A/N: Just a silly little fill. Hope it isn't too confusing to figure out who is speaking!

Oh, and Mycroft calls Loki "mother" as opposed to "mummy".


"What, John?"

"There is a man on the roof watching you."

"Then let him watch."

"Sherlock, your brother's umbrella just turned into a giant carrot."

"Good. He needs to keep to his diet anyway."



"That man! He just jumped from the roof!"

"Hm? Oh! Mummy!"

"He's al-wait, what?"

"Hello mother..."

"About time you noticed me, Sherlock! And hello to you, too, Mycroft. I see you haven't been following your diet."

"Mummy, why are you here?"

"Why Sherlock! Can't a mother just watch her two sons work?"


"What, John?"

"Is he...er..."

"Oh my, you never did tell your friend about me, did you, Sherlock? How rude! And after all that trouble I took to save you from that giant Sumatran rat-"

"Mummy, you sent that after us!"

"Oh, well, I suppose I did...but I knew you'd be fine. Besides, didn't you have fun, dear? Now be a good boy and introduce me to your little friend."

"Mummy, this is John Watson. John, this is my mother, Loki Odinson."

"Laufeyson, dear."

"Banished again, mother?"

"...none of your business, Mycroft! Now eat your carrot, it's good for you!"

"Er...nice to meet you...m'am?"