Chapter 1: Lazy Night

It was a boring, quiet night in Happy Tree Town, and only three Tree Friends died today. The Mole got ran over by Pop's car, Spooky was beheaded, and a Generic Tree Friend drowned. But according to Lammy, Mr. Pickels got sliced up.

A green squirrel with candy on his fur walked into the grocery store. This was Nutty. He walked by Disco Bear, who was having a rough time flirting with Flaky. A purple pangolin named Scales waved to Nutty. Petunia was in the shampoo aisle, but she couldn't decide what shampoo to buy. "Hmm…should I get the flower scented? But my freshener necklace makes me smell like pine. Or…I could get that anti-dandruff shampoo as a present for Flaky's birthday party. She would like that," Petunia wondered.

"Need some help?" Petunia turned around and blushed at the sight. A Tree Friend with black hair walked up to her. The blue skunk blushed even more than in the last sentence. "O-oh, hi Trent," Petunia said nervously while sweating. "I couldn't help but notice you deciding. I personally think you should help Flaky," said Trent. Petunia quickly put the anti-dandruff shampoo in her cart and zoomed off towards the frozen food aisle, where she saw Giggles. Also, she passed by Russell, who was in a heated conversation with Lumpy. It seemed to involve oysters.

"Giggles! Giggles! I got in a full conversation with Trent!" Giggles was shocked. "You got the second cutest guy in town to TALK with you?" Petunia happily nodded. The two girls saw Trent and they immediately went to the check-out, paid the Generic Tree Friend who was the clerk, and left the store.

After putting their groceries in their cars and waving to Cro-Marmot, the two girls decided to chat about what was going on in town. "Well, Sniffles is still trying to see what the connection between the symbol on the Hill of the Ancients and Chimi is," Giggles said calmly. "Oh, yeah, based on Dark's Dimensional Scream," Petunia said.

"Wait, why hasn't Officer returned yet?" Petunia asked. "As long as he hasn't crossed the Happy Tree Barrier that Sniffles theorized." Giggles responded. A strange thought came across Petunia's head. "What if he was eaten?" "If that's the case, he'll be revived by tomorrow. Want to invite Flaky over for a sleepover?" Giggles asked. Petunia calmed down. "OK."

And that's the end of Chapter 1! Chimi belongs to orth1994 from DA. Scales belongs to SomeDumbDeviant from DA. I don't know who Spooky belongs to. Officer belongs to HankOfficer from DA. Dark belongs to myself.