I felt the warm rays of the sun on my skin as I woke. I lifted my head slightly as I noticed I was lying in the middle of unfamiliar forest. I look around trying to find anything to give me an idea on where I was, when I noticed I was completely naked.

I was lying on my stomach naked as the day I was born. "Sleep well my lovely?" Came a smooth, but familiar voice behind me. I felt my blood run cold as I felt his breath on my neck, before I turned my head slowly to look at the man lying beside me. I felt my eyes widen as I saw the last person I ever expected to see. "Klaus." I breathed.


What did you think of the first chapter?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I will try to update as soon as possible.


Please remember to review!

- Dark Alana.



Next chapter coming the 13th.