Author's note: I don't really have a full summary for this. This first chapter is M-rated. You have been warned. I know most people put it at the highest rating they can, but that's not clever. I'll tell you why I rated something that's wholly-M-rated right now as a T. Because, my friends, when you click your little 'Bookmarks' thing for Avatar Fanfiction (I have one), it only shows T rated and lower! So. This is rated at a T, because it will be a T-rated through and through except when otherwise stated. This chapter is the only M for a fair while. Not age-appropriate, I get it, but whatever, we've all had this fantasy.

What? You haven't? Okay, here's the plot. Italics is spoilers. Don't read if you don't want any.

(I had a dream, where Katara … was pregnant. Nobody else had that idea? No? I'm ashamed of you, Zutarians, not even once did you think of it? Tsk-tsk-tsk, well, now you'll have to, won't you just? This begins between 'The Waterbending Scroll' and 'Jet', which is the next episode. Also, this will be my opportunity to fix up things I think coulda been done better in the series. The idea is, Katara and Zuko had sexytiems in Season 1, she's preggers through Season 2, and she has a baby in Season 3, you see? I just kinda wanna see if it'll work! Also, with the 'Jet' episode so close, how hard will it be for Katara to lie about the baby-daddy? Yeah, I think you guys know…)

Okay, so, anyway, if you don't read anything 18+ rated, don't read this chapter, wait for the next.

I repeat! In reading the following you waive the right to complain or report this for being 18+ and otherwise rated, because you have been warned.


Nobody has ever, ever called me rash, immature, indecisive, foolish, or any other name to indicate I might be of unsound mind and foolish decisions. Nobody has ever told me I was gullible, or easily manipulated, or easily fooled, or just plain un-savvy, so I have no reason to think I can blame anyone else for what I did. Or what he did. What we did. Damn, I don't know who did what at this point, I just feel like an idiot. There was a full moon in the sky, that much I do know.

It was sunset when I left camp, heading for the river we'd flown over on our way to our latest destination. We'd all eaten and Sokka and Aang ad gone to sleep early, deciding to wake up early and get a move on toward the North Pole. There was a thick copse of trees around our small clearing of a campsite, at the time I thought it was just the way the trees had bunched in accordance to the clearing, but as I walked toward the sound of running water, I realized the forest was just simply that dense.

The water was calling me, as it does during the full moon. It beckoned to me, and I didn't hesitate to give into temptation. As far as I knew, the Fire Nation forces on our heels were pushed back, delayed by our last scuffle, and we would be safe at least until morning, at which point we'd be moving on anyway. There was no air of selfishness to this temptation; I wasn't going in spite of any perils there may have been around me. The forest was sweet-smelling and more than safe enough to waste a little time.

When I stepped out of the trees, the clear water ran in a wide, slow-flowing river before me. I wasn't a particularly skilled waterbender at this point, but I could feel the chi flowing in the river. The moon and ocean were like a second set of parents to me, and I somewhat pity that Sokka is unable to feel it as I do. I understand that he can, to some extent - in the water tribes we are always one with our element, whether we possess the power to bend it or not - but I still wish he could feel its energy pooling; its life beating a steady rhythm with the earth.

I was lost in thought for a brief moment before I grabbed the white knot on my hip and pulled its loose end, bringing it to unfurl and dangle at the sides of my legs. I unwrapped the long tunic from around myself and allowed it to fall off my arms, to the floor, immediately moving to the dull periwinkle undershirt beneath the tunic. When the undershirt fell open, I peeled my thick hide shoes off with my toes and slid my thumbs between my hips and the waistband of my leggings.

The leggings came away like a snake shedding its outer skin, and I dropped them on the growing pile of my clothes, my hands going up to my hair where they expertly undid the fastenings of my traditional hairstyle. As the braid unfurled down my back, the ends tickled at the bare skin between the bottom of my undershirt and my lower underwrappings. The loops I cared not to undo, because they were the hardest to set right again, but I unclipped the ends and the bun immediately came undone as a result.

Only then, stood in nothing by my undergarments and a long-sleeved, open undershirt did I realize there was a lapping of water other than just the rippling over the pebbled sand of the riverbed. Silence fell around me, like someone who's just realized they're surrounded by enemy troops. Uninhibited I had been in undressing before checking I was alone, or a smarter man might've called it stupid. I think I'll stick with stupid.

Then I caught sight of someone crouched on their haunches by the water, a little further upstream, with their back to me, on the same side of the water as I was. I stiffened at the red of their trousers, confused by the bareness of the back turned to me. It was a man, muscular in build, and undeniably Fire Nation by his trousers. Then I caught sight of the raven ponytail on the man's back, and the red pigment on the ear I could see over his shoulder. I caught a flash of his cheek as he turned to the sound of my breathing.

