Summary: Okay so a while ago I posted my crossover between Psych and Scrubs and I promised to post the sequel and as usual, I forgot. Well no more. Today is the day I'm posting the sequel, "My Psychic Encounter" and I really hope you guys like it. It will focus primarily focus on J.D and Shawn and although it will be short I believe it's quite enjoyable. Hope you guys like it. ENJOY!

Chapter One

John Dorian was sitting at a local bar bored out of his mind while he waited for his colleague and current boyfriend to meet him there. Lucky for him the place wasn't crowded so there wasn't a big chance of someone spotting them there as their relationship was still bit of a secret. He had already finished most of the peanuts in his bowl when he felt a small tap on his shoulder.

"Dude seat taken?

J.D looked up to see a dirty blonde hair man around his age towering over him. The man was wearing a pair of ripped blue jeans and a yellow shirt with a pineapple on the front of it and a toothy smile on his face. He gave the gentleman another quick once over before finally shaking his head no.

"Thanks man. I like to sit at the bar when I'm supposed to meet someone. It makes me seem less approachable."

This made J.D smirk as the bartender came over to him. J.D ordered his regular drink an appletini and watched as the bartender brought it to him.

"So man, gotta a name?" the man asked J.D while eyeing him curiously at his drink of choice.

"Oh, the name's John Dorian but everyone calls me J.D," J.D smiled and replied, shaking the man's hand.

"Shawn Spencer but everyone just calls me Shawn."

"Nice to meet you," J.D smiled as he took another sip of his appletini.

"Likewise," Shawn smiled back, grabbing a handful of peanuts and shoving them all in his mouth. "So, any special reason why you're here if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh I'm waiting on a friend of mine to get off his shift at the hospital."

"Now what kind of friend are we talking about?"

"Excuse me-"

"Do you mean friend like just hanging out friend or friend like knocking boots friend?"

J.D turned his head away, trying to hide the sudden blush arising in his cheeks. He looked back at Shawn again to see that he was smiling at him.

"So which is it?"

"Um the second answer."

Shawn laughed as the blush in J.D's face deepened. He reached over and patted the man on the shoulder, "No need for the flushed look my good friend. It's nothing to be embarrassed about."

"I'm not embarrassed I usually don't talk to strangers about my love life. Some people tend to be a bit judgmental."

"Well you don't have to worry about me since if I did judge you I would have to call myself a hypocrite."

"Oh really, what are the odds."

"The odds that two men met at a bar only to discover that they both like to have wild flings with other men. Since we're living in California I'd say not that high."

"I guess you're right, about the California thing," J.D replied, picking up a few pretzels and eating them. "But not about the fling. Dr. Cox and I aren't like that…at least I don't think we are."

"Doctor hey, you're a doctor too aren't you."

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Took a guess and here's another one, he was once your boss wasn't he and he's older than you by at least ten years."

"Okay that's just weird," J.D gaped at Shawn accuracy. "How did you know that?"

"Let's just say I have a gift."

"Are you psychic or something?"

"Or something," Shawn smiled, digging into the peanut basket again. "So what's it like being a rich glamorous doctor."

"It's neither rich nor glamorous but I save people's lives and that's the most important thing to me," stated J.D proudly.

"That must awesome, saving people who you'll probably never see again."

"Yeah it is, so what about you? What do you do?"

"Oh me, well I've always dreamed of being a daredevil but instead I'm a psychic detective."

"Psychic detective, so you are psychic?"

"Yeah," Shawn answered, shrugging her shoulders. "But it's not something I like to talk about."

"Why, scared that people will ask you to tell them about their future."

"Well I'm not that type of psychic. I mainly use my powers and my connection with the spirits to help the police when they need help solving a case."

"That's so cool dude."

"It's pretty cool," grinned Shawn, taking a small sip from his beer. "But you get to cut people open and see their insides, that sounds cool too."

"Oh, I'm not that kind of doctor," J.D smiled sheepishly. "I study internal medicine."

"Still, you're a doctor; that makes you cool by default."

"Being a psychic is pretty cool too."

"I'm not going to lie it has brought me some great things, like Lassie for instance."

"Someone gave you a dog."

"No," chuckled Shawn, "Lassie's my boyfriend."

Upon hearing the name Lassie J.D couldn't help but zone out and go into a vivid fantasy daydream.


"Lassie I'm home," a nicer dressed Shawn yelled out as he walked into his home.

At that very moment another man, a very good-looking one, comes running into the room on his hands and knees and settles himself at Shawn's feet. "I'm so glad you're home honey, I missed you so much."

"Who's a good little boy?" Shawn smiles as he reaches down and scratches the man behind the ears.

"Me, me," the man smiles back, shaking his body in enjoyment. Once Shawn finishes scratching his ear he jumps up and licks Shawn's face. "Oh and by the way, Timmy fell down the well."

"Lassie please, speak properly."

"Right," nodded the man as he returned back on all fours and nudge his head against Shawn's leg. "Woof, woof, bark, woof, bark."

"Timmy fell down the well," asked Shawn shocked."


"Then we better call the police and get him out," Shawn smiled as he leaned down and kissed the tip of the man's, otherwise known as Lassie, nose. "And as a reward I'll let you eat all the doggy biscuits you want."

-End of Dream-

"I wonder if they always do it doggy style," J.D whispered to himself as he came out of his daydream.

"Dude you okay," asked a concern Shawn, patting J.D on the shoulder.

"I'm fine," J.D shamefully smiled, avoiding Shawn's gaze as his own cheeks flushed.

"You sure, you kinda zones out there."

"I'm sure, it was just a daydream; I have them all the time."

"Okay." Shawn stared at the young doctor with a raise eyebrow, baffled by his attitude. He just met J.D but couldn't help but feel drawn to him. Maybe it had something to do with his hair and how perfect it looked compared to ruffled pile of hair on his head. "So J.D, mind if I call you J.D."

"Not really," J.D replied confused by Shawn's question.

"So J.D, care to tell me about your little muscle man you're here to meet?"

And there it is, the sequel. Don't worry, there's more to come in the span of about three more chapters. I will try my best to have them posted all by the end of next week. Until next time,

Love may be a battlefield but that doesn't mean you can't win the war,

Lady Cizzle