Author's Note:: Okay, my lovely reader's, this is the last chapter! I can hardly believe it myself. Writer's on here have said you learn a lot from your first chapter story, and they were right! I can look back and see some of the things I should've done differently. But oh well! I'm still proud of this piece of work. But, I'm going to save the rest of this note for the end of the story. Let's read on, shall we?

Disclaimer: While I wrote this fanfiction, the entire world, and characters of Harry Potter do not belong to me. :'( Sadface! I own Pen, and Cam however. They're a rowdy bunch!

Chapter Eleven: Blood in the Snow

Roughly Two Months After Cam's departure.

The 1st of January.


"I hate children! I will have order!" The little Dumb-bridge figurine walked back and forth on the tightrope, screaming it's figurative lungs out. George smirked in satisfaction because this was the very first doll he'd gotten to work correctly. He had honestly forgotten just how tricky it was to make those things.

The shop had been open for one month, and two weeks. Surprisingly, the shop was a smash. It was even greater than it had been on it's first grand opening. Standing on the spiral staircase, the shop was completely empty. There was some silence, except for the toys and gizmos that were already wound, or made to make noise constantly. Turning to his left, George gazed at the gigantic clock ticking away on the wall. Still fifteen minutes until the shop opened.

Jogging to the cashier's station, he stood there, his favorite spot. Looking around at his shop, he swelled with pride and smiled. George couldn't deny that being surrounded by laughing costumers all day was amazing. He wanted to kick myself in the arse for not reopening the shop sooner. He had to admit, she had been right.

Reaching down into the shelves of the cashier's desk, George pulled out a three day old Daily Prophet.

"Famous and French: The Blanc's Eldest Son To Be Married"

George propped his elbow up on the top of the desk as he gazed at the picture. The picture was of Pen, and some toerag called Favian Blanc. He'd never laid eyes on him before, but he'd heard of the Blanc Family. Completely pureblood without so much as a speck of muggle in any of their lineage. Not only that, they were also the most substantial family in France, if not the wizarding world. Not only that they were also enormously rich.

Gazing down at the photograph, Favian looked smug to the point of smirking, and Pen looked almost stoic, holding hands with him. Her other hand was behind her back for some reason.

"Is that today's prophet?" Percy's voice broke through George's train of thought and caused him to nearly jump out of his skin. Giving a yelp, he gathered up the newspaper and shoved it back under the desk.

"Ah, ah, Percy! I didn't hear you apparate in!" George spoke nonchalantly, scratching at the spot behind where his ear used to be.

Percy gave George a weird look as he approached the cash register, and George mimicked the look, trying to appear innocent. Percy looked around at the desk for a moment, and on instinct George shoved his hand in his pocket. It felt like Percy knew he had his last letter from Pen in there.

"Anyway," Percy finally spoke again, still looking suspicious, "I came to warn you."

"Warn me?"

"Yes, you've avoided Cam very well for most of the student's vacation, but she's not giving up. She couldn't find Pen in France– why she thought she could find a hidden residence is beyond me– so now she's going to focus on you. She wants to read the letter."

"Hmph!" George sniffed, almost giving Percy's old sniffy-sniff a run for it's galleons. "It's none of her business! Pen should have also left a letter of abandonment to her sister, then!"

"George!" Percy scolded, placing a hand on the desk. "Be reasonable."

"Why should I? She leaves, Perce. Then she comes back, then leaves again. Does she think she can do anything she wants and I'll just keep forgiving her?" The stare George gave Percy was cold, but Percy only returned his stare with a sad look of his own. If only George knew...

"Listen, Pen had her reasons."

"Listening to her mother? Pen's never done that a day in her life! Must've done it so she can leave again." George adverted his gaze out the window, looking bitter like a child denied a cookie before dinner. Percy seemed to understand George a little better now. He was toying with the idea that Pen had agreed to the marriage to get away from him.

"George..." Percy sighed for a moment, deciding he had better tell him, "Listen–"

Pop! In an instant Cam apparated in, and George quickly regretted adding Cam onto the charm that only allowed family and close friends to apparate in when the shop was closed. With one little squeak, George quickly crouched down behind the desk to conceal himself. Percy leaned against the desk, spreading his arms out completely in case George's head was still visible; a very casual pose. Not.

