Why, hello there, people of the Phoenix Wright world. This is my first fic for these two, but I have always wanted to write for them, even more so after I played 3-5. This is just one of many ideas I have for them as a couple... I'll definitely be writing more, perhaps in the near future. As for this story, it's planned out at about eight chapters or so, but we'll see how well I stick to that. This story will have smut in every chapter, just to let you know. Enjoy!

Warnings: Yaoi & smut. 'Nuff said.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ace Attorney. If I did, well... it would be more like this story.

"This court will take a twenty minute recess."

The judge's voice boomed across the courtroom and a slight look of relief fell over the face of Miles Edgeworth, the prosecutor of the current court case, and the one who had requested the break. When in reality he should've been preparing his next witness for their testimony, the man instead headed straight for the bathroom once the recess had been called.

Phoenix Wright was the defense attorney of the case, and as always, he was accompanied by his young companion, Maya Fey. Both of them sighed as the judge announced the pause in trial and as Maya strolled out to surely go lie down on a bench in the lobby or perhaps search for a burger, Phoenix marched toward the restroom where he planned to splash his face with cold water until he was awake. Thus far in court that day, the defense had been doing poorly, mostly due to the lawyer's exhaustion and his body's stubborn refusal to wake up.

Miles had made it to the bathroom, it seemed, before the judge had even slammed his gavel down, nearly running down the halls of the courthouse and into a stall. No one else seemed to be using the lavatory and the prosecutor sighed in both frustration and relief as he leaned against the closed door of his stall and pulled down the zipper of his slacks. The button was next and he pulled his slacks and his underwear down just enough for his manhood to be freed from its prison.

At some point during the mostly uneventful trial, Miles' mind began to wander to the defense and he wondered why his long time friend and rival looked so incredibly tired out of his wits. Perhaps he was up late romping around with that little girlfriend of his, he thought at first, but came to his senses in thinking that Maya Fey probably didn't even know the definition of the word "sex". Still, Miles' thoughts of Phoenix's bedroom adventures failed to cease, and the prodigious man found himself getting quite aroused thinking about his rival—the faces he'd make, the noises, the moans, the groans, the sighs—and he needed to take care of his problem before anyone was able to take notice of such an embarrassment.

Miles wrapped his dominant right hand around his shaft and began rubbing at himself furiously, trying to begin and end this as soon as possible to avoid being suspected of doing something odd, or worse: caught in the act. Quiet for the most part, Miles only let small gasps and groans escape his lips, but his mind wandered into a land of fantasy where Phoenix was the one touching him, making him groan and gasp.

"Wr…Wright…" he mouthed, a tiny whisper of the name accompanying the movement of his lips, and although it was a good feeling to give in to his desires and indulge in pleasuring himself, he needed the whole ordeal to move faster so he would make it back to the lobby in time to prepare his next witness; he still had a trial to win, after all was said and done.

"Edgeworth?" came a voice suddenly from outside Miles' bathroom stall. The voice was resonant, not too high but not low, and familiar to the point that it scared the masturbating lawyer nearly more than half to death. He froze, completely still, having not the slightest idea of what he should do.

Phoenix Wright was standing no more than five feet away from him with just the thin metal wall of a bathroom stall between them.

"Edgeworth, is that you?" the voice persisted.

Miles removed his hand from his cock, though it still twitched for attention. The air between them was so silent that Miles could hear the other lawyer's breathing in the small bathroom and it did absolutely nothing to aid his situation.

"I could hear you, just now," Phoenix continued, quite used to being ignored by his friend. His voice was bold, and his actions matched; he took a step toward the thin door that separated them and pressed his hands against it. "Edgeworth, are you…?"

"Am I what, Wright?" Miles demanded, his voice harsh and guarded, though he was sure he knew what the next words to leave Phoenix's mouth would be.

"Are you… are you touching yourself?" His tone was a bit smaller now, softer, and cautious.

The breathiness added to the defense's speech was just enough to make Miles' head foggy. "Are you out of your mind?" the prosecutor snapped back, always quick with an argumentative response as usual. "What kind of question is that?"

"…Edgeworth, open the door," Phoenix said softly, and Miles found that he couldn't resist the temptation.

