The next few minutes seemed to pass as if in a dream. The new arrivals - Molly and Arthur, presumably - paid no mind to anyone but Bill, eyes locked on their son as they rushed forward. The spectators parted for them, all looking relieved and as happy as the situation could warrant.

Even Holly looked somewhat cheered by the reunion, though it didn't show besides a slight release of tension around her eyes.

The glimmer hovered by the window. Artemis' heart continued to thud, so desperately he could feel it throughout his whole body.

"There's someone outside," he repeated, but at the same time Arthur exclaimed, "who do I have to thank for my son's life?" and drowned him out.

"There's-" Artemis wanted to move, to take action, but he felt frozen, and Holly had wrapped a hand tightly around his lower arm and was asking, "Artemis?" and holding him in place.

McGonagall turned towards them, robes twirling dramatically, gesturing with her wand in her hand as if about to cast a spell-

The window shattered as a hard something bowled Artemis and the Captain into the wall, and the dreamlike quality shattered with it, casting everything into sharp images and loud noises.

When the world finally resolved itself into something resembling sense, which thankfully took only a few moments, Artemis found himself and Holly being shielded from the group of startled wizards by a short, uniformed figure with a tiny gun to match. The figure was in the middle of yelling, "Don't go any further!" when his identity finally registered.

"Tro-Trouble," Holly stammered. "What the hell?" She scrambled up, and yanked the weapon from his hands. "Hey-" he began to protest, but she cut him off with a sharp jab to the chest. "What are you doing?"

"You didn't come back after last night," he grumbled, "what was I supposed to do? And - I am your Commander, keep your hands off me, please." He lowered his voice only slightly to say, "At least not on duty."

"It was one date," Holly half-growled.

Artemis had nearly fallen completely to the floor with relief at recognizing the new arrival, but managed finally to haul himself upright instead. "I thought you were going to stay out of this project."

"I said I wouldn't be responsible if this scheme went wrong, Fowl, I never implied I wouldn't come to your aid." Artemis almost would have entertained the idea that Trouble Kelp was finally growing to respect him, if not for the curl of the elf's lip that indicated otherwise. Some of us are loyal to our allies, it seemed to say.

"Excuse me," Harry huffed, drawing the group's attention back to the baffled wizards crowded on the other side of the room. They all looked ruffled and shocked, most with wands brandished and eyes wide. "But what is going on here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing," Trouble retorted. "If I may - what were you doing with my companions here?"

"Commander, please, I can assure you that we are just fine." Artemis tried to coax the elf into a calmer state, but of course Trouble resisted his help.

"Be quiet, Mud Whelp." At this Artemis couldn't help but roll his eyes. "I'm asking the...wizards, here."

"If you think that we were harming them in any way, you would be sorely mistaken," McGonagall said icily. "Precisely the opposite, actually. Your friends here have done well by us, and we were aiming to thank them before you...stepped in. I promise you we intended no harm."

Trouble scowled, inspecting the room with narrowed eyes. Then he turned his sour expression towards Holly, motioning for her to give him back his gun, which she did, but not without due reluctance. "I could have you punished for that, you know," Trouble pouted.

"Come on, Trubs," Holly sighed.

The elf commander grumbled something as he holstered his gun but didn't make good on his near-threat.

"Sorry but...what is going on?" This came from an utterly bewildered Arthur Weasley, who was looking between the fairies with a glint of interest in his eye Artemis didn't quite like, though he couldn't deny that he understood it.

"The quick and dirty version?" Holly began, and without waiting for an answer went on, "My name's Captain Holly Short, and I'm an elf. This is my Commander, Trouble Kelp. And this is Artemis Fowl. He's been investigating Hogwarts for us in the past few months. Spying is a harsh word, but probably accurate. Now we're just trying to work out the details of whatever future arrangement is in store for our two species." She gestured between herself and the wizards.

"Spying," Arthur repeated, and then, as it seemed to dawn on him, "elf?"

"Oh, it hardly matters to me," Molly Weasley exclaimed. "You were the ones who helped my Bill, yes?"

"Yes, ma'am," Holly crisply replied, glancing to Artemis with a thin smile.

"Thank you." She unexpectedly rushed towards them, crushing the human and elf in a hug that seemed both too short and too long. Artemis felt a dizzying surge of homesickness as she pulled away, beaming, with red-cheeked relief. "We can address the spying bit later. As curious as we are, there are more important things right now." He found himself smiling back at her, ever so slightly. Her enthusiasm reminded him of his own mother.

