Maybe I should start giving one shots a try since I apparently can't follow through to the end with long stories. So lets try this one.

Halibel sighed and leaned back in her chair. She was in a room in what remained of Las Noches. Ever since the Winter War and Aizen's demise, swarms of weaker hollows came to try and reclaim the palace and they almost succeeded if not for her. Good thing a couple of blasts of my reiatsu was enough to frighten them off since I really don't have the strength to fight them all of now.

She looked at the two beds in front of her. Sleeping quietly, still recovering from their wounds, were Coyote Starrk and Lilynette Gingerback. Kyoraku Shunsui did quite a lot of damage but in the end he spared their lives. Stark did get the last slash but being the Primera Espada, his reiatsu allowed for regenerating just enough blood to keep him alive.

I remember picking them up after the woman healed me and my fraccion… I still don't understand why she did it. Halibel thought to herself. She remembered picking stark up, thinking Lilynette was gone, but just when they got back to Hueco Mundo, Starrk's reiatsu surged and Lilynette materialized again. She must have gone back inside Starrk when the wolves were defeated. I'm glad she's alive though, Starrk would be heartbroken without his other half.

Halibel's thoughts were broken by loud voices coming down the hall. "Damn those dumb hollows are persistent. Don't they get that Halibel-sama is the boss now?" the first brash voice came. "Of course they don't, they're not arrancar like us you dumb klutz." The second one followed up and the brewing confrontation was interrupted bu a calm voice. "Oh quiet already you two. Halibel-sama told us not to bother Starrk-san and Lilynette while they're in their coma." Halibel sighed, those were her three girls of course. She smiled though, glad that they were alive too at least.

The three fraccion peeked through the door at Starrk and Lilynette then approached Halibel quietly. "Personally, I think the best way to wake them up is with noise anyway. What better way to wake a sleeping person." Apache declared and Mila-Rose slapped her forehead. "Idiot, they're injured. Only you're dumb enough to not respect that fact. But speaking of that, Lilynette knows a lot of better ways to wake people than with noise." She grinned evilly. "Don't even bother." Sunsun quickly stopped the other two in their tracks. "You know Halibel-sama won't allow that." Halibel nodded, "I appreciate your efforts girls but I think it is best to just let them sleep off their wounds. The best we can do is to keep this palace quiet so that Starrk finally gets his long desired moment of sleep."

Apache, Mila-Rose and Sunsun nodded and left the room to do another patrol of the palace. Halibel turned back and slowly walked to Starrk's bed. Even though I said all of that I don't even know if you'll ever wake up… please don't leave me hanging here Starrk, you're the only one I could be myself with.

Halibel slowly walked towards Starrk's bed and softly took his hand. Then she suddenly realized what she was doing and quickly tried to pull her hand back but Starrk's hand suddenly started to clutch hers. Halibel looked at his hand then suddenly at his face, which still looked peaceful. "Starrk? Are you awake? Can you hear me?" Starrk's grip tightened a little and in the other bed, Lilynette started to stir a little. "Don't… go… please… stay…" Starrk softly mumbled. Halibel's eyes softened and she held his hand warmly. "Yes, sleep well. I'll be right here."

The end

Aww that was so sappy and sweet. So how did I do with my first one-shot, I think I should just do one shots and short stories instead of long stuff. What do you guys think? Please review to let me know if I should try more one-shots.

Ultrawolfie out