AN: sorry for the very long absenc, I just have not had much inspiration to write lately, but I am managing to find some. I hope you enjoy.

I claim no ownership of Naruto or MGLN:A's

Naruto was glaring daggers as much as it was possible while trying to keep from losing his lunch. The combination just resulted in his target laughing. "Now you wanted to test your idea against real conditions," His white haired double chortles. "And you have to admit it is better to learn now that something will make you dizzy then in a fight."

"You say that after you suggested an upside down spin?" Naruto really wished it was possible to actually drill holes in someone just by looking at them.

Raphael puts on an innocent and hurt face, Naruto could almost swear he saw horns sticking out over the hitai-ate headband. "Just because someone suggests something does not make it a good idea."

Naruto shouts as he launches a literal flying kick towards the other boy's chest, "Take this dattebayo!"

Raphael raised his hand at an angle and Naruto found his foot impacting on a glowing disk with strange characters, before his momentum carried him sailing headlong over his target.

"Now we move on to what would normally be the first lessons in magic." Raphael smirks, "basic attack and defensive spells."

Having spent the last hour pouring over read outs on the new devices in the lab to make sure they were at least safely shielded, until Mariel was available to run more detailed scans, Chrono leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms over his head to work out some of the kinks from sitting for so long.

The action caused the new sweater his mother had given him to help cope with winter in Japan to rub uncomfortably across his shoulders. While it might be warm the lack of breaking in made the knit itch against his skin when it poked through his shirt. He almost wished he could switch back into his barrier jacket, but outside of combat situations he just could not justify wasting mana on it.

Idly trying to use his hand to work the material back into a stretched position to relieve the itch brought his attention to a security monitor where a door had just opened but there was no one in the hallway.

Looking closer the young man discovered that a paper airplane had just triggered the pressure plate to unseal the door and then floated back up and through the door. It was not a high security room so there was no alarm.

The folded piece of paper settled on the floor in front of the cabinet where the medics had dropped the clothing of the two male guests on the way to the med bay. As he watched the paper seemed to grow darker so he guessed that it had been subjected to a weak flying spell. Moments later Levina appeared above the paper and briefly struggled to catch her balance. After checking her surroundings a huge grin appeared on her face and she started jumping up and down in joy.

The young man set his elbow on the console and chuckled lightly as he rested his chin on his palm. 'So what is she up to?' His answer came as she walked up to a cabinet and opened it to reveal the eye searing orange track suit the boy she had called her brother appeared on the ship wearing.

Levina picked up the coat with a little difficulty due to the heavy leather it was made of. 'If he is supposed to be a ninja I wonder why someone saddled him with an outfit that screams here I am please maim and kill me?' Chrono found himself thinking while the girl glared daggers at the offending object she held by the shoulders.

On the monitor he watched as the girl just stared at the garment as though it should spontaneously combust, before letting out a sigh. Levina dropped the shoulder of the coat she was holding in her right hand, staring at her fingers for a few moments she grins as sparks start dancing between her fingers. He watches as she grabs what looks like a clan crest on the sleeve and rotates her hand. She smiles when it comes off in her hand trailing smoke and scorched threads.

Chrono watches as she continues to eviscerate the jacket followed by the pants, he raises an eyebrow when she unfolds the paper airplane revealing some complicated seal drawn on the sheet. Grabbing a metal tray from the cabinet and setting it on the floor. Then she lays the paper on the bottom and piles the shredded material on top. Holding her hand above it a small energy dome shield appears above the tray sealing the contents within. The dome quickly fills with smoke, he chuckles as she claps her hands together and apparently says a short prayer.

Chrono turns back to the terminal screen and quickly files a request for clothes for their to be sent over from the TSAB training camp, using the medical reports for sizes, before turning back to the show on the security monitor.

Once the smoke cleared nothing but ash remained in the tray. Chrono shook his head and pulled up the growing mission report, while the girl dumped the ashes into the ship's trash chute. After brushing the last of the ashes off the tray, she returned it to the shelf she had acquired it from placing the clan crest next to it, and simply vanished from the room as suddenly she as she had appeared.

Levina reached down to the floor of her room and picked up the piece of paper that she had crafted a seal that looked like a bullseye target with a few lines arching into it. The flaking texture of the lines revealing it had been drawn with blood instead of ink. Rubbing her right index finger she absently noted that the small pin prick had already almost completely healed. Folding the paper she tucks it into the drawer between some of the spare clothing she had been given. Satisfied with her efforts the girl climbed back into bed and snuggled into the covers.

