Author's Note: Thank you, so much, to everyone that has reviewed, favorited and alerted this story. I've loved writing it and I'm so glad to know others have enjoyed reading it. So, again, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Disclaimer: I do not own Rookie Blue.

"I feel like we just did this," Sam said.

Andy remained quiet, smiling good-naturedly at his grumbling.

"Yep, I'm pretty sure I carried this exact box not even three months ago," he continued. "Was it ever even unpacked?"

Andy ignored his question. "That box is full of dishes. You better not have carried it three months ago since I specifically told you not to carry the dishes."

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," Sam said, "Doesn't change the fact that it sat in your kitchen still packed up for almost three whole months."

It was true. As adamant as Andy had been about getting her own apartment, she had never even taken the time to unpack most of her things. She could count on one hand the number of times she had actually slept in her apartment, and the majority of those times Sam was with her.

There was only once when she had slept there by herself, when Sam had to stay late to work on something with Jerry and she'd crashed at her apartment because it was marginally closer to the station. The next morning she realized that everything she needed to get ready was at Sam's, so she had sheepishly called him to come get her.

"What do you want me to say, Sam?" Andy asked, dropping the box that she was carrying and walking over to him. "You were right?"

Sam caught her around the waist and pulled her towards him. "That'd be great actually. I'd love to hear you say that."

She smiled, humoring him. "You were right."

"About what?" He prodded, grinning down at her.

She kissed him quickly and then backed away. "Don't push your luck," she warned, pointing a freshly unpacked fork at him before putting it away in the utensil drawer.

"You should just sell those dishes anyway," Sam told her as he ripped the tape from the box. "We don't need them."

"No way," Andy argued, "My dishes are way better than yours. We should sell your dishes."

"You mean your dishes are way girlier than mine," Sam said, pulling a plate out. He held it up and inspected it. "They have polka dots on them, Andy, polka dots."

"So what? They're cute," Andy claimed.

"Well, I had to sell my house," Sam lamented. "My almost paid-off house. I should at least be able to keep my dishes."

"Okay, you didn't have to sell your house," Andy reminded him, her hands on her hips, "You said you were fine with it."

At some point during Andy's three-month lease, the idea of purchasing a home together had come up.

"I have a house," Sam tried to tell her as they were lying together before going to sleep. "You can just move in here."

"Yeah," Andy acknowledged, "But it's your house, with your stuff. When I lived with Luke, even though the house was in both our names, it was still his house and his stuff. I hated it."

"So get rid of all my stuff and move your stuff in," Sam said, twirling her hair through his fingers. "I don't care. Except my television. Don't get rid of my TV."

Andy rolled over so she could face him, intertwining her legs with his. "Think about it Sam," she said, her eyes bright, "It wouldn't be your place, it wouldn't be my place. It would be our place."

Sam was quiet, considering it. "The housing market sucks right now."

"Not in this neighborhood," Andy told him. "You could sell this place in a second."

He groaned and then said, "I'll do it on one condition."

"What's that?" Andy asked, grinning widely.

He smiled at her and then narrowed his eyes. "You get those ice blocks you call feet off of me," he said, swiftly untangling his legs from hers. "I swear to god McNally, it's like you soak 'em in cold water before you come to bed."

"I have poor circulation, Sam, you know that," Andy replied defensively.

"Well put some socks on or something," Sam grumbled.

"You warm them up so well though," Andy whined. Sam raised an eyebrow at her, unimpressed. "Fine," she huffed, throwing the covers off of her and climbing out of bed to grab a pair of socks from his dresser. She balanced on one foot as she pulled one on. "So you'll do it, though? You'll sell your house?"

"Is that really what you want?" Sam asked.

Andy nodded, stumbling slightly as she pulled the other sock on. "It is."

"You want us to buy a house together?" He clarified further.

She stood next to the bed. "I do."

He sighed and then pulled her down next to him, making her giggle as he rolled on top of her.

"Your arm," she reminded him. "Sam!"

"My arm's fine," he said dismissively, pushing himself up with his good arm to look down at her. He kissed her gently and then pointed out, "That's a big commitment."

She nodded, a slow smile spreading across her face as she tangled her fingers in his hair. "It is."

He held her gaze for another moment before leaning down to kiss her again. "Fine," he agreed with another heavy sigh. "Let's do it."

"Really?" She asked, her smile wide.

He nodded. "Really." Grinning he added, "You're lucky I love you McNally."

She froze. Despite the fact that their romantic relationship began because she heard him tell Luke that he loved her, it was the first time he had said the actual words to her.

"You love me?" She asked, looking up at him with wide eyes.

He shrugged and tilted his head. "Sometimes," he teased with a grin. "Most of the time." She narrowed her eyes at him, unamused, and he laughed before brushing his lips against hers and mumbling, "All the time."

She beamed up at him, her eyes watery, "I love you, too, Sam."

"I know you do," he said, kissing her slowly. When he pulled back and looked at her he groaned, rolling his eyes, "Oh, please don't cry, Andy."

She pushed him off of her and he fell beside her with a grunt. "Why do you always have to ruin the romance, huh? This is a big moment, just let me enjoy it, okay?"

He smiled, chagrined, and pulled her into his arms. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry."

She sighed and allowed him to pull her closer. "We're buying a house together," she said quietly, looking up at him.

"We are," He nodded.

"And you love me," she repeated.

"I do," he affirmed.

"And I love you."

Sam grinned. "Yes, you do."

She smiled happily and snuggled against his chest, enjoying the moment.

