Well I couldn't help it. Here it is. My version of a series of games between our favorite dhampirs and moroi, starting off with none other than... TRUTH OR DARE! Ya! (enthusiastically plays air guitar!) So here it is. Remember: I do not own Vampire Academy or any of its amazing characters.


It was a typical Friday evening. Dimtiri and I were lounging on my bed watching some horror movie, Scream 3 to be exact. I was currently curled up next to him, my legs draped over his lap, my head resting on his chest, and my hands were holding one of his. His other hand was wrapped around my waist, holding me against him.

"NO! PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T! OH GOD HEL- AHHHHH!" The woman on the screen screamed as she dragged her broken body against the floor while the masked killer stalked her.

I cringed as the masked dude repetitively stabbed the girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes, who freakishly looked like me. I buried my face in Dimitri's chest and pushed myself against him, cowering away from the tv screen. I honestly don't know why I continued to torture myself with scary movies. They freaked the shit out of me. Of course it was all worth it to have a chance to snuggle up to my hunky Russian.

The masked man stabbed the girl once more time and I quietly shrieked. Dimitri rubbed my side and tilted my face up. I met his lips half way and softly connected our lips. "It's alright, Roza." He cooed, slipping his hand under my baby tee and resting it on the skin of my side.

"I know. I have my big strong Russian to protect me." I said, looking up at him through my long eyelashes. He picked me up by the waist and set me on his lap so that I was straddling him. He set his hands on my cheeks and looked me in the eyes.

"I will always protect you." He said sincerely.

"Mmmm..." I groaned and wrapped my arms around his waist. I nuzzled our noses together and kissed his lips. "I love you, Comrade."

Dimitri kissed my lips again and opened his mouth to speak when a voice cut him off. "Awww... You guys are so cute!" The voice cooed. I shrieked and jumped about ten feet in the air. I hopped behind Dimitri's back and cowered behind him. I peeked over his shoulder to see Christian and Lissa in the doorway. I huffed and wrapped my arms around Dimitri's torso, rested my head on his shoulder, and kissed his neck. Lissa looked amused and Christian just smirked. "Good to see that even the great Rose Hathaway hides behind her Russian." Christian laughed plopping down on my couch and putting his feet up on the opposite arm that he was leaning against. Lissa walked in after him and picked up his feet, sat down on the couch, then set his feet in her lap.

I barred my teeth at Christian and growled at him, then went back to to kissing Dimitri's neck and rubbing his abs through his shirt. Dimitri just groaned, happily.

"I mean seriously dude, how do you have sex with that thing. It's a bi-polar animal." Lissa hit Christian's leg. Dimitri grabbed me and pulled me around to the front of him. I straddled his lap and he kissed me hard. He gripped the skin under my shirt and held me too him as I twined my fingers in his hair.

The door barged open again. "Wow, wow, wooooow! Dimitri and Rose are giving a free porno and I wasn't invited! What kind of world is this." Asked Adrian as he took a seat on my desk chair. We pulled apart to see Eddie and Mia enter after him.

"Ya I'll take an invite to the next one." Eddie laughed as he and Mia took a seat on the floor. "Oh cool Scream 3!" Eddie said. Everyone turned towards the screen just as mask dude stabbed another girl and blood squirted everywhere. I squealed and latched onto Dimitri, burying my face in his neck.

"Turn it off!" I mumbled into Dimitri's neck. He picked up the clicker and clicked the movie off. I breathed a sigh of relief and turned a little in Dimitri's arms and faced my friends. "Soooooo... What'cha doing in my room on this lovely Friday night?" I asked.

"Well... I was thinking-" Adrian started.

I burst out laughing. "Wait, wait, you were thinking! Holy fuck, alert the media." I laughed. Eddie, Christian, and Dimitri joined me.

"Anyways. I think we should play, drum roll please, TRUTH OR DARE!" Adrian yelled, almost falling off his chair in the process.

"Alright, I'm down." Everyone murmured agreements and settled down to start the game.

"But before we start I have one twist." Adrian said, everyone looked at him skeptically. "On truths everyone has to answer the question, not just the thruthie- or what ever it's called. So in some ways the people that say truth are punishing everyone." He explained. everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'll go first." Christian turned to me. "Rose, truth or dare?" He asked me with an evil smirk.

I smiled at him "Dare."

