A/N: Hello again! Multi-fic again! :D This is a USUK that had a lot of psychology terms incorporated into it. You can actually probably see exactly where this is headed because obvious author is obvious. -_- But, I hope you enjoy it anyways.

Note: At first, I made Arthur out to be 21 years old, then I realised what a huge plot hole that would turn out to be, so I changed it. He is now 26, and skipped two years of school. And his relationship with Alfred is borderline pedophilia-ish. Oh well.

Disclaimer: I owned Hetalia, once upon a time. Until the lawyers took it from me. :(

Didn't you hear?

Shallow breathing.

That boy, Peter Kirkland?

Footsteps. Running.

Oh yes. Such a shame, really. He was so lively, and quite cute.

Slamming doors.

I hear his brother, Arthur, hasn't been the same since.

Frantic searching.

Really? That's another shame. He was such a nice boy. Very polite.

Tears. Staining the floor.

We're sorry, brother.

We couldn't save you this time.

Dr. Kirkland stepped into his office that morning, feeling like he did every other day. He felt normal and content. He prided himself on being such, maybe a little young for his job (he was only twenty-six, after all) but still utterly average. Arthur grew up in England with his two parents and three elder brothers. His parents said he had a normal childhood, albeit being bullied by his brothers. He didn't believe that, though. They'd always been really nice to him. However, he couldn't really say it wasn't true, since he couldn't remember anything about it, but it never bothered him. He had the exceptional school grades he strived for, a peaceful and average social life, and a loving family. That was all he could have asked for. He went to high school, graduated with honours, and shipped off to the US to attend his collage of choice. He studied to become a clinical psychologist specialising in adolescent behaviours, which included six years in a PsyD doctorate program, and got a good job at the Willard State Hospital (located in Willard, NY) as one of the top psychologists in the place. It could be a fairly unsettling job, but it paid his bills, made his parents proud, and he got to help kids, hopefully, get their lives back on track.

Arthur set his briefcase next to his computer chair before sitting down in it, and taking a look at the files placed on his desk. There were a few new cases coming in: The first was young French kid named Francis Bonnefoy who's father thought he was a sexual deviant and diagnosed as severely narcissistic. The second, a Spanish teen named Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, who was displaying an unhealthy obsession with a classmate (probably minor, borderline- type emotionally-unbalanced personality disorder). The third was a German boy named Gilbert Beilschmidt with Histrionic personality disorder. And the fourth: a pair of twins.

The younger twin's name was Matthew Williams, a native-born Canadian who displayed symptoms of severe passive-aggressive disorder. He appeared very quiet and shy, almost invisible to his peers. Extremely polite and kind with a strange attachment to a polar bear plush he received as a child. However, when provoked enough, he bottles his anger and then lashes out at innocent people, becoming extremely violent. He had gone as far as to beat his twin brother to a near-death state with a hockey stick and throwing him out a window, which was why he was being admitted now.

His twin, named Alfred F. Jones, wasn't being admitted for trauma, however. That was the first unusual thing about this case. He wasn't nearly as traumatised as he should have been, seeing as how his own twin brother had nearly killed him. The previous psychologists Alfred had seen after the incident, said he spoken so casually about it, even smiling as he remembered his brother apologising profusely for hitting him.

Alfred F. Jones was being admitted for a whole different reason. He claimed he could see ghosts.

He had a minor hero-complex to boot, but his parents weren't worried about that. Neither were his doctors. Alfred claimed he could see and interact with "ghosts". His psychologists thought he might have schizophrenia, but the hallucinations hadn't been vicious, nor driving him to do self-destructive things. He seemed to be able to hold pleasant conversations with the air, and thought nothing strange of it. The strangest part of this case however, was that the "ghosts" he saw, he didn't even refer to as ghosts. He would call them by different mythological creature names. He would talk to his doctors about his "faerie" friends or his one specific "unicorn" friend. He even came up with one named "Flying Mint Bunny". One common thing his previous doctors noticed, was that there was only one hallucination he didn't like to talk about. It was apparently a small child, that scared Alfred terribly. He claimed that the child wasn't around often, but when it was around, it didn't speak. It just stared at him and gave him a feeling of utter dread and fear.

After reading Alfred's file, he decided that the twin's cases were ones he would be taking on personally.

A/N: Short intro. I didn't even know it was so short. Damn you, iPhone notes and your deceiving misconceptions! Anyways, drop a review if you like! I don't really know if I like this fic, anyways. :/