The Winchester brothers had a sister, Sophia. When she was 1 years old their mother was killed by a demon, leaving a baby 2 year old Sam, 5 year old Dean and a grief stricken father, who committed himself to a lifelong mission of finding the monster that broke his family.

Whilst on his crusade, John Winchester raised his children to be warriors and he did not rest until they learnt, trained and practiced hunting. He simultaneously opened their world and shattered it at the same time when they grew to learn the truth about the things that go bump in the night. It was a hard life, but they had each other.

However, a few days after Sophia's 12 birthday, she disappeared whilst her father and Dean were on a hunt. They returned to find a sleeping Sam and a missing daughter and whatever life was left in John was sucked right out of him, only this time, he was definitely sure he could not recover. His only daughter, his only girl that shared the same blonde curls and big eyes as his late wife was taken, and there was not so much of a whisper of where she went.

After too many late nights and not enough empty bourbon bottles, John could find no clue as to what happened and his fear that her fate was signed by the same monster that killed her mother turned into a reality in his mind, and his mission had gone ever further past the point of return.

So he went on and his sons followed, yet nothing was the same. For the pieces of the Winchesters that they all hoped to scramble back together, were completely lost.