Okay, before I let you get started on the pilot chapter of my latest story, Mass Effect III: Union, there are a few things you need to know.

First, this is just a pilot chapter. Whether or not I continue it will be based on several things. First, the number of reviews I get and what said reviews have to say. Second, the traffic data gained from this story. Third and lastly, this story takes importance up behind the book Duran and I are working on, the sequel to Apocalyptic Dawn: Armageddon, as well as my other fanfiction currently in the works, Harry Potter and The Touch of Destiny, which has just had the eleventh chapter posted to it today.

Now, so everyone is very much clear, it has been almost a year since I last played Mass Effect 2, which will be the basis for my version of Commander Shepard. In that game I survived going through the Omega 4 Relay after gaining all available upgrades to my team and the Normandy SR2, and I lost no members of my crew. With that said, please keep in mind that has been a year since playing Mass Effect 2, and even then I never got the chance to play the DLCs that were released for it, so my knowledge may be slightly limited. Now, before you go on I do give you all my word that, should I continue this story, every effort will be made to ensure that justice is done to both games. I will be doing plenty of research online in regards to characters, locations, personalities, species, so on so forth. Now, with all of that in mind, here is chapter one.

P.S. Keep in mind I do not own Mass Effect or any of the characters, locations, etc. therein.

P.S.S. I am currently running a poll on my profile page for research purposes, just a thing of curiousity really, but when you finish with this story, if you would be so kind as to swing by my profile and cast your vote, I would be much obliged. The poll will be up until September 31, 2011.

Chapter 001: United We Stand, Divided We Fall

{21:38 hours, 9:38 p.m.}

{Omega Nebula, Milky Way Galaxy}

[Paragon: Rank 27 Renegade: Rank 12]

It had only been a few short hours since the Normandy SR-2, the most advanced warship in existence, had returned through the Omega 4 Relay, damaged, tired, but alive. Many had called it a suicide mission, for no one had ever before gone through the Omega 4 Relay and lived to tell the tale; once a ship went through it was never seen again, and yet Commander Kitch Shepard, Commanding Officer of the Normandy, first human Spectre, and hero of the Battle of the Citadel, had done the impossible, he had killed yet another Reaper, he had permanently destroyed the Protheans-turned-Collectors...they had walked into the belly of the beast, given it heartburn, and then destroyed it from the inside out, and they had survived to return home and tell the story.

However, Shepard reflected as he gazed around at the various members of his team, all of whom were standing around the broken remains of the conference table, the battle had only just begun. The Reapers were angrier than ever, more determined than ever, and they were still coming to destroy all organic life present in the Milky Way Galaxy, an event Shepard swore he would stop. Of course, he thought silently, it was unlikely that any single individual had ever caused so much grief to these ancient behemoths, which told Shepard they would be coming for him specifically first; he nearly smiled...he felt so honored to be able to be the first to shove his booted foot up the collective Reapers' asses.

"Jacob, Miranda," He began, looking over at the two Cerberus operatives, sizing them both up. "I have ended my cooperation and service with Cerberus." He said, this being the first time any of his crew, with the exception of Joker, had heard of the latest turn of events. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for either of you, and for that I thank you. I will understand if you want to return to Cerberus, and as I will tell everyone else in a few minutes I will make sure you get back to the Illusive Man."

"Commander," The dark-skinned Jacob Taylor answered. "Since joining up with you I've seen a dead man come back to life, I've been able to find my father and make sure he answers for his crimes, I've seen two dead Reapers, and I've seen an extinct race come back to life only to be killed off again. I've gone through the Omega 4 Relay and come back...I'm with you Commander."

"Miranda?" He asked as all eyes turned to the second Cerberus officer, a woman who had been created by a power-hungry man to be perfect.

"Cerberus gave me a home when I escaped my father, they appreciated my abilities and accepted me for who I am. They gave my sister and her family a safe place to live, a place my father could not reach, but when she needed me the most it was you, Shepard, who helped me get her to safety once and for all...my loyalties lie with you and the Normandy now, Shepard, not with the Illusive Man and Cerberus."

"Anyone else?" Shepard asked calmly, looking one-by-one at each of his team members. "If anyone wants to go home then now is the time."

"Shepard," Grunt said. "Your enemies are now our enemies, and there are no enemies more worthy for my skills than this, and you are my battle master, I will follow you wherever you go."

He nodded and listened as one-by-one his team told him, some quit firmly, that they would be staying with him aboard the Normandy while he sought to stop the Reaper threat once and for all.

"Commander," Joker's voice cut in through the room's speakers. "We're approaching the Mass Relay; what course should I set?"

"First things first." Shepard answered. "The Normandy needs repairs, repairs that will only be made once we can get into a dry dock...does the Citadel have room to take us in?"