I knew he was there before he knew I was; that gave me the advantage. And I was still angry; I remembered Zuko had my necklace, after that shenanigan with the pirates and the waterbending scroll. At this point I sincerely hoped I'd learnt something from said scroll, as I ran for the water and he leapt to his feet. My hands took the water and guided it toward the prince, who was undeniably caught off his guard, crouching to give his face a splash of cool water. If he wanted to splash his face, I'd splash it for him.

Somehow my bending knocked him to the tree his hand had been wrapped around as he crouched, to keep him from falling into the water, and with some effort I managed to freeze him to it. I thought back to the incident a few days ago at that neutral port, and the pirates, and his having tied me to a tree, and imagined my revenge. I doubted it would take long for him to melt the ice on him, so I drew up some more water and thickened the restraints on him.

"Release me before something undesirable happens to you, water peasant," he snarled under his breath, his ponytail wet and sticking to one of his muscular shoulders. Wait, what? Did I just call it that? I did, I just called him muscular! Oh, gods! I distracted myself with replying to his demand. Distracting myself made me momentarily lose concentration on him and the melting ice.

Before I could've even had the chance to release him, he'd gotten through the ice with a single breath. I cursed my own inexperienced bending and took an involuntary step back. I wanted to spit out a swearing curse at this moment, but in said moment, I was more preoccupied with failing at holding my ground. I heard myself give a disgruntled gasp, though I knew I hadn't initiated it.

Only now did I realize that on my own, I was unable to handle Zuko. Aang could, with his Airbending - he was a master, wasn't he? - And Sokka, in hand-to-hand combat or even swordplay, could give the prince a run for his money, but I was a terribly inexperienced waterbender, and not a particularly fast runner to boot. Besides, even If I could run, where would I go; back to camp? I'd lead him straight to Aang.

As if realizing this - that the Avatar was of course, nearby - his eyes (golden eyes) opened wide and then he frowned in determination. "The Avatar. Where is he?" he yelled at me, his eyes shifting to the woods, but then he realized he hadn't even heard me approaching him, and had most certainly not seen where I'd come from in the forest. He moved to the forest and I spoke, finding my voice.

"You'll never find him in the forest. You'll wander around in circles until you can't even find your way back here," I reached out for the water, knowing I was a useless bender, but unwilling to let the enemy know I knew that. I drew out a sliver, desperately hoping I could get a waterwhip right again, setting my feet apart to keep my footing firm.

Zuko took a step toward me and my water snapped out in the air, as if warning him not to come closer. He growled out angrily - viciously. "The Avatar is mine, peasant," he seethed, holding his hands out at his sides, balls of flame forming in his evil Fire Nation clutches.

"The necklace you stole, is mine. I want that too, but I don't think I'm getting it back any time soon," I retorted, before I even knew the words had formed in my head. I cursed myself, because as a result of these words, I had to dodge the fireball he threw at me. Said fireball nearly trimmed my hair for me, as I swept myself aside to get out of its path. I gave a yelp and swiped the water across me, not seeing but guessing he would throw his next.

The water absorbed the heat of the fireball, so I guess it partially did its job, but I imagine now that if my bending had been stronger, a lot could've been different. The impact of the blast wasn't in any way stifled by my weak shield, and it threw me back so hard my bare feet left the ground. Only then did I remember I was almost naked, just as my back collided with a tree, knocking the wind out of my lungs. I gave a grunt and tried to maintain some kind of composure, but he stalked - like royalty, the stupid prince he was - toward me, and trapped me against the pine, both hands on my shoulders, pushing my back against the spiny tree.

He leant down with a scowl on his face. "I've told you before why I need the Avatar-," he tried his best to be reasonable, but I cut him off.

"Get the hell off me, Fire Nation scum!" I grabbed for his arms to get them off me, avoiding eye contact with him. He caught one of my wrists in a tight fist, the other slightly further up on my other wrist, his thumb in my palm, as my arms swiped at him angrily. I hated this situation; cornered again by that stupid, idiotic, muscular, steamy- wait, what? Did I just-

Zuko cut of my train of thought in half when his eyes fell downward, widening, as he realized just what compromising position he had me trapped in. Then my eyes widened and I realized it too. Here I was with everything on display, trapped against a tree with my hands over my head by a boy relatively my own age, shirtless and muscular and … I cursed myself as a blush rose on my cheeks and I shut my mouth - which had been quite open and ready to spit at him - unable to take my eyes off his, horror and awkwardness hitched in every thought in my head.

The most unexpected thing then happened. Zuko, Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, Fire Lord Ozai's firstborn son, with bright golden eyes and milky porcelain skin and the topknot of exiled royalty, the same guy who came to the south pole ready to sift through all the old folks to find the Avatar, who tied me to a tree and baited me with my necklace, and all the rest … blushed. I'm freaking serious; he blushed! Sure, I mean, I was practically naked in front of him, any normal guy would blush at that, but this guy wasn't normal, he was the enemy!

Enemies didn't blush! Or … smirk at the way you blushed. Or … or make you realize that you were blushing just the same. Oh, hell, no.

