Author's Note:

Alas, after about three months, we come to a close. I hope this ending is satisfactory and doesn't seem rushed to any of you. As I said in my last AN - don't fear, there is a sequel to come soon... and plenty more slash-y stories regardless!


Chapter Seventeen

The first thing Merlin was aware of was a very dull ache on the back of his head.

Merlin grimaced and gingerly touched his hand to the back of his head, as he did so, he felt an odd tug at his abdomen, one that felt desperately unnatural and unusual. There was something pressing against him. He moved his slender fingers down to his side. When he pressed on his side he felt soreness, but he also felt cloth which was wound uncomfortably tightly around his abdomen. He moved to pull it away, but large, warm familiar hands stopped him.

"Oh no you don't!"

"Arthur?" Merlin's eyes flew open.

"In the flesh," Arthur was sat on the side of the bed, dressed in brown trousers and a white shirt. His hair was tussled, indicating that he had just woken up. Still, Merlin believed that his husband had never looked more beautiful. Merlin tried to sit up, but winced when he felt a painful pull at his side, Arthur pushed him back into the pillows. Arthur's touch sent shivers through Merlin, almost erasing the dull ache he felt all over his body.

"If you won't let me sit up," Merlin said, hating the whine in his voice, but he felt desperate to touch Arthur, for the contact that he had been denied as he had drifted through that endless darkness. "At least come closer..."

Arthur did not need to be asked twice. It was apparent that his need to be near to Merlin was equal if not suppressed to Merlin's. He brought his legs up onto the bed beside Merlin and pushed himself up so he lay against the pillows before he turned onto his side, with a little stirring Merlin turned on his side so they faced each other, Arthur softly put his arm around Merlin's waist above his injury and kissed him. Merlin's arm fell over Arthur's waist. When the kiss ended they still remained close, their foreheads touching.

"Thank God you're all right," Arthur whispered. "I was so worried..."

Merlin's gaze flicked up to meet Arthur's gaze. "He was going to kill you," Merlin whispered. "I couldn't let him do that. What would become of me?"

"But you almost died..." Arthur said. "You can't sacrifice yourself for me."

"You know I'd die for you without a second thought. Your life is worth a hundred of mine."

"No, no, no," Arthur said softly, brushing his other hand across Merlin's face. His smell was intoxicating. "You are my life. I can't live on a world without you. You need to learn to have a second thought about these things, Merlin... I was so scared when you fell... I thought our time had been cut short and there was so much I felt that I should have done, should have said."

"What should you have said...?"

Arthur smiled, tears glistening in his eyes as he took in his husband for all his worth. Even blurred from sleep and unwashed he was gorgeous. Arthur wondered how he had managed for nearly three years without letting on that he loved Merlin. Three years. All that time wasted. Arthur felt a cold hand wrap around his heart as he thought of so much time being wasted and that feeling he had received when Merlin had fallen, as if happiness had been taken from him.

"I should have told you from the second I first saw you that I loved you, damn the consequences. I already wasted three years... I was so scared that I'd wasted all our time together. That I'd gotten an allotted time... and it was being pulled away too early. I never would have forgiven myself."

"Arthur..." Merlin was touched by his words. "We both made that mistake. But we have the rest of our lives to correct it."

Arthur took a huge breath, hating himself for what he knew he had to say. "Merlin, you don't have to stay with me."

Panic seized Merlin, if he had been at full health he would have jumped up. "What? Why? What do you mean?"

"Merlin, I'm never left alone. Guards are always within a hundred metres of me. My whole life I've been the centre of speculation. I haven't been able to merely speak to a woman without the entire Kingdom expecting a wedding. I will always be at the centre of speculation, my entire family will. I cannot let you enter into that world without extreme awareness."

"I'm already married to you. I've made my choice."

"Such claims can be ignored," Arthur said quietly. "When we wed it was hasty, the only piece of comfort which we could share together or apart. I am fully willing to release you of your promise."

"If it makes you feel better we will be wed again!" Merlin said a tint of annoyance clear in his voice. "We will wed on the palace balcony before all of Camelot if you want. But I'm not going to leave you no matter who you are and you'd better damn well get used to it!"