"George!" Cam bellowed, bolting to the desk. Percy, certainly a crazy Gryffindor, attempted to block her. Cam halted just in front of him, remaining silent as she stared into his eyes. Daring him to stop her. He held strong for a few seconds, then wilted and stepped to the side quickly.

"Pansy!" George shouted, still hidden behind the desk.

"Stand up!" Cam demanded, pounding her fist on the desk repeatedly until George finally gave in. Taking in the sight of Cam, she really was a mess. Her blond hair was held back in a low pony tail, but still disheveled. Her robes had a few cuts in them, and the bandage on her left cheek told him she'd splinched a little at some point from all her apparating. Looking down at her hands, her right hand, which was always covered by a black cloth glove that went to her elbow, was slightly visible from a few rips in the fabric.

"Listen Cam, I know what you're going to ask-"

"Letter!" She demanded, her breathing still heavy. "I have to read the letter!"

"It's personal!" George shot back, feeling momentarily confident. "She left, Cam! Get over it!"

It was a split second, but he saw it. Cam's face fell, and she looked absolutely devastated before the thick layer of tough-girl was thrown back on. George felt his heart squeeze; he wasn't the only one hurting, here. Why was it so hard for him to remember that?

The little moment ended when Cam flung herself against the desk, trying to climb her way over it to get at George.

"Percy!" George shouted, his voice several octaves higher than he'd care to admit as he tried to run away.

Cam had already rolled over on the desk, and fell off, grabbing hold of George's robes. George's legs caught in his Weasley Wizard Wheezes robes, and he fell. Cam grabbed his wrist, twisted it painfully, and brought it up to the small of his back.

"The letter's on you, isn't it? Isn't it?"

George struggled, and remained silent. Finally glad, for a moment, that Pen actually wasn't here. This was exactly how Cam used to pin Malfoy on the floor at Hogwarts, and if she saw, he would never live it down. 'I can take this!' George thought to himself defiantly, 'This isn't so bad even it does hurt! It's exactly what she used to do to Malfoy! She's not yanking my-'

"Merlin's ball sack!" George cursed as, against his will, Cam brought her two fingers to George's nose. She effectively stuck them in, and began yanking back as hard as she could.


The second Cam let go of his arm, his hand flung around into a natural position and slammed on the floor. Gasping for breath, he cursed profusely as Cam rolled him over, and jammed her hand his pocket, yanking out the letter.

As Cam stood up she gripped onto the letter for dear life, and began reading it quickly. George gave Percy a vicious glare as he helped him off the floor.

"Way to help out older brother."

"Hey," Percy shook his head, raising his hands in a shrugging manner. It was still baffling to George how much he'd changed, "She pinned you down on the floor. There's no way I can take her. She's crazier than Pen. I'm not gonna try to fight her."

George rubbed his shoulder as he watched Cam read the letter. Finally Cam whirled around and glared at him. George felt his blood run cold. Percy was right. She was crazier than Pen. Cam grabbed the first thing off the shelf, which happened to be from a display of lollipops. Chucking a lollipop at George, he narrowly caught it just inches away from his face.

"What's your problem, woman?" He demanded, throwing the lollipop onto the floor.

"How many times have you read this letter?" She demanded, stepping up to him. George didn't answer, but only looked away defiantly as he felt his face grow hot. He'd read the letter several times a day since he'd gotten it.

George heard Cam sigh, and then she approached him closer.

"Hey." She spoke, her voice soft and rather smooth. She tugged on his arm, and he looked at her. They looked at each other for a moment, and George, strangely enough, began to feel somewhat comforted. Then Cam reared back and punched his arm. Gasping in pain, he dropped to his knees. "Look at this!" She demanded, able to show him the letter easily now that he was on the floor.

"What? Look at what?" George demanded, looking at the section of letter Cam was pointing to.

"I worked hard to geT you to foRgive me for leaving back then, but I UnderStand if now you're noT so Mad that I'm gone again. I nEver meant to leave."

"What? Besides the fact she has bad writing habits?"

