Alright guys, this is my first fanfic! If you have any constructive criticism, PLEASE don't be afraid to share. Reviews are welcome. many, many, many many MANY thanks to my beta Theatregeek001! So, without further ado...

We're just friends..right?

Tonight, I can't sleep a wink. Every night this week has been filled with intense studying, homework, and worrying over Harry. So tonight, here I am heading down to the common room with Crookshanks in tow to do what usually does the trick for me; curling up on the sofa with a nice, big, encyclopedia-sized book.

Tonight, however, I see I won't be experiencing any of that. The couch is occupied by a boy with raven hair sprawled across it; my favorite boy with raven colored ha- NO! I shouldn't be thinking this. This boy is my best friend Harry Potter. who has been through a lot with me, who I favor no more than my other best friend Ron...who I'm currently not speaking to. Oh for goodness sake, just get out of your head already!

"Hi Harry! I can't sleep. What are you doing up?" I blurt out. Smooth one Granger- Wait, didn't I tell you to stay out of your head?

"Same thing," Harry says, sounding a bit on edge."Have a seat." and with that, Harry moved to a sitting position and patted on the cushion next to him.

I pick up Crookshanks and settle down next to Harry, perhaps too close to be appropriate. I find myself snuggling into his side, but I pay no mind.

"What's on your mind Harry?" I ask, slowly and softly stroking up and down his back. I can feel Harry relax, and as Harry's upper back settled into my hand, I tried to keep my composure. 'Oh my God, I'M the one doing this to him. I'M the one making him relax...why am I so excited about that though?' I thought.

"You have no idea how awful of a day I've had 'Mione." Harry groaned. OHMYGOD he just called me 'Mione, that was so cute!' I stared at Harry again for a moment, losing myself in his emerald eyes...and then mentally slapped myself for thinking again. okay, so we've thrown staying out of your head out the window. Just STAY CALM. Your FRIEND needs you. So for about five minutes I allow Harry to let loose everything that's been going on with him- his scar hurting, recurring dreams about Voldemort, and even normal teenage things. Towards the end, I'm hardly aware of where my hands are- tangled in Harry's messy black hair, massaging the back of his head. 'GOD his hair is so soft.' I think as I slowly and reluctantly remove my hands from where they are.

"Thanks for listening," Harry murmurs looking down at the couch cushion, obviously trying to busy himself with a stray thread in the fabric; a smile and a small blush creeping up onto his face. "So why can't you sleep?" he said, his eyes returning to mine.

I told him everything that had been weighing down on my mind, and was impressed by how calm Harry remained during my girly teenage rant.

"Well, if you need anything, I'm here." Harry simply says, stroking my back like I was doing to him before, 'WOW that feels good.' I thought, 'No wonder he enjoyed it.' and I smile as I bury my head into his chest. All of a sudden, Harry starts stroking my hair, and murmured in my ear that everything was going to be okay..and next thing I know, my lips start to move toward his just before I had the chance to come to my senses and stop. Both of our eyes grew wide and we jumped away from each other.

The next few words between us were exchanged in rapid fire in an attempt from both of us to allay each other's fears.

"That...that was completely normal!" I say, still in shock


"Friends can comfort each other too!"


"Harry, your one word responses are starting to become rather off-putting." I mumbled nervously.



"...Oh bloody Hell."

"Anyway, nothing weird happened." At these words, both of us started to look off in other directions playing with our hands, not even attempting to speak..until Harry broke the silence

"Except the almost kiss."

"...Right." I said desperately. 'Damn.' I thought, shifting uncomfortably next to him and trying to look away.

"Which is actually okay, because you initiated it. My hands are clean." Harry says in a lame attempt to joke with a broad smile on his face.

"Potter, one more joke and I WILL hex you." I snapped.

"I'm only kidding!" Harry says quickly, leaning away from me as if I was some sort of dangerous animal leaning in for the kill.

"The point is, we're not interested in one another." I say with a tone of finality, all the while staring at the floor.

"At all." Harry quickly adds, staring at the floor as well.

"You like Ginny." I said, more with a questioning tone than one that stated the obvious.

" And you like Ron." 'Not bloody likely...' I thought, shocked that I was even being honest with myself about this.

"We're just friends."

"Right?" we both say in unison, and with a quick muttered goodbye from each of us, we ran off to bed- not that either of us would be getting any sleep.