AN: This is my new crossover (lol, but not only XD). Yes I know, it's a bit overused. But I've read so many good HP/AF crossovers that aren't ever finished. I hope not to do that. So. Here we go, I suppose. Just FYI - I am NOT ditching the Crossover, so no fear! Chapter 3 will be up soon, I'm sooooooo sorry about the delay! XO

This takes place in the HP gang's sixth year, and after TAC. *winks*

Disclaimer: Yes! I do own Artemis Fowl and Harry P-

*shots fire*

*hiholly dies*

Artemis: hiholly does NOT own mine or Mr. Potter's series'. Thank you, and she would wish that you don't sue.

Infiltration: An Artemis Fowl/Harry Potter Crossover


Chapter 1: A Call in the Night...Er, Morning

No one is ever gracious when called at three in the morning, so it was with understandable irritation and plenty of eye-rubbing that Artemis answered the ringing sound emerging from his fairy communicator.

"Hello?" he sighed in Gnommish, not trusting himself to stay awake if he lay down once more.

"Artemis, we need to talk."

Groaning inwardly, the boy genius cleared his throat. "What about, Foaly?"

The centuar whinnied excitedly. "I just found something. Something extremely important. Here, I'll e-mail you the info." There was a loud, clattering sound as Foaly attacked the keys on his keyboard.

"Mind you, it is three o'clock AM," Artemis pointed out as he forced himself out of bed and ambled to his laptop that sat on the desk in the corner, sitting straight in the chair and holding back a yawn.

Foaly didn't respond for a moment, and Artemis took the time to take a brief look at himself in the dark monitor in front of him. His mismatched eyes were wide open but weary, his hair ruffled with sleep. The silk pajamas he was wearing were creased and as messy as his hair. The ring he held up to his ear made it appear as if he were talking on a pretend telephone. He smirked at the thought.

"Well, this couldn't wait, so shut your face," Foaly grumbled, startling Artemis out of his self-examination. The fifteen-year-old boy shook his head, now more irritated with himself, and turned on the laptop. The screen brightened and swiftly readied itself for use.

"Check your e-mail," Foaly prodded eagerly. Artemis could almost imagine him hopping up and down in place. He smirked yet again as he clicked over to his e-mail and opened up Foaly's message.

"Are you reading it?" the centaur queried. The sound of fingernails snapping on a hard surface erupted through the communicator.

"I can't possibly read if you continue to make such a racket," Artemis commented coolly.

"Here's an idea - why don't you read it out loud? I wouldn't mind hearing you admit that I discovered something before you."

The teenager was not impressed. "Again - three in the morning, Foaly. I really should be whispering, as Myles and Beckett's rooms are down the hall. In fact, I should be asleep. And I hardly think you need another inflation to your ego."

"Fine. You know what? I'll just read it to you," Foaly muttered, an eye-roll in the words. "Happy?"

"Delighted. Now read, if you will." Artemis cast his eyes on the words on the screen but not reading them, waiting for his friend's voice on the other end.

Foaly loudly cleared his throat, attempting importance. "Ahem. At precisely two forty-five AM, I stumbled upon an unnaturally steady pulse of magic in Britain. In fact, there were several places across the country that were spotted with magic. Most of them were small and unimportant, but there was one area that caught my attention. If you'd look at the picture I put in..."

Artemis leaned forward, examining the reading Foaly had included in the e-mail. Most of the picture was blue, with odd spots of orange-red here and there, peppered around. He assumed that the color showed where magic was present. But there was one extremely large blot on one side of the country, in no way normal. Oddly enough, it was a nearly perfect circle, not at all a natural occurrence.

"Could it possibly be Opal?" he asked darkly, glancing over the spot again.

"Let me finish," Foaly ordered, his voice almost gleeful. Because of that, Artemis found he could safely rule out a plan of Opal's. Despite his gigantic ego, the centaur had a generally good sense of what was serious and what was entertaining. Bad and good.

"I had a camera near there," Foaly went on, no longer reading straight from the e-mail any longer, but the words flowing out fast and furious, unplanned, "and I decided to take some videos, and then after that I took pictures each second, and after a few minutes, I got this."

Artemis took that as his cue to scroll down on the e-mail to see another section of pictures, as well as a short video. He played the video first.

The scene was an old, rotting hut, seen from a view in the trees close by, with yellowed grass surrounding it. Throughout the whole video, which was nearly a minute long, crickets chirped in the darkness, owls hooted, and the hut stood still and dead in its place. When the video ended, the boy genius rolled down to view the pictures.

The first one was of the hut again, as slumped and uninhabitable as possible. But the next...the next...the next was that of a huge, monstrous castle, with tall stone towers and a lake nearby, the landscape dotted with a few trees, and a small house at the edge of a dark, chilling forest. Few windows were lit in the castle, but there were some, perhaps two or three. Unfortunately, not a soul was in sight.

And the next picture was the hut again.

"Taken with our most high-tech cameras," Foaly bragged. "Intrigued yet?"

A smile quirked on Artemis's lips. "What a foolish question, my friend. But what, pray tell, do you expect to do with this information?"

"There's mo-ore!" Foaly sang. Hooves clacked loudly in the background as the centaur did a second-long jig in place. "I watched up until I called you, and from that I found some interesting information."

Artemis hoped his silence indicated Foaly to continue.

Apparently so.

"We already had some files on the place, and I managed to get ahold of them. This was done by humans. Not fairies." He sounded positively eager.

"I'd like to see these files," Artemis said quietly, already mulling over what role his was in this plan. If there was a plan. "I assume, since you called, you mean for me to assist you."

"You're the only human we know that fits the bill, Artemis," Foaly continued, "and now that your Complex is gone, well, for now, you'll be of a lot more use."

The boy winced, and then fully registered the sentence. "Pardon. 'Well, for now'? What is that suggesting, exactly?"

To say the least, Artemis did not like to talk about the Atlantis Complex, not whatsoever. He considered it the past, and refused to call it to attention. Things had been a success, considering that he and his mother managed to keep Artemis Sr away until the boy genius was better, and then put off the illness as an anxiety attack that was potentially damaging, and that it hadn't been safe for him to be visited. Although Angeline had wanted to inform her husband of the fairy existence, Artemis insisted on trying their best to convince his father that fairies did not exist, and his son had never been committed to a hospital for the mentally insane. The only bad side was that Artemis occasionally had to pretend he was having another attack to avoid suspicion. It had become quite a pain. And of course, he disliked bringing up his insanity.

"You'll understand," Foaly assured, a little uneasy. "I'll just fax you the files, okay?"

"That would do," Artemis agreed, but his voice was coated with suspicion that he didn't bother to hide. "I can look at them tomorrow, if you don't mind me delaying. I am quite tired after all."

"Whatever. Just don't keep putting it off, alright?"

"I am not a procrastinator, Foaly." Artemis made sure his fax machine was on, and listened to it hum as it printed out the files. After a good twenty minutes, Foaly announced that he was done and the boy dug out an unused folder and carefully lay the papers inside.

"I will call you back when I am finished," he informed the centaur as he turned off his computer and crawled into bed.

"Fine. I just have one request. I think you'll agree."

Artemis held back a yawn. "And that request would be...?"

"Don't tell Holly. It's only been a few months since the Complex, and..."

"Ah. I understand," Artemis interjected.

"Good. 'Night."

"Goodnight, Donkey Boy," Artemis snickered, and before Foaly could reply in kind, he hung up and turned over on his side, eyes closing.

The file waited for him on the desk, seeming to buzz with energy.

The beginnings of another adventure.

AN: Ooh, dramatic. XD

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