Chapter 12 already. I'm really glad that you guys all like it so far and I would just like to take a line or two to say thank you so much for the reviews. They're always really encouraging and I love to receive them. Also, I have a tumblr now so if anyone wants to follow me, my name is .com … it's a Supernatural thing. As always, I hope that you guys enjoy the chapter and will let me know what you thought.

Eva and Rodrick's P.O.V.

Rodrick heard his name being called. He smirked. He imagined the way it would feel to lay on top of Eva, skin glistening with water. "Rodrick!" To slowly move his hands over her body, making her moan his name.

"RODRICK," Eva yelled at the top of her lungs. He sighed as his fantasy was interrupted by a loud female reality and opened the bathroom door. "What?"

"I forgot a towel," Eva explained while peeking out from behind the shower curtain. He sighed and rolled his eyes. She watched suspiciously as he exited the bathroom. "Rodrick?" He came back with a fluffy green towel in his arms.

"Thanks," she said from around the curtain. He raised an eyebrow. "How much do you want it?"

"Enough to spread the rumor at school that you have a Tic-Tac in your pants. Now give me the towel."

He looked at her like she was a child. "Now Eva, who would believe you?"

"I'm assuming people saw us leaving together. Everyone will believe it. Now, please hand over the towel," she said impatiently.

He rolled his eyes but tossed the towel her way nonetheless. He stood there for a minute with his arms crossed.

"Are you going to leave so I can get out," she asked, as though it were the most basic thought in the world.

"You're not very friendly when you're hung-over are you," he asked with a little smirk.

"No. And also not when I'm naked with a guy that won't leave." He put his hands up in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. Jeez, someone's panties are in a twist." He paused. "Oh wait, no they're not. You're not wearing any." He gave a satisfied laugh at his own joke.

"Wow, your wit and intelligence know no bounds. How are you still single," she asked him sarcastically.

"Just haven't found anyone worth keeping around."

"I'm so sure. Now, please leave. I'm getting cold." He laughed as he turned to leave the room. She wrapped the towel around her and then began dabbing at her skin. She wrung her hair out and then stepped out onto the bathroom mat.

Bending to scoop up her shorts, she pulled her phone out of the pocket. She dialed Heather's number after making sure that Rodrick wasn't in the hall and that the bathroom door was locked. It rang twice before Heather picked up on the other end.

"You had better have a good excuse of why this call is so late," she said in a jokingly serious tone. "I didn't know where you were last night and had no idea if you were dead or alive."

"Well you see mom," Eva started sarcastically. "I wasn't awake an hour ago and I just got out of the shower."

"Oooh," Heather said in an excited tone. "The shower at Rodrick's?"

"No, the one at their neighbor's house. Yes the one at Rodrick's."

"Well, someone's crabby this morning."

Eva sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry. I just have a small demon trying to burst out of my skull. It doesn't feel good."

Heather laughed. "Aww, little Eva's first hangover."

"And the grumpy me is back. I'm hanging up now."

"No wait."

Eva paused. "What?"

"Did you get some," Heather asked with evil glee.

"Bye," Eva said as she moved the phone from her ear. She heard Heather laughing as she hung up. She picked her shorts up and slid them on before pulling on Rodrick's shirt. She sighed because the hem of her shorts barely poked out form under the shirt and she felt uncomfortable, but this would just have to do.

She pulled the towel over her shoulders and let her hair lay on it so as not to soak the back of the shirt. She walked out of the bathroom and heard shuffling coming from the kitchen. She went that direction and saw Rodrick digging in a cupboard. He jumped when he turned around and saw her standing there.

"Jesus, make a little noise would you," he told her with annoyance.

"Sorry," she said, not sounding remorseful in the least. "What are you doing," she asked him.

"I was looking for food. Didn't find any."

"Oh, well if you take me home you could grab something on the way back."

"I'm giving you a ride now?"

"Well yeah, you are the one that kidnapped me last night."

"I brought you home after you passed out from drinking. I would hardly call that kidnapping."

"Well, you brought me here so now it's kind of your job to take me home."

"Why don't you call Heather? I'm sure she can do it."

