My second Victorious story, set after The Other Side of Me so the same couples still apply, Bade, Tandre and Cabbie. Anyway, an incident occurs that could end up changing the way Jade views Tori, just wait and see.

Disclaimer: Victorious belongs to Dan Schnieder

School had just ended at Hollywood Arts and Jade and Beck were heading to her car, getting ready to drive home. When they got to the parking lot they found Andre, looking distressed, they briefly shared a look of confusion and then approached him, Beck was the one who asked.

"What's up man?"

Andre turned to them and sighed.

"Man, it's nothing really, just…Looks like I'm gonna be walking home


"Car's got engine trouble, it'll take forever to fix".

Again Jade and Beck shared a look and then Beck decided to offer Andre a lift.

"If you want we could drive you home".


Jade smiled, ever since her father was arrested for abusing her and she moved in with Cat, her personality had lightened, just a little.

"Yeah, c'mon, hop in".


They all headed over to Jade's car and got in, once they were ready Jade drove off and left the parking lot. As Jade drove, heading for Andre's house, Beck decided to start a conversation.

"So, how are things with you and Tori?"

"They're cool, I'll be calling her tonight".

The boys continued to talk about each other's love lives as well as Robbie and Cat's. Jade didn't join in simply because she was concentrating on the road. Beck smiled and glanced out of the window.

"Jade, look out!"

Jade had no time to react, she only barely saw the other car's headlights and then the car smashed into them, the drunk driver of the car quickly drove off. Jade's car was wrecked and all three occupants unconscious.

Hours later Andre and beck came around, they were in hospital, each had suffered a broken leg and several cuts and superficial injuries. Just then a doctor entered the room.

"Ah, good, you're awake".

Beck was the first one to respond.

"Yeah, what happened, I saw car hit us but…"

The doctor nodded and sat down before explaining.

"Yes, the driver of the other car was driving drunk, the police already have him. We pulled all three of you from the wreckage, you all had injuries of varying seriousness".

Andre sighed.

"So, we're all okay now though right?"

The doctor sighed and shook his head, Beck immediately felt dread.

"What happened to Jade?"

"I'm afraid she's still in a coma, we're doing everything we can but, so far she's not showing any signs of recovery".

There was a short pause and then a knock at the door, a nurse stepped in.

"Pardon me, but there's a visitor here for Andre Harris and Beck Oliver".

"Let him in".

It was Robbie.

"Guys, thank God you're awake".

"We are, Jade's not".

Robbie nodded sadly.

"I know, I heard about what happened from Cat".

They both nodded and then, with Beck being taken through on a wheelchair to see Jade, Andre quickly decided to call Tori. Beck meanwhile was taken into Jade's hospital room. She was still unconscious, she had several cuts and bruises but otherwise appeared to be fine, except for the fact there was a drip attached to her arm and she was breathing through a tube. Beck looked up at the doctor who explained.

"Most of her injuries are internal, if she wakes up there's a possibility that any internal bleeding would get out of control. So we had to induce a coma, for her own safety".

Beck nodded and sighed.

"She's gonna make it though, right?"

"I'm afraid I can't answer, we don't know yet".

With that the doctor left.

Meanwhile at the Vega household Tori and Trina were watching TV, neither of them were really focused on it however, it was just background noise. They were talking absently about school and a few other things when Tori's phone rang.

"Oh, it's Andre, just a sec".

Tori stood up and answered, walking through to the kitchen.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Bad news Tori, I'm in hospital".

Tori froze, shocked.


"I'm in hospital, my car had problems so I got a lift from Jade and Beck. We were hit by some idiot who was D.U.I. Beck and I have got broken legs and Jade…Jade's in a coma, no idea how badly injured she is".

"God, okay, I'm on my way over, I'll see you there okay".

With that she hung up and quickly ran through and pulled on her shoes and a jacket, Trina looked at her confused.

"Um…where are you going?"

"I have to go to the hospital, Andre, Beck and Jade have been in a car accident".

Trina's eyes widened and she stood up.

"Hold on I'm coming with you".


Within minutes both Vega sisters were in Trina's car driving towards the hospital.

End of chapter, Tori and Trina are on their way to the hospital where they'll find out exactly waht's happened. hope you enjoyed this chapter, read and review please.