
I do believe the last time I sent you a letter was last month—I'm so sorry for not having sent you anything sooner, really, I am. Things have just been so hectic over here; with Talia, with Severus, with Remus…

Speaking of Remus, do you remember how in my last letter I said that he and I had set up a sort of correspondence? All on a friendly basis, of course. He'd ask me how my day was, we'd talk about silly little things, we'd reminisce—well, we've gone past that stage now. He kissed me, and told me he loved me. Merlin, there were so many tears, but it was perfect. We're a couple now, but we haven't told anyone yet, not even Talia. We want this relationship to grown and settle and just… we don't want to make a mistake, or rush things. I don't know if I could bare to live without him if something were to happen.

There's also that thing with Severus and I being "married," which prevents Remus and I from making anything public. It's nothing we can't work around, but I still have to keep up appearances, for Talia's sake. I can't put my wants and needs before her safety; what kind of mother would I be if I did? Thankfully, Remus understands that, and even enforces it. He's grown to love Talia so much that it would simply kill him if something were to happen to our daughter because of him.

Then there is Severus… where do I even begin with that arse? You do remember, long ago, how I would write to you about the things that happened while he and I were in school? Well, it seems that Severus' childhood grudge against Remus and Sirius came back threefold. He told his students, who then told everyone else, that Remus is a werewolf. When I confronted him he wouldn't tell me why he did such a thing, but I know him.

Sirius got away, and that burned Severus.

I know right now you're probably confused about the whole "Sirius getting away" thing, but fear not, just keep reading...

Anyways, Albus of course didn't care that Remus is a werewolf, you know he isn't like that—he let Remus stay in school as a professor, but Remus… Remus resigned. He didn't want to deal with all the attention that would be placed on him, the Ministry would be sure to get involved, and then there are the parents. Students would start sending letters home, informing their mothers and fathers that a werewolf was their teacher and you know how that would have ended. Not many people are as understanding as we are.

I nearly killed him—Severus. Our cousin is an idiot, Sera. Sometimes I wish he'd just go away and just… I don't know. I've stopped talking to him, and so has Talia upon finding out what he did. If he thinks that I'll forgive him so easily for this then he is dead wrong. Because of his stupid grudge, Remus is without a job and will have to go back home to live with his mother! It breaks my heart. I can't believe Severus would do something out of spite—wait a minute, scratch that. You and I both know Severus would do something out of spite.

Moving on, have you heard about Sirius (aside from what I mentioned)? It's all over newsstands—the tale of how he was captured, only to escape moments before Ministry officials came to retrieve him to subject him to the Dementor's Kiss. He left without a trace, but a time-turner was involved… but you did not hear that from me, and you better not mention anything to anyone! I'll send you the details later.

Of course, you know Sirius is innocent; that damned Peter Pettigrew escaped at the last minute and he's nowhere to be found! Poor Sirius… he was so close to getting his reprieve, but now he's back to being a wanted man for a crime he did not commit. That man can't seem to catch a break—which brings me to the real reason I'm writing to you. Yes, I know that I owe you a letter since I haven't written in so long, but what I'm about to tell you is of utmost importance.

Albus and I—we need your help...

It was a calm summer day on the little Isle of Corvus. Seraphina was out on the beach, wading in the shallow tide pools. She had a netted bag resting on her hip filled halfway with an assortment of seashells she'd gathered that morning, and currently she was scourging the pools for a pretty purple conch shell.

It was a hobby of hers, to collect seashells. Ever since she could remember, she'd spend her summers out on the beach, risking sunburn on her fair skin, all to gather little seashells that she could make into necklaces or whatever else her heart desired.

Today, she was just doing it to occupy her mind and to settle her nerves. Her cousin's written words echoed in her thoughts. They were not bad or life threatening, but they left a lot to think about. Poor Remus, without a job and probably humiliated—damn Severus, but then again her cousin had always been an arse. She did not understand how Isabella could stand living with him.

Seraphina had hexed him once while she'd stayed at Spinner's End for the summer, and had returned home three days before her portkey was due to take her back because she just couldn't stand being in his presence anymore. It had been the longest two weeks of her life. That man was just a handful, but he was an exceptional father figure, Seraphina would give him that. Severus cared dearly for little Talia; it was about the only thing that made him… human.

A familiar shriek from up above caused Seraphina to put down the pink starfish she'd been examining. She tilted her head back and spotted a large, black figure gliding across the blue sky on leathery wings.

It was Foxy, her flying fox.

"Is he with you?" she called up to her pet and most trusted friend.

The megabat shrieked once more before taking off in the direction of the manor house that overlooked the beach, but not before swooping low and dropping a large, gray hippogriff feather in Seraphina's outstretched hands.

Her guest had arrived.

