A/N So, after reading many wonderful stories on here I really wanted to try my hand at this. Am I nervous about doing this, hell yeah. Can I promise that it will be any good, hell no. It's just a piece of fluffy nonsense and hopefully not too much OOC.

Oh yeah, the disclaimer part. What everyone else says and I own nothing but this piece of nonsense.

Kate was glad the day was over, the case had been wrapped up, paperwork was done and the perp was currently in booking. It hadn't been a particularly trying case, but she was glad to finally be going home. She wasn't on call this weekend, so if any bodies dropped, they would be someone else's concern.

She let out a puff of air and pushed her hands through her hair, her elbows still on her desk, tiredness waving over her.

"Yo boss, you alright?" Esposito asked. "You're looking kinda flushed."

She turned to face him, her clammy hands shifting down over her face. "Yeah, I'm fine" she answered, "Been a long day, ya know?" She pushed her hair behind her ears before standing up, taking her coffee mug back to the break room.

She was surprised to see Castle still there, he'd said his goodbyes earlier and she just assumed he'd gone home; it was after 7.00pm after all. She watched as he finished drying off his mug.

"Castle, what you still doing here, I thought you'd gone home already?"

Castle turned around to find Beckett staring at him in wonder. "Ah detective, missing my company already are we?" he quipped. "You know, you don't have to hide your embarrassment at wanting to see me." He teased.

"What are you talking about Castle?" she asked, suddenly leaning against the frame of the break room door.

"Your flushed cheeks," he answered, "there is no mistaking that sign." He started to walk towards her as she cut him off in his stride.

"The only sign you're getting Mr Castle, is of me walking out of here and going home for the weekend. I think you should lay off the coffee Castle, it's making you delusional." With the last word in, she placed down her mug, rolled her eyes at him and walked off. Usually she enjoyed their banter and innuendo. If truth be told, sometimes it was the only thing that got her through the particularly hard days, but tonight she just wanted to get home. She had a feeling she might be coming down with something. She had no doubt though that Castle was watching her ass as she walked off and in true form, she turned at the last minute to catch him watching her. "Night guys." she shouted as she entered the elevator.

"What's up with Beckett?" Castle asked as he walked back to where Ryan and Esposito were sitting. "I was going to ask if you all wanted to go to the Old Haunt for some drinks, chill out for a while. I hear the owner gives out free drinks." He was smiling as that last comment came out.

"I dunno bro; I asked her the very same question." Esposito started to say, "She's probably just tired, it's been a long week in here." He stretched over to the pizza box they'd been sharing and grabbed the last slice.

"You sure you didn't do anything? Ryan asked.

"Why do you always assume I've done something?" Castle feigned insult by holding hand over his chest.

"Cos bro, you usually do." Was the muffled answered as Esposito munched on his pizza.

"Pffft, well just for that, you can get your own drinks tonight" Castle started walking out before stopping and shouting back, "You know I'm kidding, Brian knows not to take your money if you show up."

"Thanks man." They both singed out at the same time.

Castle left the precinct and headed home. He had the loft to himself this weekend. Alexis was sorting out some final college stuff and Martha was out of town with her new play. He hated coming home to silence. Sure it was nice to have the place to yourself for some alone time, but knowing you have a whole weekend of it was another thing altogether.

He dropped his keys on the table by door and headed straight for the fridge. He opened it and stared inside. He wasn't even hungry but for whatever reason, this was what he did when he was alone. Even the beer that was currently chilling on the shelves held no interest for him tonight. He closed the door and made his way over to his office. It wasn't too late, and if he was going to be up for a while, he might as well try and be productive and get some writing done. At least he didn't have to get in the mood to write about a certain someone, that part always came easy.

His mind wandered off as to what was up with her tonight. It was nothing obvious, but something was off. Most people wouldn't even spot it, but when you spend so much time together, even the littlest of things become clear and over the years, Castle made a point of noticing everything about her, whether she knew or liked it. Too often he knew just what she needed before she did and he liked to annoy her of that fact. He picked up his phone and sent her a quick text asking if she was okay.

Beckett fished the keys out of her pocket and opened the door to her apartment. She kicked off her shoes as soon as she entered and flung her jacket over the couch and flopped down. She really wasn't feeling too good at all. She didn't feel flu like, just feverish and generally run down.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself she said out loud and she dragged herself from the couch and made her way into the kitchen. Turning on the cold water, she let it run for a bit before putting her hands under it and splashing her face with water.

Grabbing a bottle of water she headed for her bedroom. With the bottle on the nightstand, she undressed herself and put on a string vest and shorts. It was the least she could actually wear without being naked.

Moving to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and caught the reflection of herself in the mirror. God, Castle had been right, she was flushed. In fact, not only was her face a lovely shade of red, but her neck and down the front of her chest was turning a nice shade of crimson too.

She braced herself over the sink and breathed out heavily. Feeling like crap, she took herself to bed.

A good hour later and much tapping of his keyboard, there had been no reply to his text. Deciding he was getting bored and lonely; he closed his laptop and headed out. He couldn't remember seeing Beckett eating much today, so a quick stop to the Chinese on the way could do no harm he thought.

Kate could vaguely hear a knocking sound coming from her door but in honesty, she did not have the energy to answer. She wasn't expecting anyone and everyone she knew had some sort of plans tonight. She mentally reminded herself to 'get a life' once she was feeling well enough. No single woman should be in bed alone on a Friday night by 10.00pm.

"Kate" Castle called out from behind the door, "Are you in there?" After getting no answer he pulled out his phone and called her.

Kate could hear the ringing of her phone from the bedroom but the stupid thing was tucked away in the inside of her jacket and that seemed so far away just now. "Go away" she mumbled out, not really talking to anyone and certainly not directing it to Castle; she still didn't know he was standing outside.

He was getting concerned now. He could hear the phone ringing in the apartment, so he deduced that she must be in. "Kate, please open the door, you're starting to worry me. Kate." He called out again.

Deciding enough was enough he pulled out the emergency key he had. They had agreed after everything that they had been through together, and in the case of emergencies, they should have a key to each other's place. They both trusted each other and they both felt that it added that extra bit of security. In fact, it made Castle feel a whole lot better knowing she felt secure. Neither of them had used their keys, until tonight.

Castle unlocked the door and stepped inside. He almost tripped over her heels that she kicked off earlier. He spotted her jacket on the couch and as there was no sign of her in the living area, he knew she must be in the bedroom.

He stood almost frozen on the spot as images popped into his head. What if he was interrupting her in some 'intimate' act. That would explain why there was no answer to his text, phone call or him showing up. Of course in his visions, he had been the one participating in the act.

"Beckett" he called out gingerly, "Are you there?" He had his eyes closed as he asked the question. Not as if it would make any difference, but just in case. He was the firm believer that if you can't see it, then it isn't happening.

"Castle? What the hell … " was all she managed to get out, quietly.

"I couldn't get a hold you, I was starting to worry." The concern was evident in his voice.

"I'm fine Castle, just feeling a little off colour, you can go back home now."

Feeling that it was safe that she was alone, he made his way to her bedroom.

A/N Well, there you have it, the first chapter. I would be so grateful that if you enjoyed it, you could let me know and if you didn't, well keep that to yourself, I don't think my fragile ego could take a battering just now. If there is enough positive response, I will continue and if not, then I know to fling my hat in. For all that have taken the time to read it, I thank you.

This whole thing is almost written so it's just a matter of posting it up. Be warned though, it's not very long, given that it's my first one. I leave the decision in your very experienced reading and reviewing hands, continue or stop?