I'm almost done with finishing my Total Drama fic, "The Joys Of Competition," in case any of my readers for that fic happens to be a Glee fan and is reading this. This idea was in my head and I had to upload it. I haven't read any other fic like this on Fanfiction, so if there is another one, I promise I am not copying it. So... Onward with the intro!

Disclaimer: I do not own the genious idea that is Glee, or its characters. They belong to Ryan Murphy. If they belonged to me, Kurt/Chris would be my best friend and Beth would still be mentioned in the show. xD

I was just sitting on the couch one late Saturday morning, reading a new sports magazine. I had just gotten back from a walk to Starbucks for some coffee and had flopped down on the couch, not bothering to even take of my shoes. Ah, weekend laziness, how I love you so.

I heard a click near the door, signaling that it had been unlocked, and I looked up from the magazine, smiling. Blaine was supposed to be home last night, but stayed at Dalton for the night due to heavy thunderstorms (thanks for nothin', Momma Nature). I could not help but smile everytime he was in the room when my brother was home. I missed Blaine when he was at Dalton Academy. Despite what our father thought of his sexuality, Mom and I were very accepting of him and we loved him very much. Dad did, too, but he just needed to accept Blaine's differences from the rest of us.

I was upset to find out about him being bullied in school. I knew it was for the best having my brother transfer to Dalton for his safety, but I still missed him so much that it hurt while he was gone for five days, sometimes not coming home on weekends, either. The very first few nights he was gone at his very first week at Dalton, Mom let me sleep in his room since I missed him so much. Whenever he was home, like tonight, he usually spent a good amount of time with me.

Blaine and I had the closest brother-sister relationship that you would ever see. He was my rock and I was his (granted, he was, in my opinion, a much better one than I was). There was nothing we didn't know about each other. We told each other about crushes, school, life, and more. If I had a question or was upset, he was the first person I went to. In fact, Blaine had came out to me first when he had come to terms with his sexuality and when he was bullied. We barely ever got into any arguments, and never any really big ones. We trusted and loved each other a lot.

The door opened, revealing my big brother (older by about three years) with a big smile on his face. "Blaine!" I exclaimed, jumping of the couch and running to him. I pretty much tackle-hugged him.

He simply chuckled and hugged me back. "Hey, kiddo." When we separated, I opened my mouth to ask something, but he interrupted me. "Dalton's fine. David, Wes, and the other Warblers are doing great. Does that answer your question? You know, the one you ask every weekend?"

He knew me way too well.

"Smartass," I said, glaring up at him. I was a pretty short teenager, standing at only five feet tall, so I had to look up to him. He knew the look I gave him was only joking. He knew a lot about me. After about fifteen seconds of a joking stare down, we both laughed. It was good to have him home. "You know that I worry about you." He nodded knowingly.

"So, Bree," he said, looking happy but still somewhat cautious. I looked at him skeptically, "I made a new friend at Dalton, who is also a Warbler, who I would like you to meet. He's really nice." He walked out for a second, then came back in with a boy I have never seen before.

I didn't know who he was, but he was a very cute guy. He had porcelain-like skin, a sort of small build, glasz eyes and probably the best hair I have ever seen on a boy. He looked a couples inches taller than Blaine and was dressed clothes that made me question if they were men's or women's. Either way, they were very nice and expensive-looking clothes. He smiled at me and extended his hand.

"Hello, I'm Kurt Hummel," he said, his voice being a bit higher than I expected. "Nice to meet you."

"Bree," I said, shaking his hand cautiously. I was bad with new people. "How long have you been at Dalton, Kurt?"

"Only a for a few weeks. I used to go to McKinley High, if you've heard of it?" Kurt asked, and I felt myself brighten up a little bit.

"Hey, I'm going there next year for my freshman year!"

"You will love that school, trust me..." Kurt's voice drifted off, his eyes looking glassy and thoughtful. He dropped his eyes to the ground and gasped lightly. "I like your shoes!"

I blushed at the compliment, feeling my cheeks and the tips of my ears turn red. Not that it was too noticable, because of the skin tone all of us Andersons have. It felt weird getting complimented on something that I was wearing. I was what you would call a tomboy, so my clothes were not exactly the most fabulous. I did not like getting complimented at all that much. I knew it should make me feel good, but I didn't want too much attention put on me.

