Author's Note: I do not own Glee. I also don't own SAB. If I did, Regina would have brought out the truth sooner and Daphne and Emmett would be together. I have stuck to canon SAB not that it will matter much for now. This is my first fanfic so... Hope you enjoy.


I cannot believe this, I thought to myself for the umpteenth time. Dad, or I guess John(? This is getting frustrating), wants to open more Kennish Car Washes. Not really a big deal, except for the fact that it means the whole family, and I mean everybody, has to move to Lima, Ohio. Apparently this is a great investment for the business. Like I care. I'm not trying to throw myself a pity party but seriously, I like it at Buckner. And I don't want to leave behind my friends, Emmett included. I'm pretty sure Daphne doesn't like that idea either. Then again, I can't blame her since there is no deaf school anywhere near Lima. Toby gets to go to some private school for boys called Dalton Academy. Lucky. Regina gets another chance to start over with her salon. Since we've all become closer we will all live in the one house. Daphne and I will be attending the local public school called William McKinley High School. We are not too happy about that. Daphne is still trying to plead out of having an interpret. I think I understand why. I wouldn't want to have someone following me around all day either.

As Daphne and I helped each other pack our stuff, we came up with a brilliant idea. We decided to wait to tell everyone else about it.

We sat around what was supposed to be our dining room table. It was still covered so high with boxes that the chinese takeout had to sit on our laps. Nobody had ever realized how much stuff we all had until now. We decided to go through it all as we unpacked, which meant that we weren't going to school for at least a week. Before we could even start the long process of unpacking, we had to install a lot of things for Daphne. It wasn't easy either. When we first set up the doorbell, we missed a wire and when Toby tried it out, it didn't make any sound, which would have been fine if it weren't for the fact that most of us wanted more than lights to alarm us of visitors.

We finally started to unpack. That was when we realized that some of Daphne's things had been installed in my room and some had been installed in her room. Dad quickly called an inspector to find out if the wall between our rooms was a supporting wall. It wasn't and Dad asked if the guy could take the wall down. Looks like Daphne and I will be sharing a room. On the plus side, we both still have our own bathrooms. With us all having cars, Toby and I were told we were not allowed to have the garages for ourselves. However, there were a bunch of extra rooms, so we set one up as a guest room for Melody and Emmett, and another for any hearing guests. With extra rooms still available, I was given an art room. A room was soundproofed to make a studio for Toby. Daphne got a room too, although she hasn't decided what to do with it yet. We finished unpacking and it was time to tell our three parents our idea.

"Listen up. Daphne and I have an idea. Since you told us about moving and attending William McKinley full-time, Daphne has asked to not have an interpretor. I know you all don't like that but can you really blame her? Would you want to have some creepy old person following you around all day?"

"Bay, it doesn't work like that," Regina said. "An interpretor is meant to make communication easier for Daphne."

"Mom, please. I really don't want an interpretor. It will make me such a social outcast." Daphne pleaded.

"Regina, please listen. I'm not suggesting that Daphne is left to her own devices." Here she gave me an evil glare. "You may not have noticed but my signing has gotten really good. Our schedules haven't been set up yet and we are not going to know anybody. We were thinking that if we take the same classes, I can help interpret for Daphne. It would make both of us really happy."

"I suppose it would be easier if you were together, but I feel like Daphne should still have an interpretor," Mom said. I took one last shot. I looked at Regina and repeated myself using only sign language. She was impressed. Regina looked at me and Daphne and signed one word; yes.

AN: Please review. I have ideas for the first few chapters, but after that I haven't planned yet. I may consider any reviews or pms for future plot line.