"Don't forget the elf bit," Arthur added, coming forward also. "But thank you. Thank you. We can never thank you enough." He shook each of their hands, even the befuddled Trouble's, before drawing back and taking up his wife's arm as they retreated to their son's bedside.

McGonagall seemed to release some of her built-up tension at last. "Well, there we are," she said. Then, to Trouble, "Actually, it's good that you're here, if you are in fact responsible for these two." She gestured at Artemis and Holly, and though Artemis saw the protest on Trouble's face, he had no time to refute the claim before the teacher continued. "We were about to attempt to work out an arrangement. How would you feel about meeting with some of our higher-ups?"

Trouble mumbled, "I knew this was a bad idea," but said more loudly, "As long as we can come to some agreeable terms. I don't wish to fight anymore than I believe you do."

"Before we agree to any meetings," Artemis interrupted, attracting a glare from Trouble and curious attention from Minerva, "I have to ask - is bringing this to the Ministry of Magic truly the best decision?"

"How do you mean?" McGonagall prompted.

"It is quite possible that, since many dark wizards appear to have infiltrated Hogwarts, some have infiltrated the government as well, is it not?"

McGonagall's lips thinned. "That had occurred to me. It's quite likely, in fact. Almost certain. What's unclear enough to give me pause was how far-reaching their influence is. And I would rather those in the Ministry loyal to side of good be involved than ignorant."

Artemis nodded. "I understand. I am only suggesting...perhaps it isn't worth it. From my perspective, the chance of betrayal is too great."

Trouble loosed a heavy sigh. "Unfortunately, the Mud Boy is probably right. I can't walk into this knowing I might be risking the lives of the People."

"It's not as if all fairies are angels, either," Holly remarked. "I know of a few who'd probably like to wreak havoc on an unsuspecting wizard population." Despite the grim words, her mouth quirked a little. Mulch, Artemis thought, and couldn't help a little twitch of the lips of his own. "We have decent control over our people," she added, "they don't run amok or anything. But it might be for the best if we keep this hush-hush."

"Then let's do that then," McGonagall grimly replied. "Until we can be certain of the loyalties of the populations at large. At least until tensions among the wizard community have been resolved. We are agreed?"

"I don't think there are any better ideas," Trouble said. He sounded incredibly regretful to admit any idea even related to Artemis was in any way decent.

"The only hitch in this plan," McGonagall began, "is Severus' knowledge of this situation."

"Who?" Trouble asked, and was promptly ignored.

"D'Arvit," Holly swore. "I completely forgot about him. Frond."

Artemis frowned and shook his head. "I don't believe there is anything we can do to fix that now. We will simply have to be careful. Perhaps," he said, primarily addressing Trouble, "increase security in all areas, particularly around Haven. Prevent unnecessary trips in and out of fairy zones."

"So I'm guessing this Snake-"

"Snape," Artemis corrected, earning himself a glare.

"-is a bad guy," Trouble finished. "You're sure we can't hunt him down or something?"

McGonagall took over. "We can begin searching for him, yes. I can assemble a few teams. But if we find him...what are we to do?"

Artemis locked eyes with Holly. He recalled, vividly, wires hooked up to his brain. His last conversation with Holly. With Foaly. The terror and flimsy hope that accompanied the procedure. The sense of loss he'd felt even as he'd drifted off.

But no. Even though Holly was nodding grimly, Trouble looked nothing but bitter and disappointed. It would have to go through too many levels before approval, Artemis figured. Too many people would have to be enlightened. It would cause chaos. It would leak to the public. They couldn't afford that.

With one shake of the head, despite Holly's scowl, Trouble dismissed the notion.

"I'm not sure," Artemis said, though it cut him to admit it. "I suppose we will have to come up with a plan."

Steam poured into the clear summer air, curling up and up until it vanished into invisibility. The train whistled again, inviting more homebound wizards on board.

Holly a reassuring, if invisible, presence at his side, Artemis looked back at Hogwarts; the sprawling towers and impenetrable, steady walls, the hundreds of cheerful students pouring out the doors, the professors hovering at entrances with warm, relieved smiles on their faces.

"Hey," Holly said into his ear. "You alright, Mud Boy? You're looking a little sentimental."

"Yes, well, do you really blame me?" Artemis took his wand from his pocket and turned it over in his hands. As he spoke he tried to be subtle, pretending to mumble to himself as he examined the wand. "But no, I'm fine. It isn't like I truly belonged here anyway. I was a parasite during my time here, essentially." He smiled as he said it, though, a little fond despite himself. "I will be more than relieved to return home. I expect Miles and Beckett will be pleased to hear of my adventures."