His thumb moved somewhat in my palm, and something like excitement jerked to life in my stomach. Later I would say I suddenly felt like puking, but that wasn't it. The sun had fallen beneath the earth and the moon was already in the sky, full and bright, as it darkened. A mixture of orange skylight and white moonlight glowed on the unscarred side of his face, as it did on one side of mine. My lips became dry as the excitement in my stomach found its way deeper. Down.

I was young, naïve, and poorly informed of the changes a teenaged girl's body might come up against during an encounter with a half-naked prince. I should've known more; I should've asked Gran-Gran more, but it was too weird, and I was still young. By the gods, I was fourteen, for the sake of the moon! The youngest of the mothers in our tribe were at least fifteen before they were promised to their husbands, and sixteen before they had their first children. I imagine at my fifteenth birthday someone might have sat me down to explain these things to me, but at this point, I didn't know. I didn't know why there was a jolt of strange pleasure and heat and wetness between my legs.

What I knew was that Zuko knew what was happening to me.

He was a firebender, trained to sense changes in temperature, trained to sense changes in breathing patterns. He knew. Zuko knew, and he smirked at me. I felt my face drop; whether it was in embarrassment, or fear, or shame, I'll never know. The blush on his face seemed inconsequential now, because he had the upper hand, and I wanted something I didn't even know I wanted. Other than just his firebending making him wise to my body's betrayal of my mind, I was sure he was nowhere near as inexperienced as I was.

The next thing he said only added to my discomfort, alongside adding to my strange new excitement. He leaned - slowly and sadistically - toward me, until his lips were close enough to my ear for his breath to tickle me. He whispered then, in a raspy voice; "For me?" and he chuckled, once, into my ear.

I whimpered, of this I'm sure, but it wasn't in fear or pain. I ached to take one of my hands from him to probe at the tingle between my legs. Something needed to be done about it; whether to needed to be thwarted before it became too serious, or humored to the extent of its need, I knew not, but something needed to be done about it. The concept of him being the one to do something about it wasn't yet in my head. I imagine my facial expression was one of a person watching their china cabinet coming down and wondering what to save.

But Zuko! Of all people, Zuko had to be the one to awaken this! I cursed the spirits many times over after that night for that, but in the moment I was lost in thoughts of sex and sweat and - undeniably - Zuko. And he was just leaning over me, trapping me against the tree and watching me shift my bare feet on the ground, clenching one thigh to the other in a frustrating effort to satisfy a need I didn't fully understand. If he'd wanted, I'm sure he could've gotten me to beg him to help me.

I was no longer looking in his eyes, his head beside my head and his lips to my ear, taunting me. Even though I hadn't voice the need to free my hand, he free one of them. I shut my eyes helplessly as I carelessly began to move my hand downward, unable to stop myself. He swatted my hand away, though. At this I opened my eyes again and turned my head to look at him. He met me with a strange look I couldn't decipher. His expression was a mixture of control and indecision, but frustration was definitely part of it. I wondered if his frustration was worse than mine.

Then with a both horrified and indulgent expression on my face did I realize he meant to do with his own hand what I had meant to do with mine. The same hand that had thrown a fireball at me just seconds - minutes it had been in reality - ago, slid between my skin and my undershirt, one thumb just lightly brushing against the underside of a wrapped breast. I tilted my head back as best I could, unsure of what else to do, that hand he'd just freed going back to the tree and clasping on the bark in some hope for steadiness.

The hand in the undershirt slid across dry, tanned skin, and then down my stomach, over the toned muscles of my body, until they came down to the waist of my lower wrappings. I thought for a moment he was going to either slid his hand beneath them or begin to unwrap them, but instead his hand continued down, until it stopped with his fingers placed on the spot where one of my thighs was clenched to the other. At this point I didn't know if either of us would be able to speak, or if it would wake us both up to what was going on. It seemed that body language was the only way we'd be able to communicate past this very sensitive moment.

His hand slid between my legs and gently nudged them apart. I complied, but I didn't spread. Not the way the Fire Nation soldiers said our women did - 'Water Tribe Sluts spread so wide they make the Earth Kingdom look the size of Ember Island'. I frowned with my head tilted up. Zuko was Fire Nation, the Fire Nation's prince, the heir to the throne. I bit my lip.

Up until now he had called me peasant, and waterbender, but he hadn't gone so far as to use the term his crew probably knew me by; Water Tribe Slut. Somehow I became wrapped up in the wonder of why the Fire Nation called our women such a thing, and I came to the conclusion that many raids happened with men away at war, and that left our girls unprotected against rape. How dare they call them such a thing after-

I yelped as his fingers found their way - above the wrappings - to the place where my heat was growing, that idea of Fire Nation soldiers raping Water Tribe women still in my mind. Was Zuko raping me? I thought on this for a moment, as his fingers slid beneath me - a feeling so good I moved against it, urging him to do more. No, he couldn't have been, because this felt amazing. It was scary, admittedly, but I knew that if I shied away now, that he would let me. I was letting him touch me in the most intimate of ways. This was what I would ponder on the most for the next few weeks.