Arthur laughed. "Are you sure?" He whispered, gazing into Merlin's deep blue orbs.

"For God's sake, Arthur!" Merlin's voice and face were smiling. "Are you really trying to talk me into leaving you? I've already agreed to stay with you because I want to. And I'd be damned if I didn't think that you felt the same way."

Arthur laughed and kissed Merlin again. Although Arthur had already decided to tell Merlin that he had to leave purely for his own safety, he had not exactly said it like that. Arthur was ashamed that he did not have the strength to make Merlin really consider his decision, but the King had always had some sort of greediness in his personality, it was something that came with being royal: nothing that Arthur could shake or have any control over.

Just like his feelings for Merlin.

"Okay. Now that I've got that out of the way..." He looked at Merlin, smiling. The hand that rested on Merlin's waist rubbed idle circles on his flesh. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," Merlin said softly. "And sore. How long was I asleep?"

"Three days," Arthur said softly. "After I killed the Duke - he was caught off guard when he stabbed you instead of me and I was angry enough that I couldn't possibly be defeated even if he had been expecting it - we took you to Gaius. You'd been losing a lot of blood and you were out cold. He stitched you up and bandaged you up... and then we just had to hope that you'd gotten medical attention before it was too late. We assumed that once you woke you could perform sufficient magic to heal yourself if you preferred."

Merlin thought over Arthur's suggestion. It seemed legitimate enough. He closed his eyes and focused on a healing spell. It worked somewhat, the dull ache at the back of his head disappeared as did most of the aching in his body. What did remain was the prominent pain at his side. Arthur saw Merlin's discouragement and kissed his forehead, moving closer to Merlin so that his chin rested upon the top of Merlin's head. One of his arms went under Merlin's head as a pillow and the other wrapped more firmly around his waist.

"Don't worry about healing yourself fully now," Arthur said softly after a moment of silence. "You need rest."

"I don't want to sleep." Merlin murmured, even though his strength was already draining. "I want to stay awake and talk to you. I've been sleeping for days."

"Yes, but you're still wounded and you're tired," Arthur kissed Merlin's raven hair. "Don't fear, I'll be here when you wake up and still remain when you sleep and I shall remain when you wake again and again and again. I'm never going to leave you."

"And I'm never going to leave you." Merlin murmured sleepily, curling into Arthur's warm embrace and allowing sleep to pull him under.



Gaius had a habit of never sitting at his desk, but at that moment he had to. He dropped into his chair, staring at the King. Arthur remained standing; he was dressed in a red shirt and brown trousers, the usual attire for the King. Merlin was elsewhere to be found. It had been a week since the sorcerer had woken and after healing his body upon his second waking, it had been impossible to keep him bedridden as Gaius had recommended. As far as Gaius knew, Merlin was out riding. Or at least that's what the King had claimed he would be doing when he had left that morning.

"Well... technically we were married the night that Drake took over Camelot. But it is being demanded by the people that they witnesses a proper wedding. And although I do like the idea, I'm afraid that Merlin will be far from easy to convince. But primarily, I wish to ask for your blessing. I apologise that I was unable to discuss the union before it occurred, but as you will understand Camelot was in a rather tense position at the time."

"You want my blessing to have a formal wedding to Merlin?" Gaius had to clarify that he had heard the King correctly.

"Yes, if you would." Arthur replied. "I would also request it of Hunith, but as she remains in Ealdor for the time being, I don't believe that I could very easily request it of her. And as she trusted Merlin's welfare to you from the very beginning of his life in Camelot I'm led to understand that you speak on her behalf when it comes to Merlin. So I ask you, will you give me your blessing to formally wed Merlin?"

Gaius stared at Arthur for a moment, before seriousness fell upon him. "I cannot say I am surprised by the request. You two have always had a rather tender way about each other that clearly indicated that you felt more than friendship between you, although the length of time it took either of you to understand that the other mirrored your feelings is rather disconcerting... but you must understand that I will not tolerate Merlin being hurt in the union."

Arthur winced as he recalled the painful conversation that had occurred several months previously.