"Really, George?" Cam challenged, and she pointed to it again. George looked back down again, focusing on the misplaced capital letters.

T. R. U. S. T. M. E. Trust me?

"For the love of Godric!" Percy exclaimed, having been crouched down behind George, reading the letter as well.

"I knew she wouldn't really leave!" Cam exclaimed, pulling her hair from it's pony tail. Shaking her hair free, she suddenly looked intensely relieved. Covering her face with her hands for a moment, she sucked in a deep breath before letting it out.

George looked at the letter that now lay on the floor. How many times had he read that letter? How many times had he missed that? Looking up at Cam, he saw that she had believed in Pen. Why hadn't he? Why was he always so sure she was going to let him down, when he'd never felt like that before? Looking down at the floor again, George stood up.

"We have to find her." He said finally, Cam looked at him with a frown.

"I've been everywhere I can think of. The Blanc's residence is magically hidden, I can't find anyone willing to tell me about it."

"I know," George admitted, feeling worried already, "But she gave me the key to her vault, you read that. There's still a lot of money. Surely we can find someone!"

"That's right...she did..." Cam trailed off, thinking, "I'm actually surprised she did that. Mother must not know. I mean, besides my trust fund vault, there's nothing else left..." Cam stopped her pacing, and looked utterly horrified.

"What is it?" Percy asked, wondering if she was going to be sick. He looked at George worriedly.

"She gave you the family money!" Cam exclaimed, looking this time petrified. She was completely blanched. "The wedding is in a week! I bet mother hasn't even found out yet! Oh, when she does... We have to get to the Burrow!" And with that, she apparated away without waiting for them.

Percy and George shared a glance before apparating to the Burrow as well. In a flash they were in the kitchen, looking at their mother. Cam must have apparated to the porch because after a quick knock she threw the door open. She tracked snow it, but didn't pay attention.

"Mrs. Weasley! Have you received any howlers?" Cam demanded, her cheeks and nose pink from the wind outside.

"Why..." Mrs. Weasley looked shocked at the question, "We did earlier this morning, yes."

At that George looked to Cam, wondering where this was going. "What did the howler say, Mum?"

"It didn't say anything, actually. It hissed, then ripped itself up. I assumed it was a prank..." Mrs. Weasley looked at the three of them, realizing how tense they looked. She might have gotten along in years, but she was still aware when something was going on. "It was black, though. Instead of red. Who was it?"

"It was Pen's fiance, wasn't it?" George asked, moving closer to Cam so she would look at him. Cam finally did lift her eyes, and George felt his stomach drop when he saw fear in them.

"They're going to come. Today."

As if on cue, an apparation pop could be heard outside. Everyone looked out the window, and it was clear it was Pen. Her dirty blond hair blew in the wind, but something was wrong. She clutching onto herself, and then she collapsed into the snow.

"Pen!" George shouted, stampeding out of the house, the rest of the family in tow.

"What's happening?" George heard Ginny ask before he left the porch, and he realized that everyone was here, even her friends.

George was only a few feet away from Pen's body when at least ten more people apparated in. He was hit with a spell, and knocked back on his arse next to Harry. George looked around for a moment and realized that everyone was here, even Neville, Luna, and his father.

Looking back to the crowd of wizards, George laid eyes on Favian Blanc. He was tall, with slicked back black hair. His features were hard, and chiseled, and he was muscular. One would expect this type of man to be obsessively neat in appearance, but he was a mess. There was a large bald strip on the side of his head where he'd been shaved. He had a black eye, and he leaned as though his left leg was in a horrible amount of pain. His upper arm was bandaged, and it appeared to still be bleeding. George knew that it was because of Pen, and his heart swelled with pride. That was his girl.

Then everything around him slowed down to a stop. He watched as Favian bent over Pen's body. Gripping her hair, he wrapped it around his hand before yanking her up on her feet by it. Pen's arm was a bloody mess, and her lip was busted open. The rage bubbling within him, George yanked out his wand. However, quick as lightning, Favian stabbed his wand to Pen's throat.

George looked around at the men that had come with Favian. They all wore black robes, except for one. He assumed that must've been Favian's brother, or friend. The rest were servants.

