Maybe its time to move on?


Dimitri: Krys, Marry me?

Krys: Am i in heaven?

Dimitri: No just in VA the book

Krys: Yep Heaven

Dimitri: To bad you don't own it

Krys: Gah! That Mead woman has it all. You and your zen life lessons Dimitri!

I woke every morning this week to the amazing smell of black bread outside my door. The aroma filled the apartment. Needless to say that I was definitely living off of this amazing bread that I had first come accustomed to while I was in Russia.

"I have been seriously deprived Adrian!" I said to Adrian while I stuffed my mouth with more bread. I can't believe I went so long without it. "Olena knew the way to my heart. She's filled it with bread and it has become increasingly doughy."

"You haven't gone outside this apartment all week and all you have done is eat bread. I hate to tell you this but you're fat!"

"oo ake at ack!" I tried to get out as I hurled bread at his head.

"What was that fatty? I can't understand you with all that food in your mouth! You're a feisty one aren't you!" He stood there taunting me occasionally come close to pinch my belly.

"Are you going to throw a chicken leg at me next. Maybe a donut too?" I had finished my mouthful and tackled him.

I straddled his chest and pinned down his arms. "You take it back Adrian! Take it back now!"

"Cant breathe" he coughed out at me "Fatty on top of me!"

"Oh you want a fatty? Ill give you a fatty!" I yelled as I grabbed the new loaf of bread of the counter. I pulled a large chunk of the loaf and put it to his mouth.

"Open up Adrian!" he just shook his head. He wants to call me a fatty, then he can be one too and I don't care if I have to force feed him the bread.

Grabbing his nose so he couldn't breathe I waited for him to open his mouth so I could shove it.

Knock Knock

"Who is it?" As I turned to the door I swiveled back round to see Adrian open his mouth and I shoved it in.

"HA! I WIN!"

"Its Christian."

"Come on in, its open." I leaned close to Adrian's face smoshing his lips and cheeks together with my hand. "Eat and enjoy it!"

"Rose what are you doing to him?" I swiveled at the sound of that high pitched but methodical voice. Lissa.

"What the hell are you doing in my apartment?" I really wanted to know why she felt she was welcome to come in.

"I ah…"

"You ah… what? You thought it would be completely acceptable to rock up and come on in when you're not welcome. Wow you still haven't realized boundaries have you!"

"I'm sorry. Christian lets go." I got up off Adrian. I was so pissed how dare she come in here and then just leave. As she turned to go I ran over to the door and closed it before she reached it. She looked up and smiled at me.

She obviously felt that keeping her in was a good sign.

"Now listen here your highness. I don't care who you are or what right you think you have. Don't just think you can walk out now. There has been a lot that I haven't said to you!"

I was doing the whole pointy thing with my hand. Every time I pointed it she would flinch.

"Rose." Adrian pleaded. "You're scaring her."

"Oh that's funny! See I would never hurt you. Want to know why because I am a good friend. But you? Oh no. That's where we differ. You wouldn't care who you hurt and who cares what you did right? Poor innocent Lissa wouldn't hurt a fly but underneath it all so capable of hurting the ones who care about her most. You disgust me Vasalissa Dragomir!"

I walked towards her. "Thank you for coming today. You made me realize how much I don't want to be here. I quit. I have other crappy people to take care of today. Lastly you might want to tighten up security. I am done."

"I leave in 3 days." I walked towards the door and looked back. Adrian was still on the floor with his mouth full of bread and his eyes wide. Christian was shocked and Lissa was crying.

I was so sick of everyone. They only thought about themselves. For all I care they can all go shit a brick. I had spent the past month or so going over all the files. Catching all the people who shouldn't have been here to protect her.

But one thing was simple to me now. After all the mess and tears and the tantrums and the breakdowns. From the Vampires to the Damphir's I was done with court.

I walked out that door slamming it behind me.

I. Come. First.

The first thing I did when I left my building was to run. I didn't know where I was going or what I was going to do but I was going to run. I knew that when I got there I would have faith in what I was doing. I would know.

Before I knew it I was knocking on a door.

I wasn't sure what door this was I just knew I was meant to be here. I stood waiting. I was too impatient for my own good before I started knocking again.

"Open the god damned door!"

"Roza?" Oh shit. Of course. The holiest of sounds had reached my ears. The sight of his deep brown eyes had my heart racing. Haunted and pained but that was always how they were and he was wearing his duster. He still had it. Damn him to hell.

"You!" I pointed at him

"Me?" he pointed at himself.

"Yes you!"

"What about me?"

"Arghh just YOU!" I pushed my hair out of my face and looked back up at him. I couldn't keep still. "Can I come in?"

"Yes Roza."

"Don't call me that." His face fell and I stormed inside taking a look. I saw a figure move down the hallway. It was Olena. I couldn't help but pace back in forth.

"Olena, thank you for the bread. It was amazing like usual." She smiled and looked up at me with her eyes shining. It was going to pain me for doing this. Dimitri looked at her mother with anger.

"I told you to let her be." He growled but she had just glared back. Viktoria had slid into the room and she was watching us. I saw her mouth my name and I couldn't look at her.

"Shut it. You've done enough." I really had a thing for pointing today. I saw him flinch at my words.

"Olena. What you did hurt me. You ripped your love and support away from me. You might not be my mum by blood but you were my mum. You decided I didn't deserve the title of daughter anymore. That runs deep. I don't know what it is with your son but he took most of my loved ones away from me. And you followed."

Swiveling towards Victoria. "Viktoria. I treated you like a sister and even though when I left you and you were angry all I did was protect you but I didn't expect you to hope of the loving Rose train either."

I looked between them and saw the sadness in their eyes. I turned between then and pulled them close to me before enveloping them in a hug. I still loved them and I couldn't help it. I cannot be angry with them.

"But I still love you and we will have to catch up before I leave okay?"

"You're leaving?" Lifting my head up and out of Olena and Viktoria's embrace I turned to look at the man that I loved. No… love. His deep eyes bore right into me grasping for an answer and trying to hold on to me. The one part of his body that no matter how much he tried to hide something I could always look into and it gave him away.

I couldn't help but get stuck in these deep gooey balls of brown. My heart stuttered and I was unsure I was thinking right when I made the decision to not think. Oh well there you go Rose. That was smart wasn't it?

I pulled away from away from Olena and moved in front of him, my eyes never leaving his. The pain hit. Why did he have to be so stubborn? Why did he have to prove a point? Why did I? Why couldn't our love withstand a little salvation?

Why did he have to leave me when I had only just gotten him back? We were always doomed I guess. Forced to fight for everything to never succeed.

His beautiful hair! I broke eye contact to look at the luscious locks that should have been falling out of its tie. Looking back into his eyes my hand lifted and I was beyond going back now. Screw you self-control. I felt my breath stop and his breath hitch in his throat as I slowly pushed back the small piece of hair from his forehead. His hands lifted as to hold me and I stepped back and sighed.

"Comrade. You're hair?" I shook my head from side to side. His eyes lit up as he smiled.

"It was getting long. All of the guardians have it short. I didn't want to cut it."

"Should have just worn it up." He chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh thinking about the time I had complained to him about my hair being too long.

"We need to talk and it's important. Saturday okay, the day before I leave. Ill explain it then."

It haunted me to think the last thing that I will be saying to him on Saturday will be goodbye and just when I got him back.

Sorry i know it was shorter than my others but hey you got a Dimitri and Rose moment that wasn't all hate =D

And let me know if you want more D and R love!

Hope you liked it! Let me know

I might update a little quicker if i got some reviews? =P