"I can assure you that Merlin will remain content and loved." Arthur paused and decided to reword his reply. He met Gaius's gaze with a determined one of his own. His words were true, their meaning real. "In fact I swear to you, upon my life. He will be loved and cared for so long as I live."

Gaius was surprised by the meaning in the King's words. He leaned back and regarded the young man standing before him. Arthur was young, that was definite. Some might argue that his accession had come too early. Perhaps it had, Gaius reasoned, perhaps it would be best for the young King to worry about one thing at a time, marriage and then his rule. It then occurred to him that had Arthur married as a Prince, he would not have been granted the one he truly loved. Gaius had long believed that all happened for a reason and nil happened to one who could not stand strong. It also occurred to Gaius that it was certain that Arthur (although he may not engage in another wedding) would remain loving Merlin regardless of whether or not the people of Camelot were presented with a wedding.


"What?" Arthur was perplexed, not expecting the very sudden answer.

"Yes, I give you my blessing." Gaius smiled.

Arthur's face reflected the happiness of a child's when they woke to realize that it was Christmas. He walked swiftly around the table and knelt before Gaius.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"It was a given." Gaius said simply. "A blind man could see it, you and Merlin were made for each other. I am honoured to know that I will serve your partnered rule until the last of my days."

Arthur smiled. "Thank you, Gaius." He said again.

Gaius stood. "Now for another matter," He declared quite readily.

Arthur stood, feeling a wave of confusion wash over him. "What do you mean, Gaius?"

Gaius turned to Arthur, smirking. "How are you going to convince Merlin to wed you again in a large formal wedding?"

Arthur groaned and sank down into the chair which moments before had held Gaius. "I have no idea. It will be tough enough convincing him to have a proper coronation. But another wedding? In front of all of Camelot? Regardless of his popularity in the Kingdom, I feel that it is safe to say that he'd rather run stark naked up the High Street than be properly married in a day full of celebrations."

As if he had sensed that Gaius and Arthur were speaking about him, the worn door opened and Merlin walked in, holding two dead Pheasants. He set them on the table next to his satchel.

"I don't know how you can say that I don't have good fighting skills, Arthur." He was saying. "I shot these down without a second try with an arrow. Looks like we've finally found something I excel at..."

On and on he went as he walked across the room, slinging off his jacket and taking his scarf off. Although he was royal and as a result the finest fabrics were offered to him, Merlin preferred wearing his own clothes. It was something that worried Arthur, although Merlin had agreed to it, teaching Merlin to be royal was proving to be a difficult task. Arthur could not grumble though, the man had grown up in a small village. The fact that he hadn't yet suffered a mental breakdown from the constant attention and flaunting of the people over him had to be a promising beginning.

Merlin paused when he caught sight of Arthur. His husband was unusually pale, leaning forcefully back into the chair. Merlin's eyebrows furrowed as he stepped cautiously towards Arthur, stealing a glance at Gaius, whose expression revealed nothing.

"Arthur, is something wrong?"

"Not exactly wrong..." Arthur said, the sudden stress of what he had to ask of Merlin pushing down on him. It almost felt like hands had reached down from the ceiling and were physically pushing him down into the seat. "Merlin, did you meet with the council chamber today?"

"I'm afraid I did not,"

"I saw them at noon." Arthur told him. "And they mentioned something among other things which is of great personal interest to you... to both of us."

Merlin's eyebrows furrowed as he moved to stand before his husband. He leaned back against the table and crossed his arms. "Okay. What is this 'personal matter'?"

"Though the people are aware that we were previously wed and accept it as such," Arthur began, his eyes flicking to Gaius, who nodded encouraging him on. "They... they are somewhat unfulfilled."

"Unfulfilled?" Merlin questioned, noting how Arthur avoided his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Since my birth," Arthur answered slowly. "It has been debated who I would marry... and what sort of grand affair would accompany it. They still stand by their hopes to see me properly wed."

Merlin's eyes widened in understanding, "You want us to have a proper wedding."

