-springs up from the dead- Hey everybody, Yotters here! That's right, I'm still alive! After all these months, I'm still alive! xDD Soooo. . .I could probably go on and on and on about how my life was busy and I started school and started doing physical therapy and blah blah blah, but I don't wanna bore you with details. I'm seriously sorry that this is so late though, I really have no excuse. -bows- I really hope you all like this, and please, please, please *REVIEW* 3 Oh yeah, and this is like, un-beta-ed, but I double checked it, so please ignore any spelling and grammar mistakes. Also, please dun take offense to anything said in this story!~

What the Nordics Do When No One is Looking

It had been a really long day and the Nordic countries were tired as fuck, so they decided they were all gonna unwind, NORDIC STYLE.


Finland was pissed. No, he was beyond pissed. He was like, in a mad rage. He was gonna fucking murder Denmark. How dare he? The bastard. Trying to steal his hoe. . .I mean husband. . .yeah. . .that's exactly what I mean. . .-thumbs up- 8D

Anyways, Finland was pissed off. So, what did Finland do when he was pissed?

HE WORKED OUT! [say it like LMFAO would. You know you want to. . ;) ]

Storming down to the basement, he flipped the light switch on like a BAMF and locked the door behind him.

He went over to his boom box and when he turned it on, a bunch of pimp Finish rock music started playing.

So basically, the basement sounded a little something like this:


Something around those lines.

Walking over to his bench press, he got the dumb-bell thing and started adding more weights to it. When he got to 1,560pie he was satisfied and started lifting it, up and down, up and down, up and down. But it was too easy, so instead of him lifting it all hard and crap, it like he was lifting a stick with TWO marshmallows. Count them TWO marshmallows.

Even Sponge Bob couldn't handle that kind of work out. AND HE WAS YELLOW. YELLOW FOR GOD'S SAKE.

So he started adding more weight and lifting it and shit.

See, the thing about Finland he was totally legally registered as a lethal weapon that could destroy the whole entire fucking world. Because the world just couldn't handle his amazingness, and if he let his true strength show, then everyone, including that sexy hot momma that we call PLANET FUCKING EARTH BITCHES, would blow up because those cute little pixies that follow Norway like stalkers worse than Santa would sprinkle their pixie dust everywhere and then Finland's amazing, epic BAMF-ness would blow up the whole world into a giant pile of confetti. . .

Cue the random chirping crickets yo. . .

So when Finland was done WORKING OUT [ LMFAO yo.] he walked up to his dartboard which already had a picture of a donkey with the face of Denmark cut out and glued on the butt of the donkey.

Denmark truly was an ass. . .FUFUFU.

Grabbing his custom made, totally pimp darts off the random table that just so happened to be conveniently there. Because hey, that table totally needed to be there for this story to progress in any way, shape or form.

Anyways, Finland gently picked up the dart he named Patricia from the others and cradled her close to him.

"Oh Patricia. . .You still love me, don't you? Even if that bastard, hoe stealing hoe face Denmark is trying to steal my hoe away from me. I mean, no one steals from the ultimate pimp daddy himself."

"OH HELL NO." Patricia replied. Yep. Patricia could talk. Go fucking figure ._.

"I totally wanna be with that sex bomb of a country Denmark. I hear from Norway that he's more amazing in bed than yo' scrawny, white ass could ever be."

Now keep in mind. Patricia is a black woman underneath all that paint. So of course, when she went off on that mini rant about Finland's skills in bed, she totally had this black, ghetto woman accent, complete with the finger snapping, and hand waving and "Mm-hm-ing"

Finland just stared at her like he couldn't believe his ears. Patricia of all people did not just tell him that he sucked in bed.

The nerve of the ghetto wanna-be hoe bag. . .err hoe dart.

Finland threw Patricia at Denmark's face that was shittily taped onto the donkey's ass.

"OI. ASSFACE. YOU'RE MESSING UP MEH HAIR." Patricia started screaming at Finland while she was sailing threw the air, where she landed on Denmark's face with an "Oof."

"YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE HAIR." Finland screamed back, and stormed up the stairs, out of the basement and to the nearest gay-bar to let off some steam.

"Poor thing, just dun know how to express his feelings." One of Norway's pixie-fairy-ghetto-wanna-be-things that looked like Navi, that annoying shit of a fairy that floated all around Link's head and told him what to do said. The nerve of that shit.

"Right? Poor baby. He needs to get laid, and fast," said her friend.

Wait, did Norway's fairies even have a gender? I mean, for all you and I know, they could be transgender little weirdos that fucked eachother's brains out for the hell of it.

But transgenders are cool yo.


Lord bless Lady Gaga's soul. The whole world should follow in her footsteps and wear meat.

Lord new Finland had a meat dress.

Speaking off Finland, where did he go anyways?


Where he was currently pounding some straight guy's ass.

Why was a straight guy at the gay bar anyways?

The world may never know. . .