"Show how you would have sex with any object in this room for one minute, include yelling, shrieking, screaming, or what ever else you do... In your favorite position." Christian laughed.

I grabbed Dimitri's hand. "Oh man this is a hard one. -OH I know!" I yelled, pushing Dimitri down on the bed so that he was leaning against the headboard. i sat down on top of him and straddled his hips. I began to bounce up and down at a quick pace. "OH-YA... MMMMMM! YA! O-OH FU-FUUUUCK COMRADDDDEEE!" I squealed as I continued to bounce up and down. Dimitri just let me ride him, I didn't expect him to do anything because it wasn't his dare. "I really-UGH li-like the-mmmm cow-cowgirl position." I moaned out. Everyone was laughing hysterically.

I wrapped my arms around Dimitri's neck and pushed my lips to his. Dimitri gripped my hips in his hands and pushed me backwards onto my back and he was hovering over me. A loud whistle brought us out of our lustful haze. We turned to see Eddie, holding a silver whistle...

"Is that a rape whistle?" I asked him with a what the fuck look.

"Yup! Isn't she pretty?" Eddie asked batting his eyelashes and stroking the shiny think in his hands.

"No..." I said and looked up at Dimitri, who was still hovering over me. I patted his chest a few times. "Alright tiger. Get up." Dimitri sat back up and I plopped down in his lap. I tuned to Mia next. "Now Mia." I smiled at her. "Truth or Dare?" I asked her.

Mia looked at me nervous. "Truth..." She said.

"Okay Where is the weirdest place you have had sex and who was it with. Now this applies to everyone so spill." I said with an evil look.

"O-kay. Um, well, I guess the weirdest place I had sex was in Ralph's room... Between Jesse and Ralph..." She said, turning bright red.

"EWWWWWWWWWW!" Lissa squealed and buried her head in Christian's chest the same time I yelped and wrapped myself around Dimitri.

I turned my head to the side a little and looked at Mia and smiled. "What did you do, the monkey hanger, backwards bicycle, 696, OH- I bet you had one up the-"

Mia cut me off. "OKAY, ROSE! Enough. No, I didn't have one up the ass hole and no I didn't do any of those things you named. I just was you know between them." She said. "The london bridge if you want to be exact."

I snorted. "Aw your no fun!"

Everyone looked at me skeptically. "What have you done Little Dhampir?" Adrian asked excitedly. Perv...

"Nothing you need to know." I smiled and snuggled into Dimitri. "Now keep going. All of you need to explain the weirdest place you had sex."

"In a bush." Eddie said. "Well behind a bush, with Meredith."

"Oh hot damn! Eddie got down with Mer-bear!" I laughed.

Adrain went next "In an elevator." Adrian said. "I actually don't remember who it was with. Shame, that was a good one. I think she was blonde... Dirty blonde." He gave a dirty smile, remembering back to that time.

"Only you, Adrian." Lissa said, shaking his head.

Mia looked at him skeptically. "Is that even possible?" She asked.

"Sure. Anything is possible." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

I turned to Christian and Lissa next. "Let me guess. In a church attic?" I asked them. Christian just nodded, smug bastard. Lissa turned red and looked down. "Now Comrade-" I said putting my arm around him. "How about you." I giggled.

"Hummm..." Dimitri looked thoughtful and wrapped me in his arms. "It must be with you. And-" He stopped to think. "And the place probably has to be either Christian's room or the roof of the boys dhampir dorms." Christian's and Eddie's jaw dropped.

"You had sex in my room!" He shouted, jumping up off the couch.

"You had sex on top of my building!" Eddie said in outrage.

"Oh calm down Christian. It was only once and really it was your fault, your the one who left us in there. And Eddie, well I couldn't help it I was visiting Dimitri on his shift." I laughed at their outraged expression.

"Please, just at least tell me it wasn't on the bed." Christian begged. I smiled innocently at him and ducked into Dimitri's arms when he lunged.

"You don't want to do that Christian." Dimitri said, shaking his head at Christian. Christian grumbled something and sat back down on the couch.

Mia turned to Lissa. "Alright Liss... Truth or Dare?" She asked.

"Dare?" She questioned nervously.

"I dare you to go to Stan's room in your underwear and beg him to let you use his bathroom. If he refuses you have to do whatever you can to get in there in use the toilet. Once he finally lets you, you have to sigh say, 'that's alright I just went.'" Everyone burst out laughing. Lissa blushed beet red and started to undress. She finally got down to her little pink undies and little pink bra. We all walked out with her and towards Stan's dorm.