"Negative, Commander. Most of the Citadel's shipyards are still under repairs from Sovereign's attack, and the rest are full with Citadel and Alliance warships."

"Okay Joker, take us home to Earth." Kitch replied, having been thinking of visiting the human homeworld for several minutes now. "The Alliance has dozens of shipyards in orbit and groundside...I know they'll have the room to dock us."

"Okay Commander, ETA to Earth is four hours."

"Good job Joker." He said, turning again to face his crew. "Everyone get some shuteye; I know we could all use it after what's happened; we'll meet back here in four hours."

As the group dispersed Kitch made his way passed the rest of his teammates and followed the dimly lit corridor through the armory and tech lab and back through to the CIC, where the huge galaxy map was now shut off, not needed for the immediate future. Giving a short nod to his yeoman, a young woman with short red hair, Kelly Chambers, a nod he then gave to the few crewmembers standing at their stations around the map and the orange display of the Normandy, and then he made his way down the small hall and into the cockpit, where helmsman Jeff Moreau, better known to those aboard the Normandy as Joker, was sitting, calmly controlling the ship as it slid through space.

"I owe you one, Joker, thank you."

"Well, actually, you owe me more than one, Commander, but who's counting?" Joker joked.

"Remind me to buy you a drink when we get groundside." Shepard answered back, a smile forming on his face once more. "In fact, make that two."

"I'll hold you to that, Commander." Joker said as he depressed a button on EDI's consol, the blue orb appearing immediately before the two men.

"EDI," He began immediately. "I've cut all ties with the Illusive Man and Cerberus...is there any way he can control or attempt to control the Normandy?"

"Yes, Commander Shepard." EDI confirmed. "The Illusive Man installed devices into the Normandy's base operational parameters to allow him to lock down the ship's control systems, engines, weapons, kinetic barriers, and communications systems."

"Can he control you?"

"He can deactivate me temporarily, but he cannot destroy me and he has limited control over my actions."

"Limited Control?" Shepard asked, cocking an eyebrow. "How limited?"

"In my current state I would be unable to act proactively against Cerberus or the human race as a whole, exempting members of your race cleared by the Illusive Man."

"Is there anyway you can take those devices out?"

"Not from here." EDI answered. "However, once we are in docks for repairs I can assist the teams in finding and eliminating any of the devices installed by the Illusive Man."

"Then why hasn't he already shut our systems down?" Joker asked. "We just turned our backs on him and stole the most advance ship in existence and he's just going to let us get away with it?"

"Because, he plans on using us later on, and I'm going to bet that he'll use control of the Normandy toforce us to agree with it and work for him again; we're not going to give him that chance. When we dock at Earth we'll work with Tali and Legion to see if we can't figure out some way to disable the Illusive Man's control over this vessel. In the meantime, Joker, open a comm channel for me; I need to address the full crew."

"Patching you through, Commander." Joker responded, giving the human Spectre the crew's full attention.

"We did it." Shepard began without preamble. "For the past several weeks this ship and her crew have been working around the clock, collecting data and information on an ancient threat this galaxy has long since forgotten, a ghost that only a handful of beings across the galaxy actually believe in.

"Many called it suicide, going through the Omega Four Relay. 'No ship', we were told time and time again, 'has ever made it through the Omega Four Relay and back again.' But we did. No race has ever stood proud and firm against the Reapers. But we did. Never, in the history of the Milky Way Galaxy, have galactic forces joined together to destroy to of the Reapers' advanced guard. But we did. No one had ever survived capture by the Collectors, we were told. But we did! Time and time again the odds have been stacked, not just against me but against every man and woman aboard this ship, and yet, time and time again we have overcome those odds and bounced back stronger than ever!" Shepard paused for a brief moment to allow his words to sink in.

"Already, with only a couple of hours having passed since our return from the Galactic Core, our most recent adventure has spread like a wildfire. Reporters from across the galaxy have been requesting interviews with me left and right; the sheer volume alone in the past hour have already forced me to replace my overloaded omnitool not once but twice. The same thing happened two years ago when I defeated Sovereign and Saren onboard the Citadel, which leads me to my next point.

"Two years ago, when the Normandy SR1 and I were destroyed, I had one final thought, one final emotion, as I was shot out into space and the cold hard vacuum filled in around me. It was regret; regret for never having told the truth about everything, regret for never setting the record straight as I should have done long ago. So now, here with all of you, that's what I'm going to do.

"I've been hailed as a galactic hero. 'Commander Shepard, so great even the Reapers tremble before him'. The first human Spectre, Savior of the Citadel, Hero of the Milky Way, slayer of Reapers. I must confess that these are lies. I am no hero, I did not slay the Reapers, did not save the Council and the Citadel. That was always the work of my crew, men and women, below me in official rank, who decided to trust me and gave their all to assure that the job got done properly. Without both my team and this crew we would be nothing...we'd be less than nothing.