I looked down at my black knee-high converse with a bit of sequins on them. "Thanks, I think they're-"

"Chuck Taylors."

"...Yes, they are," I raised a brown at him. Every boy I've met just called them converse. Then again, almost every boy I've met was sort of stupid. Maybe I just have a bad choice of guy friends.

"I am very into fashion," Kurt said. "Have you ever heard of Marc Jacobs? Alexander McQueen? Gucci?"

I shook my head, utterly confused. What the hell was he talking about? Were these people he knew? His eyebrows shot up.

"My dear, someday, I will teach you the art of fashion." He saw my nose crinkle in disgust. Fashion was not my thing, and I didn't really want it to be. I liked how I dressed. It was casual, albeit slightly boyish, but with a bit of flair so it wasn't boring."It's a very useful skill, trust me. Even tomboys can have a fashion sense, which I'm guessing you are one."

I knew he was gay, everything about him just said so. The high voice, the clothing, the way he looked at Blaine as if he was a god (don't get me wrong, Blaine is great, but I didn't want Kurt looking at him like that just yet, not when I didn't know anything about him) Sooner or later, I guessed he was going to bug me about my clothes style. For now, though, he seemed nice.

"Kurt," Blaine said, speaking for the first time in a while. "We should go upstairs. I could use your help with my French essay."

Damn Dalton and it's piles of homework, I thought.

"Alright," Kurt said, and he and Blaine started towards the stairs. The, the porcelain-skinned boy whipped around. "Oh! By the way, have you ever considered joining the Glee Club at McKinley?"

"Uhh, not really. I don't sing very much," I replied. At least, not in front of others.

"You should join. You would be a very nice soprano voice," Kurt urged, smiling brightly. "You'll have so much fun, I promise. Any sister of Blaine's has to be a skilled singer."

After that, Kurt and Blaine were walking up the stairs, Blaine letting Kurt in front of him. I called out my brother's name. "Blaine? We'll hang out later, right?" Weekends were usually my time with Blaine, and Kurt, no matter how nice he seemed, could not take away my whole weekend with him.

"Of course, kiddo. Just let me finish my homework and spend some time with Kurt for a while. Tonight and tomorrow afternoon, I'm all yours, okay?"

I nodded, then pulled him closer to whisper in his ear, "And is Kurt a possible boyfriend for my dear big brother?"

Blaine's cheeks and ears turned the same color mine had turned just a few minutes ago. "No, he's just a friend."

"He's super cute and gaaay..." I said in a sing-song voice, smirking at his blush. Hey, Daddy might not approve of Blaine's sexuality, but I just want him to be happy. I have tried to hook Blaine up before, but it is not as easy hooking up gay people, especially when all of the guys you know that are sixteen are straight.

"He just went through something that hurt him emotionally. I wouldn't even try hitting on him right now," he replied. He was too dapper somethimes. Then, he added hurriedly, "Not that I would. He's a friend."

"Okay, Blaine, whatever you say," I said, winking. He knew that I saw through him, Blaine and I could never keep things from each other for long. I would get it out of him tonight after our monthly Harry Potter Marathon. "I'll drop it, for now."

"Thank you," Blaine said. He started back up the stairs, then turned his back to face me. "By the way, Bree, I'll be sure to tell Kurt you think he's super cute." My eyes widened and his jogged up the stairs.

"Blaine, don't you dare!" I called up, feeling my face flush again. I heard him chuckle from upstairs. "You suck!"

"I love you, too!" I heard from his room. I rolled my eyes, but smiled nonetheless. He had made a new friend and he was home. That was all the mattered to me at the moment.


That was about one year ago.

I will be starting my first day as a freshman at McKinley in one week. Kurt and Blaine, both now transfered to McKinley, will be starting their senior years. Things between Blaine and I, and Kurt and I, have taken a bit of a turn for the worse.

My name is Bree Anderson, and this is my story.

So, what do you think? This is going to be my first chapter story (you know, one that is not just one oneshot per chapter) and I hope that I do well with it. This first chapter/intro here might not seem too interesting, but it will get better. Even so, tell me what you think in a review! :)

P.S. Am I the only one who thinks Chris Colfer (Kurt's actor) is supermegafoxyawesomehot? Nobody I have met thinks that, so I could use a fellow Kurtsie!