Author's Note: This is not an answer to elegant fairie's challenge just a creepy match of timelines and some ideas.

Smallville: Season 6 AU

BTVS: Post-Chosen

I own nothing and this is all in fun

"Next time you guys go to Vegas just leave me out of it." Faith said.

Looking out the window of the car and back at her traveling companions, Buffy, Dawn, Willow, Xander, and Giles each one covered in black and blues from the events that will forever just simply be known as the Vegas Riot after today. They all decided they needed the trip for one reason or another. Buffy wanted time away from the slayers, and after what her decoy in Rome had done she wanted a break from the supernatural all together. Dawn recently broke up with her thricewise boyfriend Kenny when he just kept becoming more and more possessive of her. Willow came after dumping Kennedy because she was sick of how Kennedy was always complaining about how Willow will always be in love with Tara. Their constant arguments were starting to turn Willow's hair black which is never a good thing. Xander and Faith came because well Vegas. Giles showed up at the very end on ground zero gathering the scoobies up for work in Kansas.

"It wasn't all that bad." Xander said trying to lighten the mood.

"I have third degree burns because of your newest demon ex." Faith replied.

"Hey Claire passed Will's demon test with flying colors the whole tossing fireballs thing was just well I don't know but I made a $150 from Buffy, Willow, and Dawn for not being a demon magnet for once." Xander said.

Giles is cleaning his glasses trying to hard to bury the memories of some of the things he had seen that day. "Alright let's just focus on what we have to do now and put that whole thing behind us shall we."

"Sounds good to me." Buffy said. "So what are we going to be doing in Littleville anyway?"

"Smallville Buffy and we'll be doing quite a lot actually. As far as we can tell, Willow's spell activated three slayers in the area so we'll be looking for them. According to the coven the worldwide blackout and earthquakes originated here so we'll look into that in case the earthquakes return. Also the coven has asked us to look into why demons in Metropolis are mysteriously dieing. And Buffy will be working as the new chief of staff for a state senator"

"What" Buffy asked almost terrified. "That's a you job or a Willow job. Buffy jobs are slaying and dieing."

"Buffy I know you can do this but the job is just temporary to make it look like another decoy to throw off the underworld as to where you really are. You can do much more than kill things or flip burgers at the town's fast food restaurant and I want you to see that." Giles said.

"Can't we just put up a mystical bulletin and say I'm in Rome."

"Buffy?" Giles just looked at her confused how the oldest living slayer can be afraid of a regular 9-5 job.

"Alright Alright."

"OK now that that's settled go back to the part about why we care demons are dieing in Metropolis." Dawn said

Everyone in the group look at her in frustration.

"What?" Dawn asked "If demons are dropping off like flies it's a good thing right?"

"We don't know yet Dawnie." Willow replied. Whatever is killing demons might switch to humans at any point. So how are the demons dieing?'

"It's different depending on the type of demon it is." Giles explains. "Vampires are spontaneously combusting other demons heads blow off, and sometimes a hole just appears in their chest and their heart is destroyed."

After the exposition they all went their own way. Faith and Xander were in charge of rounding up the slayers, Giles and Willow were put on Dark Thursday, While Buffy and Dawn was put on the dieing demons. Now came the scary part for Dawn. Everyone went their own separate way which meant Buffy was driving. How could they do this to her? Everyone knows when you get in a car with Buffy you lose at least one year off your life expectancy. Dawn loves her sister but she will be the first one to admit that "Buffy drives like a spaz."

"I do not" Buffy says Dawn not realizing she said her thoughts out loud.

Before Dawn could come up with a defense for what she said. Buffy had already validated her original statement as the car was in one of the many fields in this small town.

"Yeah ideal driver" Dawn commented with sarcasm.

"That wasn't my fault" her sister said getting out of the car and going back onto the road with Dawn following in pursuit.

"Then what happened act of divinity?" Dawn asked.

"No act of b-barn door." Buffy replied.

Both sisters looked at the sight in utter confusion. They know of demons falling from the sky meteors and maybe aliens but a barn door. Did someone try to kill them with a barn door? With this Buffy gives a glare to her sister.

"Hey don't look at me like that it's only Monday."