Pulling Me Through Part Two

I've decided to make a series for Pulling Me Through! If anyone reading this hasn't read the first part then you won't have a clue what's going on here. This will take place a week after Savannah was born and they're taking her home for the first time. So, it's the morning of the 11th December 2011 for the Biersack household. I hope everyone enjoys and please review! At the end of the first part I forgot to say that my best friend Shaida helped me with so many ideas! She's an amazing writer and I'm going to try and persuade her to make an account on here!

Chapter One

Riley's POV

I sat in the passenger's seat in the car, but constantly kept turning around to make sure that Savannah was okay. Every time I turned to see her, blue eyes glistened up at me and I smiled brightly at her.

"Is she doing okay?" Andy asked as we neared the house. I managed to tear my eyes away from Savannah for a moment to look at Andy.

"She's doing great" I answered as we came to a stop. I got out first and got the baby carrier from the seat. It never failed to amaze me that mothers carry their baby around as though they're a shopping basket. I carried her to the house with care, but just before I managed to get into the house Andy called me back. He had the handheld camera in his hand and I sighed. He grinned as he started recording and I unlocked the door. As soon as I was in, I was attacked by my friends. They all looked at the baby as though they hadn't just seen her yesterday.

"Welcome to your home, Savannah" Jake called from behind everyone. I giggled as Ashley got her out of the carrier and headed to the living room.

"I still can't believe Riley and Andy managed to make someone as adorable as you" He cooed. Andy glared, but videoed the moment between the newborn and the gothic guy.

"We got you some bottles and a dummy" Sammi informed as she jangled the bag of her baby purchases. "I got a congratulations from the woman at the counter who thought I was pregnant" I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of that woman thinking Sammi was going to have a baby in nine months.

"Did you correct her?" I asked, already knowing that she hadn't. Sammi enjoyed tricking people and this would be the perfect trick.

"Of course not" Sammi laughed as she put the bag on the kitchen island before joining Ashley on the sofa with Savannah. I couldn't stop grinning as I watched everyone stare at Savannah in awe. When I turned to see Andy, he had discarded the camera and was happy with having this moment recorded in his memory. I sat down on the chair next to the television as Ashley continued to have a one-way conversation with Savannah.

"Are you and Andy going to have another baby?" Sandra asked. I looked at her wide-eyed. Was she being serious or just having a laugh with me, but she looked like she was awaiting a truthful response.

"Bloody hell, Sandra we've only just had Savannah" I answered as Andy nodded in agreement as Ashley handed us the baby back.

"I think she might need fed" Jake guessed as he looked at the crying Savannah. I patted her back gently as I looked round the room to see uncomfortable faces. It was only Andy who shared my confusion.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I asked, but they all looked as though this conversation was too awkward to even talk about. I glared hard until the finally plucked up the courage to tell me what was wrong.

"The way babies feed isn't something you should do in front of your friends" CC answered as he looked at his shoes, moving them from side to side, anything to avoid my eyes. Sighing, I rolled my eyes at them.

"Not all mothers just to feed their baby like that. I'm bottle feeding from the beginning" I retorted as they sighed in relief. They were perfectly fine with seeing my writhe in pain, but this apparently hit the boundaries.

"I'll sort out the bottle" Sammi sighed as she went to the kitchen. I tried my best to stop Savannah from crying so hard. She soon did when Sammi came back in with the bottle. She handed it to me after testing it and let me feed her. She instantly calmed down when the bottle was in her mouth and she took the gulps of milk. I chuckled as her eyes stayed open, focused on me. They never ceased to amaze me on the colour. They were brighter than Andy's, if that was even possible.

"Do you want to go out with her?" Andy asked as he pointed to the pram that we had moved downstairs. I had been waiting to push Savannah around ever since I had given birth. I wanted people to see me and Andy with our baby and this was the perfect opportunity. I nodded as I took the bottle out of Savannah's mouth and placed Savannah in the pram. Andy moved the small blanket that we had in there over Savannah so she didn't get cold and pulled on the woollen hat that my dad had bought. I could hear Sammi giggle at how cute Savannah looked when she was all wrapped up. I agreed with Ashley that it was hard to believe how I had took my part in making such a beautiful little girl. Andy moved the pram nearer the door as he grinned down at the baby.

"Do I look like a good dad?" He asked as he posed near the pram with a giant smile on his face. I grinned at him as I unlocked the door and nodded. The pram was difficult to get over the doorstep and took a team effort, but we managed to get the pram on the patio safely.

