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Chapter 7-Mother Knows Best

Main Couple: SoulxKidxLuke

Secondary Couple: Black*StarxPatty

I awoke to Stein looking down at me. I looked around and realized I was still in his lab.

"Good to see you awake Kid. How are you feeling?"

"How am I feeling? I'm fucking confused! How the hell did this happen?"

Doctor Stein took out a chart which had an outline of my body and notes written all over. He turn the screw in his head and then pointed to a spot on the chart.

"This is an organ that is responsible for getting you pregnant. From my research it seems all Shinigamis have this organ regardless of their gender. This allows them to reproduce with or without the aid of the opposite sex. In your case Kid, you had sex with another male so, this organ produced an egg. If it was a female this would produce spume along with the penis's spume thus increasing the chances the female would get pregnant. Interesting isn't it? Reproduction seems more important for a death god then it is for humans."

I stared at the doctor still trying to grasp what he told me. "W-What happens now?"

"Well do you know who the father is?"

"No, I don't."

Stein looks at me curiously. "Why's that Kid?"

"Well you see...I...uh..."

"It''s okay Kid, you can tell me."

I sallow back my nervousness and look him in the eye. "I had a threesome so that's why I'm not sure."

I saw disappointment came across the doctor's face but only for a moment. He turned the screw a few times and lite a cigarette. He blew out the toxic mix of chemicals and look at me. "Your father expects better of you, Kid."

I down at the ground knowing Stein was right. I am the son of Shinigami-Sama and I should have known better. Not only does this make me look bad but this also effects how others see my father. I feel the grip of depression drag me down and I hear the voices that plague my mind. You're garage! Garage such as you is not worthy of being his son and you deserve to die! Tears flow freely from my eyes and my fist is bloody from repeatably hitting the hard cold floor. I was drowning in depression and couldn't hear Stein yelling at me to stop. It wasn't until he psychically forced me to stop that I snapped out of it.

"Kid it's going to be alright."

I look down at my hand which was already healing. "How do you know?"

"Your father won't like this news, Kid but you're his son and he loves you."

"Yeah, I know.."

"Kid, you need to make a decision."

"About what?"

"About keeping the baby or not. If you want you can have the pregnancy terminated."

"No, I can't kill this life growing inside of me."

"Are you saying that because you're a Shinigami or is this what you want?"

"This is what I want."

"Alright then. Oh, and Kid who did you have the threesome with?"

"It was with Soul and Luke."

Stein wrote some notes and then started explaining what I could expect during the pregnancy. He told me he'll be the one to do my check ups when needed. After he was done explaining things He sent me home.

~Back at Kid's place~

I look up at the clock wondering when Kid was gonna return home. I looked over at Soul who was channel surfing. He didn't seem concerned Kid has been gone for two hours now. This is one thing Soul and I don't have in common. I really don't see how he can so calm about this, I mean Kid is a Shinigami for god shake. He isn't suppose to get sick.

"Hey Luke, stop staring at the clock it isn't gonna make time go faster you know. Why don't you sit on the couch with me?"

"No thanks, I'd rather wait for Kid."

"You can do that on the couch as well."

Suddenly we both hear the door being unlocked. When it opens Soul walks over to join me in greeting Kid.

"Hey Kid."

Soul and I hug Kid. "So what did Stein say?"

"Oh, he said I was just over stressed."

"I see." I gently grab Kid's hand and lead him over to the couch. "You just relax then."

"So Kid, did Stein say anything else?"

"No, not really."

Soul looked at Kid curiously. "You're sure?"

"Yes Soul."

"Alright Kid."

"I'm gonna take a shower so, anyone wanna join me."

Soul and Luke looked at each other. "Can we join you, Kid?"

I smile at them. "Of course."

