Disclaimer: I don't own twilight unfortunately.

Chapter one.

It had been three weeks since Edward left Bella. Bella had grieved for the loss of her love. And then grief turned to anger as she thought about Edward.

'He left me alone, in the woods, he broke up with me, he took all evidence of us being together and he had to nerve to make me promise something just to make him feel better.' Bella thought angrily.

A while after Edward had left, it seemed that the blindness of her love had warn off and she realised how possessive he was. He always made her feel like a weak human. And she felt like one. But she was determined to not feel that way anymore. She was strong, and she didn't need a man to define who she was.

Bella decided to call Jacob. She treated him terribly and wanted to try and fix things with him.

Bella picked up the phone and dialled Jacobs number.

'Hello' Said Jacob.

'Hi Jake it's Bella.'

'Oh hey bells, what's up?'

'Just wondering if you wanna do something with me today?'

'Yeah sure bells, d'you wanna come up to the res? We can hang out on the beach.'

'Sounds good' smiled Bella.

'I'll come up in about an hour'

'Kay Bells, see you then'



Bella hung up and went to put her jacket on.

She picked up a pen and paper and started to write a note for Charlie.

Dad, Going up to see Jacob. Food's in the fridge, just microwave it for 10 minutes. I'll see you when I get back.


Bella went out to her truck. As she was about to drive away, she saw a blonde man in her peripheral. She turned to look and he had gone.

'That's funny' Bella thought. 'I could've sworn that was Jasper. I think I'm going mad. I must miss them'

Bella turned back to the wheel and drove off. She was looking forward to seeing Jacob.

After a while she was at the reservation, watching a smiling Jacob looking at her.

'Hey Jake' Said Bella, getting out of the car and shutting the door.

'Hey Bells, How are you doing? I haven't seen you in ages.'

'I'm ok, I've decided to stop moping and move on'

'Good for you bells'

'Look Jake, I'm sorry for the way I've treated you. I've been a bad friend.'

'Don't think anything of it. You're here and we're talking and that's all that matters.'

Bella and Jacob were walking on the beach. They had talked about this and that until it started to get dark.

'I can't believe how big you've gotten Jake. Are you on steroids or something? Bella joked.

'Oh yeah, something like that.' Jacob smiled.

'You know you can tell me anything right Jake?'

'I know'

'And I know there's something you're not telling me.' said Bella.

'There's nothing Bella.'

'Liar' Accused Bella.

'Please tell me Jake, maybe I can help.'

'You can't help bells'

'Ah, so there is something wrong.'4'I can't tell you bells, I wish I could.'

'Unless you figure it out for yourself.' Said Jacob

'You gonna give me a clue Jake?'

'Remember the stories I told you about when you were on the res with your friends, about the cold ones and the wolves?'

'Yeah I remember.'

'Think about it Bella. Please try and get it. That's all I can say.'

'Alright Jake, I'll try.'

They sat in silence for a while.

'I best get back now.' Said Bella.

'Alright bells, it was really nice seeing you again.'

'Yeah I had a great time' Grinned Bella.

And with that, Bella got up and back into her truck and drove back home. Not realising that she had a night full of bad dreams ahead of her.