He'd been flying for days before he saw it—a gigantic bat with a six-foot wingspan. He'd nearly fallen off Buckbeak in surprise and mild horror when the creature had swooped down low and dropped a seashell on his head to get his attention. Isabella had warned him about her cousin's… eccentric choice in pet, and he hadn't really believed her when she'd said that a bat would be his guide, but here he was, being led to a small unplottable island that he'd never heard of.

Two days had passed since he began to follow the bat, and it was then that he saw the small island that would be his home until something more secure could be established in London, and so far, he liked what he saw.

The island was surrounded by clear, aqua seas, filled with colorful coral reefs. A white beach that sparkled underneath the midday sun enclosed the island, the grains of sand looking like white little diamonds from up above. Lush, vividly green vegetation made up the center, and on a low hilltop, overlooking the ocean, stood a very elegant and open manor house painted a very light shade of blue with white trim. The back of the manor was partway on the sandy beach, while the rest was on rolling fields of green grass that led into the island's rainforest.

There were other buildings near the manor house, smaller in size, and painted in the same color scheme. One of the buildings appeared to be a very sizable greenhouse with crystal roofs, while the other appeared to be an owlery. However, rather than owls coming and going from the building, Sirius could have sworn he saw a large, bright red macaw, and even a toucan, both birds carrying small parcels.

There was a sort of magic bubble that surrounded the island, adding to its sparkling beauty and allure. It wasn't physically visible, but Sirius could feel it deep in his bones as he grew closer. It made the island seem like so much more...

In short, Sirius found himself looking down at paradise.

Once flying above the island, the bat led him down to an empty paddock surrounded by white fencing that was a few ways away from the manor. Buckbeak landed heavily, flapping his wings and shaking his head wearily, tired of the nonstop flying he'd done for the past couple of days.

The first thing Sirius did was jump off Buckbeak and let his bare feet enjoy the feeling of cool grass between his toes. He leaned back against the hippogriff's side, letting out a tired sigh and looking up at the bat that glided above him, one of Buckbeak's feathers in its claws.

Merlin, he was so tired.

"Is you Missus' guest?" a tiny voice suddenly questioned Sirius, making him jump in surprise.

Beside him stood a little house elf wearing a pink tea towel, looking up at him curiously through large, clear eyes. Sirius noticed that the little elf wore a white seashell on a string around its neck, the letter "M" carved into the shell.

"Is your Missus, Seraphina Corvus?" Sirius asked in return, quirking an eyebrow in question.

The little elf nodded its head, beaming. "I is Mitzy, I am! Come come! Missus told us you's be coming soon."

"What about my friend here?" Sirius asked, patting Buckbeak's flank.

"Birdie can stay here," the little elf smiled, gesturing to the paddock. "The others will come to care for Birdie!"

Sirius assumed that these "others" were other house elves, and so after a nod, he let the house elf lead him out of the paddock and towards the manor house. As he walked behind the elf, he allowed his eyes to take in the serene sights that surrounded him. He could see himself living in a place like this, enjoying the beach during the warmer months, playing in the water, exploring the rainforest, all without a care in the word and without having to worry about being spotted and sent away. He understood now why Albus had made him fly nearly halfway across the world. This little island was safe and hard to get to if you didn't know your way—it was the perfect hiding place.

"By Merlin's ravens, Foxy, if you don't stop that, I'll eat all your fruit!" an annoyed, feminine voice suddenly exclaimed, making Sirius snap his head in the direction from which the voice had come from.

Walking towards him, up from the hill that led down to the beach, was a woman. She had short, vivid red hair that stuck up in an organized mess, and the clearest sea-green eyes that Sirius had ever seen. Her petite body was covered in flowing white fabric, and she was barefoot. She wore various golden bangles on her wrists, and even some on her ankles that chimed when she took a step. Hanging off her shoulder was a netted bag that, from what Sirius could see, contained various different kinds of seashells, along with a wand.

The woman's slender neck was bare, but she had large, dangling earrings swaying from her ears that came down and brushed the tops of her shoulders, and as she drew nearer, Sirius noticed a hooped nose ring on her left nostril.

She was quite the sight, waving her arms in the air above her head to prevent the large bat from taking off with the sunglasses that she'd pushed on the top of her head.

She was an unconventional beauty, and Sirius liked what he saw, very much.

"Fucking shit, Foxy! Stop it! I swear to all that is holy if you don't stop pestering me I will ship you off to China! I hear they eat bats there!"

That seemed to do it, for the large bat gave a grunt and flew off towards the rainforest, taking refuge on a high branch in a very leafy fruit tree.

Oh yes, Sirius thought with a little smirk, this woman and I will get along just fine...

AN: Book 1: Reveal Your Secrets is officially finished.
Now on to the sequel, Book 2: New Beginnings.

PS: I've written a spin-off, titled: Interlude: Isle of Corvus.
It is meant to be read alongside Book 2, and will detail the relationship between Seraphina and Sirius.
I really suggest you read it.

For more details, feel free to PM me.