I was fine with them showering with me because Dr. Stein said that having sex during the first stage of pregnancy was healthy for me and the baby. Besides, I wanted to have sex with them as often as possible until I can't. Luke got to the bathroom first and then Soul then me. As soon as I got undressed Luke grabbed me and passionately kiss me. He ran his fingers through my hair which was starting to get wet from the water. My ears picked up on the sound of Soul stepping in the shower. I felt his hands glade down my body and they stop at my hips. Luke's tongue was exploring my mouth and Soul was kissing the back of my neck. The room was quickly becoming steamy and it wasn't from the water. My whole body twitched with excitement. Luke and Soul noticed this and Luke picked me up and pinned me against the wall. This gave Soul easy access to my entrance and he wasted no time sticking a finger in me. I moaned but it was not heard because Luke had his lips locked with mine once again. Soul stuck another finger in and it was when he scissored his fingers that I groaned slightly at the pain. Soul stuck yet another finger in me and by that point the pain was causing me to sweat and cry a bit.

"Soul please, three fingers is too much."

I felt him side a finger out. "Is that better?"


I was in the middle of catching my breath when suddenly, Luke grabbed my dick and began to rub it. Between Soul fingering me and Luke rubbing me it wasn't long before I reached my climax and came. I stood under the hot soothing water and watched Soul and Luke have sex. Like usual the two struggled to maintain to their dominance. Luke always got the upper hand on Soul and he would just give up after a while. I suppose it can't be helped Luke is taller and older then me and Soul. Which makes him our senpai...doesn't it? The sudden realization made me laugh. Luke now had Soul pinned against the wall and he had a devilish grin on his face.

"Stop struggling scythe boy! You know you love this!"

Luke trusted into Soul rather fast and hard and I watched as Soul choked back the tears that were on the edge of his eyelids. His headband which was around his neck was now in his mouth and he was biting onto it so hard I thought the thing could break any second. Soul's nails were more like daggers digging into Luke's back. Luke's blood ran down his back and down towards the drain. Despite the pain Luke continue to trust into Soul faster and harder with each trust. The tears that Soul tried so hard to hold back were flowing freely down his cheeks and onto Luke's hands. Soul's nails went farther down in Luke's back which caused the flow of blood to increase.

"You guys, maybe you should tone it down a bit."

My word of concern fell on daft ears as the two continued to push each others pain tolerance to their limit. Both of them had their pride on the line and neither of them was gonna let up until one of screamed for all of it to stop. Luke did one hard trust into Soul and that was that broke Soul. He let out the loudest scream I've ever heard from him. His grip on Luke's back finally loosen as Soul slipped in and out of concessions. Luke completely exhausted collapsed and laid on the floor.


I looked at Luke. "Intense is an understatement."

Luke smiled at me and then laughed. "Yeah, you're right."

A grin appears on my face. "I hope the sex was worth it because you two look so helpless and pathetic laying there."

Luke looks at me wide-eyed. "Oh, come on Kid. I can't move even if I wanted to! You aren't seriously gonna have sex with me while I'm like this, are you?"

"Of course I am."

"Can I call rape?"

"No, you can not."

"Eh, it was worth a try. Just go easy on me, okay Kid?"

"Sure, that's doable."

I walk over to the helpless demon and sit on top of him. I lock lips with his and passionately kiss him. Normally I'd lick his bottom lip to gain access to his mouth but since he was helpless I decided to force my tongue in. I rubbed my tongue up against the roof of his mouth and he let out a long low moan. His mouth was warm and had a mint taste to it. Feeling around, I discovered some of his teeth were normal while others were more canine like. I pulled away and kissed his neck nice and slow. His once smooth, soft skin now had two perfectly symmetrical hickeys.

"You bit me twice."

"Of course I did. I had to keep the symmetry."

I got off his stomach and sit in front of him. I look over at him and he has a look on his face I haven't seen from him before. Fear. The young Kishin god had fear written all over his face. I don't know why but I found it quite humorously and let out a bit of a crazed laugh. I wasted no time getting inside of him and thrusting hard and fast. His moans were music to my ears and it made the already big grin on my face become even larger. I was hell bent on showing him that he shouldn't let his guard down around me just because I'm the submissive one of the group. Five minutes in and he was already sweating and biting his lip.

"Awww, you're not tired already are you?"

"Me? No, of course of not." He grinned at me.

I decided to kick everything into high gear and that sure got his attention. His groans quickly got louder as my thrust got faster and harder.

"How do you like this, huh? How do you like getting fucked by the uke?"

"Do I have to answer that?"

"I want to hear you scream."

"Oh yeah? Well you're gonna work for that, Kiddo." He grinned at me once again.