A/N I DO NOT OWN CAMP ROCK OR ANOTHER CINDERELLA STORY. I ONLY OWN THIS PLOT! Oh my gosh guys I'm so sorry this has taken me so long to get out. So much has happen and it just became too overwhelming to write. But I'm back now and ready to write. This first chapter is short but I just want to make sure people are still interested in reading this and that I haven't lost any readers with the long wait. This is the very last installment for my Camp Rock stories. Please read the previous ones on this order 1. Camp Rock the Summer of Choices 2. The Other Side of Mitchie Torress 3. Another Camp Rock 4. The Summer of Sorrows. You need to read those to understand this one. If you've already read those then you may continue on with this one. Please let me know if I should continue or not or even if I still have any readers? All I'm asking is for one reviewer to tell me they are still reading and willing to review and I'll continue. Thanks guys sorry for talking so much.

Summary: Mitchie and Mary are determined to never show their faces at Camp Rock again. Joey and Shane think other wise. It starts out as a awesome rock star tour which comes with it's own adventures, Mary even sees her dad again, but the tour ends at Camp Rock, will the guys ever get the girls back on the Camp Rock stage or will Camp Star take over for good?

On with the story:

Wake up, shower, dress, eat breakfast, go to class, eat lunch, go to more classes, come home, eat dinner, do homework, and go to bed. For Mitchie Torres and Mary Santiago that was a normal day for them. They both attended the Manhattan Academy of Performing Arts but it wasn't teaching them anything new. They were just happy school was almost over for the summer. They had no other friends other than each other and both their boyfriends were away.

"I wish we had something more exciting to do this summer." Mitchie sighed.

"What about Camp Rock?" Mary asked.

"Are you kidding after what happen last summer I can't ever show my face there again. Plus I'm not going to camp where Axel Turner is the leader. He's a monster."

Mary sighed. "Good point. Looks like it's just the two of us this summer. Joey and Shane are both touring."

"Yippee I can't wait."

Mary giggled. Just then there was knock at the front door.

"Who could that be?"

Mitchie got up and looked through the peek hole.

"OH MY GOSH!" she squealed. "SHANE!"

"Ah, Mitchie little warning next time." Mary said covering her ears.

Mitchie just giggled and opened the door. She jumped into her boyfriends arms hugging him tightly. He chuckled and hugged her back. Joey went into the living room.

"JOEY!" She squealed. She jumped up and raced into his arms hugging him tightly. He hugged her back too.

"What are you doing here we thought you were on tour all summer?" Mitchie asked.

"Yeah, I thought Joey Parker and Connect 3 grand tour was going worldwide?" Mary said.

"Oh it has, but we missed you two too much and demanded that we see our girls at least once a week, so they agreed to allow you to some time with us." Joey said.

Shane smirked. "You two girls don't have any plans for this summer do you? "

"No why?"

"Because our Producers have allowed us to take you with on tour, they even said you could come onto stage and sing with us."

"REALLY!" both girls squealed.

"Yep, if you don't want to sing you get free back stage passes and we get to hang out all the time before and after the shows." Joey said.

Both girls squealed.

"So do you want to go?" they teased.

"Of course!"

"Well go pack, the tour bus leaves in two hours."


Both girls rushed into their rooms to pack their bag They guys chuckled.

"Do you really think we did the right thing?" Joey asked. "You and I both know Mitchie and Mary never want to return to Camp Rock."

"I know and that's why we have to do this. We need to get the girls back on that stage otherwise they may never sing again and I can't let that happen. Mitchie and Mary need to get over their fears of Camp Rock and the only way to do it is to bring them back there. They might not be happy about it but it's what needs to happen." Shane explained.

"I just feel bad, like we're lying to them."

"We aren't lying to them. We are taking them on tour with us, that tour is just going to end at Camp Rock, plus Mary just doesn't want to go because Mitchie doesn't want to go. I'm sure you'll have no real problem getting Mary to go. It's Mitchie I'm worried about and that's only because she's so scared of Axel."

"Why is she so scared of Axel?"

"It's kind of a long story but Mitchie once had to go to Axel's camp and he pushed her so hard and worked her to the point of Mitchie losing her love for the music causing her to develop stage fright and I know she never really got over it. Also something happen while Mitchie was with Axel, something bad I just don't know what it is."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, I just know Mitchie is hiding something and it's part of the reason she is so scared of going back to Camp Rock where Axel is the leader."

Joey sighed. "I hope it works. I can't stand seeing Mary like this."

"Me two Bro, me too."

Both guys sighed. If they were doing this to help their girls why did they feel so horrible about it?

A/N so what do you think should I continue? If you have a favorite Demi Lavoto, Jonas Brother's, or Selena Gomez song you'd like them to sing while on tour please feel free to tell me. I will be using Skyscraper and Who Says later on in the story but if you have any other ideas please feel free to tell me. All right I've done enough talking so please leave a review if you want me to continue.