"I hate you guys." She muttered as Christian tried to shield her from the cold Montana air. We went up the back stair well and exited it on the third floor, Stan's floor. I pushed Lissa out into the hall as we all hid around the corner. Lissa approached Stan's door and knocked three times.

Finally, Stan came to the door, in his underwear. I tuned into Dimitri and made barfing noises. He chuckled and rubbed my back in a soothing way.

"Princess Vasilisa? What are you doing here? And where are your clothes!" Stan said in outrage.

"Hey St- um- I mean Guardian Alto!" Lissa squeaked hopping up and down holding her crotch. Holy hell she looked hilarious. "Listen I REALLY have to pee so if you would be so kind could I please use your bathroom?" She asked in a pinched voice as she continued to jump up and down.

"WHAT? NO! Use your own bathroom!" Stan yelled and tried to shut the door. Lissa stuck out the hand that wasn't holding on to her underwear to stop the door from shutting.

"PLEASE STAN! I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT RUNNING WATER! GOD I FEEL THE PEE TRICKLING DOWN MY LEG!" She screamed. I had to bit my hand to stop myself from bursting out laughing.

"Princess there is a public bathroom right down the hall, why don't you go there?" He asked.

"I can't make it! Oh god Stan please I can't make it! Just let me use your bathroom!" She yelled at him.

"NO! In the time you have been standing here you could have gone to the public bathroom!" Stan yelled back at her. They were now in an all out screaming match. This went on for a few more minutes until Lissa tuned on the water works.

"Please help me, Stan!" She sobbed dropping down to her knees. "Just let me use your porcelain throne!" Dang, Lis was a really good actress.

Stan sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He finally opened his door wider. "Fine Princess, you may use my bathroom." Stan finally said.

Lissa looked up at him with saucer eyes, paused for a few minutes, then sighed happily. "Never mind. I just went." She quickly got off the ground and skipped off towards us. "Seriously, hate you guys." She said as she walked passed us. We followed her back to my dorm to continue our little game.

We all settled back down in my dorm, waiting for Lissa to pick a victim. She turned to Eddie.

"Eddie truth or Dare?" She asked.

"Truth. I'm too lazy for a dare right now." He said.

"Okay Eddie, and rest of the group. What is your most embarrassing moment." Oh fuck, I can't tell them mine.

"Well ah... I was at a costume party last year for Halloween and Jesse was there, dressed as a girl from the Jersey Shore. Well I thought he was really a girl so I started to make out with him. and it got all the way to the point that we were feeling each other up. And thats when I felt them..." Eddie shuddered.

"WHAT?" We all asked in anticipation.

"His... His... His... BALLS!" He screeched. Everyone burst out laughing.

I pointed at him and laughed my ass off. "You... and... and... Oh my god!" I screamed and continued to laugh. I couldn't even finish my sentence. We all calmed down about five minutes later.

Mia was next. "Well I was in class and" She took a deep breath. "I queefed." Christian and I burst out laughing. I actually fell off Dimitri's lap and the bed and onto the floor. I smacked the floor as hard as I could and screamed into the carpet. I rolled over onto my back and continued to laugh. That's when I realized that no one else was laughing, save for Christian. Thy were looking at me like I was stupid while I was looking at them like they were stupid.

"Um... Why aren't you guys hysterically laughing on the floor like the beautiful goddess in front of you?" I asked them, gesturing to myself. I gasped. "OH MI GAWD!" I said in an over exaggerated tone. "You don't know what a... a... a... a Queef is?" They all shook their heads no. I quickly pulled my iphone off of my bedside table and typed in my passcode... Dimitri's birthday, cough, cough, and went to Safari. I found urban dictionary and typed in queef.

I cleared my throat and began to read. "1. Queef- an expulsion of wind from the vulva during coitus; a vaginal fart. ex.- Rumor has it that Thea can queef the alphabet. 2. Queef- the expulsion of air from a vagina after sexual intercourse, usually very fast-paced or deep intercourse, and most often resulting after the "doggy style" position, or variants of said position. queefs are known to have a "wet" sound, and can occur during intercourse, or after. queefs occur when an object, usually a penis, creates a vacuum of air inside the vagina, usually because of a certain angle or position, or because of use of a condom, and happen when the penis or object is removed or pushed deeper into the vagina. many think of queefs as a "sex interrupter" because females are usually embarrassed and males usually embarrassed or amused as the very unique and recognizable sound of a queef. ex.- julia coughed loudly to drown out her queef as brian pulled out." I took a deep breath and continued on.