Pen clutched on her arm, but she still tried to struggle away. Favian gave a quick yank of her hair, and she hissed in pain.

"Stop it!" George growled, taking a step forward. He only stopped when Favian menacingly tapped his wand on Pen's throat.

"No sudden movements, Weasley boy!" Favian hissed, moving his glare back to his fiance. "No more games, pet. I'm tired of putting up with your antics. The garden is in flames because of you!"

He heard the crunching of snow behind him, and looked to his left. Cam was now standing beside him. Cam looked furious and devastated at the same. He'd never been really close with Cam, but he laid a hand on her shoulder just the same.

"Good!" Pen shouted, her lip still bleeding, "I hope it runs to your house, too!" She spat blood and it landed on Favian's shirt. Favian turned livid, yanking her hair so hard Pen would have dropped to her knees if Favian hadn't been hold her up.

"You're more trouble than your worth! But I'll break you." He growled, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Cam lost it, not even grabbing her wand. She moved to bound forward, but even before George could react, Harry grabbed onto her. He fell back, dragging her into the snow with him, having no other way to stop her.

"You disgusting bastard! I'll kill you!" She shouted, so angry she was actually near tears. She wrestled Harry on the ground, but gave up in a fit of rage, hitting the ground with her fist. Favian only laughed.

"Let's keep this clean, shall we? I want the Gringotts' key." Favian demanded, glaring at George venomously. Pen only smirked, and it looked rather villainous with all the blood on her mouth.

"You can't touch it." George said matter-of-factly, "It's charmed. It can only be handled by me. It's mine."

"Lies!" Favian shouted, irked that all of his servants exchanged knowing glances. It was clear that Pen had told everyone this, and no one had believed her.

"No, not lies." George challenged, smirking, "I've already opened the vault several times. Not even the goblins could touch it!"

"What's in the vault?" Ron spoke up, actually asking George and jumping when Favian answered.

"Almost her entire family fortune!" Favian shouted, glaring at Pen again. "It was meant to be mine." Surprisingly enough, George only grinned at that.

"Interesting~" George mused coyly in a voice that still managed to sound complete without Fred speaking at the same time, "So what you're saying is, you can't get into her vault, where as I can get in there anytime I want? Hm?"

Favian's eyes narrowed and Pen rolled hers.

"Number Eleven!" One of the servants stepped forward, a stoic-looking man. "Go get her." The man hesitated for a second before apparating away.

Pen immediately started to struggle again as if she were panicking. Then she locked eyes with her sister, and Cam practically screamed.

The familiar patronus that none of the gang could quite place came into view. "I'm on my way." Said a pinched voice, clearly controlled, yet annoyed.

"She's coming! She's coming!" Cam shook profusely, looking around rapidly as if the world was closing in on her from all sides. George had never seen Cam afraid, ever, and it was unsettling. "Hide me!" And with that, she ran behind Percy, standing bone straight.

There was an apparation pop, and then she was there.

Despite the snow, she wore a pair of business-appropriate heels in a dusty pink color. Obvious hosiery, and a plaid skirt that matched the heel's color. The blazer she wore was a vibrant hot pink, and thick enough to shield from the cold. But what really set the entire outfit to the next level was the thing that made everyone stop breathing. The tiny black bow perched on top of her head.

But without a black bow, what would Dolores Umbridge be?

"Well," Umbridge spoke on a little inhale before smiling sweetly at everyone, "Are we having a sort of party?"

George just stared at the woman...Pen's mother? He felt his stomach go sour, and was pretty sure he'd lost all feeling in his left leg. Umbridge?

"She," Favian pointed viciously at Pen with his wand before pointing to George, "Has charmed her vault key to work only for HIM!"

"What?" Umbridge laughed, clasping her hands together in front of her, "That's impossible."

"No it's not." George spoke up, gradually feeling braver as he looked over at Pen. Pen was staring at the snow, turned away from her mother as much as she could.

Dolores laid eyes on George, and slowly her smile faded.

"Sandrine." She stated crisply, turning to stare at her daughter. "Sandrine!" She repeated, walking over to her daughter until she looked up at her.