Watching on the guest room's thermal camera and satisfied she was not up to more mischief, Chrono double checked the mission status update he had just written in the log. Adolescent male's clothing damaged beyond repair upon arrival, subsequently disposed of. Subjects show signs of new and interesting teleportation techniques. Stretching again Chrono smiles, 'Saved me the trouble of finding an excuse to get rid of that thing...dammit' The boy continued with colorful mental grumbles as he realized he had undone the efforts to stop his sweater discomfort.

"Your ankle can't be sprained let alone broken." Raphael pointedly stated to the blond sitting on the ground. "This is all literally in your head."

"This coming from the guy who forgot to mention I could make myself feel like throwing up here?" Naruto groused as he stood up and tested his ankle just to be sure. "So that shield was a defense technique. What others are there?"

"The basic defense spells are barrier, shield and field." The white haired clone spreads his arms wide and a glowing dome appears over him. "Barrier spells can block a moderate amount of damage from all directions but are fixed in location. Shield spells are able to block more damage but only from a specific direction." The boy is surrounded in a white glow. "Field spells protect all around but absorb less damage. Of course you can put out more power into a field but it will be less efficient then the shield to absorb the same amount of damage." Letting the field dissipate he grins. "With a shield you can also deflect the attack making it an even stronger defense." Earning a growl from his current student.

"There is quite a variation in how these can be applied, even creating defensive garments that are generally called barrier jackets, though I think the group that attacked Jiraya refer to theirs as knight's armor. A field can also be applied in a different way to create the most basic attack spell." Seeing Naruto's interest rising Raphael hold out his right hand causing a glowing field to appear and compress into a baseball sized sphere before launching off to the side of them and gouging a shallow channel into the dream landscape. "That is the most basic attack spell called a shoot barret"

Naruto holds up his own right hand and grins when an orange sphere coalesces in his hand before firing it off, followed by a half dozen more. "That's so awesome dattebayo!"

"Remember this is basically a dream so if you want something to happen here it will." The device avatar chuckles. "It might take a good deal more practice to do that for real, especially without having help from your device."

"So I can practice ways to use these skills, but I won't actually be able to use them yet?" Deflating slightly Naruto grumbles. "What can I get any actual experience with here then?"

"I do have a treat for you there." Raphael gains a very fox like grin. "Something you can learn to do that most ninja and very few mages can learn. You can learn to sense your environment through chakra. It was a skill both your parents were very good at even if your mom was nearly as bad as you at using other ninjutsu skills."

"Let's get started-tabayo!" Naruto practically had stars in eyes at this announcement. "What do we do first?"

Raphael sits down and assumes a lotus pose. "First we meditate." He chuckles at the loud groan in response.

"Are you sure we should be doing this Arf?" The young boy with green eyes and shoulder length brown hair asks of the slightly feral looking redheaded teen girl as he follows her down the corridor of the ship. "If it was something Lindy and the others thought we needed to know about I am sure they would tell us."

"We aren't actually doing anything other then walking around the ship Yuuno." The girl replies with a laugh. "If we happen to run across what had Amy so on edge then all the better." She finishes with a wink.

"Well there aren't any alarms going off so I guess we should not have to worry." He pauses as the girl starts sniffing the air and her long furred ears seem to home in on something down the hall. "Why are we heading this way anyway?"

"I can smell that Chrono walked down this hallway carrying some of Fate's clothes," She replied with a shrug. "I sometimes think he might have a closet sister-con complex but this is way out of the norm."

"Okay..." Yuuno is just not sure how to reply to that statement.

Arf opens the door she had sighted on earlier, with a small squeal she dashes into the room. Yuuno peeks around the corner of the door to find the girl kneeling on the floor with her tail out visibly wagging staring at a sleeping red haired body double for Fate. 'You're one to talk you know.' With a sigh he leaves her to her observations and walks on down the hall to the medical bay he had thought was empty. Finding two beds occupied he suddenly feels a headache coming on.

'Fate do you have a moment?'

The blond haired girl glances up from her math textbook and looks around the room to make sure the teacher was still engrossed in writing problems on the chalkboard before responding to the telepathic question. 'Yes, did you find anything Yuuno?'

'Are you absolutely positive that you don't have any siblings or relatives out there? Maybe an uncle or grandfather.'