"3. Air expulsion from the vaginal area usually after sex. In the eighteenth century, it was common practice for small groups of well-to-do Southern women to each lift up their corsets and "queef" at their leisure on warm, summer afternoons. Typically performed on balconies or porches, these women would insert various large objects in their TOOTS and slowly pull them out to create the desired sound. These "porch parties" would provide hours of fun for the ladies while the men were away, and, from a practical standpoint, at times, enough air circulation as a respite from the brutal summer heat. Small wagers were often placed with the winner going to longest continuous queef, highest pitch, lowest pitch, smelliest, and wettest. There was also the queef sing-a-long; and a special prize was given to any women whose queef could attract wildlife. ex- Annabelle tried to conceal her queef at the governors ball but to no avail."

Everyone was on the floor laughing by now, except Mia, who was totally embarrassed.

"Okay that was totally messed up!" Eddie laughed. "I mean what the fuck is a porch party?" Everyone continued to laugh until we finally calmed down.

"So Rose you must queef a lot." Adrian said. I looked at him outraged.

"Why would you say that?" I asked him.

"Well it did say you queef after very fast-paced, deep, doggie style, intercourse. So I just assumed..." Adrian shrugged.

I gasped in outrage. "Dimitri and don't just have very fast paced, deep, doggie style sex... Sometimes it is very sweet love making." I said in a dreamy tone.

"And other times you fuck like rabbits..." Christian said under his breath. I pulled one of my shoes off the ground and chucked it at his head, hitting him dead on. He groaned from the impact.

"Adrian?" Lissa asked. while I was trying to get back on the bed.

"I was holding this girls hand when I was at college and we let go for a few seconds. The street was pretty crowded and when I went to grab it again, I grabbed some guys junk!" Adrain said. I was so close to being up on the bed again, but when I heard that I fell off again, laughing.

"What is up with you guys and grabbing peoples junk?" I laughed as hard as I could.

Next up was my turn. "Rose?" Lissa asked. I crawled under the covers of my bed and shook my head.

"Come on Roza." Dimitri said as he pulled me out from under the covers.

I took a deep breath and looked at them. "Well... I was in Dimitri's room with him. And we were, you know, getting intimate. And, um, I kind of got my period... Everywhere."

Everyone burst out laughing except Dimitri, he just chucked and rubbed my back in a soothing way.

"So, wait... Then what did you do?" Lissa asked me.

"I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in there. Then Dimitri took the sheets off the bed and got some new ones. Then we showered together. And then I gave him head..." I trailed off.

"Awwww! Happy ending!" Lissa squealed.

"Lucky Bastard..." Adrian mumbled. Dimitri growled and I patted his chest.

"Comrade... Most embarrassing moment?" I asked him.

He chuckled. "Well Roza and I were in one of the cabins. And we were naked..."

"Big shocker." Christian mumbled. Lissa smacked him on the back of the head.

Dimitri shot Christian a look and continued. "Anyway the door started to open. So I pushed Rose under the bed and covered myself with a sheet to see Alberta and Stan walk in. They just looked at me weird, nodded to me, and said 'Belikov', then they walked out." Dimitri shrugged. I giggled. I remembered that day. Stan and Alberta looked at Dimitri like he was insane.

"Oh my god! That's hilarious. They probably went there to do the same thing." Mia laughed. I shook my head at her and we continued our game.

"Fire-ass, what's your most embarrassing moment?" I asked him.

"Ugh, well... I walked in on my Aunt Tasha and some guy... And he was-" Christian swallowed. "-He was going down on her." Everyone burst out laughing. Tasha, she was such a stupid bitch.

"Poor Chrissy." I cooed. He glared at me.

"It wasn't funny. I was scarred for life." Christian shuddered.

Eddie looked too Dimitri. "Truth or Dare, man?" He asked.

"Dare." Dimitri said confidently.

"I dare you to let the us wax your eyebrows, pubic hair and... hum... Happy trail!" Eddie said.

"NO!" I growled. Eddie's eyebrows shot up.