"Bullocks, mum," Pen shrugged her shoulders as blood dribbled down her chin, "Guess it just seemed like a good idea at the time, you know, after rolling out of his bed."

Everyone except Favian jumped at the loud sound of skin colliding against skin when Dolores smacked her daughter.

"Arthur..." George heard his mother whisper, and knew they were probably holding onto each other. His mother couldn't understand parents that laid hands on their children in that way besides the occasional spanking in childhood.

Pen spit a small amount of blood into the snow before liking her lips. Looking up again, she laughed, looking sinister.

"The familial love I feel right now is endless, really."

"Fix it!" Dolores demanded, her voice shaky and high pitched. George looked back to Percy for a moment. Umbridge was losing control, and fast. Umbridge without control was very dangerous.

George gripped onto his wand, wondering if there was any way to fight, and win... Even if they won now, this was the Blanc family, they would come back. His gut told him to beat the living hell out of Favian, but it couldn't be the smartest option. At Hogwarts he and Fred had always managed to have the upper hand...but this was different.

He had no options right now, but to watch.

"I can't fix it!" Pen shouted back fiercely, glaring at her mother with more than just hatred. "And I did it on purpose!"

"You knew the deal!" Favian broke into the conversation, livid, "You're reputation is mud, woman! It was the money!"

Everyone behind George exchanged looks. The Blanc's were the richest family in France...

"You!" Dolores demanded, grabbing her daughter by the jaw, ignoring her hiss of pain, "Make him open the vault!"

"NO!" Pen said before spitting in her mother's face. Umbridge stumbled back before whipping around and glaring at George.

Before she could say anything one of the servants cast a spell at Ginny, who'd been holding her wand up. Harry lept in the way, casting a shield charm. Finally George held his wand up, glaring at Favian.

"Don't touch my sister!"

"Then make your bunch stand down!" Favian demanded, grabbing onto Pen's bleeding arm.

George turned around his family, and friends huddled together. He couldn't even see Cam standing behind Percy. Hermione wasn't there, and he wasn't sure why. Harry was clinging to Ginny, glaring at the group of servants, watching them carefully.

"No more wand work." George said finally, turning around again.

Then something odd happened to George face, and it looked like he was having trouble breathing. He leaned back farther, and farther until...

"ACHOOO!" He sneezed loudly, his body jerking violently, his arms flinging forward.

"What the hell kind of sneeze was that?" Favian asked, momentarily thrown off guard.

Then everyone but George was thrown off at the sound of a loud ringing noise. It gradually annoyed Favian even more until finally he tossed Pen aside. She managed to stand on her own as she watched Favian locate the source of the ringing.

"It's some sort of contraption!" He shouted, bending over to get a closer look. All of the girls screamed when a large wall of fire erupted in front of Favian. Favian promptly stood up, screaming even louder than any of the girls. His hair was fire!

"Aguamenti!" One of the servants shouted, soaking Favian head to toe, promptly putting the fire out.

Favian shook visibly, but from anger. George however, was pleased. He now knew that his new product for the shop worked: Fred Fire-Bangs.

"I've had enough!" He raved at Dolores, everyone silent because they were positive they'd never seen anyone yell at her before. "Your spawn is not worth it!"

"I-I" Dolores was taken aback and was quickly panicking, "It's not our fault your family is bankrupt!" This earned a collective gasp from everyone, even from the servants, leaving Dolores pleased.

"You're through." Favian said, and then it seemed like even the wind stopped. Then he turned to Pen, smirking. "It's a pleasure leaving you, pet."

"Charmed." Pen returned his smirk, waving him goodbye with only one certain finger raised.

Favian and his goons apparated away. Dolores looked at her daughter, and she still had some composure. However, it was clear by her breathing that she was close to losing it.

"Don't test me, mother." Pen said, stepping forward with a limp. "You don't have the family money anymore. You can't afford to do anything right now."

For a moment Umbridge was quiet before blinking once, and then her sickly sweet smile rose up again. George felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and he shuddered, not just from the winter wind.

"Where is-"

"CAM!" Pen shouted desperately over her mother before turning indifferent again, "How should I know? Do you see her anywhere?"

Dolores turned to the group, and no, she didn't see her youngest daughter. Pursing her lips, she turned back to Pen.