But then his hand froze under my heat, and the mild pleasure I'd been deriving from it stopped too.

"Mmm-," I broke off, meaning to say a word that was forgotten now, because his head had come back into my vision again. This time his confidence, the way he had been toying with me before, was gone, or at least less. This time, his golden eyes were searching mine for something. I brought my chin down to look into his eyes, trying to figure out what it was he wanted from me, why he had stopped. He obviously wanted this as badly as I did, so what was stopping him?

Then I realized his eyes were asking for permission. For consent. For the all-out go-ahead.

I let go of the tree with my free hand and lifted it timidly, until my fingertips touched his muscular chest. I blinked slowly, tipping my head down in a soft kind of nod.

He let go of my other hand, and brought a once-ruthless hand against the moonlit side of my face, cupping it. He leant down toward me and then touched his lips to mine. The very first kiss was soft and chaste, and then the next was more hungry and lustful, acting on the wetness of my core and what pressed against the flat expanse of underwrappings as he leant into me - a hard, stiff muscle I had forgotten that Zuko might have had. I had in fact forgotten, at one point, that he was a boy, and merely seen him as an enemy; without a dick.

It wasn't hard to imagine Zuko on top of me by the way his tongue danced in my mouth. By god; my first kiss and my first time with a man all in one neat little package. My brother would've choked on his own breath and died. The prince seemed somewhat unsettled, but his own growing need seemed to grow to challenge mine, trumping any second thoughts he might've had in his mind. At the time I was glad for this.

With one hand pressed against Zuko's chest, my other arm found its way under his and my hand found his back, my fingernails unwittingly scratching on his back. He didn't react in any kind of pain, but he gave a kind of grunt into my mouth that I dubbed to be the hunger that had grown deep down in both of us. He pulled away, but pulled me with him, away from the tree my back was pressed against, and took my open undershirt by the shoulders, sliding it back down my arms until it fell to the floor behind me. Unable to stop myself, I grabbed the waist of my own underwrappings impatiently.

At this point we were no longer linked at the lips, just staring into one another's eyes unsurely. At the sight of me working at my wrappings, he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close, his fingers working behind my wrappings, undoing them remarkably fast. I hugged onto him as he did this, my head tilted up to rest on his shoulder, nervousness finding its way into my mind. I was going to be bad at this, I was going to disappoint him, and I would regret this later - those were my worries, but they faded as soon as my wrappings came away and slid down my legs, collecting at my feet.

I was glad in the moment for my face being able to hide in the crook between his shoulder and chest, because now I was nearly completely bare, perhaps as naked as I needed to be, and his own throbbing need was pressed to the bare skin between my belly button and where my pubic hair began. I stepped out of the wrappings at my feet and kicked them aside, pulling my face out of the crook of his chest to look him in the eyes again, only to feel his lips on mine once more.

Experimentally, I tried moving my own tongue in his mouth, and by the small whimper that he made, this was good. He stepped backward again, and I followed him, not even aware he was untangling the knot at the back of my upper wrappings as we moved. I reached up and wrapped my arm around his neck, bringing him in closer, hungry for his kiss. I could tell already that he was better at this than I was, by the way his tongue flickered in my mouth, neither lazily or over-enthusiastically, by the expert way one hand entangled in my hair as the other worked at my underwear.

I'd have thought the idea of having my first time with a man who'd been with a woman before would bother me, but it didn't; it just meant less talking had to take place because he already knew what it was that I wanted, even if I didn't. To be with another inexperienced boy might've been horrible; to have to explain what it was she needed? Spirits forbid. The wordless communication we used during this amazing conversation was working wonders for what we both needed.

Zuko was taller than me, by about five or six inches, and if I'd wanted to kiss him without his participation, I'd have had to get on my tiptoes. As for the moment, he was participating rather enthusiastically, and that wasn't an issue. My lips parted and some air found its way into the kiss as I gasped, a result of my upper wrappings coming away in one, wide, single ribbon that slithered its way to the floor behind me.

Naked and suddenly aware of the fact that I was, I pulled away from Zuko and stepped back, letting go of him and pulling my hands back to myself, awoken to the harsh realization of what we were both planning to do. My eyes widened, staring into his and searching for something to make me keep going. I was still hungry for him, but now, stood naked before him with the sun long forgotten beneath the horizon and the moon high in the sky, shining down on my bare chest, panting pensively, I understood just what this would be. It would be a one-time thing, and we would both never mention it to anyone, and we would both try to deny to even ourselves that it had ever happened.

Or it would be something he would whip out in front of my brother a few miles down the line, just to fuck me over, when I next refused to lead him to Aang. All the ways this could go wrong were suddenly apparent to me and I took another bewildered step backwards, toward my wrappings, missing their cover. I hadn't bothered to try to cover myself with my hands; there would be no point. He'd already seen me naked, there was no denying it. By fuck - and I never swear - here I was ready to willingly give up my virginity to a man on the other side of the war my best friend was supposed to end.

