Hi everybody! So this is a new story I am starting :) Don't worry, I am not going to stop my other stories, I have just been dying to start this one. New chapters for my other stories are coming soon!

So this story is called Demigod Questions. You guys… yes you… can submit questions, and then your favorite demigods will answer them! (This is not my original idea. I just think it will be fun to do (: )

You can ask questions to Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Nico, Thalia, Travis, Connor, Katie, Tyson, or whoever you want!

I want this story to be funny and entertaining, so I don't really want mushy gushy lovey questions. There can be some (mild lovey gushy), but I don't want questions like "Percy, have your lips been on Annabeths' lips lately?". If you want a 'Demigod Questions' story like that, then I'm afraid you will have to find another one. This story is rated K+ for a reason.

So ya! The only way this story will stay alive is if you SUBMIT QUESTIONS! So review and leave as many questions as you want, and who you want to answer them. (You can also PM me your questions if you would like.)

Have fun thinking up questions! :D 3