The latter moved, now leaning against one of the walls of the stall instead of the door, and he slid the lock out of the place slowly, the door swinging outward. Phoenix stepped out of the way carefully, and then entered the tiny stall. Miles' face was adorned with a pink flush as he faced his rival, from either embarrassment or arousal or both.

Without a word, Phoenix reached between the two of them and grabbed onto the prosecutor's rigid cock, and Miles nearly doubled over in surprise. He was so unused to ever been touched by anybody but himself; it'd never happened before. The defense stroked him evenly and tentatively for a few moments as the prosecution's eyes fell shut and he began to moan softly at the feeling.

Suddenly, Miles heard Phoenix move and he opened his eyes just in time to look downward and see his rival take his member into his mouth—as well as feel it, as well, which he definitely did.

"Wright!" he called out as his engorged manhood was enveloped in the warm, wet cavern beyond Phoenix Wright's lips.

The defense only hummed in approval and took more in, and Miles felt as if he could come right there from the sheer sensation of being the receiving end of something so indescribable. His mind wanted to be confused—to wonder why all this was happening; why he'd gotten aroused thinking of his rival; why Phoenix knew what Miles had been doing without seeing a thing; why the blue-suited man was on his knees in front of the man in the maroon suit sucking him off. All of those confusing thoughts would have to wait until later, though—Miles' mind was far too busy with this infinite pleasure.

Phoenix's hand gripped the base of Miles' cock and stroked perfectly at what his mouth couldn't fit. The dark-haired man sucked gently at first and bobbed his head shallowly, but as the seconds turned into minutes and the recess was already halfway over, Phoenix sucked harder and bobbed faster and deeper.

"Wright if you—if you keep this up, I'm just going to end up… in your mouth…" Miles' voice trailed off as he groaned loudly; while he had been talking, Phoenix now moved his head far faster and sucked hard, and his hand moved quickly over the hot, firm flesh.

Trying his best not to buck his hips, Miles came with a helpless, dizzy moan. He threw his head back as his release pulsed out into Phoenix's mouth and the defense attorney swallowed all he was given. He pulled his mouth away with a pop, and he stood up, not meeting Miles' eyes as he turned to leave.

"Wright," the prosecutor said quietly, grabbing the other man's wrist as his eyes fell down to where Phoenix appeared to be pitching quite the tent in his blue slacks. He looked back up into his rival's eyes with all sorts of questions, but the first being, should I help you with that?

"There's no time," Phoenix admonished the other, his voice sounding at once excited, disappointed, and aroused. "The recess ends in—" he paused, checking the watch on his free wrist, "—four minutes. You need to go find your witness." Phoenix wriggled his wrist free from Miles' grasp and gave the other a small smile before exiting the bathroom promptly.

Miles didn't want to move now, as he'd been satisfied and now just wanted to lie down and take a nap. But Phoenix was right for once; he needed to go find his witness. The trial wasn't over by a long shot.

"Fuck," he groaned in puzzled agony as he cleaned himself up and refastened his pants. He knew he wouldn't be able to focus on the trial now of all times. The problem he'd left the courtroom with had disappeared, but three hundred or so new problems had arisen in sixteen—almost seventeen, now—minutes.

Miles was able to find and prepare his witness half-assedly in three minutes, but not well enough to win the trial that day. He returned to the courtroom and the witness gave an unreliable testimony that Phoenix was able to break within minutes. The defense looked much less tired than at the start of the trial, whereas Miles now felt beyond exhausted. And throughout the entirety of the rest of the day's trial, Miles found himself quite unable to meet his rival's eyes.

The judge slammed down his gavel. "I expect the defense and the prosecution to both investigate the case further. We will reconvene tomorrow morning. For now, court is adjourned."

Miles felt his heart skip a beat when he heard "tomorrow"; there would be a tomorrow. He'd have to see Phoenix again tomorrow, and… would he expect to continue where they left off? Was today only the beginning? What would tomorrow bring, and for that matter what had their brief encounter meant? Miles Edgeworth desperately wished the world had a pause button so he could take some time to sit down and think.

Hope that got you interested for the next seven-or-so chapters! Don't forget to review~!