"We did not even exchange rings, Merlin." Arthur said. "I would like the ceremony to occur as much as our people would. It was hasty and although it bound us and offered us comfort at the time I cannot help but feel as my people do. A wedding is meant to be a sacred affair, Merlin... not as it was, not hasty and scared, when both parties are unsure of whether they will ever meet again."

Merlin sighed. "Can we not exchange rings in a private ceremony?"

"I'm a King, Merlin, and so are you. You can hardly expect our subjects to be content that we repeated out vows in a private ceremony." Arthur sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he always did when he found himself under stress. "It is part of our duty, part of being royal,"

In truth, Merlin's title since their official return to Camelot had not been that of King, but instead he was referred to as the Grand Duke of Camelot. Since an official crowning ceremony had not occurred, the people were reluctant to call Merlin 'King' until such a duty had been preformed. Arthur felt that this distinction was uncalled for in this current setting due to the fact that regardless of his people's thoughts upon the matter, Arthur had bestowed Merlin with equal ruling power to his crown and hence thought of him as a King.

"How is it legitimate that I allow subjects - some of whom I do not know to watch such a private and intimate ceremony?"

"Because it involves them, our union symbolizes the future of this Kingdom." Arthur gestured to Gaius. "It is why I came to see Gaius, I wished for his blessing to continue forward with such a ceremony."

Merlin looked to Gaius, who looked on encouragingly, trying to tell him something. What he was trying to say Merlin did not know, but he knew that it was a fair bet that it would be something to do with the current topic of conversation. Merlin sighed.

"And did you agree?" He was speaking to Gaius.

Gaius nodded. "Yes, Merlin, I did. If you will forgive me for saying so, Arthur, the people were rather disturbed by the short lived marriage between Uther and his Queen. I can assure you Merlin that the trust of your people will be heightened if they see the trust between you and Arthur, if they trust in your relationship."

Merlin sighed, knowing that Gaius talked complete sense. He fixed his gaze upon Arthur.

"Okay," His tone was slightly spectacle, but otherwise total agreement dominated the King's features. "If the people of Camelot want a formal wedding, it is a formal wedding they will receive."

Arthur could think of no other appropriate response than to leap from the chair and engage Merlin in a very passionate kiss.


One Month Later

"I cannot believe I agreed to this," Merlin whispered to Gaius, who stood with him.

A month had passed since that terrible battle for the throne of Camelot. Guinevere and Morgana had been retrieved two weeks following Merlin's injury. Lancelot had gratefully accepted the Knighthood bestowed upon him by Arthur in gratitude. Lancelot would be leaving shortly, for as he had told Merlin and Arthur the week before, 'I'm young, I want to know the world I live within'. Guinevere and Morgana had announced their engagement the previous week. The four could not help but continuously find the coincidence of their romances amusing.

Gaius smiled at Merlin's obvious discomfort. "Don't fear, Merlin. It is a simple ceremony... and what better way to be introduced properly to royal life than through your own wedding?"

"I've already been wed," Merlin muttered in response, but he was smiling nonetheless.

Gaius and Merlin stood before the double doors leading to the throne room, which had been decked out to make a very fine wedding venue. All of the noblemen and gentlewomen in the land where gathered in the throne room. Hunith - now known as the Countess of Emrys - was also present. She had spoken to Merlin earlier, kissing him and wishing him good luck. Arthur he had not seen, however. This was to further please their subjects, who firmly believed that it would spoil the union if the Kings were to view each other before the ceremony.

Trumpets sounded from within the door. Gaius looked to Merlin, finding his hand beneath the many cloaks and finery that Merlin wore for the occasion and squeezed it.

"They're ready," Gaius whispered.

"I only hope that I am." Merlin whispered back. For he had to admit, the quick union had hardly felt official or real. But now, standing before the throne room which Merlin knew contained Arthur, Merlin could not have mistaken the moment for any other than what occurred straight at that time.

The double doors opened to reveal a fine throne room. It was packed with people. Most of their guests were nobles from Camelot, but Merlin knew that many Crowned heads from other Kingdoms had come to witness the event. The room had been finely decked out with banners bearing the Pendragon Crest and gold and red everything were present everywhere. The carpet beneath Merlin's feet was red with a gold boarder. Knights stood around the room in their finest uniforms. As well as being decorated for the wedding, the room had also been decorated to show off all of Camelot's glory.

