Hi there! Lolo-chii's here! This is my first IE FF on . I have an own account, but I'm sharing it with someone who dosn't want me to upload IE stories. So I decided that Yume and I are going to share an account. She dosn't know by now but it's like that.

I'm not really skilled in writing so this is kinda crap. I warned you. You don't have to reade it, but if you do, than please review so I know how you think about it.

"You there! Could you pass us the Ball?" the Raimon goal keeper Endou Mamoru asked. He spoke to a girl at the side of the soccer field.

A part of her sky blue hair flow in the wind, the other was hold by her so they would not flow into her face.

The wind wasn't strong. It was flowing softly over the ground, lukewarm for the body, and caressed the slightly tanned skin of the girl. She first looked as if she didn't knew that Endou was talking to her, but as she felt the black-white ball touching her feet she smiled, took the ball and walked on the field.

"Here you go" she handed him the ball with a sweet smile. Endou grinned back and thanked her. "Gern geschehen!" She still smiled till she saw into the puzzled faces. She thought about what she had said and blushed a little, not in embarrassment but as a sign of acknowledgement.

"I said 'you´re welcome' just within an other language" she began to smile sweetly again.

"Wow! You can speak an other language? Which is it?" Endou asked excited before anyone of the others could ask. The girl chuckled because of the excitement of the boy.

"It's German" she answered. The wind blew a bit stronger than before. It took her hair and whirled them around. She tried to hold them together but every time she thought she got everything one streak would fall out again. She giggled about her inability to hold her hair together. This went on till Kazemaru lend her an unused hair band of his. Now her hair was tied into a pigtail which laid over her shoulder. Her hair covered one side of her chest, the white tips just reached till under her breasts.

"So...you learn...German?" the ace striker Gouenji Shuuya wanted to know. Something was strange about the way he asked(A/N:because of the thing with his father). "No" the girl replied. "I'm not just learning it. I AM German" Everyone was surprised or amazed. You don't speak with a real German everyday.

"How about you tell me your names so I remember you" she suggested. "Like what´s your name?" she pointed at the captain. "I'm Endou Mamoru the captain of the Raimon soccer club" he grinned happily. "And yours?" she asked the platinum-blond ace striker.

"Me? Um... I'm Gouenji Shuuya" he introduced himself. "Gouenji Shuuya? I'm so lucky today" She chuckled and than it happened: she went to him, took his hands and rammed her knee into his guts. He writhe in pain and hold his stomach.

"See you soon" she whispered in his ear and left, smiling, without saying anything else.

His hole body hurt. First there was the hard training under coach Kudou, than he got randomly kicked by a German girl and than he had to argue with his father about his future. Could this get worse?

As if he had ask for it the doorbell rang. He feared what could happen next so he ran to the door which was already open. His father looked with wide eyes at the one standing in the door.

As Gouenji stepped forward he could see her. It was a girl with middle long, sky-blue hair which tips were white. She wore black shoes, a black skirt, a white blouse, some bracelets, a necklace with a star shaped charm made out of a colourful stone and had a big sweet smile in her face.

"Hi! I'm Gouenji Suzume. I'm going to live here from now on"

My english is the worst... Who cares. Please review!