
I know this isn't Richard Castle's Guide to Camping but I'm still working on that! So don't worry! Now, this fic is rated M for later chapters, just a warning...if you aren't old enough to be reading this then you should probably skip that chapter (or chapters). I'll leave a big 'ol warning for y'all when that chapter comes up, okay?

Disclaimer: Castle is not mine :/

[Chapter 1]

White blankets of snow covered the streets of New York. It was coming down lightly but was slowly picking up. The Homicide floor of the 12th Precinct was vacant, everyone had left early because it was the weekend before Christmas. Well, everyone but one.

Kate Beckett sat at her desk, engulfed in piles of paperwork. She'd been there all morning and wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. It was going on five o'clock and she'd been there since seven. It was a rather boring day, and she was a bit upset that Castle hadn't stopped by, it wasn't like him to not be here. But she figured since it was Christmas weekend that he had better things to do then sit here and watch her do paperwork all day.

Eventually, she found herself coming up on the last sheet. Just as she began writing, the chime of the elevator was heard in the distance. Curious as to who it could be, she looked up and swiveled in her chair to face the elevator. It was no other than Rick Castle.

Kate's heart did leaps and bounds as she took in the man slowly approaching her. His hair had flakes of snow freckled in it. His cheeks and nose were rosy red from the bitter cold nipping at the skin. And his jacket, like his hair, was covered in snow. He had black leather gloves on his hands, with a steaming cup of coffee in one of them.

Wow. He looked amazing.

"Hello, Detective," he greeted as he plopped down in his usual chair adjacent to her desk, crossing one leg over another. "Here you go. Nice, warm coffee." Rick placed the coffee into Kate's awaiting hand, their fingers lingering.

"Thanks, Castle." She took a sip from the welcoming warmth of the drink. "Mm, it's just what I needed," she said appreciatively. Taking another sip of coffee, she closed her eyes. A small smile found it's way onto her lips. When she opened her eyes, she saw Rick grinning at her, his eyes lit up with adoration.

Rick just blurted out, "My God, you're beautiful."

Kate was speechless. She was not expecting that, but she didn't mind it either. She blushed from head to toe, her lip was pulled between her teeth in embarrassment. "You're not so bad yourself, Castle."

At her compliment, Rick's smile grew with each passing second. They locked eyes on one another, both totally lost in each other's gaze, everything around them blurred. His sea blue never strayed from her forest green, and they remained like that for quite some time.

"So," Rick cleared his throat, looking away from the tantalizing woman before him. He stood up. "You, uh, ready to go? I'll walk you home."

"Um, yeah. That'd be great," she answered as she began scrambling the papers away. She turned her computer off and grabbed her jacket that rested on her chair. "Let's go," Kate said once she had all of her belongings. She tossed the now empty cup into the garbage can under the desk. They walked to the elevator, Rick pressed the down button and they waited for the elevator to arrive. It chimed, once the steel doors were open they stepped inside. They stood side by side, their shoulders briefly touching.

"Just a warning, it's a bit cold outside," Rick stated as he tightened his coat closer around him. "The snow was really coming down earlier."

"Great, driving in this will be fun," she said sarcastically, leaning back against the railing.

"Well, I was just going to walk. I took a cab here. It wasn't too bad driving through the snow so we should be fine."

He was so wrong...

When they got off the lift and they stepped into the lobby, staring at the glass doors. Snow was piled up two to three feet high. It was damn near impossible to drive in. Luckily, the snow wasn't coming down too hard, but it was still going to be tricky.

"Ugh, I knew this would happen!" Kate sighed as she ran a gloved hand through her unruly locks. "What do we do now? We can't drive through all of that."

"No, but we can walk."

"I'm not walking in that," she countered, her tone firm. "We can...just, uh-"

"Hate to say this, but it looks like we don't have much of a choice." He gently placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it a bit. "And we're not walking all the way to your apartment, it's too far. We'd freeze before we even made it. You're staying at my place tonight and no objections," he cut her off before she could get a word out.

Trying not to smirk when he pouted his bottom lip out."Fine." She really couldn't say no to that puppy dog look on his face anyways.

They pried the doors open and stepped out into the vast winter wonderland, a breeze nipping at their skin. Their feet crushed the snow beneath them as they walked. The snow came all the way up to their knees. Rick and Kate trudged through the snow and headed toward his loft. After a bit, the cold was becoming a bit too much for her and so she snuggled into his side; he was so warm and cozy. His arm wrapped around her shoulders, bringing her closer to his body. Kate's arms encircled his waist, she held onto to him for dear life. She rested her head in the crook of his neck as matching smiles adorned their chilled faces.

Rick suddenly caught Kate off guard when he pulled away from her, but only to place a chaste kiss on her cheek. His soft lips lingered on her silky skin. Kate reveled at the touch of his skin against hers, and her slender arms moved their way up to his neck as his hands rested on her hips. Soon, his mouth was upon hers. It was a slow and sweet kiss that had their bodies grew warmer by the second.

They continued to stand there for a few moments before breaking apart. Their hot breaths danced in the cold air in front of them. Rick stared down at Kate, heating her up with his clear blue eyes.

"I oughtta say no, no, no sir (You mind if I move in closer)

At least I'm gonna say that I tried (And what's the sense in hurting my pride)

I really can't stay (Oh baby, don't hold out)

Oh, but it's cold outside."

There you go!

I'm sorry it's not very long but the next chapters will be longer! Please let me know what you think by leaving a review. Until next time!

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