"Highly edited adventures," she reminded.


"And the pills Trouble gave you? They're working?"

"I think we would know by now if they weren't," he replied. He tapped the bottle he'd tucked into his pocket, taking comfort in the rattling pills inside. They had been very fortunate in that Foaly had forced a container of pills on Trouble before the Commander's departure, as according to Trouble the centaur had suspected something involving the Complex had gone wrong for Holly to be uncommunicative and off the radar.

"And your magic?" she asked, more gently. "What about that?"

Before he could answer, the train loosed another warning whistle.

"I think I should go," he replied instead, tucking his wand back into his pocket and adjusting his hold on his bag. "I'd rather like a seat to myself."

She patted his shoulder. "Okay, Artemis. I'll be flying right above you. I'll meet you at the station with Butler and Juliet."

"Very well. I'll see you then." Her hand briefly squeezed his, and then the wind momentarily picked up as she took off, leaving Artemis to find his way onto the Hogwarts Express alone.

Despite the clamor and chaos, he managed to find a compartment yet unclaimed, and decided to take it for himself. For the first time in his entire life, feeling strangely giddy, Artemis Fowl stretched his legs across to the seat opposite him, like one might prop their feet on a coffee table.

It was oddly freeing.

"Hello, Mr. Potter," he said after he caught a glimpse of the wild hair and round glasses belonging to the boy hovering outside his compartment. He'd been lucky enough so far to have no one approach him in hopes of sharing it. He suspected that his attempts during the battle to revive Dumbledore had only worsened his peers suspicions of him. Not that he blamed them - and he wasn't exactly going to complain about the room it afforded him, no matter the trouble he'd caused.

The boy nodded at him, obviously a bit uncomfortable. His eyes flicked twice to the genius's raised feet, and once to the book in the other boy's hands. "Artemis," he returned. "Uh. Can we come in?"

Artemis frowned, suspicious, but acquiesced, shutting his reading material - a History of Magic, that he had never gotten to finish. "And Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley," Artemis added as he took in the pair shuffling in behind their friend. "How are you?"

Hermione unexpectedly, if awkwardly, smiled wryly. "As well as can be expected," she sighed as she sat. Artemis set his feet back on the floor to make room.

"Yes. I expect these next few months - perhaps the next year, if we're especially unlucky - are going to be difficult." Artemis tried to reconcile her earlier coldness to this new, more open girl. Ron and Harry, too, seemed less hostile, even if they clearly wanted to avoid this confrontation as much as Hermione. "I don't mean to antagonize," Artemis began carefully, "but what exactly are you here for?"

Harry cleared his throat. "Yeah. Well. Listen. I don't - we don't - really know you all that well. And frankly, you can be a bit of a git."

"Fair enough," he allowed.

"What Harry's trying to say," Hermione interrupted hastily, "is that we've been, to put it simply, somewhat childish and immature towards you. And we shouldn't have been."

Artemis offered her a tiny smile. "Is that meant to be an apology?"

"See, that?" Ron blurted. "Git-ish."

Despite himself, Artemis felt the smile widen. "Is calling me a git not git-ish? I thought name-calling was generally frowned-upon in most social circles."

Ron scowled at him, but it lacked the malice from all of their previous exchanges. "Well," the Weasley boy said, "not if the person you're calling a git is actually a git. Then it's just an observation."

"Fair enough," Artemis repeated, this time with more good humor. "Never let it be said that I am incapable of taking criticism," he continued. "Holly may lead you to believe otherwise, but she is unquestionably biased." At the mention of the elf captain, the wizards glanced to each other awkwardly. "But more to the point," the genius went on, "I apologize for being difficult, as you said. It is one of my less-flattering traits. I understand as well that I can come across as cold, and cruel. That is not my intention. Most of the time."

"And we really didn't mean to be mean, either," Hermione said. At Artemis' raised eyebrow, she amended, "Perhaps we did. But the point is that we are sorry as well. I regret many of the things I said and did, and I know Ron and Harry do, too."

Artemis considered them momentarily. A team. Friends. Although slightly older than him, they were still young, and although they were smart and brave, they were not unflawed. Human beings, through and through, despite their magical abilities. Artemis thought of the danger that was sure to come, the trials that would accompany communication between the wizards and fairies, and the trio's continuing quest for peace - and his own search for it.

"Thank you," he replied sincerely.

Hermione took a deep, slightly shaky breath. "Like you said, it's going to be difficult for a while. Between us wizards and...and you all."