"Why?" He asked.

"I like his happy trail where it is, thank you very much." I humphed and crossed my arms.

"Well toooooo bad!" Eddie said, drawing out the 'o'.

"Do I have to do this?" Dimitri asked, giving me a pouty face.

I sighed loudly. "I guess so." I said and got up to go get my waxing kit. I grabbed it out of the bathroom and passed it to Lissa and Mia, who began heating up the wax and getting the strips ready.

"Were good!" Lissa said, setting up the hot wax and strips on my bedside table. Dimitri lied down on my bed and I took hold of his and and squeezed.

"I've never been waxed before." Dimitri said, giving me a lazy smile. I grinned and kissed his forehead.

"It doesn't hurt too bad." I smiled and tried to make him feel better. Truth is, it hurts like a bitch. Lissa grabbed the wax stick and ran it along the under part of his eyebrow. Dimitri flinched from the hot wax. Meanwhile, Eddie, Christian, and Adrian where having a field day watching. They were laughing so hard. I grabbed the fabric strip and pressed it over the hot wax on his eyebrow.

"One... Two... Three..!" I yelled and quickly yanked the fabric.

"Святое дерьмо! Это больно, как сука! (Holy shit! That hurt like a bitch!)" Dimitri growled. I giggled and squinted a little.

"Sorry baby." I laughed and kissed the red patch of skin where I waxed him. I moved on to the next eyebrow. Only doing each eyebrow once so that they were even. "Very nice." I commented as Lissa and I observed our work. His eyebrows looked perfect and he had two little even red marks from where the skin was pulled.

"Lets move on..." Lissa said. We had Dimitri pulled up his shirt and I almost started salivating at the sight. God, he was fine. Dimitri chuckled at my aw struck expression. I waxed up the little line of hair that lead from his belly button to his... um, package. Dimitri squeezed his eyes shut as I lied the strip of fabric against the wax.

"l'une... deux... trois..!" I counted in French and ripped the hair away. Dimitri gritted his teeth and hissed a little at the feeling. "Almost done, Baby." I said kissing the spot on his stomach that I waxed. Dimitri moaned and buried his fingers in my hair. I giggled and continued to kiss. Lissa pulled me away from Dimitri's body and gave me a stern look. She handed me the wax stick and the strip of fabric.

" I really think you want to be the one to do the next one." She said.

"Got that right." I said taking the waxing stuff from Lissa. I unbuttons Dimitri's jeans and pulled them down just far enough so that I could wax the hair, but no one could see his dick. I put the wax all over his pubic hair and yanked it all off. I didn't want it too look weird so I finished up the job, making sure it looked nice and even. I gave him little butterfly kisses over that places I waxed to make him feel better, then I came up to sit in his lap. I kissed the hallow of his ear and whispered, "I'll make it up too you later." he just smiled and pulled me closer to him.

Adrian cleared his throat, ruining Dimitri and I's moment, and said. "Moving on..." He said. Dimitri and I's heads whipped around to glare at Adrian.

"Alright Ivashkov, truth or dare?" Dimitri asked him.

"Dare." Adrian said smugly. You could feel the the male egos in the room, more like Dimitri and Adrian's egos.

"I dare you to go down to the commons naked and run around for a little bit then hump the first girl's leg you see... Not Rose." He added.

Adrian's face dropped. I don't think he was expecting Dimitri to come up with such an awesome dare. Adrian began to strip and I did have to admit, he had a pretty good body, nothing like the sexy bulging muscles of my Comrade, but still something, it was little, but still something. I screamed and buried my face in Dimitri's chest as Adrian took off his pants.

"What's wrong Rose. Shocked to see what a real man looks like?" Adrian questioned. Trying to be cocky. I tried to raise an eyebrow at him, to no avail.

I smirked. "Believe me. Dimitri is ten times the man you'll ever be. If you know what I'm saying." I winked and rubbed Dimitri's biecp while licking my lips. Dimitri chuckled and shook his head at us. Before Adrian could say anything I continued. "Look Adrian just go down to the commons and do your dare so that we have to stare at your chode anymore." I laughed. Adrian huffed, obviously he wasn't going to win this one, and left.