"Wait," Zuko rasped, reaching out and catching one of my hands as I moved backward, the first word in a long spell of silence.

I stopped where I was and stared at him, terrified and bewildered and enchanted at once, unable to find the will to take my hand from him. The truth was that I didn't dislike the feeling of his hand on mine. I hadn't disliked the feeling of his lips on mine, or the feeling of his hand teasing with the wet heat between my legs. I remembered how a few minutes ago I'd had the upper hand on him, and how he'd then had the upper hand on me, and then how we'd had our hands all over one another. Kind of ironic, almost humorous, in a way, except now laughing was the last thing on my mind.

Spirits, here I was completely naked, unable to think through my next actions. I urged my own mind to think faster, though it was impossible. Almost a mile away, it felt, Zuko was holding my hand, an extremely hard and large lump making itself apparent in the fabric of his trousers. As if that wasn't persistently tempting enough, he was very shirtless and muscular … 'I mean come on, have you seen the guy? He's like a walking aphrodisiac!' as someone would say to me many months, perhaps even years, after this encounter.

"Take off your pants," I lifted a hand - the one that wasn't in his - and pinched the bridge of my nose.

He drew his head back as if he were offended. "What?"

"I said take off your pants, Prince Zuko," and I stalked toward him proudly, naked as I was, letting go of his hand. "Before I change my mind," I cooed, pressing my bare skin against his, and looking up to him demandingly.


I stared at her, horrified at her tone of voice. "What?" My mind had found a way to control my mouth without my consent. She rolled her eyes and let go of my hand, moving toward me until she was pressed up against me, her nipples hard against my bare chest, causing me to shiver against my own will.

Her lips parted and her voice came out even and sultry. "I said take off your pants, Prince Zuko." She repeated for me, tilting her chin up and watching me with half-lidded blue eyes the color of the ocean. "Before I change my mind," she added in the same tone, her eyes narrowing somewhat. By the tiny smirk she gave at the expression on my face told me she was going to mess with me. I was going to tell her to wipe that look off her face, but then I decided if I wanted to get laid, it would be best to just let her do what she wanted. Even a prince must follow that golden rule.

My right eye narrowed at her, and to a lesser extent, my left, but I roughly grabbed the waistband of my own trousers and began to push them, and my underwear, down toward my knees. As soon as I was distracted by taking my trousers off, in my peripheral vision I caught that unease she had harbored seconds ago, as I leant down to pull the trousers off my ankles and toss them to the scattered clothes on the ground around is.

Her unease was disconcerting. I knew later that I would wonder if she regretted this, and when I came to a conclusion, I'd regret it too. Here we were naked, against each other, when back on my ship I had the necklace carved for her by her betrothed. I hadn't believed the tales of the Water Tribe women being the wanton, unchaste sluts my crew had always made them out to be, even the waterbender before me, but now I began to wonder. Here she was with me when her fiancé, or husband, or whatever, was fighting against my nation's soldiers at sea.

She swallowed, reminding me of that small amount of anxiety behind her thin shield of faux confidence. The sultry sway and the sexy voice she put on would only take her so far, and I wondered if it would be wise to tell her so, but I resolved against it. I leant down and gave her another small kiss on the lips, a simple peck; she was a lot less experienced than she was pretending to be, I supposed - unsure what to do with a man she hadn't known since birth.

I slid one arm behind the small of her bare back, applying mild pressure that she arced her back into. I didn't need to stoop to whisper in her ear. "Lie down." She swallowed again; it bothered me again. Surely she hadn't forgotten how this went down, in the time between now and the last time she'd made love to her betrothed? I drew my hands to her naked hips and slid them down, taking her hands.

She licked her lips - I imagine because they were dry - and tightened her grip on my hands, using them to lower herself to the sloping ground behind her, with my back to the flowing water, and hers to the woods she'd come from. Then she lay naked on the patchy grass at my feet, staring up at me. All I could think of was the man who'd carved the necklace, all former enthrallment in her wetness under my hand momentarily forgotten. I imagined he was probably twice my age, twice hers. He'd probably taken her ruthlessly, hungrily, hands squeezing at her pert breasts as he'd fucked her.

I felt sick, for a moment, but then I sank to my knees before her, leant forward and placed my hands on her ankles. She held her knees over one another like I'd always imagined a virgin might - for I'd never taken a girl's maidenhead, and probably wouldn't unless I became Fire Lord - and this simply added to my tension, this nervousness with which she met me. I wondered if the wetness I'd encountered before would still be there, with the way she was acting. It was like she was trying her very best to make me feel like a rapist.