Artemis was unexpectedly cheered to be lumped in with the People. Of course, Holly would never consider him one of her people, and he certainly knew that despite his recent magical abilities he was undeniably human. But, recalling the days in which he and the fairies had been pitted against each other, battling for dominance and gold, the true revelation that they were, in fact, on the same side, working together for the betterment of the People at large, bloomed warm in his chest, hopeful.

"So we expect to see you again."

"It's likely," he admitted. "I am their human ambassador, after a fashion. And after spending a year with wizard society, I am certain they will be consulting me. They usually do in these types of situations anyhow, considering our history, but I believe I will especially be needed in the negotiations to come."

"Your history," Harry remarked. "I was kind of curious about that. How do you go about meeting fairies?"

"How do you go about defeating the most powerful dark wizard alive at age one?" Artemis returned. Harry, flabbergasted, opened his mouth to respond, but Artemis beat him to it. "Let us just say that it is a very long story, with extenuating circumstances, and perhaps on a train full of curious and - considering recent events - terrified students isn't the ideal location to tell it."

Harry looked frustrated, but he nodded. "Someday?"

"I'm sure you will hear it at some point," Artemis assured him. "With everything that has happened, I am certain you three will become involved in the upcoming negotiations and meetings. I suspect you have never attended those kinds of meetings, but I can assure you there will abundant time." And many people who want to contribute their side of the story, he thought in amusement.

"We'll hold you to that." Hermione nodded along with her friend, looking equally eager.

"Come on," Ron prompted, with his own nod in Artemis' direction. "Let's go back to our compartment and try to catch the trolley. I could use a chocolate frog."

They left, all waving uncomfortably. But they were waving nonetheless, and Artemis couldn't help but feel hopeful.

And soon he would see his family again. His parents, the twins, and Butler and Juliet. His normal competitions with Foaly would resume. Holly would agree to stop by more often, but then she wouldn't. Artemis suspected it would be even worse because of the newly rising issues with the wizarding world, and the war they faced. He would likely be woken in the middle of the night by the elf climbing through the window and cursing Foaly's awful tech and his terrible social skills, relating to wizards or otherwise, or by Foaly himself calling to complain about the wizards or Holly, or to pointedly not beg for Artemis' input. They would likely make some horrible missteps in communication with the wizards. Misunderstandings. Hopefully not disasters, but it was likely. Things would almost certainly get messy.

Business as usual.

The End

Honestly guys, I am just so thankful.

This chapter took unexpectedly long to write, but honestly it was just very hard to let go. I believe it's been years since I first began writing this story. That's so impossible to believe. In a way, it's accompanied me throughout my high school career, and to know that it's done now, as I am about to enter my senior year, is kind of poetic in a sad kind of way.

I thank you all so much for sticking through this with me, and for all of your glowing reviews, constructive criticism, personal PMs to me to show your support and eagerness for updates, and above all, your patience. I have been blessed with wonderful readers, and I honestly can't believe how big this story has gotten, and all of the support and encouragement I have received. Particularly considering the first few chapters because looking back on them now is almost cringe-worthy, and especially when you take into account my awful updating abilities.

But I am proud. And thankful. So again, thank you for being here for me and being the great people you are.

So what is the next step?

I was kind of wondering...if you guys would be interested in a sequel?

I know, I know. Perhaps it would end up like this story - sporadic updates at best, overwhelming apologies from me, and certainly some disappointment on your guys' part. But I'm hoping to do better. And I'm trying to get myself into a pattern of writing almost all of the story before I publish anything at all.

More than anything else, I think Artemis, the People, and the wizarding world aren't done telling their stories here yet. Although this could be a good end, I can see a future for this plot.

But I want to hear your thoughts! Please tell me if you think it's a good idea to continue or not. I want your honest opinions. PM me or leave a review, please, and tell me what you think. And if you do want a sequel, feel free to let me know what you'd be interested in seeing in it, or what you'd like to avoid in it. Thank you.

And don't forget to tell me what you thought of this final chapter, too! It's very important to me that you guys are happy with this, and you feel like the story overall (despite all of my mistakes lol) is a strong one.

Otherwise - I am working on other projects as I type this. I'm not sure how many of them will be published, but I'll try to get something up relatively soon, even if it is just a one-shot. If you guys want me to write anything, you can PM or review and give me some ideas. I'm always looking for new material to write, and after all of your patience you guys certainly deserve some special treatment lol.

I hope you've enjoyed this last update, and thank you again for bearing with me. I appreciate it more than you know, and I love you all!

Best wishes, and all of my love forever,
