Helping Hand

- Daianta

I do not own Supernatural. If I did, then things would be different. A LOT different. Alas, because I don't, things have turned out the way they have. :)

All will be explained, trust me. This is after series 5 but before series 6, because I'm English and I have been watching it as it unfolds in England. I'm aware that we are heavily behind schedule with the latest series, but by GOD, it is so annoying. There is a Season 6 spoiler, but it can be read in this fic as a fictional thing. I'm not going to say what it is, since this thing is a WORK OF FICTION and must be interpreted so. However, since we all seem to be closer to understanding the truth here in Britain, I don't know... Read how you will.

There are brief, flashing mentions of Bobby/Crowley. I'm not sure how I feel about this pairing, so I just left it as speculation. But straight off the bat is Sabriel, because I'm awesome like that.

Wow, long introduction is long.

Anyways, because she'll kill me otherwise, this is dedicated to my converted Destiel friend Lozi; my bestie in real life. Known as Allthingsanime123 or AHiddenShadow, depending on what site you are looking on.

Chapter One - Wavelength

Word Count: 1,850

Soft moonlight filtered through the half-open windows of a hotel room, fluttering in and out of existence due to the presence of almost see-through curtains. It was strangely voyeuristic. The room was large and open, a gigantic bed situated in the designated bedroom area. There was an en-suite bathroom parallel to the bed, a sofa and a few armchairs in the area agreed to be the 'living room.'

There was a black suit jacket slung over the back of the cream sofa; a bag dropped hazardously on the floor next to the chair. The strap looked as if it had been dragged along with a foot before being deposited, and a tie trickled along the floor after it, leading a trail to the bed. The silken sheets were rumpled, thrown into disarray. One side had fallen onto the floor, a result of a furious bout of lovemaking.

Twisted together, almost like a mangled wreckage of a car, were two men, breathing stilling slowly as they succumbed to sleep. One was tall, considered freakishly so, while the other was shorter, perhaps a bit shorter than the average man. He looked like a freaking girl from behind sometimes. Well, with the exception that he didn't have a girl's ass, or breasts.

He pressed kisses into the taller man's skin, earning a groan from him.

"You gotta stop that, Gabriel. I have to sleep, you know?"

The Angel merely purred into Sam's shoulder, and mumbled against him, "I missed you Sam. It was so boring without you."

Sam huffed, and craned his head to look at the Archangel darkly, but there was humour in his eyes.

"You know, I had a hard time getting time off to see you, but all I want to do now is sleep. You tire me out, Gabriel."

The Angel let out a snicker and snuggled closer to the human.

After the Apocalypse had been diverted, life had been... Peaceful. Almost unnervingly so. It didn't worry Gabriel as much as it annoyed him. He was used to chaos, to difficult situations. To finally be at peace was strange.

He had lost Sam, he thought, wordlessly catching eyes with him.

When Sam/Lucifer had been thrown into the Pit, they had taken Michael with them. It left Raphael by himself; the only Archangel left out of four. But his Father had brought Gabriel back, along with Castiel. It was the angel of Thursday who had brought Sam out of the pit, a few months after he had been placed in there. But in that space of time, Sam had trapped as many souls in Hell as possible, inevitably preventing their escape. Death had, surprisingly, helped them to bring back Sam's soul, and had altered his memories slightly to better bear the scars from hell.

"Don't mess with Death. I helped you out, now get out of my hair."

Gabriel was miffed that it was not he who had released Sam from his imprisonment in Hell, but he had silently thanked Castiel for it. Away from the Winchester brothers, anyway. Gabriel cared for Sam, and Castiel had picked up on it, better equipped with human emotions now.

But that was months ago, almost a year. Life had returned to a decent normality, or as normal as a group of hunters and Angels could get. Sam had taken a job as a lawyer's understudy, while Dean had become a mechanic, to bring in the extra cash.

They had decided to stay out of Lawrence, and chose to remain in the same town as Bobby, although they stayed away from the house. Gabriel sometimes forgot about the ex-hunter. He had been at the Apocalypse too, and had been killed and later revived when Cas was brought back.

Although, curiously, he preferred his solitude now, and the brothers only saw him when it was an emergency. Gabriel didn't understand why, and even though he was like that, he was not going to read Bobby's mind. No sir, that was out of the question. Especially since Gabriel knew Crowley still saw Bobby from time to time. He knew that Castiel knew as well, although it was an unspoken secret.

So life had moved on. Gabriel and Sam had gotten together, Dean was getting used to not having to hunt all the time and Castiel was becoming more human, although unsure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

But wow; Sam and Gabriel. Sam ruffled a hand through Gabriel's hair, and he sighed in contentment. The few months immediately after were hard for everyone; Sam suffered traumatic nightmares at night, and restlessness during the day. When Death had modified the Hellish memories things had calmed down, and began to focus on normality. Gabriel showed him new things; events of the past and present, places that had been torn down restored to their former glory for just one evening. Sam, ever the researcher, had taken quiet fascination in the restored ruins, and he and Gabriel had grown close.