I wasn't about to grab her knees and spread her legs, whether or not she wanted me to ravage her like that just to look at me like I was a monster later on, to screw her, so I fell toward her, catching myself on my hands, which I placed on the ground either side of her head, deep within the wavy tresses of dark brown hair. I leant down to kiss her again, and this seemed to settle her much better than the taking hold of her ankles as if I were just looking for a quick fuck - even though I kind of was. The kiss was brief and chaste again, and for a change I had to be the one to deepen it; her enthusiasm had died down, and I realized the deep look in her eyes meant she was thinking.

Thinking about how bad and wrong and foolish this was.

With a knee either side of her legs, and my own bare ass in the air, I was more on display than she was, and yet she wore that ridiculously coy blush like a replacement necklace. There was no smile on her face, but some of her enthusiasm had come back, this time grave rather than merry. My first encounter with any kind of sexual situation had been with a whore hired by my father, sent to put me on the path of manhood, or some philosophical crap like that - that had been grave. I imagined there were two kinds of sex. Well, two kinds of regular sex. Grave Sex, and Laughing/Moaning Sex.

I had once laughed during a drunken romp with the thin daughter of a barman who'd served me too much rice wine, perhaps a year before this night with the waterbender - Spirits, I didn't even know the girls name - Anyway, outside of those two types of sex, it was not normal sex. Grave Sex and Laughing/Moaning Sex were the normal ones, and then you got Kinky Sex, Rape Sex, Forbidden Sex, and Sex Where You Shouldn't Be Having Sex. Come to think of it, that last one kind of counted for that night with the barman's daughter; I'd screwed her on her parents' bedroom floor while her father worked and her mother cooked. It hadn't been particularly good sex, nothing special, but I'd been drunk enough for it to feel great during.

Actually, this kind of counted for the last one too, and the one before it. When I thought about it, this was sort of forbidden. She was betrothed or married to someone else, from a land my people were at war with, and we were about to commit those crimes of adultery out in the open air, with my ass in the sky, the moon bouncing light off it. Fucking Wonderful.

When I pulled back from kissing her, her lower lip was held between my teeth. She gave a shudder as a result, her stomach stretching into the air as she arched her back again. I released her lip and kissed her again, lifting one hand from the ground and brushing my fingers on her exotically tanned shoulder. I felt myself, at the hardest a man could be, desperately aching to explore every part of her, and I couldn't hold back an inarticulate grunt that was stifled by her mouth. My fingers trailed across her collarbone and then down, until all five fingertips rested on the top of a firm breast.

Her eyes were closed, but at this, I knew if they had been open, she'd have shut them, and she tilted her head back. It took me a moment to figure out what this meant; the tilting her head back - she'd done it before, a few minutes ago. Then I understood that she wanted me to kiss her neck. Her breast rose and fell under my hand as she panted, one leg having come free from its spot on the floor and having found its way to the outside of one of my legs, rubbing her inner thigh against me invitingly.

I stooped over slightly, bringing my lips to her jaw, and I didn't just kiss there; I licked, and teased, and breathed on her skin - that was the one that drove her crazy, my breath on her - and dragged passionate kisses along her jaw until I reached the point below her ear, and began to move down her neck. Her breath hitched in her throat and she made some stiff kind of motion that I took as her reaction to a throb of pleasure.

On her neck, I found my favorite point and decided to leave her a little memory of this night; something to hide from the Avatar, and her brother, lest he tattle back to the man who'd carved the necklace. I kissed, and then I teased the skin with my tongue, and then I gave it a little suck that pulled at the skin, sure to leave a love bite when we were done. My fingers flattened on her breast, before closing around it and squeezing slightly, like I had imagined he had, only not as hard.

She gave a little whimper and brought her eyes back to mine. "Don't …" she whimpered softly. "I … I don't like that."

My brows came down but I released that perky breast from my hand, my lips still pressed to her neck, but not currently doing anything. I thought for a moment, just leant over her and trying to decide what to do before completing the sin - because that's what the sages had always taught me infidelity was, unless of course it was a Fire Lord doing the cheating; then he was sowing his royal oats. I suppose that's what he'd been doing with his personal servant when my mother and Azula had been in the gardens, then. I felt my own blood begin to boil at my own train of thought.

I still hadn't figured out whether this would be laughing and moaning sex or grave sex, but I figured she was getting impatient, and if I didn't get on with it, I'd burst without even getting to my destination. I slid the hand that had been on her breast down her toned stomach and abdomen until it disappeared between her legs. Her eyes widened and she stared at me for a moment, her eyes asking the question that then came off her lips.

"What are you doing?" she whispered soberly, careful not to raise her voice - the Avatar and her brother were asleep not far away, though she didn't want me to know that.

I groaned under my breath, a sound I couldn't stop myself from making as one of my fingers tested the amazing wetness at the opening of her hot sheath. She blushed that furious pink again, the blush that had annoyed a few minutes ago. Right now I knew she blushed for me, and not for what she was doing, and that didn't bother me. The moon reflected on her face, and those eyes that were hungry again, that unsure look banished from her face as I was banished from my home. She wriggled the leg still slightly in the way of me away from the other until both her inner thighs rubbed against my legs, urging me on.