"Heather has to work today," Eva lied without flinching. She wouldn't mind Heather giving her a ride, if she thought that she wouldn't recreate the Spanish Inquisition for details of Eva's night.

"Maybe I have plans today," Rodrick said.

"I doubt that. It's after twelve, you haven't made any kind of plans or been trying to get me out of the house. If you had plans, you would have been getting ready. So you either don't have any, or you have plans but they aren't until tonight. Now, will you please take me home? I would really like to get some clean clothes."

He smirked as his eyes traveled to her chest. "I like what you're wearing." She looked down as well and quickly crossed her arms over her chest.

"What, are you twelve? You've never seen a girl without a bra on," she asked impatiently.

"No, it's just something that I happen to enjoy seeing. So why rush off to change?"

"Rodrick," she growled.

"Fine," he sighed. "Get your shirt. Your shoes are downstairs. I'll grab them," he said while pulling his keys out of his pocket, swinging them around his finger. She waited a second before going to the bathroom to grab her shirt, wrapping her panties in them, and hang her towel on a rack, and then she waited by the door. Rodrick was back up the stairs quickly, holding her black boots. He held them out to her.

"Thanks," she said as she bent over to pull them on. Rodrick was glad that her wet hair hung in her face because it provided him cover to look at her perfectly full legs and ass. He quickly looked away when she stood back up and he had to work hard not to show how much he liked her look. His white t-shirt fit her well, and left most of her shorts hidden. That with the little boots made for a very distracted Rodrick.

"Are we gonna go," Eva asked after a second of his staring.

"Right, yeah," he said as he led the way out of the house. He unlocked the doors and they climbed in. Eva immediately wrinkled her nose.

"Your van smells disgusting, no offense," she said.

"How is there a non-offensive way to take that," he asked her.

"There isn't, but I didn't want to sound too mean."

"Thanks," he told her sarcastically as he pulled away from the curb. "Where are we going?"

"Go out to fifth, take a right and drive until you hit Hampton." He started to follow her directions and they drifted into silence. It was uncomfortable for both, but neither seemed to have anything to say. Eva was looking out the window and just hoping her mother wouldn't be home; Rodrick was just trying to keep from getting a massive erection because of Eva.

After about ten minutes of driving, they reached Hampton Avenue. "Go left and then take the third left and my house is on that street." He followed her directions and once on her street she pointed and said, "There," pointing to a nice looking house on the right. Eva gave a sigh of relief as she saw her mom's car was not in the driveway. She must have had to run an errand. Whatever the reason, Eva was glad she wouldn't have to explain Rodrick being there.

"Thanks, for the ride. Last night too," she finally said sheepishly as Rodrick pulled in behind Eva's car.

"Don't worry about it," he said. She started getting out, and then turned and asked, "You can come in, so you can get your shirt back. If you want." He said nothing but got out as well. They walked up to her door, which was unlocked. He followed her to the kitchen where she said, "I'll be back down in just a minute."

He nodded and watched her head up a flight of stairs. While she was gone, he took the time to look at their refrigerator. It was covered with sticky notes and a large magnet held several envelopes but Rodrick was more interested in the pictures plastered over the surface. He liked that they all looked happy. He barely knew Eva, but he still didn't like the thought of her being unhappy.

Meanwhile, up in her room, Eva had slipped out of her clothes, tossing everything onto the bed, leaving her bare as she dug through her dresser. She pulled out a purple bra and plain green cotton boy shorts. She pulled them on and then grabbed a pair of jeans and a purple tank top that hid her bra.

Standing in front of the mirror on top of her dresser, she ran a brush through her hair quickly, then stepped back, hands on her hips. She cocked her head to the side as she stood, wondering if she should put makeup on. More importantly, she wondered why she was wondering about this. It was just Rodrick. But she couldn't lie to herself. She liked him, a lot. She gave a small smirk. She had to be crazy. Only a nut job would like someone who was so easily able to make her mad, to drive her insane.

She almost jumped out of her skin when there was a knock on her door. "Yeah," she called. Rodrick opened the door and stepped inside.

"How long does it take to put clothes on," he asked her. She rolled her eyes.