We all looked out my window, which had a great view of the commons, to watch the show. Five minutes later Adrian came into view. He started running around, flailing his arms around as he went. People watched and laughed, some looked at him in disgust, others in amusement. Finally he stopped and turned around, only to come face to face with Alberta. He got down on his knees and started humping her leg and rubbing himself against her leg. Alberta's face turned angry and she shook him off her and slapped him. She then proceeded to bitch him out. Although we couldn't her here because they were too far away, we could still see the speed at which Alberta's mouth was moving. He had an embarrassed look on his face and she slapped him one more time before walking away. Adrian scrambled off the ground and grabbed himself before running back up to my room. We were all on the floor laughing by this point.

"Never again." He growled, putting his clothes back on.

We all laughed some more before setting back down into our game.

"Rose truth or dare?" Adrian asked me. I knew this wouldn't end well.

"Dare, of course." I scoffed. He smiled evilly.

"I dare you to be naked for the rest of the game." He smirked.

Dimitri roared at him and tried to lunge. I grabbed him around the neck and held on. I kissed up and down his neck, attempting to calm him down. "Shhhh..." I cooed. I turned to Adrian. "Think of something else. Cause I can't hold Dimitri back forever." I told him.

"Fine. Only underwear." Adrian sighed, not wanting to settle.

"Pay attention, because this is a once in a life time thing." I said and stood up on the bed. I slowly took off my white baby tee to reveal my deep purple victoria's secret push up bra with black lace trim. I then turned around and slid down my white cotton shorts to show my personalized black lace undies. Scrawled across the but in little diamonds was Mrs. Belikova. All, and I mean all, the boys stopped what they were doing and stared at me.

Adrian groaned. "Walking. Boner." He gasped out as he fell off his chair. Dimitri pulled me down into his arms and kissed me hard, his hands roaming all over my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and weaved my fingers through his hair, holding him to me.

"I love your underwear." Dimitri whispered in my ear as he kissed my neck. I giggled and nipped at his lip. I lead his hands down to my ass, where he squeezed.

"Really?" I asked with a proud smile. "I got a few more too." I told him. I really did, one said Dimitri's Playground, one said, Property of Dimitri, and the last one said, I 'heart' Guardian Belikov, the 'heart' was an actual heart.

"Nice underwear, Rose!" Mia said, giggling. Everyone else was looking at me with amusement, except Adrian, who just looks pissed about the whole situation.

"You've been with Dimitri as a real couple for what... 'a month and a half.' Yet you already have underwear that say Mrs. Belikova?" Lissa said shaking her head with an amused smile. She knew how much I loved Dimitri, she just liked to joke about it with me.

I shivered a little and Dimitri wrapped me in his duster to keep me warm. Adrian made a noise of protest. "Hey! Quite hiding the view!" Adrian complained. Dimitri growled at him.

"It's okay baby..." I said, patting Dimitri's chest. "Your get to look and touch." I smiled and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me, but I could tell he was still glaring at Adrian over my head. "Christian, truth or dare?" I asked him, trying to distract Adrian and Dimitri from there stare-down match.

"Umm Truth." He said.

"Describe your biggest fantasy."

"Christian looked flustered. "Umm... Well I guess it would be a some S&M with Lissa..." Christian blushed.

"Oooohh! Kinky Christian. Maybe I'll join and we can have a menage a trois." I giggled, wiggling my eyebrows. Dimitri growled and Christian looked like he was going to faint. I started laughing at Christian's fear of Dimitri. "Moving on..." I giggled, pretending to whip my tears away. "Liss?" I asked.

"Oh uh well probably making a sex tape?" She shrugged.

I snorted. "Been there, done that." Everyone but Dimitri's jaws dropped.

Adrian actually fell off his chair, again. "YOU. HAVE. A. SEX. TAPE!" He gasped. I laughed and nodded, hugging Dimitri. Adrian jumped up and started rummaging through my stuff. "Has to be here somewhere..." He mumbled, looking thought my drawers.

"No it actually isn't." I laughed and shook my head. It was actually in Dimitri's room, but I wasn't about to tell him that. Actually now that I mentioned it, he could get in a bunch of trouble if someone found it.

"Probably in his room..." Adrian mumbled to himself. Crazy...

"HEY CRAZY!" I yelled. Adrian looked up. "You'll never find it. So I'd just stop thinking about it." I laughed as Adrian's face fell.

"Anyway on to... Eddie." I said in surprise, pointing to him.

He gasped in fake shock. "Who me?" He asked.