Looking down at her as she shut her eyes and stifled a gasp behind her lips, I leant down and slid a hand under her head, then slid my forearm under her neck for position, leaning over her as I smacked my own lips, ready to commit the crime. My fingers left the hot heat of her wetness to wrap around my hardened muscle, as my hips moved toward her, and my hand guided the end of me to her wetness. The heat was intense, as I gave a little pressure, ready to push into her. Something stopped me though, and I whispered, my head close to hers, unable to continue before I had an answer to a certain question.

"What's your name?" I breathed hard, trying to mask my need, but failing miserably.

She turned her head toward me, her lips touching the place where my jaw met my neck as she replied. "K-Katara …" she answered nervously. That nervousness bothered me again, but she urged me on with a hungry breath. She breathed into my skin as I pushed into her. It was tight fit, even with the amazing wetness oozing from every wall I encountered on my way into her, the tightest I've ever had before. She winced, though, and I didn't know why until I stopped pushing and my brows came down. She bit her lower lip again and swallowed, and then things both made sense and didn't.

I had just come up against her virginity.

"Katara …" I tried her name on my lips; it sounded foreign. She gave another whimper, pressing me to continue, with the moon bright over us. "You're a-,"

She gave a moan, then, her lower lip released from her teeth, her eyes tightly shut and tears formed in them, sparkling in the moonlight. If her goal had been to make me feel like a rapist, then she'd succeeded. I was about to pull out when I felt her hand on the back of my neck. "Fuck, Zuko … please, just … Nngh!" she tried inarticulately, but I could decipher these not as the cries a woman gave to her rapist, but to a man she wanted to fuck her.

I reluctantly pressed on, and I felt the maidenhead break to accommodate me, and a look of surprise found its way onto Katara's face. The surprise seemed to be somewhat along the lines of 'that didn't hurt as much as I thought it would'. I could tell she was still uncomfortable; only now did I realize why she was as tight as she was; I was her first. There may not have ever even been a 'he' to that necklace of hers, or if there was, he certainly wouldn't be very happy when he returned to the Southern Water Tribe to find his wife had been taken by another man. By the Fire Nation Prince, no less! I mused on this, and it brought a smirk to my lips.

I slid in as far as I could go, until her wetness had reached the testicles at the base of my length, and her eyes were fluttering somewhere between pain and pleasure, and then I began to pull out. In long and slow strides did I move in her, and by the time I reached the fourth thrust, her fingernails were in the back of my neck and her voice came clearly to me.

"F-faster," she murmured, and as soon as the word was out, she seemed to realize how much innocence she'd lost tonight.

I picked up the pace somewhat, my own breath getting harder to keep, and she threw her free arm over my shoulder, as though if I hadn't been just out of distance, she'd want to hug me. I tried to keep my mind on the fact that I was getting laid, rather than the fact that I'd just taken something from this girl. I mean, technically she'd given it to me, but I still felt like this should've been for her, not … not just some cheap fuck as this was wont to be. This was something she should've given to someone else, someone who wouldn't have to chase her and her friends all around the world until he captured one of them. Someone who - even in a world without this war - would be able to settle down with her.

Even if there wasn't a war between us, I was a prince, and she … she was what I'd always called her. She was a peasant.

Bah! Not that I wanted to settle down with the likes of her; this was just sex. Sure, I was attracted to her, if I wasn't I wouldn't have been fucking her right now, but I wasn't going to fall head-over-heels in love with the likes of her! You don't just run out and marry the tightest cunt you could find. Well, I guess some people might, but that's not how it worked for princes. Princes' wives were picked by their fathers; the Fire Lord. If I ever made it back to the Fire Nation, Ozai would pick me a bride, whether I liked her or not. The thought was daunting.

Besides, I'd only known the girl for a few weeks; then again, that begged the question why I was balls-deep in her right in that moment. This was indecent, I knew, here outside, by the river, probably only a few hundred feet from a campsite where a twelve-year-old boy was asleep, and only slightly further away from a ship where my uncle was. I grimaced at the thought; Agni forbid my uncle found out about this. He'd probably tell my father I lacked the honor necessary to even be worthy to earn back the rest.

"Zuko …" she whispered my name under her breath.

I took this as encouragement, my breathing quickening and the intensity of the thrusts I delivered her quickening just the same. She squeezed her legs either side of my hips, panting, her hand dropping from my shoulder to the pool of her wavy hair beside her head. I had one arm under her neck, the other under her lower back, her ass hovering above the ground as I thrust into her. My knees were fixed firmly on the dirt ground under me.

"Oh, fuck, Zuko!" she whispered again, her voice cracking for a moment, as she struggled to keep her voice down.

