Pike Fest

Authors Note: Hope you enjoy! Please read and REVIEW! Then tell me if you think it is worth continuing:)

Disclaimer: I don't own Alex Rider and probably never will:(

Summary: Alex is once again blackmailed into doing something he doesn't want to do; but this time by his school's football coach.


Alex shot up out of bed as soon as his alarm went off, immediately noticing the shots of pain rushing through his body.

He had just gotten back from his previous assignment the night before. Cringing at the thought of it, he slowly got up, trying his best not to fall back down from dizziness and limped to the mirror to examine the damage that had been done this time.

Alex had know idea how he had escaped death once again. He often wondered if he was as lucky as everybody always said. He certainty didn't feel like it...

His body was pretty bad off. There were many new scars and bruises ranging in many different shapes and sizes. His bullet wound had been reopened and stung furiously. He also felt like he was going to collapse at any second.

Alex had to hold back from yelping as he pulled his hoodie over is head. Despite the eighty degree weather, there was no way that he could go to school or anywhere for that matter looking like he did right now. Plus his wounds would get infected if they were not covered by something and he did not have any medical materials with him at the moment, so this would have to do.

MI6 had insisted that he go to the hospital last night after his debriefing, but he had flat out refused. Whenever he was at the hospital bad things happened... Plus, he was eager to get back to normal and to get his mind off mission mode. He wanted to forget everything that had happened on this mission and he knew he would have a better chance of that, if he did not have to recover in a hospital.

He started to stare at the little bottle of pills that MI6 him, they said that it was mandatory that he take them for the pain, since he refused to go to the doctor. After a moments hesitation he decided to throw them in his back pack, just in case. Even though he didn't plan on using them unless absolutely necessary.

Alex decided to take one more quick glance in the mirror, before he went downstairs. He was relieved that his hoodie and sweatpants covered up all of his new injuries and reminders of his mission. The only thing giving it away was his eyes. They were glossed over and had dark circles under them, reminding Alex that he needed to catch up on about twenty four hours of sleep...

He sighed, as he grabbed his back pack and slowly started to walk down the narrow staircase.

About five minutes later he was downstairs and relieved to find that Jack was not awake yet. He felt a wave of guilt wash over him as he realized that Jack had gotten up early to make him breakfast and be with him all of these years.

He pushed the thought to the back of his mind and started to write her a note.


I got back from my mission late last night or early his morning, however you want to think about it... Anyways, I am fine and just headed to school early to get all my make up work. See you tonight.


Satisfied, he silently walked out the door.

He kind of felt bad about lying to Jack. The real reason why he left early was he knew that there was no way that he could ride his bike and that he would have to walk the whole way to school.

Every step he took brought on more pain. Alex desperately wanted to turn back around, but knew that he was stronger than that and he did not want to worry Jack more than she already was. He had know idea that trying to walk without a limp was so hard, but after about twenty painful minutes he had finally got the hang of it.

Alex was relieved when he had finally reached school. He still had ten minutes before the bell was going to ring and kids were flooding in everywhere. He heard the rumors start to explode around him as usual when he walked in. He didn't bother listening to them anymore and did his best to ignore them. He thought he heard people trying to talk to him or get his attention, but his mind didn't register any of it. He just wanted to get to his first block class.

Alex wandered around the long hallways lined with many lockers before he finally found his. He retrieved his stuff, glad to see that no one had tampered with any of it and walked to his class that was only a few yards away.

Everybody stared at him as he walked into the small biology class room, nobody was expecting him to be back this soon. He was oblivious to it all though and went to his old desk. The pounding in his head increased as he tried to read the board, but his vision was slightly blurred and it took him a while to make the letters out. After a couple of minutes he realized that it just had tonight's homework listed on it...

He was tempted to lay his head down on the desk, but he did not want a worse reputation than he already had. So, he sat there miserably waiting for the class to begin. He snapped out of his thoughts as somebody poked him on the back.

Alex turned around quickly to see who it was, immediately regretting it as he felt another sharp pain go through his body.

He was relieved to see that it was his old football coach and not a student. He cursed himself for not noticing the man walk into the room. Maybe he should of listened to MI6 and gone to the doctor?

"Hey Alex. I am glad to see that your back." The coach said, patting Alex on the back. Alex couldn't help it as he hissed in pain, but the coach seemed to have ignored it.

Alex was confused. He had quit soccer a couple of months ago, not having the time for it. So why would the coach be talking to him? He snapped out of his thoughts as the coach started talking again.

"How would you like to guest play in our tournament this weekend?" The coach said, hoping for an easy yes.

"No thanks." Alex said, his voice came out more hoarse than he would have liked.

"Alex we need you. John broke his foot, and we need one more player for this weekend. This is the biggest tournament of the year and we have not won it in over ten years. You are the only chance we have of even placing in it."

"I am sorry, but I am still feeling a little ill." Alex said, truthfully. He knew that he was in no condition to play football.

"Well as long as your not throwing up I think you will be fine, and I have heard that you have been falling behind in a few of your classes. If you play this weekend, I know some people who can help bump those grades up to A's."

Alex was now feeling very uncomfortable. Wasn't that illegal? It sounded really tempting, but he still knew that there was no way he could walk in a straight line, let alone run around a soccer field.

"I am sorry coach, but I really don't think I can do it." Alex said, not making eye contact with him.

"Look Alex, I am surprised that the school even lets you attend here anymore. Either you play this weekend and your grades get bumped up, or I think I will have no choice but to have you expelled. I've talked to the headmaster about this and he said that if you play this weekend it would make up for some of your absences and you can stay in school." The coach said, looking the boy over closely. He kind of felt bad about doing this to the kid. He looked exhausted, but if the team did not win this tournament there would be a good chance that he would be out of a job and then he would be unable to provide for his children.

"Fine." Alex said with something akin to disgust in his voice. Wasn't it bad enough being blackmailed by MI6?

The coach was surprised that the kid agreed so quickly. It was almost as if the kid was used to being blackmailed. He didn't even put up a fight or anything. The coach ignored the thought and started to speak again.

"Great. Meet us at the school around five tonight and we will take a bus there. The tournament is called Pike Fest and is only around two hours away and I will pay for your hotel cost. Just bring your old football uniform, a soccer ball, and anything else you might need." The coach said satisfied.

Alex didn't respond. This was going to be a long weekend... He was going to need try really hard, if he wasn't going to get his cover blown. He just really hoped that another party wasn't going to get involved. After all, danger did seem to follow him.

Authors Note: Hope you liked! PLEASE REVIEW! And tell me if you think it is worth continuing:)