Author's Note:

Chapter one of deadly sins, this story is basically a Yaoi story starring Richter and Emil, Strong language may appear from time to time and also porn, so brace yourselves.

The Demon Richter in this story is just like the Demon Richter in the game, if you confused about that part, and yes all the other demons in this story will be like that too, more or less.

Emil X Richter

Lemon with a side of lime fluff, don't worry, it tastes better than it looks.

Deadly sins - Chapter 1

Unwanted Guest

When I awoke after my first night in Hell I was many things.

I was no longer a full angel, I had been banished from Heaven, my home, my friends, my family, I had lost everything. They wouldn't even let me pack up before I left so I truly had nothing than the clothes on my back, the shoes on my feet, and whatever was in my pockets at the time... At least they were nice enough to let me leave with my weapon to defend myself from any demon that might find me threatening...

I had a hard time sleeping, with nothing but Hells rocky terrain to sleep on I cried myself to sleep, mourning the loss of my previous life. I knew Marta would be a mess when she heard the news, she had a terrible crush on me, and was never embarrass to admit it to anyone who asked, Though I was too embarrass myself to ask, in fear she would ask to marry me or something... Not that I hated her, she was my best friend for the longest time, but I always thought of her like a sister, anything more just stroked me as odd...

I was eventually awoken by the sound of footsteps nearby. I quickly got up and reached for my sword, listening as the heavy footsteps grew closer. I felt sweat drip down my brow, was this a demon coming my way? This would be my first encounter with a demon, what did they look like? I had never really seen them before, only heard old war stories of how terrible they were, but never a decent description of what they looked like. Were they like us? Or were they hideously deformed? I tightly gripped the handle of my sword and prepared for the worst.

Closer...Closer... Now! I quickly jumped from behind the craggy rock I had previously slept behind, pulling out my sword as I did so. I froze and was astonished by what I saw. Was he a demon? Or another fallen? He wasn't hideously deformed, but something about him was different from the angles of Heaven I was used to. His hair reminded me of flames, it was red with what seemed like yellow, orange and black streaks at the tips, His eyes were a dark green, like there was a dark past hidden behind them, he was shirtless with black markings covering most of his body, leaving only a bit of his chest and his face bare, minus a diamond shape on his chest, he seemed to be wearing a black kilt with veins flowing throw the fabric, his pant were tight and seemingly made of the same fabric as his kilt. He...he was very handsome I though at that moment.

He didn't seem to notice me standing in his path a first, his eyes were staring off in the distance, looking almost sad, then he must have heard me gasp, because his eyes darted toward me.

He stopped and looked like he was about to attack, reaching for his weapons, then he froze just like I did. His eyes widened.

"A-Astor?" He stammered.

I blinked.


Then he noticed my wings, which were a darker shade than I remember them, and looked me over again.

"Astor? Is that you? A-are you-?" There was certain desperateness in his tone now, as I cut him off.

"I-I think you've got the wrong guy..." I said quickly.

Oh no, I thought, I remember Shina telling my how every angel and demon had two others just like them, there opposites and a human, perhaps I looked like an old friend of his... This might not go well... But I may be able to use it to my advantage as well.

The red haired man ran his eyes over me a third time.

"But... you look just like him..." He said desperately.

"I'm sorry" I said "but my names Emil Castagnier, I'm an ang- well now an ex angel and I don't believe we've ever met before, who are you?" I tried.

He went silent for a while, his green eyes studding mine, looking for any hint of a lie, or false hope that this was really his friend just joking with him. Then finally he spoke.

"Why are you here?"

Oh no.

"I-I'm sorry" I started, unsure of how to explain how a fallen had entered Hell unnoticed.

"Why are you apologizing?" he asked sounding rater peeved.

"I- I just... I'm not sure what to say... I-I don't know where else to go..." I tried to hold back the tears, I didn't want to show him I was weak, that I was wrongly kicked out of Heaven and left to wander like a lost puppy, in a world filled with enemies... I looked down sadly.

His eyes watched me with a look of inpatients.

"So what Heaven doesn't want you anymore so you come to Hell? Why not go to the Over world?" He almost sounded angry now.

"I-I... humans can't see me... they'll be afraid"

To this he let out a small laugh.

"Are you kidding me? your a fallen not a demon, doesn't matter what you really are you still look like an angel! Humans would worship the very ground you walk on!"

"I-I don't think I'd like that very much..." I started.

"pfft some angel you are" He commented.

"Whatever I don't have time for this" he grumbled and started off the way he came.

"W-wait!" I ran up behind him and grabbed his arm to slow him down.

"Take me with you" I said.

He yanked his arm away from me.

"Get lost!" he growled.

"No! Take me with you!" I ran in front of him blocking his path.

"Rrg get out of the way!" I could tell he was very displeased with me now.

"Please!" I pleaded.

He sighed and muttered something under is breath.

"Can't you go bother some other demon? You're not the only fallen here I'm sure, go bug one of your own kind"

"I don't know any of my own kind! I hardly know what my own kind even is!" I didn't even want to see another fallen. If there were any others here, they were likely here for a reason besides having nowhere to go, they were likely fallen for a reason...

He took a deep breath, and then let it out, pinching his brow.

"...Fine, but you're only staying with me for one night, and then you're on your own... I mean it"

I couldn't believe it! He was actually going to help me; perhaps some demons weren't all that bad...

"T-thank you! Thank you so much!" I said happily.

"...Yeah" He sounded exasperated.