"Have a nice walk" Jake called before he closed the door and returned to whatever they were planning to do while we were out.

Andy's POV

My hands felt as though they simply fit around the handle for the pram. It was as though I was made to push this pram with my baby side, but then I remembered that they were made like that and it wasn't just a magical moment for me, but the feeling still stayed. I smiled as Riley picked the road that led to where the most people would be, desperately trying to show off our baby. We hadn't even gotten down the road when we were called back by the one and only Mrs Price. Cameron was by her side and he was smiling at us both, still excited over the fact that he had been in a music video.

"Can I see your baby?" She asked, her voice excited. We wanted to get to town quickly, but we could hardly say 'no you are not permitted to see how adorable our baby is.' We nodded as she led Cameron over to the pram. They both peered inside and Mrs Price started to chuckle.

"I bet you're proud of this little beauty" She sighed as Cameron peered in again. He grinned at Savannah and looked up at us in even more awe than he used to.

"Was it horrible?" Cameron asked Riley. I knew he was talking about the birth, but Riley never got a chance to answer as Mrs Price told him off too quickly for being bad mannered.

"Cameron, that's not what you ask people a week after they've given birth" She scolded as Riley tried her best to hold in a laugh. Asking her that question didn't seem that bad to either of us, but to Mrs Price, it was as though he had just committed murder. She sent us an apologetic look before leading Cameron back into the house.

"Wasn't that fun?" Riley asked with sarcasm showing clearly in her voice. I laughed as we pushed Savannah to the town, her eyes wide as she looked up at the sky. Having a baby might mean so much responsibility, but it's so amazing when you see them.

We arrive at town and some of the people from school were there. They had been kind ever since Riley had to leave for the baby. They all ran up to the pram and cooed over the new addition.

"How are you feeling?" One girl asked who had laughed at Riley until she thought her life was a living hell, but Riley done nothing petty now. She answered her question with friendliness and happiness.

"I'm great" She answered, wide smile back on her face. A few even asked if they could pick Savannah up and we reluctantly let them. One of the girls who had been kind to Riley ever since Riley could remember even got a photo with Savannah.

"Sorry, she's just so cute" She apologised as she showed us the photo.

"Of course she's cute. Riley's her mom" I said matter-of-factly as Riley giggled. We may have been going out for over a year, but these little moments still got us in a cheesy mood.

"I've got to go pick out my mom a Christmas present" She complained as my eyes widened. I'd completely forgotten about Christmas.

"Shit, we need to get Savannah presents" Riley acknowledged. Both of us had forgotten, but in the midst of having a baby, Christmas becomes the last thing you think about. We gave her a look that told her that we were in a hurry and she left with a small hug for Riley.

"What are we going to get everybody?" I asked, worry marking my usually calm voice. Riley shrugged as she looked in the windows of some shops, desperate to find something that a newborn baby could use on Christmas day.

"What about a teddy?" She asked as she came across a shop that sold cards and some bears. I nodded as we wandered in. Our eyes fell on a stuffed rabbit that was quite cheap so we handed that to the woman on the counter.

"We can't let her see it before Christmas" I reminded. I could hear her sigh in frustration as she handed the woman the money.

"She's a newborn. I don't really think she knows what Christmas is yet" She said as though I was stupid I shook my head, but took the rabbit off Riley and placed it besides Savannah in the pram. Giggling filled my ears and my eyes watered. Savannah giggled for the first time.

"Did you hear that?" I asked as though I needed confirmation in case I made up the whole thing.

"Savannah just giggled" She laughed as she looked into the pram with a smile on her face that was going to take a lot to get rid of.

"We'll write that in the baby book when we get back, but we need to get everyone else their presents" I sighed and then it went back to business mode. We got presents similar to what we got yesterday. Jinxx and Jake got eyeliner, CC got new drumsticks, Ashley got boots, Sandra got a new jacket and we found Sammi and Evanescence poster.

We returned home to see that everyone, but Jake was gone. He sat on the sofa watching television as we got Savannah out of the pram.

"I think she's tired" Riley sighed as she made her way to the living room, Savannah in her arms.

"Put her to bed then" Jake laughed as he got a little peek at Savannah. Riley nodded as I followed her upstairs to put Savannah in her crib for the first time. Riley lowered her in and pulled the blanket up a slight bit before waving her goodnight message.

"Goodnight, Savannah" I whispered as we made our way back out of the room, flicking the light off and closing the door behind us.

Yes it was so very cliché. Please review and tell me what you think and the Carolyn Sequel is also up!