"Ya you Vagina-boob!" I laughed. Everyone cracked up laughing.

"What is wrong with this school!" Lissa cried in a joking manner. "We have teachers and students together, kids having threesomes, people making sex tapes, kids calling each other vagina boobs, people running around naked, and sex crazed teens... I mean granted that most of those things are Rose and Dimitri-"

"Hey!" Dimitri and I yelled.

"But still!" Lissa gasped.

"God just thing if boys and girls were seperated. Just think of what the we would resort to..." Mia shook her head.

"I bet there would be some horny lesbians up in this bitch!" I said.

"Well girls and boys aren't meant to be sepreate." Lissa said hugging Christian.

"No, boys are meant to be on top of girls!" I giggled and pulled Dimitri on top of me for a long passionate kiss.

"Right..." Lissa rolled her eyes again. "Anyways, Eddie answer the question." She said, looking at him.

"Uh, sex with Mia, in a little school girl outfit, in Stan's class." Everyone burst out laughing.

"Why, Stan's class?" Mia asked lightly holding on to his hand. God, she is so... Dainty.

"I don't know... It was a dream." Eddie shrugged.

"Wet dream!" I coughed. Everyone cracked up again.

"Adrian..." I said, wryly. I know this is going to involve me and I don't know if I can hold Dimitri back from kicking his ass this time.

"Well... Anything that involves Rose in a naughty outfit is pretty good for me... Help-" Adrian was cut off by Dimitri punching him in the face. Oh it was a good punch too. His whole eye had already started to swell up and it was bright red, starting to turn purplish.

"GO BABE!" I cheered, jumping up and down on my bed and clapping my hands together. After he was done Dimitri came back to me and swept me off my feet and into his arms. I clasped my hands around his neck and pushed my lips on his. "Why thank ya'll for defending my honor." I said in a southern drawl. Dimitri kissed my lips once again.

"Anytime Roza." Dimitri chuckled.

"HEY! Over here! Anyone care that I have a black eye!" Adrian complained, trying to get our attention.

"Your lucky you don't have a broken nose..." Dimitri growled.

"Or worse." I threatened. Lissa sighed and got off the couch. She kneeled in front of Adrian and I felt the hot and cold sensation of her spirit. I looked up to see Adrian only with a smirk on his face, no black eye, not even a scratch.

"Liss..." I groaned. "Don't heal his dumb ass. He needs too learn a lesson!"

Lissa just shrugged and took her place next to Sparky: the Wonder Fire. Ha, new name for Christian, I gotta start writing these down.

Dimitri sat us back down on the bed and we started heavily making out. Gotta love my Comrade.

"Alright I am going to say that truth or dare is done for now. We can resume later if need be- Rose, Dimitri! Are you two listening!" She yelled at us. We were still kissing.

I pulled away long enough to say, "Um-hum.. Ya." Then went back to kissing. We pulled back after one last kiss and Dimitri and I got up. "Ya we can pick up a new game later... Maybe hide and seek?" I asked with a hopeful smile. Hide and seek, like most games, was my shit.

"Ya sure..." everyone agreed and filed out of my room. Dimitri was about to go to but I pulled him back by the hand.

"And where do you think your going?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him. He gave me that adorable half smile and set his hands on my waist.

He sighed and kissed my forehead. "I have shift at three a.m., Baby. Last time I stay here with that shift you woke up when I got out bed." I gave him the old big watery eyes and pouty lips... Like that his resolve crumbled. Dimitri softly kissed my lips and ran his hands through my hair. "It's scary how much control you have over me." He smiled and lead me over to the bed. He grabbed some of his old sweat pants that he left here a while ago and put them on and took off his shirt. I took his freshly worn shirt and put it after taking off my bra.

I loved wearing his shirts right after he worn them because they smelled most like him. "Love you, Comrade." I yawned as I snuggled into bed with him. he pulled me close against him and kissed my head.

"I love you too, Roza." he sighed. Those were the last words I heard before I fell asleep in the arms of my Russian god.

Soooooooooo... What did ya think? This is kind of an creative outlet for Just Normal Vampire Life, because as you can see I have been having trouble finding inspiration for that story. So this is to get my creative juices flowing. I really hope you guys like it. The whole story is going to be like this. Just little one shots about the games that our favorite dhampirs and moroi play. I love you all... Keep me inspired by reviewing. Hugs and kisses...