"Well have to take the long way home though..."

"Eh? Why?" I asked.

"Because I can't be seen with you" he said dryly.

"...oh, ok" I'm sure he had his reasons; after all I did still have the appearance of an angel...

"Follow me" He said, and I did, as he led me down a long twisty, craggy path.

After what seemed to be an hour we finally came to the back of what looked like a giant manor, were the flame haired demon pulled out a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked the back door.

He held the door open.

"After you?" he offered.

I silently stepped into the massive building and gasped. I looked a lot bigger than it did on the outside, but perhaps that was because it was dark...

"Wow, you live here?" I asked in amassment.

It was truly magnificent; the room we were in, it could be described as nothing but beauty. Simply put it was like the most beautiful Mansion you could imaging, but decorated in a gothic almost cryptic way. In a way it could be described as creepy, scary even, if it were not so beautiful.

"...yeah, sort of..." He scratched his head trying not to look uncomfortable in his own house, though really he wasn't entirely well acquainted with it yet either...

"Sort of?" I asked a little confused.

The flame haired male scratched his head again.

"Well yeah, I'm not the only one who lives here... I'm kind of living with...friends?" He said the word like it was unfamiliar to him as well or perhaps untrue?

"Oh! I see! I-is that why you didn't want to bring me with you then?" I asked.

"No" he stated dryly

"I don't think they could care less about who I offer company to...Except maybe Aqua... But no, not at all" He stated.

"B-but then why? Is it because I'm a F-fallen?" It still felt unnatural to call myself a fallen, I'd only just become one this morning.

The demon paused for a moment, looking away as if my face brought only bad thoughts to mind, before replying.

"You make me remember things that I should of let go years ago..." And with that he walked in front of me and towards the grand stairway leading up towards, what I could only guess, was the living quarters. I could tell he wasn't going to give me any better explanation for his behavior, I didn't know what he meant by bad memories, perhaps because I looked like his friend? But I couldn't help that!

"Hey, wait!" I jogged after him, almost slipping on the polished marble floors.

He simply kept walking up the stairs as he spoke, making me rush to keep up with him.

"We have a spare room upstairs you may sleep there"

"Oh. Ok..." I said like a confused idiot, as he led me to the spare room.

Once we made it to the spare room the flame haired man pause a second as if he forgot what he had to say.

"I-Is this it?" I asked timidly.

"...yeah, you can sleep here tonight, you can eat some breakfast in the morning, and then I want you out of here" He said coldly.

I guess I should be happy I get that much I decided.

"So... where's everyone else?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Out... I suppose..." He said in a tone that said simply 'I could care less'.

"I see..."


What I said next seemed even more stupid and plenty pointless, but it just sort of slipped out, like I was thinking out loud.

"So witch rooms yours?"

He paused, and seemed to be studying me, almost like he did when I said I wasn't the Aster guy he thought I was.

"...I'm two doors down" He said pointing to a door with a small earth rune inscribed on it.

"Oh, I see... sorry I was just kind of wondering as all..." I felt a slight blush cross my face and looked down.

He grunted in response, and looked at his door, and suddenly it occurred to me that I had never asked what his name was.

Looked up at him, and he noticed me lifting my head to look up at him.

"...what?" he asked calmly, as if he was used to people staring at him.

"N-nothing I was just thinking that... well we never really introduced know with names and all" What was it with me and talking to people, I've always been a bit shy...ok more like really shy, but I felt even more uneasy with him, was it because he was a demon? or another reason entirely?

"Hmmm..." Was all he said.

"W-well my names Emil...what's yours?" I asked hopefully, holding out my hand.

He simply looked at my hand and then looked me straight in the eye, I froze up. He looked as if he was about to just turn around and go to his room, but then he took my hand in a firm grip.

"...Richter..." was all he said and let go of my hand, turning to leave.

"Um Richter! Wait!" He stopped.

"...what?..." He sound slightly exasperated.

"Umm... Thanks a lot... I-I'd likely be in a lot of trouble if it weren't for you, so thanks..."

He looked down at his feet.

"Yeah, whatever but I still want you out of here by tomorrow, after breakfast your back on the road" He said dryly.

"Still... this means a lot, thank you... and um goodnight?" I offered sincerely.

"...yeah..." was his only reply, as he walked to his room in silence.

I shut my door sighing, then I decided to observe my surroundings.

The room was just as lovely as the rest of the mansion. The bed was a black and white canopy bed, with sheets decorated with black and white swirly designs. I sat on the bed to test it. I was indeed as comfortable as it looked, and it felt like sleeping on a cloud or a really big marshmallow, compared to the rocks I slept on earlier.

I yawned silently, dropped down on the bed and simply fell asleep just like that. I dreamt of my previous life, and in my dream I was simply watching a movie of my life laughing like it was all some stupid fake life, I cuddled up to Richter kissing him on the lips, like it was my damn right, and felt like this was my new, far better reality.

When I truly fell asleep in Hell for the first time, I was blissfully carefree of my awkwardness and obvious displacement.

Alrighty this is my first fanfic posted online, so bear with me I'm still learning here, I'd love to here your reviews, comments, questions and/or problems you have with my story. since I'm just writing this as it pops in my head, anything goes at the moment, and charters you may know as angles you will find as demons, so if you have any suggestions of what you'd like to see happen in the fanfic, possible pairings, Yaoi, Yuri, or just plain straight pairings are all possible here, so yeah let me know what you think, I aim to please~

~Dusk S.