Thanks to everyone for all the kind reviews and to those who have favourited etc

Sorry for the delay, real life seems to be getting in the way...hopefully the next update won't take as long

A little short chapter before the long final one.

So...just what was in that envelope?

Right, come on Alex you can do this you're a grown woman for god sake! Just take him his tea, graciously accept the bollocking and that'll be it!

She walked toward his office, the expression on her face one of a naughty schoolgirl who'd been called in to see the headmaster - now behave woman, this is no time for smutty thoughts! She slowly opened the door peering her head in: "Guv, I made you some..." OH GOD!

She could see him slowly raising his gaze up from his desk, just as the mug of tea slipped from her hand in shock.

"Care to explain DI Drake?"

His face was set neutral as he pointed at the sheet of paper. She followed his finger and dutifully inspected the drawing, not that she had to of course; she knew perfectly well it was a drawing of Gene taking her from behind over his desk with the phrase "I always wondered how good it would feel..." scrawled across the top.

She had of course originally written a beautiful letter, heart-felt and honest. Then she drank that second bottle of wine and thought he really wouldn't appreciate the 'nancy' feelings stuff and decided to call his bluff on the doodle she had pretended not to have seen pinned up in the kitchen. After all, Gene Hunt did not do girly feelings, it was all innuendo and smutty comments.

Right, time to think Alex - she has two options: play the anger card for him betraying her trust OR just quit the game playing and say everything she had originally wrote and hope he would cut out the macho bullshit enough to admit that he had fantasising about this too.

It was decision time...

A wind up, that's right...this has to be a bloody wind up! He hadn't been expecting a declaration of undying love or anything but this...well he sure as hell was not expecting this.

Right on cue she had wiggled her arse into his office, carrying a mug of tea she had no doubt brought as a peace offering for coming in 'ungover which was now smashed all over his bloody floor!

"Care to explain DI Drake?"

The words left his mouth before he could stop them. Christ he should be doing cartwheels over the fact she had obviously been fantasising about him shaggin' 'er brains out. Yet, he still wouldn't lower the barriers. The evidence was right there in front of him, she needed him...wanted him even...but he still couldn't believe it.

Why couldn't she have just walked into his office wearing a short skirt and no knickers then bent seductively over the desk asking him for a shag? Oh no, not Alex Drake! The fruitcake had to use a bloody drawing to try and explain what she wanted; probably as some sort of perverse pyschiatry.

He folded his arms across his chest with the trademark pout now set. Well, she's not getting away with it that easy! If she wants a piece of the Gene Genie...she's going to have to tell him how just how much she wants it!