"I don't know if you noticed, but I did change already. I was hoping maybe you'd leave," she said sweetly.

"Yeah, like you really want that. I know that you don't want me going anywhere."

"Yeah, ok," she said sarcastically. He stepped further into the room, coming to lean up against her dresser in front of her. "Don't lie. I know you want me. All girls do."

"You should really see a doctor about that ego. It looks a little swollen."

"Well, when you have a reason to be proud, it's no problem."

"Yeah, and you kinda don't so as I said, maybe you should see a doctor." He rolled his eyes and then looked over her shoulder at her nightstand. "Who's in the picture," he asked, nodding at a picture of a man and a woman.

"They came in the picture frame. I really liked it and haven't found a picture for it yet, so they get to stay." He chuckled. "Well that's not weird at all."

She looked up at Rodrick. "So, do you want your shirt back?" He couldn't help it. He ran his finger gently up her arm. "Not at the moment. I wouldn't mind having this one though," he said, fingering the strap of her top.

"Well, I'm not sure you can handle what's underneath," she said back saucily.

"I think I'd like to try," he replied as he leaned down to kiss her. It was becoming one of his favorite activities. She put her hands on his waist, fingers in his belt loops. His fingers kept tracing her arms. Eva felt blush creeping up her neck at his touch. She was getting hot and she wanted more than she was getting. Holding fast to his belt loops, she began backing them to the bed. When she was at the edge, she turned, hands on his shoulders, and pushed him into sitting on the edge of the bed.

He held onto her hips as she sat, straddling him. She instantly moved her lips to his neck, her hands on his back and locked in his hair. "Eva," he said in a throaty voice as she licked across his collarbone. His hands slid up the back of her shirt, pushing the fabric up as he moved. She pulled back so that he could push her top up off of her head. She grinned and began kissing once more on his neck, sucking as she moved to his Adam's apple.

His hands moved to her chest and he began squeezing gently through her bra cups. She pulled her head back at the sensation, arching into his hands. "That's nice," she moaned. He smiled. "You're doing pretty good too," he said as leaned into her chest. He began sucking on the top of her breasts, fingers still groping through the material of her bra.

She gripped his hair tightly and pulled his head back. He liked seeing her in control, liked the way she was rough when she looked so innocent. He bet that she would be crazy in bed, and he was hoping he could soon confirm it.

"Don't do that. You're going to give me hickies on my chest." He laughed. "Seriously?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, seriously, I don't want people knowing my business."

"Where do you want me to kiss you," he asked her, still locked in her grip. "Don't," was her simple answer. He looked confused until her hands moved to his chest to push him flat on her mattress. Putting her hands on his knees behind her, she began slowly grinding above him.

He grew hard as he watched her flat stomach moving with each roll of her hips. He admired the way her skin looked so perfect with her purple bra. Her hair fell down her back, still drying due to its length.

And then she was leaning down over him, kissing him as she pulled his hands up to her hips, encouraging his touch. He complied with no hesitation. They had just moved onto her back, toying with her bra clasp, when they heard a door slam and someone moving downstairs. They both jumped, Eva standing up. She ran to her window and looked out.

"It's my mom," she said in a panic as she snatched her shirt up off of the bed from where Rodrick had thrown it. She yanked it down over her head while moving in front of her mirror. She roughly combed through her hair with her fingers. She mentally slapped herself. 'What are you doing Eva? You like him, but you were not raised a skank. You barely know him and now you're making out with him? Snap out of it.'

"Eva," her mom called from below. "I'm home. Are you up there?" Eva turned to face Rodrick.

"Put your shirt on. There's a bathroom right down the hall; count to 100, flush the toilet and come down stairs," she hissed as she opened the door.

"What? Why," he questioned.

"Just do it," she commanded as she started down the stairs, trying to calm her breathing. She must have looked calm enough because when her mom looked up at her from the table, she smiled.

"Hey sweetie."

"Hey," Eva said with a smile. "Where were you?"

"We were out of milk and I brought cake. Can't have cake with no milk."

"Guess not."

"So whose van is that outside," her mom questioned.

"My friend Rodrick. From school. He's the kid I tutor's brother."

