If no one's noticed I've redone this chapter and a few for reasons that must be met, there should be less errors in the first few chapters, but other than that, I am still working on a few kinks, promise :) Other than that, I here's the disclaimer in all of it's glory.

I don't own Greed, fma, but I do own the DVD set like all the other Anime's I write about, so neh!

Chapter I : Welcome Home

It was Elise's belief that parents should always love their children.

A parent should, right?

After all, children were one of God's most precious beings ever created by man. It was the only thing innocence in this cruel world Elise seemed to live in.

For her, she didn't have the warmth of a mother's embrace, nor did she had the helping hand of her father kissing her injuries when she would fall off her bike. There wasn't even loving smile to keep her going through the rough patches…

No, her parents were rarely ever around, they were doctors working in Central, researching new techniques for Central's Military to become even stronger. Their jobs had them constantly working at all hours of the day & night, which they loved, dearly.

Apparently more than their own daughter…At least that's what Elise believed after a couple years of being lonely. She at least wish she had a friend she could talk to, maybe even to vent to for all her pent of anger and sadness she kept bottled up inside.

But Elise was a truly lonely girl.

Even when going to school, she really had no friends, but more of acquaintances to keep her a little happy, but when the day would end, it seemed she was the odd man out on everything.

She hated it so much, being the reject in, not only her own home, but her own town as well. It seemed like it was just a coincidence, but as the years began to take its toll on her, she began to believe that maybe she was just a black sheep…And that she just wasn't likeable.

But one day, her parents came from the long years of being away from their only daughter, with smiles that seemed like everything was still okay after leaving her when she was 5 years old. She was 18 now!

And she was angry about that…She spilled her heart to them, spreading out her anguish on the table before them in the kitchen; but weirdly, instead of an apology or a warm comforting embrace, Elise's father just said…

"Everything will be explained in due time. Come to central with us, and everything will become clear, my dear. You'll see why we were gone for so long."

Hesitant, and not really expecting that answer, their daughter merely thought it over and gave in to the idea, hoping that the trip would be, so called, worth it.

By the time they got into Central's proximity, already a day had gone by, and Elise was more than exhausted from the trip…

She had been sleeping, "Wake up, Elise, dear. Wake up, we're here."

The dark haired woman stirred within her own dreams, finally awaking to the morning sun shrinking her pupils to its smallest peak before she rubbed her emerald eyes of deep slumber.

"Mm-hmm? Oh, sorry. I must've dozed off, I wasn't expecting the trip to be this long…" She chuckled nervously, only getting her father to grin happily.

"Well, wait no longer. Let's get going or we're going to be late."

Her father assisted her out of the carriage, still smiling widely as Elise began to take a gander at the town around her.

"It's bigger than I imagined it to be…" She stated to her parents, trying to sound somewhat intrigued at the new surroundings, but her father could see the disappointment in her eyes.

"Don't you worry, dear Elise, the greatest surprise of your life has yet to present itself…Come with us, please."

"Yes, sir."

For some reason, the tone in her father's voice didn't seem right to Elise…Her intuition was slowly kicking in the further she began to follow them into a large Laboratory building that read the number 3 just outside of it's domain.

It had to have been where they worked since they were so many people in lab coats & seemed to greet them as they walked by.

"Where are we mama?" She asked her mother finally realizing the further they turned down an eerie hallway all of a sudden, but her mother just smiled back at her.

At first, it just seemed dark for such a noisy building, but the further they went in, the less people there were, & the less human noise there were; for Elise, it was getting incredibly uncomfortable, so much so she began to pick up her pace to catch up with her mother & father's speed, only to stand shoulder to shoulder with the two of them.

"Oh, don't you worry little Elise…We're close now."

"Uh, close to what, exactly?" She dared asked with a small quiver to her voice.

"The room, of course. We've prepared it just for you."

"Oh? And what's in the room?" Her parents just chuckled at one another before responding with, "Now, now, don't spoil the surprise."

"Yes, be patient." Her father replied grinning at this point.

Finally they approached an odd looking door. A door that seem to lead to another operating room.

What on earth would they prepare for me in an operating room?

Elise really wasn't liking the looks of this, but what could she do now…She was already here in front of the door with her parents, oddly smiling at her with suspicious features on their faces.

"Are you ready, Elise?"

"F-For what?" She looked at the closed door only to watch as her father opened it to the horrific sight of weird experimentations being preformed.

Elise's eyes widened in terror to the sounds of transmutations failing and succeeding. Howls of animals and man alike began to echo through out the room, till they rang through out the to the girls virgin ears.

She had never heard such noises before, and never had she seen something this terrifyingly gruesome.

Elise could only cup her open mouth when she finally spotted the piles of dead corpses laying the corner of the room, while the living, successful creatures, whether mix of human or animal cursed the doctors for their grins of fascination of them.

"Oh god, what're-, What're you doing to them? What have you done to them?"

She couldn't tear her eyes away from what she was seeing, and hearing. Elise felt like she wanted to cry for them, scream with them.

She wanted to save them, more than anything!

Suddenly, her should was warmed firmly by her father's hand, his face close behind her head as his gold tooth shimmered in the glow of the blood colored room.

"I need to know Elise, how much pain can you endure, if I were to bind you with a beautiful wild animal? A jaguar…No, a panther will suit you perfectly." Elise couldn't believe what she was hearing out of her own father's mouth.

Was he really going to turn her into one of these things? She pleaded to God hoping he wasn't really thinking.

A door from the other side of the room creaked open, getting Elise's body to shake as her eyes found themselves staring at a majestic, sleeping black panther that was groaning from the huge amount of tranquilizer they gave the poor thing.

They gently laid him on the table, getting ready to do who knew what, but Elise couldn't stand around to watch what was about to happen next.

"No, don't! Leave him alone!"

Elise attempted to move forward in fear of another animal being harmed, but her father's arm suddenly wrapped viciously around her neck, choking her out till she was slightly flushed in the face…

"Dad! Nngh! S-Stop! I-, can't…" She could barely breath. She was rasping from the strangle hold her father had upon her thin neck as she struggled in his arms.

"I'm sorry, my dear Elise…But it has to be done. You'll thank me." Her father cooed gently into her ear while he watched as the air from his daughter drained from her face only to have a cold sweat build up from the terrifying fear of being killed by her own parent.

…Or worse…Being use as one of their test subjects…

Not a second sooner did the girl's once blue, tear filled eyes fall into the back of her head, letting the vision before her shatter into the darkness…

Hearing the last words her father would ever speak to her…

"You'll be a perfect candidate for this new world we're creating…I just know it."

There wasn't much to remember after that, the only thing left were scars, and pain left to wallow within Elise, who after the long painful procedure, never felt the same. While in her deep slumber, she could feel her nose opening up to new things. All six of her senses released at once, which in a state of shock from the jolting experience seem to awaken Elise out of a dead sleep.

She sat up quickly, not really realizing that she had while her vision stayed extremely blurry and left her mouth dry, sour, and mucky. Sweat ran down her forehead and neck the minute she realized she was still alive. Unfortunately, instead of being on a dissecting table, she found herself somewhere dark, cold and damp, with a couple of few new strangers that she could see, due to blurred vision…

"Whoa, check out those ears…"

Next- Chapter 2: Greed the Avarcious

Okay, officially everbody? My fingers hurt, I should rest, I hoped you liked the remake, not much was done to it, but still 3 Bye bye!