"Announcing Merlin of Ealdor,"

Although he did have a royal title, both Merlin and Arthur had thought it appropriate that they use his old title purely to symbolize the first marriage between a King and commoner that had ever occurred in Camelot. Along with many other things, such as breaking down the prejudice that surrounded same sex marriages, their union would

The room turned and caught their breath. Someone had done a miracle with Merlin. He did not wear a Knight's uniform simply because he was not a Knight. However he was fully decked out in formal state wear. He wore a bright red cape and beneath it fine red clothing which - like the room - was embroidered with gold. His knee-high boots had been polished until one could easily use them in place of a looking glass. At his waist he carried a sword purely for decoration. His unruly hair had actually been somewhat controlled and was not sticking up at any odd angles.

Unlike Merlin, Arthur was fully dressed in Knights Uniform, which was completed by the crown he wore upon his head. The crown that had been present at so many royal coronations, the crown of Camelot, the sun of the crown jewels.

Merlin moved slowly down the aisle. His hand was at the handle of the sword, as he had been instructed. In his head a million memories were pressing forth, the most prominent being the moment he had realized that he loved Arthur. It had been when Arthur had come to see him after the flower he had found had saved Merlin's life. A life for a life it was. Merlin had saved Arthur's and so Arthur had saved his. Merlin remembered the moment Arthur had appeared in the doorway as a milestone. Not only because it was the first time that Merlin recalled that Arthur's presence had truly made his heart pound and his palms get sweaty, but because it was a changing point. It was the point where the arrogant Prince had begun to learn that there was more to life than being a good warrior.

Unbeknownst to Merlin, that had been when Arthur had realized his feelings. They had come to light the moment Merlin had fallen after drinking the poison, but as he had paused in the doorway that day, seeing Merlin sitting up, colour returned to his face... the sight had taken Arthur's breath away and it had been clear from that moment forward that Arthur would never - could never love another.

The sight of his husband took his breath away. It was all the King could do to wait until Merlin reached him at the base of the steps. It crossed Arthur's mind that perhaps meeting Merlin halfway and kissing him passionately could be enough for their people and then he and Merlin could return to their bedchamber, not to sleep, of course.

Instead of acting on his impulse, Arthur waited at the base of the steps, his eyes locked with Merlin's. He held his hand out as Merlin reached the base of the steps. Merlin smiled and took it. Arthur led Merlin up the few steps so they stood before the Archbishop.

"We are gathered here today to unite these two persons under God." He began. "If anyone here knows a reason why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your silence." No one spoke. "And you both, should either of you know a reason why you are unfit to be wed speak now, for remember that all will be revealed on that fateful day of judgement as nil can be shielded from our Lord. Should nil be known rise and stand before me."

They rose.

The Archbishop made the sign of a cross over his bible and began reading. "Do you, King Arthur of the House of Pendragon King of Camelot take Merlin of Ealdor to be your wedded husband? With the deepest joy do you receive him into your life so that together you may be one? As Christ is to His body, the church will you be to him a loving and faithful husband? Do you promise him your deepest love, your fullest devotion, your tenderest care? Do you promise that you will lead your lives together into a life of faith and hope? And so throughout life, whatever may lie ahead of you, do you pledge to him your life as a loving and faithful husband?"

"I do." Arthur said, seeing nothing but the man before him.

"Do you, Merlin of Ealdor take his Majesty King Arthur of the House of Pendragon, King of Camelot to be your wedded husband? With the deepest joy do you receive him into your life so that together you may be one? As Christ is to His body, the church will you be to him a loving and faithful husband? Do you promise him your deepest love, your fullest devotion, your tenderest care? Do you promise that you will lead your lives together into a life of faith and hope? And so throughout life, whatever may lie ahead of you, do you pledge to him your life as a loving and faithful husband?"

Merlin returned Arthur's gaze with such trust and obvious dedication that Arthur caught his breath, realizing that he felt on the verge of tears of overwhelming joy.