"Oh, well where is he?"

"Bathroom. Upstairs." Her mom raised an eyebrow.

"A boy. Upstairs, when we have a perfectly good bathroom down here?"

Eva looked down as though embarrassed. "I started my period and didn't take the trash out this morning."

"Well what's the problem with that?"

"Mom," Eva said as though her mother were crazy. "I can't let a guy I like know I'm on my period. It's like telling him that I burp, or poop. No guy wants to know that!"

"Ok, ok," her mother laughed, throwing her hands up in surrender. Eva gave an internal sigh her lie had been convincing. They both her the toilet flush and turned to the stairs as Rodrick appeared a moment later.

Eva's mother stood. "Hello," she said reaching out a hand for him to shake. He took her hand. "Hi. It's nice to meet you Ms. Bishop." Her mother laughed.

"Oh please, call me Katie." Eva rolled her eyes, but clapped her hands together.

"Well Rodrick was just leaving now. He just needed to ask me a question." She eyed him. "Isn't that right, Rodrick," she said through her teeth.

"Oh, yeah, I was just about to go," he said.

"Oh, was it a homework question? Eva's just such a good student. Always studying or working. She's such a good girl."

"Mom," Eva growled.

"Um, no actually," Rodrick said. He had had a sudden idea. "I was seeing if Eva wanted to go to a movie and to get something to eat tonight. She said yes." He gave Katie a charming smile and said, "If that's ok with her lovely mother of course."

Eva raised an eyebrow. All she could think was 'You little shit,'. She was going to kill him.

Katie just laughed. "Ok, of course. That's just fine. I'm going out too. Maybe we'll run into each other," she said with a giggle. Eva blushed and grabbed Rodrick by the arm.

"Ok, yep, well that's all. Rodrick really has to go now." She tugged him towards the door.

"It was nice meeting you Rodrick," her mom said with a smile.

"You too Katie," he called as the door slammed shut behind him. Eva kept pulling him until they were in front of the garage, were she slammed him against the door.

"What was that," she asked angrily.

"What? I was just playing along."

"And now she thinks that I'm going out with you or something and she's going to ask me a million questions about it."

"Oh, well I could always go tell her the truth. That you got wasted at a party, couldn't walk and had to spend the night at a strange guy's house." Her eyes narrowed.

"I really hate you."

"And I'll see you at seven."


"For our date, duh," he said as though it were obvious.

"We don't have a date," Eva said.

"Really, because I'm pretty sure that's what it's called when two people go out to dinner and a movie."

"We're not actually going out though. That was just for my mom's benefit. She's leaving at six, I tell her I'm leaving at six thirty and we're all happy." Eva couldn't believe she was having this discussion.

"Oh Katie, have I got news for you?" Rodrick called. Eva clamped her hand over his mouth.

"Seriously? You're going to blackmail me into going out with you?"

"Ish dat wata tastes," he mumbled. She pulled her hands back.


"I said, 'If that's what it takes.' Then yes, call it blackmailing you into a date."

"You are a suckish kind of person right now, do you know that," she told him in a matter-of-factly.

"I've been called worse. But that's not the point. Are we going out tonight, or am I going out and you're getting grounded?"

She put her hands on her hips and looked down for a minute. Maybe this would be what it took to stop flip-flopping on her feelings about him. By the end of the day, she'd either hate Rodrick or possibly be dating him. She looked back up at him again and gave an exasperated sigh and wave of her hand. "Fine, but only because you're making me. Don't expect me to like it."

"Oh, don't worry, you will by the end of the night." With a smirk, he stepped past her as he made his way to his van.

"Rodrick," Eva called at his retreating back.

"Yeah," he asked, turning to face her, smirk still in place.

"I'm driving."

And there it is. I know that not a whole lot happened in this chapter, buuuut, it was a filler chapter. It had to happen. I'll try and post the next one soon but please don't torch my dorm room if I don't. I hate when you guys get anxious and I don't want anyone to quit reading the story, but I honestly get busy and then just don't have the energy it takes, because I edit and rewrite as I go… I know, super lazy, I'm sorry. Hope you guys still enjoyed it. Please review : )