At last here is the last chapter of this story. If there are readers that would like to read more on this pairing or of this "universe", leave a comment. I closed this story with the thought that if I had more inspiration, I could post little one-shots. It was somehow quite difficult to write this last one, as it is not as powerful as some of my other chapters, but I felt it was necessary. Nevertheless, I hope you will all enjoy it and have enjoyed it. Thank you everyone who has been a faithful reader! You really are what kept this story alive.

Skipper was not pleased.

After the devastating events that had occurred, Private had insisted on everyone coming back to the Penguin HQ. Everyone... including their arch-enemy. Of course Private had deployed his biggest puppy eyes and how could Skipper ever say no to those. However, the young soldier knew not to use it too often because his leader would always find a way to get back at him.

Skipper was glaring and muttering curses under his breath. Any minor injuries he had, had been taken care of by Private, who had insisted on caring for everyone to try and get rid of some of the guilt, and now he was forced to watch his precious protégé take care of his number one foe, who incidentally was the boy's crush. His fuming was cooled the smallest bit by the reassuring thought that Blowhole was just as interested in Private, for now that he had the chance he paid no attention at all to the glaring Penguin leader to rub some salt into the wounds.

Meanwhile, Kowalski, whose wounds had also been cared for, had disappeared into his lab and begun to make calculations and theories about what happened at Blowhole's lair. Every so often he would glance at Private, observing his behaviour and physical condition. He was at a loss. Even with the data of previous investigations to Private's Quantum Hypercute, he could do nothing but speculate. His head was hurting from more than just the blow he had received to it. The numbers simply did not make sense.
He was so lost in thought that he hadn't heard one of the people from the other room coming in and shutting the door to his lab. Only when he heard the heavy metal door fall into its lock, did he turn around. His body visibly tensed at the sight of his arch-enemy and his intellectual equal was standing in front of him with a cold, hard look.

"Let us cut to the chase, Kowalski. I do not care for you, nor do you for me. However, we have a shared interest and are, more than likely, asking ourselves the same question. You have more insight than I do, so I propose a truce." The mad doctor spoke with his arms folded across his chest. He was surprisingly patient when it came to the answer from Kowalski, who after careful consideration finally spoke up.

"Agreed." He turned back to his blackboard, aware of what was expected of him; an explanation of what he knew. "You will find the data to the Hypercute on my desk. I shall have to trust you with this information if you are to take proper care of him. We discovered the Hypercute when we were looking for a way to successfully get what we need from certain people without too much hassle, without them asking questions because, as you know, we work in secret. I tested his level of adorableness and it proved to hold a power within it that I did not think possible. It was scientifically impossible. He had the power to Hypercute people into unconsciousness. We had weaponized cuteness."

Blowhole was leaning against Kowalski's desk, analysing the data and only giving a simple "hmm" to that part of the explanation. Kowalski sighed and knocked the back of his hand against the blackboard, successfully drawing Blowhole's attention towards it.

"Hence this does not make sense! It is not only impossible; it defies the whole workings of the Hypercute! It should be fuelled with everything adorable, and should channel such cuteness in him that the human brain cannot cope with it. It is simply not logical for it to have a destructive power on this scale! None of the calculations explain how this is possible."

Blowhole walked over to the blackboard, refusing to show what he was thinking just yet. He analysed it intently, and Kowalski felt himself getting nervous for any mistakes he might have made.

"It does not add up." Blowhole mumbled. "Taking into consideration his normal adrenaline levels and the possible rush at such a moment, combined with the ehm... emotions... it still should not allow for this to happen. Unless he has got some other hidden power within him that you have not discovered yet and which has clashed with his Hypercute, I don't see where this destructive power could've come from."

"That is the strange part. The readings I got were from the Hypercute only. I have scanned him now and he seems perfectly stable with no trace of any power remaining." Kowalski explained. Both scientists sighed in exasperation. This problem seemed endless.

Not soon after, they were summoned back to the main area and placed at the table. Blowhole had to sit down at one side of the table and Skipper at the other, with his team standing behind him. There would have to be done some negotiating if they were to let Private anywhere near the villain ever again. The youngest 'penguin' did not argue with them, he had no reason to. In fact, he had some points of his own that he wanted to get in.

First up was the matter of when Private was allowed to be away, along with the pressing message that Blowhole was not welcome in their HQ unless given a special invitation signed by all four members of the team. In case of an emergency, Private is to return to base immediately with no protest or lingering. To this the youngest chimed in with the rule that if he was in Blowhole's company, said villain would not execute any of his evil schemes. It earned him a roll of the eyes from the mad scientist, but he did not protest. And so, Private was told he was allowed to see him on weekends, though not on Saturday morning, and on Wednesday afternoons. Those were the set days; any free time they would get in between those days were left to Private's decision.

Second was another one of Private's terms: the team was not to ever be harmed. Blowhole protested to this. These were his arch-enemies, if he was to continue to try and execute his evil plans, and they would be there to stop him, there would be a chance of them getting harmed. In return he received the question whether he would harm Private as well then, to which there was a short silence.

"Clearly I cannot underestimate his power. He has a near perfect aim and he has been trained by you. I will do what I can to keep him out of harm's way, but if he keeps fighting by your side then there is a substantial risk. However, in my defence, what happens on your missions is your responsibility and not mine." It sounded cold and harsh, but he had somewhat of a point. In their mad dynamics and in the crazy situations they all got themselves in, the risks had to be shared. And so they agreed to this, with the addition that both parties would make certain whatever harm was done would never be life threatening or with the intention to kill.

Lastly, they made an important agreement: in the event that some mad soul would be out to capture Private for his Quantum Hypercute, a truce between the penguin team and Dr. Blowhole would immediately take place and they would combine their forces to keep it from happening. It was given a codename: Scenario Cute-astrophe.

As Blowhole stood up, itching to leave the HQ, he was stopped when Skipper grabbed him by the shirt and gave him the most intense look the mad doctor had ever seen on the leader.

"Dare to hurt Private in any way while he is under your watch, and I will kill you." He spat out in spite. Blowhole smirked and pulled himself free. As he walked around the door, he paused in front of Private and gave him an affectionate pat on the head.

"I'll call you." He said with a wink before continuing his way to the door. Before he would close it behind him again, he could not resist turning around one last time, directing his attention towards the penguin leader.

"Isn't karma a bitch, Skipper? You mutilate my face to the point where I have to hide myself... and now I've got your precious protégé's innocence."

His luck was that he was quick in shutting the door, or the heavy object thrown would've hit his head. And as Dr. Blowhole walked off down the street victorious, he couldn't stop laughing at the shouting and bangs coming from the HQ of the elite Penguin team.