The Justice League Locker Room

By: Lee-Lee-Boo

One day in the watch tower after the league had a long mission. After all that fighting everybody didn't smell so good. Usually after a mission they didn't need to take a shower because nobody every sweated. They were all pretty tried too. They all decide to a nice shower in the locker room. This is where are story begins.(Author note: this is just when it was the 7 not anybody else. There are 6 of the 7 in this story )In the girl's locker….Hawk girl and Wonder Woman got into the hallways that lead to the girls locker turned the corner and they were there in the locker room. The locker room had pink walls and it had a fuzzy hot pink rug all through it when the locker room was first put together it was nothing but pink walls, had two lockers, and two shower and a bathroom. Hawk girl and wonder woman put in the rug and change it the shower curtains were pink to green with hot pinks stars on them. And the lockers were painted pink. Also there was an extra room the girls turned that into a spa. It was nice had a hot tub right in the middle of the room and in the corner a sauna. They also had a little juice bar the spa room. The girls loved the locker room it was nice and cozy felt like home on earth to them. They wondered what the guys locker room was like compared to theirs. So anyways the girls change into their bathing suits and got into the hot tub and man it felt good on their sore muscle they both let out a sigh of relief.

Shayrea said to Diana "So what was up with you looking at Batman when we were fighting today?"

Diana eyes opened wider and she said "What are you talking about?"

S: "O come on you just can't say it can you !"

D: "Say what?"

S:" You have feelings for Batman"

D: (gasp) "Do not"

S: "Do too"

S: "Diana come on you don't have any feelings for him not even a little"

D: (sighs and stops pouting) "Ok maybe a little"

S: "I knew it" (says it with happiness for her friend and with a smile because she was right)

D: "Yeah you were right what's going on with you and John hmmm…"

S: (stop smiling and face turns bright red) "nothing"

D: "then tell me why your face is red."

S: "ok maybe I do have some feelings for him"

D and S: "ekkkkk" (quietly out of happiness and excitement)

S: "Why don't we ask them out ever?"

D: "I did once but, he gave me three reasons"

S: "What were they?"

D: "1.) Dating in the team always leads to issues 2.) You're an Amazon princess and I am a rich kid with issue lots of issue and 3.) If my enemies had someone special they wouldn't rest until they gotten to me by her." (Trying her best to sound like batman)

S: "Funny impression Diana but, is that really what he said?"

D: "Yes, that is what he said"

S: "The only reason I have ask John out yet is because I just don't want to hurt him but, I do ask him out I am afraid I'm going to hurt him so, it's better if I don't ask him out at all."

D: "I guess that makes sense and I guess the dating in the team always leads to issues is to."

S and D: (get out of the hot tub and go to take a nice relaxing shower)

Meanwhile is the guy's locker room….

John: "Ouch!" "Wally stops hitting people in the butt with a towel it hurts!"

Wally: "O stop complaining" (Wally say walking by superman's locker)

Wally: "Ouch! Supes what's the big idea!" "That's really hurts."

Clark: (laughing then stops and says) "Now you know how John feels."

Wally: "Yeah I guess you're right sorry about that John"

John: "That's Ok" (picks up a towel and hits Wally in the butt with it)

Wally: "Ouch, next time I'm not going to even bother starting this again."

Bruce: (shaking his head looking up at the ceiling)

Clark: (Walks over to batman's locker and sits next to him and see a picture of a little black hair girl and a little back hair boy) " Hey Bruce who are the pictures of the kids"

Bruce: "My daughter and my son why do you ask"

Clark: "Wait you have kids?"

Bruce: "Yes."

Wally: "Bats you have kids?"

Bruce: "Yes Wally I do"

Wally: (zooms over the locker rand looks at the pictures of the kids) " Hey there cute and nice looking you sure there your kids."

Bruce: (stands up and looks as if his ready to punch him)

Wally: "Just kidding, just kidding (sigh) he can never get a joke"

John: (Walks over and takes a look) "I notice no picture of a wife"

Clark and Wally: (looked at the locker and then at Bruce)

Bruce: "I have a wife and there a picture of her in my room"

(The heroes here a zoom go by and Wally was gone. He return to find everybody dressed in their uniforms. Flash found the picture and gave it to Batman.)

Wally: (zoomed into the locker room came out in a matter of seconds as Flash)

Flash: "So did I get the right picture ?"

Batman: "Yes, and I hope you didn't make a mess of my room doing it."

Flash: "Nope. But you do know how to pick them she pretty hot."

Batman: (gave him his glare) "I didn't pick her for that I picked because (said quietly) I love her."

GL: "He just said he loves her"

Superman: "Underneath all that meanness there a big cuddly teddy bears"

Batman: "I'm never going to live this down am I"

The guys: "Nope"

Batman: "Didn't think so"

Meanwhile two girls were walking past the boy's locker room they heard

"Batman said he loved her" come from Flash's mouth

Diana smiled and Hawk girl notice it and said "Come on love bird."

( Let me know what you think please this is my first published story ! P.S. I dont own any charaters in here )