It was while they were hidden in the Hanging gardens of Babylon that Sam had truly realised how much he liked the Archangel. His face was sharpened with shadows, mottled light marring the rest of him, almost dappled under the huge trees that grew in a relatively harsh climate.

As for Gabriel, well... Gabe had fallen the moment he locked eyes on Sam when they fought as equals; alongside each other for once. He had been, for a simpler term, hooked.

Sam didn't know how to react to this new information, so Gabriel had done the work, leaning forwards first, lips meeting lips tentatively, almost afraid, before fitting together in a way that made Gabriel's toes curl and to reinforce the old adage, 'feeling like heaven.' Of course, they didn't do the dirty in the Hanging Gardens, no, that place was sacred to the King Nebuchadnezzar II and his wife Amytis. Instead, they had done the mature thing and allow their relationship to develop slowly, taking time. After all, it was not everyday that a previously straight man fell in love with another man. And an Archangel, no less. Romance was strange; and often painful.

But they sat there, on the day of their first kiss, enveloped under a canopy of bright trees and flowers, columns of water raining down from a building that had encompassed a body of water in the way only the Babylonians had accomplished. Flowers that no longer existed hid them from prying eyes, as they grew to know each other's mouths intimately.

Even so, the Researcher Sam found the real hanging Gardens a lot better looking than the artist's interpretations that so humorously filled books and the internet. Gabriel had slapped his arm and told him to stop thinking.

And here they were now. Their relationship was still technically classed as new, even though they had been dating for four, five months. Still in the honeymoon stage, Dean had smirked, before walking away to grab a beer.

Gabriel let out a minute scowl into Sam's neck. Dean still hadn't made a move on Castiel, and that was almost unacceptable. Castiel had given up everything he had to help Dean, and the stupid hunter-mechanic was completely oblivious to it. Okay, so perhaps he wasn't stupid, but Gabriel knew that Dean's speciality was running away from commitment.

Yeah, that was harsh, but the Angel didn't care. It hurt him to see Castiel's poker face when Dean bragged about another girl he slept with, or when he brushed off Cas' subtle advances.

Gabriel rolled over, so he was on his back, "Sam, can I ask you something?"

He kept his eyes fixed on the ceiling, hands clasping at each other over his naked chest. The sheet was pulled to cover the remainder of his nudity and he didn't understand why, so he merely ignored it.

Sam twisted so he was on his side, head propped up with an arm bent at the elbow. He may have been tired, but the younger Winchester always seemed concerned with Gabriel's problems. Usually, they were about sugar, but at two in the morning, it must have been something important.

"Shoot, Gabriel. I'll try to help,"

"What do you think of Dean and Castiel?"

Sam looked perplexed for a moment, then swallowed noisily, "What do you mean? They're both nice people, they care for others..."

"No," Gabriel interrupted, unfolding hands to press one onto Sam's shoulder, "As a couple. C'mon, Sammy, can't you see they're both dying to just go at each other like rabbits?"

Sam smirked, tried hard to remove it but failed, and left it plastered to his face.

"Now that you mention it like that, Gabriel..." He replied humorously, shaking his head.

"Seriously, I don't know what to think. They've had long enough to decide if they want something. If nothing's happened, then we can't force it."

"Of course we can! What's the point of me being the Trickster if I can't have a little fun?"

He wriggled eyebrows suggestively in Sam's direction, and his Poker Face came out to play, a little too quickly for Gabriel's liking.

"Don't start messing with their lives, Gabriel. Let it happen slow and steady. You can't force people to love, you know?"

He touched fingertips along the lines of Gabriel's face, over his eyes and down his long eyelashes. The angel sighed at the touch and moved, so he was straddling the human, pulling the silken sheets from them to reveal pale skin kissed by moonlight.

"I won't do anything, Sammy. I'll just let them peek at what it would be like to be together."

Sam sighed, but was cut off from speaking by devilish lips at the pulse-point of his neck.

"Besides, it's not like it's mentally damaging. It will be an imaginary world; an alternate dimension. I will let no harm befall Dean and Castiel."

Sam opened his mouth to speak, yet again cut off by fingers brushing his lips oh-so-gently. He found the touch soothing, and left his mouth half open to allow for this sort of teasing.

"You see, Sam?" Gabriel hummed, pressing a trail of kisses along his companion's collarbone, "I knew you wouldn't object."

Sam let himself remain quiet; knowing that this would be the best option for them besides locking them in a cupboard and seeing the results. Besides, he rather enjoyed the Trickster side of Gabriel.

He knew that Dean and Castiel would have to get a move on with their relationship one way or another; they had been sneaking glances at each other for far too long. The tall hunter wondered briefly if anything had happened, but everyone had been too stupid to see it.

No, Castiel would have informed Sam by default through Gabriel, and Dean was too open with emotions to symbolise an existing relationship. Still, Sam thought, even as Gabriel kissed and licked lower down his body, Dean was awfully protective of Castiel. It had to mean something, right?

So, chapter One's finished. Like it? Hate it? Haa, I'd love for people to have hatred for it already, considering it's only just started. I don't expect this to have too many chapters, to be honest. I was just writing when I wrote this. Flexing my literary muscles, so to speak.