"You haven't heard the last of me, Sandrine." And with that, she apparated away.

Pen smiled at the group before laughing, "My plan worked!"

Cam shout out from the group, racing to her sister and hugging her gingerly because of her injuries. Pen returned it with her good arm. Then Cam backed away, and looked at George. Pen looked at George too, thrilled, but worried. She remembered the letter she'd left for him...

George crossed the space between, and closed his arms around her. It washed away all of Pen's doubts, and all of George's. They didn't speak, because they didn't need to.

"Alright everyone," Mrs. Weasley spoke up, "Inside for some hot cocoa! It's freezing out here! George! Get Pen inside so we can mend her wounds."

But for a moment, George just held her. Then Pen felt the need to speak up, to explain herself.


Refusing to let her feel bad, he ignored her, "Hey, Pen?"

"...Yeah?" Pen asked, looking up at him. Her face was bloody, but she couldn't have looked more beautiful to him. George pushed her hair out of her face, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Marry me."


"Marry me." He said more firmly, not backing down. He'd waited far too long. He'd been waiting even before he'd realized he was waiting!

Pen looked up at him before pouting, "What for?"

Now that answer George certainly wasn't expecting, and his jaw dropped, "What for?" He repeated in disbelief.

Pen grinned despite her lip, and answered the question, "For forever."


"Ginger! Snape gave me a fail on that potions test, and it's your damn fault!" Pen shouted, slamming her third-year potions book beside her plate as she sat down to breakfast.

"My fault? No one told you to scold me so loudly!" George demanded, feigning being offended by placing a hand on his chest.

"You enchanted a spit wad to keep hitting me over and over! Maybe you should be a little more mature!"

George kept the hand on his chest, and sucked in a loud, dramatic gasp. He looked horrified that Pen would say such a thing.

"Are you hearing this, Fred?"

"Yeah, I am." Fred said through a mouthful of eggs. "You two bicker like you're an old married couple."

"Ugh, what?" Pen snorted, looking insulted, "Married to Ginger? Doubt it!"

Fred snorted back before taking a vicious bite out of his back, "Honestly! If I want to have breakfast with my mum and dad, I just sit beside you two in the morning!"

"Fred, it's official, you are no longer my favorite twin." Pen frowned, and Fred grinned back.

"Isn't that funny Fred? You tell her she acts married to me, and then she declares me her favorite twin!" George exclaimed with a grin while pouring pumpkin juice into his cup.

"I did not!"

"Did too!"



"Not, not, not!"

"OY!" Fred shouted at the both of them, the trio ignoring the stares they were getting, "If you don't shut up I'll marry you both myself!"

"As if!" George retorted, tossing a fried potato chunk at Fred.

"Yeah!" Pen agreed, "Pigs'll fly out my arse when I'm married to George Weasley!"



Final Author's Note:: And that's it! It's finally done... I feel so happy, and so sad at the same time. Like this :): Get it? Rest assured, if you plan on reading my Draco/Cam story, then you have not seen the last of Pen or George! :D *hinthint* I thank all of my beautiful, fabulous readers. And I thank all of my ultra sexy hot reviewers. ;) Your reviewers literally motivated me. I would read them over and over to gain confidence when I wasn't feeling so awesome about the story. You guys saved me, and this story, I swear! It was great riding this ride with you. :) I hope the ending didn't disappoint you! I also hope you about peed your pants when I made Umbridge the mother. If that surprised you, wait until you find out Cam's real name! Ha!

As for my new story:: It'll be out in a day or so. Feel free to ask me to notify you when I post it if you don't feel like subscribing to me. This story while the main love interest is between Cam/Draco, is going to be about EVERYONE. It's about how everyone's changed from the war, and how they're coping with their changes. It's also about how, just because Voldemort's gone, it doesn't mean his beliefs are gone. The new story is called: "Redemption For All (Erasing Draco)"

If you really liked my story, and never dropped a comment, feel free to drop a comment this one time. I'd love that. :) I really hope I didn't let anyone down. This story was rushed, and now that I've learned so much from it, I wish I'd done better...but I still love it, I hope you loved it to.

Thanks for reading, guys!