I gave a disgruntled breath, the pleasure not merely hers, my own breaths not far from breaking out in her name the way hers had in mine. To be fair, for a first time, she had lasted fairly long; it had been a good seven minutes at least since the first moment I had entered her hot core, and for a first time, she seemed to be enjoying herself well. "K-," I stopped myself, unwilling to say her name quite yet. I wasn't quite ready. I didn't notice the pace picking up even faster.

She gave a long moan that tumbled over the thrusts I pushed into her, her back arching into me, and the grip her legs had on my hips seemed to loosen for a moment, as if she wanted to spread her legs wider for me, but then she wrapped her legs around my hips and held on. "Ngh-ngh-ngh!" she sputtered, a few consecutive times with each thrust. It was a good sound.

I knew at these cries that she would scream if she came to a sexual release tonight; and I would have to find a way to stifle it, because she would be too lost in the orgasm to do so. I would kiss her; she'd moan into my mouth, and hopefully that would stifle her enough not to wake the Avatar or Katara's brother. At the moment I decided that, I realized how close that orgasm was, by the way she bucked up against me, eyes opening suddenly as if she'd felt something she didn't understand.

What idiot had neglected to tell her the simplest ins and outs of sex?

I lifted my head to look her in the face again, feeling a throbbing ache down where I was moving into her. She searched my eyes fearfully, as if looking to me to save her from some big bad monster. For once she didn't look at me like I was the monster. She swallowed and licked dry lips, and her hips bucked again, seemingly without her consent. She gave a brief gasp of confusion. "What's- Ngh!" she bucked again.

I tried to search my mind for something comforting to tell her, and it came not long before she did. "It's okay, it's normal," I panted, squeezing my eyes shut as I gave her an especially hard thrust, unable to help myself; I wasn't far off either. "It's … good," I grunted, my head dipping low, my scarred cheek and unmarred lips making contact with the flat spot above her bouncing breasts.

Her eyes widened a whole lot wider than they had just prior, and she drew in a breath to scream out, as I felt her walls clench around me, the same moment the ache for release in my testicles became too much for me to hold back. I hadn't planned for this; to reach my release at the same time as her.

I couldn't focus enough to get my lips on hers in preparation for her scream, because I was involuntarily unloading myself inside her, though I had intended to, and she was caught in a rush of ecstasy she hadn't been prepared for. I should've really commended her for the way she caught her scream in her throat, though it wanted to escape, but I never thought to. Her scream had ceased to exist, and instead she was gasping amazed, sputtering breaths, as her muscles contracted around my hard dick. My voice came out in a dull whisper against her chest, and I whispered her name, though I hated myself for it afterward, sowing my royal oats in her as I did so. The thought of what that phrase implies never occurred to me until a long time after that night. "Katara …"

Katara's muscles continued to spasm even after I finished, her legs squeezing on my hips uncontrollably, in this release; I marveled on the difference between the male orgasm and the female. I suspected, in this moment, that hers was perhaps greater than mine. She couldn't stop her legs from unfurling from around me, as the went weak and the release left her body and her back hit the dirt under her gracelessly, her breasts bouncing as she did this. Katara shut her eyes and continued to breath hard, her hands unable to hold onto me any longer, just falling adjacent to her.

As she fell, I slipped out of her - tight as she was - and what had been the hardest part of me a few minutes ago, began to deflate. The familiar after-sex fatigue began to sink into me, and I put my hands out before me, leaning to the dirt spot beside her, just about ready to fall asleep. I hit the ground and rolled to my back, puffing to the moon above us, which was casting shiny little glares on my still-wet and deflating prick, and the gleaming sweat on me, and I assumed, on her too.

When the fatigue passed, my head began to scream at me, probably what hers had screamed at her in the moment she'd pulled away, earlier. She was the Avatar's waterbending friend; she was my enemy. If she ever learnt to bend properly, she'd probably make me regret this whole night; a night I wasn't even supposed to be near the Avatar. It was just my luck. Whether it was good luck or bad luck, it remained to be seen. And I had taken from her what she was supposed to give to a marriage, I had taken all that might've been pure and innocent about her. I found myself glancing to her, to see her asleep on the dirt, naked on her back.

I had to go. Uncle would start to worry.

Having to force myself to leave her naked in the wilderness - anyone could just wander by and take advantage, but who could've taken any more from her than I had? - I grabbed my underwear and trousers and got as dressed as I was when she happened upon me. I wondered if I could grab her tunic and drape it over her, but I knew she'd stir and wake. I looked to the forest.

The Avatar was out there, asleep, just waiting for someone to grab him. I bit back my own annoyance; Katara had been right earlier. I'd just wander around and get lost, and then I'd never find my way back. And as much as she had been willing to give me in the moonlight in the minutes before her slumber, she would never lead me to her one source of hope. I stalked to where I had been crouched by the water and grabbed up in the tree she'd frozen me to, snatching my shirt and shoes. I carried them away, and when I was sure she wouldn't hear me, I pulled them on, and then I ran back along the river out to port, where my ship and my uncle awaited me.