A/N: So this is the first part of my band!AU fic craze my head is currently stuck in. It's completely different from everything I ever write - I usually get stuck in angst spirals but this is just going to be fluffy and happy.

Also, I was completely terrified of writing Mercedes, but I hope I did her justice.

Everything was ready. The snacks were on the coffee table with a pile of musical DVDs next to them. It had been a long time since Kurt had been able to have Mercedes over for a girly film session, since they both had a lot of homework and the Hummel-Hudsons were trying to settle into their new house properly. So when he had received a text from his best friend stating that she had some exciting news, he suggested that they re-instate the tradition that had become more sacred to him than the Friday night dinners with his family.

As soon as the doorbell rang, Kurt rushed to the door and threw the door open, grabbing Mercedes' wrist and hauling her inside. She flashed a smile of understanding before pulling him in for a big hug.

"It's been too long," she whispered and Kurt was relieved that she understood. Sure, they saw each other in school and in glee club all the time, but it wasn't the same. He had never felt as close with anyone as he did with Mercedes and they just didn't get much time these days.

"So," his best friend said, pulling back from the hug, firing that excited, mischievous smirk usually saved for a particular juicy bit of gossip. "You'll never guess what happened." Kurt led the way to the living room, trying to keep his face looking unimpressed and vaguely bitchy.

"Really? I should've guessed, the only thing that gets you this excited is gossip." He sat down on the couch and changed his expression to a curious grin. "But I'll admit, I do enjoy it too. So who's up to something?" Mercedes just shook her head at him.

"Oh no," she said firmly, giving the boy her best diva look. "This is all about me. And you." She paused for effect, watching Kurt raise his eyebrow in amusement. "Oh, Cedes, I love you, but we went through this last year and I'm-" The girl squeaked and hit her friend's arm playfully. "Don't flatter yourself, boy," she replied. "Anyway, now that you've ruined my expertly planned build up," Mercedes shot a death glare across the couch as she heard Kurt snort and try to suppress a giggle. "I won two tickets to see The Warblers next Saturday and I'm bringing you!"

Kurt could see that Mercedes' face was lighting up with excitement but he was just confused.
"The Warblers?" he asked even though he knew that his friend would probably threaten to cut him for not knowing who they were. But she surprised him, just smiled softly and leaned her head to one side as if she was watching something cute and entertaining.

"I forget sometimes that you don't like new music," she stated simply. "You're so stuck in your classic Broadway and soft jazz that you can't keep up with the rest of the world."

Kurt gasped and pretended to be offended. "I'm sorry? I'm ahead of every person in Lima, maybe even all of Ohio when it comes to cutting-edge fashion and I'd just rather not listen to new music. It's too simple and repetitive and doesn't appeal to me. Also I know I sing way better than most people on the radio these days." Mercedes smiled at the boy who was an even bigger diva than she was and nodded.

"I'm just playing, boo. Anyway, I'm well aware that you probably won't like The Warblers. They're really good singers but let's just say that their style won't appeal to you." Kurt leaned in closer, intrigued by the statement. People always thought they knew him and there was nothing he loved more than proving them wrong.

"Is that so? Because last time I checked, you and I were pretty similar. Is this one of your little guilty pleasures?" Mercedes nodded, picking a chocolate out of the bowl on the table.

"Actually, they're a boy band so… yes." She laughed at Kurt who groaned and covered his eyes with his left arm, slouching back against the couch. "But, they're really cute and you know I'm not about to ask anyone else and have to reveal my awful taste to them!" She poked Kurt in the ribs playfully, trying to get a reaction out of him. "Come on, give it a chance! It'll be fun, just you and me staring at some cute boys. Oh and did I tell you we've got VIP with backstage passes and everything?"

Kurt smiled now. He knew Mercedes was really happy about winning, apparently this meant a lot to her and what kind of friend would he be if he didn't encourage her insanity? So he moved his arm, sat up straight and nodded.

"Ok, Cedes. Of course I'll come and see a boy band with you. I'll even jump up and down and scream like all the twelve year old girls there. Then afterwards, we can have a sleepover and do our hair and talk about who's cuter and how we're gonna marry the shy one or the bad boy one." He loved that Mercedes could take his bitchiness so well, she just laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh no, I think the heartthrob leader is your type." Kurt just shook his head, amused by the fact that he was going to see a manufactured boy band in concert. He was surprised to find that he was actually looking forward to it.

"I just have one condition," he said, suddenly looking completely serious. Mercedes tried to stop giggling, but couldn't so she just gestured to him to go on while she tried to calm herself down.
"I get to choose the movie," Kurt said, still deadly serious. Mercedes just laughed harder and nodded, settling back on the couch, getting ready to watch RENT for the sixteenth time.