After a minute he broke the silence. "Seriously, I can feel your feet through your socks."

Andy slapped his arm and rolled over, grumbling underneath her breath.

"I'm kidding, I'm just kidding," he promised, moving across the bed the spoon her from behind. He nuzzled her neck and pressed a kiss against the skin there, whispering, "I love you."

"I love you, too," Andy replied, holding on to the arm that was wrapped tightly around her waist.

They spent about a month looking at apartments and townhomes in the city and had finally settled on one close to the station. Sam's house, as Andy had predicted, sold within two weeks of being on the market, so by the time Andy's lease ran out they were ready to move into their new home.

"I know," Sam replied, "And I am fine with it. I just really, really hate these dishes."

Andy rolled her eyes, "We can get rid of the dishes. But let's talk about what we want to do for dinner. I'm starving."

"Well," Sam said, opening the refrigerator and looking at the bare shelves. "We could go somewhere or we could get something delivered."

"Delivery," Andy replied quickly, "I don't want to go anywhere."

"Pizza or Chinese?" Sam asked, pulling out his phone.

"We had pizza last night," Andy reminded him.

Sam shrugged. "Chinese it is then," he decided.

He quickly called their order in and thirty minutes later they were sprawled out on their living room floor, finishing their meal.

"What's your fortune say?" Andy asked eagerly, propping herself up on her elbows and kicking her legs behind her.

Sam eyed her warily and then cracked open his cookie, pulling the fortune out. "Soon you will have a chance at a profitable transaction," he read.

"In bed," Andy finished for him. She thought for a moment and then laughed. "Sounds like you're gonna be my pimp."

"If I was your pimp it wouldn't be profitable," Sam told her, crunching on the cookie.

Andy's eyebrows raised and drew together, insulted. "Excuse me?"

"You were a terrible prostitute," Sam replied, reminding her of her first undercover detail.

"I had been a police officer all of two months," Andy argued. "It was my first time!"

"Yeah," Sam nodded sharply. "It showed. You looked like a nervous virgin the whole night."

Andy narrowed her eyes and recalled the story Oliver told at his birthday party. "At least I can tell the difference between a penis and a gun."

Sam clasped his hands up over his heart dramatically. "Oh, you wound me McNally." He ate the rest of his cookie and then looked at her. "Look, I'm not saying you're bad in bed…"

"Wow, just dig that hole a little deeper Sam," Andy interrupted him.

"I'm just saying you're not a good prostitute," Sam continued, ignoring her. "There's really nothing shameful about that."

"I'm sure if I had another chance I could do better," Andy claimed.

"No way." Sam dismissed the idea quickly.

"Why not?"

"Because there's no way I'm going to watch pervy johns try and pick you up all night," he said, picking up a half eaten carton of food and stabbing at it with his chopsticks. "It was bad enough the first time."

"Who says you'll get to watch?" Andy asked, raising an eyebrow. Sam just smirked at her, which she returned. "So you didn't like watching pervy johns try and pick me up?"

"Uh no," Sam admitted. "I didn't."

"We weren't even anything then," Andy reminded him.

Sam just shrugged and lifted the chopsticks to his mouth, taking another bite of rice.

Andy grinned at him. "You had a crush on me," she teased.

"I did not have a crush on you," he denied. "We're not in junior high."

"Yes you did," Andy maintained. "Come on, you said I was bad in bed. Admit it."

Sam looked at her and then sighed and rolled his eyes. "I may have had a crush on you," he admitted with a small smile. "And I did not say you were bad in bed. You're great in bed."

"I know," she grinned. "I just wanted to hear you say it."

"Did you hear the part where I said you were great in bed?"

"I did hear that," Andy said, nodding. "Thank you."

He stared at her a moment and then asked, perturbed, "Don't you want to say something in return?"

She looked at him innocently. "Like what?"

"Um," Sam said, setting down his food. "Like how I'm great in bed, too."

"Mmmm," Andy shook her head, pretending to have to think about it, "I don't know..." She laughed as Sam tackled her to the ground and rolled on top of her, tickling her ribcage. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding," she giggled breathlessly, pushing his hands away. "You're great."

He stopped tickling and hovered over her, bracing himself on his elbows. "Yeah?"

She nodded and framed his face with her hands. "The best."

He smiled and then dipped his head to brush his lips against hers. "I know," he said, smirking as he pulled back, "I just wanted to hear you say it."

She laughed and threaded her arms around his neck, happily kissing him again.

"What does your fortune say?" Sam asked, not moving from on top of her.

She maneuvered herself enough to pick up her cookie and then cracked it open, pulling the fortune out. She held it up between them so only she could read it.

"What's it say?" Sam asked when she laughed.

She grinned and turned it around, holding it in front of her face so he could read it too. After a moment she peered around it and asked, "Need me to read it for you?"

"Shut up," he said, pushing up slightly and squinting his eyes so he could make out the words.

Reading it, he chuckled and wiggled his hips. "Well, you did just say I was the best."

"Ew, don't be gross," Andy admonished, her brow furrowing. "It's poignant. This is a nice moment."

"You're right. It is a nice moment," he agreed, standing up and offering his hand to her. She took it and he pulled her up to her feet before quickly bending down and scooping her up into his arms, carrying her bridal style through the apartment.

"Sam!" She exclaimed delightedly. "Where are we going?"

"We're going to go find out if the fortune is true or not," he told her. "And I think we have a bedroom that needs christening."

Andy just laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, letting the fortune flutter to the ground.

It read - "The best is yet to come."