"I do." Merlin's voice was quieter than Arthur's had been, but the same meaning and love seeped into it.

"It is now time to exchange rings." The Archbishop gestured for the page boys who had carried the rings to come forward. He handed the gold one which had been intertwined so it looked somewhat like a never ending loop of braids to Arthur. "Repeat after me, Merlin of Ealdor, with this ring, I seal my vow of love to you."

"Merlin of Ealdor, with this ring, I seal my vow of love to you." Arthur pushed the ring onto Merlin's slender hands. To his joy, it fit perfectly. His tender eyes flicked up and met Merlin's gaze. "I love you," He mouthed.

Merlin smiled and looked down, glancing up again through his lashes. He took the white gold ring from the pillow. This ring was nothing like the one Arthur had given Merlin, the ring Merlin had had designed for Arthur had been carved by the finest in Camelot. It had a fine design engraved on it. Merlin could tell from Arthur's expression that he liked the ring very much.

"King Arthur of Camelot, with this ring, I seal my vow of love to you," The Archbishop prompted.

Merlin gingerly took Arthur's hand, his eyes flicking up to meet Arthur's as he pushed the ring onto the forth finger of Arthur's left hand. He held it there for a moment, gazing at Arthur before taking a huge breath.

"King Arthur of Camelot, with this ring, I seal my vow of love to you,"

"By the holy power bestowed upon me, I pronounce you bound in holy matrimony. May God bless you."

Arthur pulled Merlin to him and kissed him. It was not an openly passionate kiss, but deep within it, Merlin felt love and dedication wrap around him. He reached his hand up to Arthur's face as their kiss deepened. When they broke apart cheers filled the room. Arthur gave Merlin a cheeky grin - and gestured for the third pageboy to come forward. This page was older, more important. On the red velvet pillow he held was a crown. It was gold and matched Merlin's wedding ring, for it was intertwined gold. Merlin had not seen this crown before and smiled as he noticed the similarities. As Arthur picked up the crown, Merlin knelt on the steps before him, artfully spreading his cape around him.

Arthur held the crown before Merlin's raven hair.

He lowered it onto Merlin's head, saying. "I crown you, King Merlin of the House of Pendragon, King Consort of Camelot."

The crowd cheered again and Merlin reached up and grasped Arthur's hand and mounted the few steps up to the thrones. They stood briefly, their hands interlocked above and between them, before taking their respective seats, overlooking the ornate room.

"Their Majesties, King Arthur of Camelot and King Merlin King Consort of Camelot!" He paused. "Long live King Arthur! Long live King Merlin!"

"Long live King Arthur!" The crowd chanted. "Long live King Merlin! Long live King Arthur! Long live King Merlin!"

Merlin felt as if he would burst from happiness. In his heart of hearts, the King was truly grateful that Arthur - or Gaius, really - had talked him into agreeing to an official formal ceremony. Their hasty exchange of vows all those months ago had merely been comfort - no real truth was meant by them. Something about this moment, this ceremony, the people chanting his name and Arthur's - felt unreal.

Arthur leaned over to Merlin. "I told you it wouldn't be so bad." He whispered. His voice was smiling. "You need to learn to trust me more. I am your husband, after all."

Merlin turned his head to look at him and caught his breath. Never before had he seen Arthur in such a light. The golden crown set off his blond hair which set off his strong jaw and beautiful sea blue eyes. A feeling of excitement crept through Merlin as he realized that this beautiful almost godlike creature had just chosen to spend his life with him.

"This hardly feels real," Merlin whispered back. "I fear it is a dream."

"If this is a dream," Arthur replied softly. "Then I can think of only one solution."

"What's that?" Merlin asked.

Arthur looked at him, a familiar tenderness in the depths of his blue eyes.

"Don't wake up."


This story is dedicated to all the readers who stuck with me from the beginning, through my horrible typos and weird quotation marks, right to the bitter (or actually, sweet) ending. :)

Make sure you don't miss the sequel! Add me to your 'Author Alerts' so that you'll know immediately when it becomes avaliable online!