"Without all of you working to keep this ship, this home of ours, in top shape we would never have even made it to the Omega Four Relay, let alone slip through it and back again. So, as I released to the press just moments ago, my official, heart-felt opinion is that it was not Commander Shepard who has done the impossible once more but the crew of the Normandy SR2, who, while lesser to me in rank, are far my superiors in spirit and skills.

"I am proud to have served alongside each and every one of you. I am honored that all of you have had my back when I need it the most, whether that's on the battlefield or off. As far as I am concerned this ship has no crew, but a family. I charged a Reaper and the Collectors head-on for all of you, and that made but a dent in the debt I owe every man, woman, and machine aboard this ship."

Shepard stopped speaking and, making sure Joker wasn't looking over his shoulder, wiped a tear from his eyes.

"I am tired of asking from my family the impossible." He continued a minute later. "I wish I could tell you that with the Collectors destroyed the threat was now finished, but it is not, which is why I must again ask too much from you who have already given your fullest measure of devotion. The Reapers are still out there, waiting to repeat a cycle that has been going on for millions of years. It may be a week or it may be a month; hell it could be another two years, but they are coming, and it falls to us to stop them once and for all.

"I have ended this ship's service with the organization known as Cerberus. I know everyone aboard this ship, minus the team I have been working these past weeks to organize, were hired by and are loyal to Cerberus, which is why I cannot, will not, command you to follow me in turning my back on the Illusive Man. We are en route even as we speak to the shipyards at Earth, which all of us know to be the Human homeworld. Anyone who remains loyal to Cerberus is free to leave the ship upon our arrival, with my thanks and best wishes. No one anywhere will think any less of you should you leave, of that you have my word, as you do in the promise that I will help get you to wherever you want to go.

"For those of us who will be remaining with Normandy at Earth, our current mission is as clear as anything we've ever done. No force in the universe has ever stopped the Reapers from carrying out their cycle of extinction. But we will. No one has ever stabbed the Illusive Man in the back without suffering the most severe consequences for it. But we will. No one has ever united the galaxy's major species into one cohesive unit acting for the betterment of the Milky Way galaxy, but we will! This is our galaxy's turning point, the moment where the major species stop squabbling amongst themselves and start working together for better or for worse! Humans, Salarians, Turians, Quarians, Asari, Batarians, Hanar, Drell, Krogan and even Geth!" Shepard continued, his voice rising in volume. "We will all unite under one common banner and with one goal in mind; making sure no threat, past, present, or future, can ever again jeopardize the safety of the Milky Way Galaxy!

"Centuries ago a famous group of humans known as the American Forefathers once came to a stunning conclusion, and though that was well over 400 years ago it fits perfectly now. 'United, we stand; divided, we fall.'. Remember that and we will emerge victorious. Remember that and we will not be stopped. Remember that, and the Reapers will have already fallen, they just don't know it yet."

With those words the comm channel was silent once more, the Commander's speech now over.

"Ever give any thought to being a politician with that silver tongue, Commander?" Joker asked, eying up at Shepard, but the Spectre had no response. He suddenly felt tired, drained, both emotional and physically. His cracked ribs, even now beginning their healing stage, reminded him that he had not had any sleep since...he couldn't even remember the last time he'd had any real sleep.

"Wake me up when we reach Earth, Joker." Shepard ordered, and turning he decided it was time to give in to that most seductive temptress, even if only for a couple of hours.

And there you have it.

I know it's relatively short, especially compared to many of my other stories, but like I said at the top, this is just the pilot chapter; I assure you, should this story continue, which it likely will, the remaining chapters will be much, much longer.

Now, I do plan on this story being Shepard x Tali, but remember, it doesn't have to be smooth, now does it, eh? ;)

Finally, there are a few things I wish to explain before I sign off. First, the main goal of the Normandy crew in this story is the classic unite the galactic races and build up a military force capable (and willing) to stand off against the Reapers. However, I do plan on giving this storyline a few unique (I hope) spins, twists, and turns.

Also, I do not plan on painting the Illusive Man (TIM) as an out-of-control maniac obsessed with regaining control of the Normandy and her crew. I view him as a patient, conniving man, much like Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus and his master, Palpatine/Darth Sidious in the Star Wars universe. When he discovers he has lost his hidden failsafes aboard the Normandy then there will be a few board and seizure attempts, but that will likely be the extent of it. In addition, IF I start refering to the Illusive Man as TIM it will be later on after one of the characters begin to refer to him as TIM.

And, before any of you begin to get certain thoughts into your head, there will be no Star Wars/Mass Effect crossovers, though now that I think about it I would LOVE to see how the Reapers would fare against the Death Star. lolz Hmmm...

Well, until next time.